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Last active October 26, 2015 15:44
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dynamic rails config files
ODC_REDIS_SERVER_URL="redis://$(docker-service odc-redis 6379)"␍

I've started running app services on docker so I don't have to deal with installing shit all the time.

However that means each time you start up a service it comes up on a different random port unless you deliberately map one. But dynamic ports are easier so provided you give the containers for each service a name then they are inspectable using the docker commands.

docker-machine ip default gives you the ip address of the default docker host. docker port name-of-container will list all mapped ports from internal port number to host port number

3306/tcp ->

docker inspect --format="{formatstr}" name-of-container will let you pick elements out of the Go formatted data structure

docker inspect --format="{{(index (index .NetworkSettings.Ports \"3306/tcp\") 0).HostPort}}" name-of-mysql

That's a bit unwieldy so I made a docker-service script that will give you the ip, port or ip:port for a container-name and standard port number eg.

$ docker-service odc-mysql 3306 ip
$ docker-service odc-mysql 3306 port
$ docker-service odc-mysql 3306 addr

dotenv lets you run commands when setting variables by using $(cmd) and all .yml files in rails let you embed ERB so you can use ruby backticks to execute shell commands there and get the output.

development: &dev
host: <%= `docker-service odc-mysql 3306 ip` %>
port: <%= `docker-service odc-mysql 3306 port` %>
set -e
IP=$(docker-machine ip default)
MAPPED_PORT=$(docker inspect --format="{{(index (index .NetworkSettings.Ports \"${PORT}/tcp\") 0).HostPort}}" ${SERVICE})
case $OUTPUT in
echo "${IP}"
echo "${MAPPED_PORT}"
echo "${IP}:${MAPPED_PORT}"
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