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PK BANKS pkbanks

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Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1P6CNHTjSidnHaAvUi5SGzNYLigfKA9iHd
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1P6CNHTjSidnHaAvUi5SGzNYLigfKA9iHd
pkbanks /
Last active February 20, 2018 22:15
answer key to CLI Hackathon (without BONUS)

Command Line Hackathon

List all the files in the directory, even the hidden ones using ls and some flags

  $ ls -a

Output the contents of the .hidden file using the cat command

pkbanks / slides.txt
Created November 4, 2017 14:57
pkbanks / seeds.rb
Created October 24, 2017 03:27
movie app seeds file
Movie.create(name: "Captain Phillips", release_year: 2013)
Movie.create(name: "Saving Private Ryan", release_year: 1998)
Movie.create(name: "Apollo 13", release_year: 1995)
Movie.create(name: "Big", release_year: 1998)
Movie.create(name: "Cast Away", release_year: 2000)
Movie.create(name: "Catch Me If You Can", release_year: 2002)
Movie.create(name: "A League of Their Own", release_year: 1992)
Movie.create(name: "Splash", release_year: 1984)
Movie.create(name: "The Terminal", release_year: 2004)
Movie.create(name: "Joe Versus the Volcano", release_year: 1990)
// welcome to js-dom
pkbanks / application.rb
Created October 10, 2017 13:04
stock price scraper from google finance, keyed off stock symbol
require 'httparty'
require 'nokogiri'
tickers = [
prices = []
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