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Last active December 20, 2021 23:56
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package com.edited.tagawarescheduler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.storm.generated.Bolt;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ComponentCommon;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SpoutSpec;
import org.apache.storm.generated.StormTopology;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.IScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Topologies;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.WorkerSlot;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
public class TagAwareScheduler implements IScheduler {
private final String untaggedTag = "untagged";
private Map<String, ArrayList<SupervisorDetails>> getSupervisorsByTag(
Collection<SupervisorDetails> supervisorDetails
) {
// A map of tag -> supervisors, to help with scheduling of components with specific tags
Map<String, ArrayList<SupervisorDetails>> supervisorsByTag = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<SupervisorDetails>>();
for (SupervisorDetails supervisor : supervisorDetails) {
Map<String, String> metadata = (Map<String, String>) supervisor.getSchedulerMeta();
String tags;
if (metadata == null) {
tags = untaggedTag;
} else {
tags = metadata.get("tags");
if (tags == null) {
tags = untaggedTag;
// If the supervisor has tags attached to it, handle it by populating the supervisorsByTag map.
// Loop through each of the tags to handle individually
for (String tag : tags.split(",")) {
tag = tag.trim();
if (supervisorsByTag.containsKey(tag)) {
// If we've already seen this tag, then just add the supervisor to the existing ArrayList.
} else {
// If this tag is new, then create a new ArrayList<SupervisorDetails>,
// add the current supervisor, and populate the map's tag entry with it.
ArrayList<SupervisorDetails> newSupervisorList = new ArrayList<SupervisorDetails>();
supervisorsByTag.put(tag, newSupervisorList);
return supervisorsByTag;
private <T> void populateComponentsByTag(
Map<String, ArrayList<String>> componentsByTag,
Map<String, T> components
) {
// Type T can be either Bolt or SpoutSpec, so that this logic can be reused for both component types
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
for (Entry<String, T> componentEntry : components.entrySet()) {
JSONObject conf = null;
String componentID = componentEntry.getKey();
T component = componentEntry.getValue();
try {
// Get the component's conf irrespective of its type (via java reflection)
Method getCommonComponentMethod = component.getClass().getMethod("get_common");
ComponentCommon commonComponent = (ComponentCommon) getCommonComponentMethod.invoke(component);
conf = (JSONObject) parser.parse(commonComponent.get_json_conf());
} catch (ParseException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
String tags;
// If there's no config, use a fake tag to group all untagged components
if (conf == null) {
tags = untaggedTag;
} else {
tags = (String) conf.get("tags");
// If there are no tags, use a fake tag to group all untagged components
if (tags == null) {
tags = untaggedTag;
// If the component has tags attached to it, handle it by populating the componentsByTag map.
// Loop through each of the tags to handle individually
for (String tag : tags.split(",")) {
tag = tag.trim();
if (componentsByTag.containsKey(tag)) {
// If we've already seen this tag, then just add the component to the existing ArrayList.
} else {
// If this tag is new, then create a new ArrayList,
// add the current component, and populate the map's tag entry with it.
ArrayList<String> newComponentList = new ArrayList<String>();
componentsByTag.put(tag, newComponentList);
private void populateComponentsByTagWithStormInternals(
Map<String, ArrayList<String>> componentsByTag,
Set<String> components
) {
// Storm uses some internal components, like __acker.
// These components are topology-agnostic and are therefore not accessible through a StormTopology object.
// While a bit hacky, this is a way to make sure that we schedule those components along with our topology ones:
// we treat these internal components as regular untagged components and add them to the componentsByTag map.
for (String componentID : components) {
if (componentID.startsWith("__")) {
if (componentsByTag.containsKey(untaggedTag)) {
// If we've already seen untagged components, then just add the component to the existing ArrayList.
} else {
// If this is the first untagged component we see, then create a new ArrayList,
// add the current component, and populate the map's untagged entry with it.
ArrayList<String> newComponentList = new ArrayList<String>();
componentsByTag.put(untaggedTag, newComponentList);
private Set<ExecutorDetails> getAliveExecutors(Cluster cluster, TopologyDetails topologyDetails) {
// Get the existing assignment of the current topology as it's live in the cluster
SchedulerAssignment existingAssignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topologyDetails.getId());
// Return alive executors, if any, otherwise an empty set
if (existingAssignment != null) {
return existingAssignment.getExecutors();
} else {
return new HashSet<ExecutorDetails>();
private Map<String, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> getExecutorsToBeScheduledByTag(
Cluster cluster,
TopologyDetails topologyDetails,
Map<String, ArrayList<String>> componentsPerTag
) {
// Initialise the return value
Map<String, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> executorsByTag = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>>();
// Find which topology executors are already assigned
Set<ExecutorDetails> aliveExecutors = getAliveExecutors(cluster, topologyDetails);
// Get a map of component to executors for the topology that need scheduling
Map<String, List<ExecutorDetails>> executorsByComponent = cluster.getNeedsSchedulingComponentToExecutors(
// Loop through componentsPerTag to populate the map
for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : componentsPerTag.entrySet()) {
String tag = entry.getKey();
ArrayList<String> componentIDs = entry.getValue();
// Initialise the map entry for the current tag
ArrayList<ExecutorDetails> executorsForTag = new ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>();
// Loop through this tag's component IDs
for (String componentID : componentIDs) {
// Fetch the executors for the current component ID
List<ExecutorDetails> executorsForComponent = executorsByComponent.get(componentID);
if (executorsForComponent == null) {
// Convert the list of executors to a set
Set<ExecutorDetails> executorsToAssignForComponent = new HashSet<ExecutorDetails>(
// Remove already assigned executors from the set of executors to assign, if any
// Add the component's waiting to be assigned executors to the current tag executors
// Populate the map of executors by tag after looping through all of the tag's components,
// if there are any executors to be scheduled
if (!executorsForTag.isEmpty()) {
executorsByTag.put(tag, executorsForTag);
return executorsByTag;
private void handleUnsuccessfulScheduling(
Cluster cluster,
TopologyDetails topologyDetails,
String message
) throws Exception {
// This is the prefix of the message displayed on Storm's UI for any unsuccessful scheduling
String unsuccessfulSchedulingMessage = "SCHEDULING FAILED: ";
cluster.setStatus(topologyDetails.getId(), unsuccessfulSchedulingMessage + message);
throw new Exception(message);
private Set<WorkerSlot> getAliveSlots(Cluster cluster, TopologyDetails topologyDetails) {
// Get the existing assignment of the current topology as it's live in the cluster
SchedulerAssignment existingAssignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topologyDetails.getId());
// Return alive slots, if any, otherwise an empty set
if (existingAssignment != null) {
return existingAssignment.getSlots();
} else {
return new HashSet<WorkerSlot>();
private List<WorkerSlot> getSlotsToAssign(
Cluster cluster,
TopologyDetails topologyDetails,
List<SupervisorDetails> supervisors,
List<String> componentsForTag,
String tag
) throws Exception {
String topologyID = topologyDetails.getId();
// Collect the available slots of each of the supervisors we were given in a list
List<WorkerSlot> availableSlots = new ArrayList<WorkerSlot>();
for (SupervisorDetails supervisor : supervisors) {
if (availableSlots.isEmpty()) {
// This is bad, we have supervisors and executors to assign, but no available slots!
String message = String.format(
"No slots are available for assigning executors for tag %s (components: %s)",
tag, componentsForTag
handleUnsuccessfulScheduling(cluster, topologyDetails, message);
Set<WorkerSlot> aliveSlots = getAliveSlots(cluster, topologyDetails);
int numAvailableSlots = availableSlots.size();
int numSlotsNeeded = topologyDetails.getNumWorkers() - aliveSlots.size();
// We want to check that we have enough available slots
// based on the topology's number of workers and already assigned slots.
if (numAvailableSlots < numSlotsNeeded) {
// This is bad, we don't have enough slots to assign to!
String message = String.format(
"Not enough slots available for assigning executors for tag %s (components: %s). "
+ "Need %s slots to schedule but found only %s",
tag, componentsForTag, numSlotsNeeded, numAvailableSlots
handleUnsuccessfulScheduling(cluster, topologyDetails, message);
// Now we can use only as many slots as are required.
return availableSlots.subList(0, numSlotsNeeded);
private Map<WorkerSlot, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> getExecutorsBySlot(
List<WorkerSlot> slots,
List<ExecutorDetails> executors
) {
Map<WorkerSlot, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> assignments = new HashMap<WorkerSlot, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>>();
int numberOfSlots = slots.size();
// We want to split the executors as evenly as possible, across each slot available,
// so we assign each executor to a slot via round robin
for (int i = 0; i < executors.size(); i++) {
WorkerSlot slotToAssign = slots.get(i % numberOfSlots);
ExecutorDetails executorToAssign = executors.get(i);
if (assignments.containsKey(slotToAssign)) {
// If we've already seen this slot, then just add the executor to the existing ArrayList.
} else {
// If this slot is new, then create a new ArrayList,
// add the current executor, and populate the map's slot entry with it.
ArrayList<ExecutorDetails> newExecutorList = new ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>();
assignments.put(slotToAssign, newExecutorList);
return assignments;
private void populateComponentExecutorsToSlotsMap(
Map<WorkerSlot, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> componentExecutorsToSlotsMap,
Cluster cluster,
TopologyDetails topologyDetails,
List<SupervisorDetails> supervisors,
List<ExecutorDetails> executors,
List<String> componentsForTag,
String tag
) throws Exception {
String topologyID = topologyDetails.getId();
if (supervisors == null) {
// This is bad, we don't have any supervisors but have executors to assign!
String message = String.format(
"No supervisors given for executors %s of topology %s and tag %s (components: %s)",
executors, topologyID, tag, componentsForTag
handleUnsuccessfulScheduling(cluster, topologyDetails, message);
List<WorkerSlot> slotsToAssign = getSlotsToAssign(
cluster, topologyDetails, supervisors, componentsForTag, tag
// Divide the executors evenly across the slots and get a map of slot to executors
Map<WorkerSlot, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> executorsBySlot = getExecutorsBySlot(
slotsToAssign, executors
for (Entry<WorkerSlot, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> entry : executorsBySlot.entrySet()) {
WorkerSlot slotToAssign = entry.getKey();
ArrayList<ExecutorDetails> executorsToAssign = entry.getValue();
// Assign the topology's executors to slots in the cluster's supervisors
componentExecutorsToSlotsMap.put(slotToAssign, executorsToAssign);
private void tagAwareSchedule(Topologies topologies, Cluster cluster) {
Collection<SupervisorDetails> supervisorDetails = cluster.getSupervisors().values();
// Get the lists of tagged and unreserved supervisors.
Map<String, ArrayList<SupervisorDetails>> supervisorsByTag = getSupervisorsByTag(supervisorDetails);
for (TopologyDetails topologyDetails : cluster.needsSchedulingTopologies(topologies)) {
StormTopology stormTopology = topologyDetails.getTopology();
String topologyID = topologyDetails.getId();
// Get components from topology
Map<String, Bolt> bolts = stormTopology.get_bolts();
Map<String, SpoutSpec> spouts = stormTopology.get_spouts();
// Get a map of component to executors
Map<String, List<ExecutorDetails>> executorsByComponent = cluster.getNeedsSchedulingComponentToExecutors(
// Get a map of tag to components
Map<String, ArrayList<String>> componentsByTag = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
populateComponentsByTag(componentsByTag, bolts);
populateComponentsByTag(componentsByTag, spouts);
populateComponentsByTagWithStormInternals(componentsByTag, executorsByComponent.keySet());
// Get a map of tag to executors
Map<String, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> executorsToBeScheduledByTag = getExecutorsToBeScheduledByTag(
cluster, topologyDetails, componentsByTag
// Initialise a map of slot -> executors
Map<WorkerSlot, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> componentExecutorsToSlotsMap = (
new HashMap<WorkerSlot, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>>()
// Time to match everything up!
for (Entry<String, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> entry : executorsToBeScheduledByTag.entrySet()) {
String tag = entry.getKey();
ArrayList<ExecutorDetails> executorsForTag = entry.getValue();
ArrayList<SupervisorDetails> supervisorsForTag = supervisorsByTag.get(tag);
ArrayList<String> componentsForTag = componentsByTag.get(tag);
try {
cluster, topologyDetails, supervisorsForTag, executorsForTag, componentsForTag, tag
} catch (Exception e) {
// Cut this scheduling short to avoid partial scheduling.
// Do the actual assigning
// We do this as a separate step to only perform any assigning if there have been no issues so far.
// That's aimed at avoiding partial scheduling from occurring, with some components already scheduled
// and alive, while others cannot be scheduled.
for (Entry<WorkerSlot, ArrayList<ExecutorDetails>> entry : componentExecutorsToSlotsMap.entrySet()) {
WorkerSlot slotToAssign = entry.getKey();
ArrayList<ExecutorDetails> executorsToAssign = entry.getValue();
cluster.assign(slotToAssign, topologyID, executorsToAssign);
// If we've reached this far, then scheduling must have been successful
cluster.setStatus(topologyID, "SCHEDULING SUCCESSFUL");
public void prepare(Map conf) {
public void schedule(Topologies topologies, Cluster cluster) {
tagAwareSchedule(topologies, cluster);
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gliwka commented Dec 11, 2017

@GorshkovNikita Thank you for your comment! It helps in my case!

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Very simple and elegant approach. But i have few questions.
1.When a machine isn't tagged as GPU, then does it mean it can be scheduled in either CPU or GPU machine. If No, then this approach fails in case where number of GPU slots are higher than number of CPU slots isn't it?.
2. is there any way to tag storm ackers??

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