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Created March 28, 2016 22:25
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Overcomplicated untested work on automagical ninja pipeline for X-ray processing
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 Peter Williams <> and collaborators.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Framework to call the CIAO chandra_repro program in the context of a Ninja
build system.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
__all__ = str('''
''').split ()
import six
from import Path
from ...cli import die, multitool, warn, wrapout
from import Rule, Target
# XXX ugh hardcoding outputs
def rename_one (outpath, outname, glob):
matches = list (outpath.glob (glob))
if len (matches) != 1:
warn ('multiple matches for %s: <%s> <%s> <%s>', glob, matches, outpath, outname)
matches[0].rename (outpath / outname)
def build_asol_list (outpath, outname, dummyarg):
for asol_lis in outpath.glob ('*asol1.lis'):
asol_lis.unlink ()
with (outpath / 'asol.lis').open ('wb') as f:
for asol in outpath.glob ('*asol1.fits'):
print (asol.absolute (), file=f)
repro_outputs = [
('rbpix.fits', rename_one, '*repro_bpix1.fits'),
('rfov.fits', rename_one, '*repro_fov1.fits'),
('msk.fits', rename_one, '*msk1.fits'),
('mtl.fits', rename_one, '*mtl1.fits'),
('stat.fits', rename_one, '*stat1.fits'),
('revt.fits', rename_one, '*repro_evt2.fits'),
('rflt.fits', rename_one, '*repro_flt2.fits'),
('pbk.fits', rename_one, '*pbk0.fits'),
('asol.lis', build_asol_list, 'dummy'),
class ChandraReproCommand (multitool.Command):
name = 'chandra-repro'
argspec = '<in> <out> [keywords...]'
summary = 'Ninja-friendly version of chandra_repro tool.'
def invoke (self, args, envclass=None, **kwargs):
if len (args) < 2:
raise multitool.UsageError ('chandra-repro takes at least two arguments')
inpath = Path (args[0])
outpath = Path (args[1])
passthrough = args[2:]
env = envclass ()
outpath.rmtree (errors='ignore')
outpath.ensure_dir (parents=True)
argv = ['chandra_repro', str(inpath), str(outpath)] + passthrough
with (outpath / 'repro.log').open ('wb') as log:
w = env.get_wrapout_wrapper (destination=log)
rc = w.launch ('chandra_repro', argv)
if rc: # error?
import sys
with (outpath / 'repro.log').open ('r') as log:
for line in log:
print (line.strip (), file=sys.stderr)
die ('command failed')
for outname, func, arg in repro_outputs:
func (outpath, outname, arg)
class ChandraReproNinja (object):
def __init__ (self, spec):
self.spec = spec
spec.add_rule (Rule ('chandra_repro',
'pkenvtool ciao chandra-repro $in $outdir $keywords',
description='REPRO $outdir'))
def reprocess (self, inpath, outpath, keywords=''):
outputs = {}
for outname, func, arg in repro_outputs:
outbase = outname.split ('.')[0]
outputs[outbase] = outpath / outname
self.spec.add_target (Target (
six.viewvalues (outputs), 'chandra_repro',
'outdir': str(outpath),
'keywords': keywords,
return outputs
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 Peter Williams <> and collaborators.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Framework to call the CIAO dmcopy program in the context of a Ninja build
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
__all__ = str('''
''').split ()
import six
from import Path
from ...cli import die, multitool, warn, wrapout
from import Rule, Target
class DmcopyCommand (multitool.Command):
name = 'dmcopy'
argspec = '<in> <out> [keywords...]'
summary = 'Ninja-friendly version of dmcopy tool.'
def invoke (self, args, envclass=None, **kwargs):
if len (args) < 2:
raise multitool.UsageError ('dmcopy takes at least two arguments')
inspec = args[0] # may have extra filters, etc.
outpath = Path (args[1])
passthrough = args[2:]
env = envclass ()
outpath.ensure_parent (parents=True)
outpath.unlink ()
# dmcopy is silent by default so we can log to stdout
argv = ['dmcopy', inspec, str(outpath)] + passthrough
if env.launch (argv).wait ():
die ('command failed')
class DmcopyNinja (object):
def __init__ (self, spec):
self.spec = spec
spec.add_rule (Rule ('dmcopy',
'pkenvtool ciao dmcopy "$in$infilters" $out $keywords',
description='DMCOPY $out'))
def copy (self, inpath, outpath, infilters='', keywords=''):
self.spec.add_target (Target (
outpath, 'dmcopy',
'infilters': infilters,
'keywords': keywords,
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 Peter Williams <> and collaborators.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Simple framework for generating Ninja build files and running the tool.
The `ninja_syntax` module applies no structure whatsoever. This one aims to
provide a very simple framework for building Ninja files by composing several
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
__all__ = str('''
''').split ()
from collections import namedtuple
import six
from .io import Path
from . import ninja_syntax
def _str_or_none (x):
if x is None:
return None
return str (x)
_RuleBase = namedtuple ('_RuleBase', '''name command description depfile generator pool restat rspfile
rspfile_content deps'''.split ())
class Rule (_RuleBase):
"""Definition of a build rule. This is implemented as a named tuple to keep
this unmodifiable so that we can test for rule equality.
def __new__ (cls, name, command, description=None, depfile=None,
generator=False, pool=None, restat=False, rspfile=None,
rspfile_content=None, deps=None):
return super (Rule, cls).__new__ (cls,
str (name),
str (command),
_str_or_none (description),
_str_or_none (depfile),
bool (generator),
_str_or_none (pool),
bool (restat),
_str_or_none (rspfile),
_str_or_none (rspfile_content),
_str_or_none (deps))
def emit (self, spec, writer):
writer.rule (, self.command, self.description, self.depfile,
self.generator, self.pool, self.restat, self.rspfile,
self.rspfile_content, self.deps)
def __repr__ (self):
extras = ['cmd=' + repr(self.command)]
if self.description is not None:
extras.append ('desc=' + repr(self.description))
if self.depfile is not None:
extras.append ('depfile=' + self.depfile)
if self.generator:
extras.append ('generator')
if self.pool is not None:
extras.append ('pool=' + self.pool)
if self.restat:
extras.append ('restat')
if self.rspfile is not None:
extras.append ('rspfile=' + self.rspfile)
if self.rspfile_content is not None:
extras.append ('rspfile_content=' + self.rspfile_content)
if self.deps is not None:
extras.append ('deps=' + repr(self.deps))
return '<Rule %s %s>' % (, ' '.join (extras))
def _to_str_tuple (x):
if x is None:
return ()
if isinstance (x, six.string_types):
return (x,)
iter (x)
return tuple (str(i) for i in x)
except TypeError:
return (str (x),)
def _to_frozen_str_dict (d):
return tuple (sorted (((str(k), str(v))
for k, v in six.viewitems (d)),
key=lambda t: t[0]))
def _stringify_str_tuple (t):
if len (t) == 1:
if ' ' in t[0]:
return repr (t[0])
return t[0]
return '(%s)' % (', '.join (t))
_TargetBase = namedtuple ('_TargetBase', '''outputs rule inputs implicit order_only variables'''.split ())
class Target (_TargetBase):
"""Definition of a build target. This is implemented as a named tuple to keep
it unmodifiable so that we can test for target equality.
def __new__ (cls, outputs, rule, inputs=None, implicit=None, order_only=None, variables={}):
return super (Target, cls).__new__ (cls,
_to_str_tuple (outputs),
str (rule),
_to_str_tuple (inputs),
_to_str_tuple (implicit),
_to_str_tuple (order_only),
_to_frozen_str_dict (variables))
def emit (self, spec, writer): (list(self.outputs), self.rule, list(self.inputs),
list(self.implicit), list(self.order_only),
def __repr__ (self):
deps = _stringify_str_tuple (self.inputs)
if len (self.implicit):
deps += ' | ' + _stringify_str_tuple (self.implicit)
if len (self.order_only):
deps += ' || ' + _stringify_str_tuple (self.order_only)
if len (self.variables):
deps += '; ' + ' '.join ('$%s=%r' % kv for kv in self.variables)
return '<Target %s = %s: %s>' % (
_stringify_str_tuple (self.outputs),
class BuildSpecification (object):
topdir = None
"A `` giving the top of the build directory."
preambles = None
"A list of functions to call before doing anything else."
_rules = None
"A `dict` mapping rule names to their specifications."
_targets = None
"""A `dict` mapping file names to target specifications. Note that one target
may produce multiple output files.
def __init__ (self, topdir):
self.topdir = Path (topdir)
self.preambles = []
self._rules = {}
self._targets = {}
def add_rule (self, rule):
prev = self._rules.get (
if prev is None:
self._rules[] = rule
elif prev != rule:
raise ValueError ('a rule named "%s" already exists' %
return rule
def add_target (self, target):
for o in target.outputs:
prev = self._targets.get (o)
if prev is None:
self._targets[o] = target
elif prev != target:
raise ValueError ('a target producing "%s" already exists' % o)
return target
def write (self):
with (self.topdir / '').make_tempfile (want='handle', resolution='overwrite') as dest:
w = ninja_syntax.Writer (dest)
w.comment ('Automatically generated.')
for prefunc in self.preambles:
prefunc (self, w)
for name in sorted (six.viewkeys (self._rules)):
self._rules[name].emit (self, w)
done_targets = set ()
for name in sorted (six.viewkeys (self._targets)):
t = self._targets[name]
if t in done_targets:
if t.rule not in self._rules:
raise Exception ('target %s references an undefined rule' % (t,))
t.emit (self, w)
done_targets.add (t)
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pkgw commented Mar 28, 2016

The ninja module wasn't properly designed since the whole idea is that objects should be able to reference each other and say "I depend on target X" and without having to worry about the paths.

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