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Last active June 13, 2019 07:59
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This is a example how to get all azure resources for each subscription and save in word as table separated by chapter
to save to wod
to get security alerts:
try {
Import-Module PSWriteWord #-Force
Import-Module AzureRM
catch {
Write-Error $_. -ErrorAction Stop
$FilePath = "C:\sources\pkm-code\Azure\reporing\output\PSWriteWord.docx"
$ListOfHeaders = @(
'This is 1st section',
'This is 2nd section'
Get info
$Subscriptions = Get-AzureRmSubscription
$Subscriptions | ForEach-Object {
$ListOfHeaders += $_.Name
$WordDocument = New-WordDocument -FilePath $FilePath
Add-WordToc -WordDocument $WordDocument -Title 'Table of content' -Switches C, A -RightTabPos 15 -HeaderStyle Heading1 -Supress $True
### This list will be converted into Headings for Numbered Table of Contents
$ListHeaders = Add-WordList -WordDocument $WordDocument -ListType Numbered -ListData $ListOfHeaders -Supress $false
### Converts List into numbered Headings for Table of Content
$Headings = Convert-ListToHeadings -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $ListHeaders
Add-WordText -WordDocument $WordDocument `
-Paragraph $Headings[0] -Text 'blablabla', ' 1st ', 'section' -Color Black, Red, Black -Supress $false
foreach ($Subscription in $Subscriptions) {
$paragraph = $null
$Heading = $null
try {
Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionObject $Subscription
catch {
Write-Error $_
$Heading = $Headings | Where-Object {$_.Text -like $($Subscription.Name)}
$paragraph = Add-WordText -WordDocument $WordDocument `
-Paragraph $Heading -Text 'This is a text that will be added to ', ' 1st ', 'section' -Color Black, Red, Black -Supress $false
$Object = Get-AzureRmResource | ForEach-Object {
"Name" = $_.Name
"ResourceGroupName" = $_.ResourceGroupName
"ResourceType" = ($_.ResourceType).Split('/')[-1]
"Location" = $_.Location
$paragraph = Add-WordTable -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $paragraph -DataTable $Object -Design 'ColorfulList' #-Verbose
Save-WordDocument $WordDocument -Language 'en-US' -Supress $True -OpenDocument
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