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Last active June 27, 2018 06:20
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Execute commands in any dcos task. dcos task exec cli is only for mesos containers, this script can be used to ssh into mesos and docker containers.
echo "DCOS Task Exec 2.0"
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Need task name or id as input. Exiting."
exit 1
dcos task --json > $TMP_TASKLIST_JSON
taskExist=`cat /tmp/dcostasklist.json | jq --arg tname $taskName '.[] | if(.name == $tname ) then .name else empty end' -r | wc -l`
if [[ $taskExist -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "No task with name $taskName exists."
echo "Do you mean ?"
dcos task | grep $taskName | awk '{print $1}'
exit 1
taskType=`cat $TMP_TASKLIST_JSON | jq --arg tname $taskName '[.[] | select(.name == $tname)][0] | .container.type' -r`
TaskId=`cat $TMP_TASKLIST_JSON | jq --arg tname $taskName '[.[] | select(.name == $tname)][0] | .id' -r`
if [[ $taskExist -ne 1 ]]; then
echo -e "More than one instances. Please select task ID for executing command.\n"
#allTaskIds=$(dcos task $taskName | tee /dev/tty | grep -v "NAME" | awk '{print $5}' | paste -s -d",")
echo ""
read TaskId
if [[ $taskType != "DOCKER" ]]; then
echo "Task [ $taskName ] is of type MESOS Container."
execCmd="dcos task exec --interactive --tty $TaskId $taskCmd"
echo "Running [$execCmd]"
echo "Task [ $taskName ] is of type DOCKER Container."
taskNodeIP=`dcos task $TaskId | awk 'FNR == 2 {print $2}'`
echo "Task [ $taskName ] with task Id [ $TaskId ] is running on node [ $taskNodeIP ]."
taskContID=`dcos node ssh --option LogLevel=quiet --option StrictHostKeyChecking=no --private-ip=$taskNodeIP --master-proxy "docker ps -q --filter "label=MESOS_TASK_ID=$TaskId"" 2> /dev/null`
taskContID=`echo $taskContID | tr -d '\r'`
echo "Task Docker Container ID : [ $taskContID ]"
echo "Running [ docker exec -it $taskContID $taskCmd ]"
dcos node ssh --option StrictHostKeyChecking=no --option LogLevel=quiet --private-ip=$taskNodeIP --master-proxy "docker exec -it $taskContID $taskCmd" 2>/dev/null
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