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Last active September 11, 2023 22:58
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Hashicorp Vault Configuration For MongoDB KMIP Use


You have Hashicorp Vault enterprise version installed, which supports KMIP (the open-source version of Vault does not support KMIP).

Start Vault in Development Mode

From a terminal, execute the code below after first changing the variable VAULT_LICENSE_PATH to reference the location of your downloaded Hashicorp Vault enterprise licence:

export VAULT_LICENSE_PATH=~/license.hclic 
vault server -dev

Keep this Vault server process running in the current terminal - do not terminate it.

Configure Vault Ready for Access From a MongoDB Cluster

From a NEW separate terminal, execute the code below after first changing the variable VAULT_ADDR to reference the listen address of the Vault server you just started:

# Clean out previously created files, if any
rm -f ca.pem cert.pem key.pem client.pem kmip-policy.hcl credential.json

# Set address of Vault server
export VAULT_ADDR='http://localhost:8200'

# Create the required KMIP privileges policy file for Vault
tee kmip-policy.hcl <<EOF 
path "kmip/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]

path "sys/mounts/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]

path "sys/mounts" {
  capabilities = [ "read", "list" ]
# Configure Vault with this policy
vault policy write admin kmip-policy.hcl 
# Configure Vault to support the KMIP protocol
vault secrets enable kmip
vault write kmip/config listen_addrs=

# Configure a scope with a role for an 'appadmin' system identity for subsequent use via a client app
vault write -f kmip/scope/my-wizzy-service
vault write kmip/scope/my-wizzy-service/role/appadmin operation_all=true

# Capture the TLS Certificate Authority certificate provided by the Vault instance
vault read -field ca_pem kmip/ca > ca.pem

# Generate the TLS key and certificate to be used to authenticate from the client as an 'appadmin' system user
vault write -format=json \
    kmip/scope/my-wizzy-service/role/appadmin/credential/generate \
    format=pem > credential.json
jq -r .data.certificate < credential.json > cert.pem
jq -r .data.private_key < credential.json > key.pem
cat cert.pem key.pem > client.pem 
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