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Last active December 13, 2023 05:39
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scan zotero database for missing attachments
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import glob
import shutil
import sqlite3
from os.path import join as joinpath, expanduser, exists, isabs, realpath
SELECT (REPLACE(itemAttachments.path, 'storage:', items.key || '/'))
FROM itemAttachments
LEFT JOIN items ON itemAttachments.itemID=items.itemID
class Zotero(object):
def __init__(self, mode="r"):
self.sql = None
self.root, location = self._find_root()
self.database = joinpath(self.root, "zotero.sqlite") = joinpath(self.root, "storage")
# TODO: lookup attachment path in zotero/profile/prefs.js
# On mac, this is:
# ~/Library/Application Support/Zotero/Profiles/$HASH.default/prefs.js
# user_pref("extensions.zotero.baseAttachmentPath", "...");
attachment_dir = os.environ.get("ZOTERO_ATTACHMENTS", "~/Documents/Papers/")
self.attachment_dir = realpath(expanduser(attachment_dir))
if not exists(self.database):
msg = ("Zotero database missing from %r." % location
+ " Set ZOTERO_HOME to path containing zotero.sqlite."
+ " See for details.")
raise RuntimeError(msg)
self.sql = self._open_database(mode)
self.cursor = self.sql.cursor()
def close(self):
self.sql = None
def __del__(self):
if self.sql is not None:
def _find_root(self):
env_root = os.environ.get("ZOTERO_HOME", None)
if env_root is not None:
return expanduser(env_root), "$ZOTERO_HOME"
return expanduser(joinpath("~", "Zotero")), "~/Zotero"
def _open_database(self, mode):
if mode == "r":
# Copy the zotero database to tmp so that we don't interfere with
# running versions.
# TODO: use mkstemp or similar so it works on windows
dbcopy = "/tmp/zotero.sqlite"
shutil.copy(self.database, dbcopy)
return sqlite3.connect(dbcopy)
return sqlite3.connect(self.database)
def attachments(self):
linked = []
stored = []
missing = []
empty = []
for rows in self.cursor.execute(QUERY_ATTACHMENTS):
# TODO: identify item by Title and Creator
# TODO: identify collection(s) containing item
path = rows[0]
if not path:
if path.startswith("attachments:"):
path = joinpath(self.attachment_dir, path[12:])
#path = path.encode('latin1')
if not isabs(path):
full_path = joinpath(, path)
full_path = path
if not exists(full_path):
missing = set(missing)
linked = set(linked) - set(missing)
stored = set(stored) - set(missing)
empty = set(empty)
return linked, stored, missing, empty
def main():
zot = Zotero()
linked, stored, missing, empty = zot.attachments()
if stored and linked:
print("Files stored in %r:\n ",
"\n ".join(sorted(stored)))
if missing:
print("Missing files:\n ",
"\n ".join(sorted(missing)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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pkienzle commented Nov 7, 2019

Apparently things have moved since four years ago:

$ find ~ -name zotero.sqlite

Looking at the zotero docs:

The easiest and most reliable way to find your Zotero data is by clicking the “Show Data Directory” button in the Advanced tab of your Zotero Preferences window. This will reveal the folder on your computer that contains your Zotero database and attachment files.

Line 22-23 above show that I'm looking for $ZOTERO_HOME/zotero/zotero.sqlite. On mac this is probably ZOTERO_HOME=$HOME and on windows, maybe set it to USERPROFILE? Can't use ~ since the code doesn't do expanduser(env_root). Won't work on linux because paths are usually case sensitive, and the code above assumes "zotero" rather than "Zotero".

I'll look into updating the gist.

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pkienzle commented Nov 7, 2019

Okay, updated. It'll use the default location on Zotero 5.0, and I will expand ~ if you set it in ZOTERO_HOME.

I'm storing linked attachments in "~/Documents/Papers", but you can override this with ZOTERO_ATTACHMENTS.

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verwinv commented Nov 7, 2019

Works like a charm, thank you @pkienzle!

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matbra commented Feb 23, 2020

Perfect! Thanks a lot, @pkienzle!

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