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Forked from hbrandl/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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module AjaxFlashConcern
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
after_filter :flash_to_headers
def flash_to_headers
return unless request.xhr?
msg = flash_message
#replace german umlaute encoded in utf-8 to html escaped ones
msg = msg.gsub("ä","ä").gsub("ü","ü").gsub("ö","ö").gsub("Ä","Ä").gsub("Ü","Ü").gsub("Ö","Ö").gsub("ß","ß")
response.headers['X-Message'] = msg
response.headers["X-Message-Type"] = flash_type.to_s
flash.discard # don't want the flash to appear when you reload page
def flash_message
[:error, :warning, :notice].each do |type|
return flash[type] unless flash[type].blank?
# if we don't return something here, the above code will return "error, warning, notice"
return ''
def flash_type
#:keep will instruct the js to not update or remove the shown message.
#just write flash[:keep] = true (or any other value) in your controller code
[:error, :warning, :notice, :keep].each do |type|
return type unless flash[type].blank?
#don't return the array from above which would happen if we don't have an explicit return statement
#returning :empty will also allow you to easily know that no flash message was transmitted
return :empty
<!-- expects to find a div with this id in your html code -->
# encoding: UTF-8
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include AjaxFlashConcern
$(document).ajaxComplete (event, request) ->
msg = request.getResponseHeader("X-Message")
alert_type = 'alert-success'
alert_type = 'alert-error' unless request.getResponseHeader("X-Message-Type") && request.getResponseHeader("X-Message-Type").indexOf("error") is -1
unless request.getResponseHeader("X-Message-Type") && request.getResponseHeader("X-Message-Type").indexOf("keep") is 0
#add flash message if there is any text to display
message = "<div class='.errors_container'>
<div class='alert " + alert_type + "'>
<button type='button' aria-hidden='true' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>&times;</button>
" + msg + "
$(".errors__container").replaceWith(message) if msg
#delete the flash message (if it was there before) when an ajax request returns no flash message
# $(".errors__container").replaceWith("<div class='.errors__container'></div>") unless msg
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