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Last active September 25, 2018 16:30
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Chimera model with two different delays
-- Chimera and dissipative solitons demonstrations in a system
-- with two strongly different delays \tau_2 = 100*\tau_1 from arXiv:1712.03283
-- How to execute:
-- 1. Save the code to Chimera.hs
-- 2. Install stack (command line interface is marked by $):
-- $ wget -qO- | sh
-- OR
-- $ curl -sSL | sh
-- 3. Run:
-- $ stack --resolver lts-10.6 --install-ghc runghc --package free-vector-spaces- --package dde-0.3.0 Chimera.hs
-- Troubleshooting:
-- 1. Make sure gcc compiler is installed by typing
-- $ gcc
-- To install gcc on Mac OS X:
-- $ xcode-select --intall
-- To install gcc on Ubuntu:
-- $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
-- Parameters to experiment with
-- 1. Dissipative solitons
-- beta = 1.6
-- gamma = 0.83
-- phi0 = -0.67
-- m = 50
-- epsilon = 0.01
-- delta = 0.009
-- NB: Transient time has to be at least
-- 20 long delays \tau_2,
-- i.e. 20 * 100 * 2000 = 4,000,000 iterations.
-- 2. Incoherent core
-- beta = 1.1
-- gamma = 0.5
-- phi0 = -0.5
-- m = 50
-- epsilon = 0.01
-- delta = 0.009
-- NB: Transient time has to be at least
-- 50 long delays \tau_2.
-- 3. Coherent core
-- beta = 1.1
-- gamma = 0.5
-- phi0 = -0.05
-- m = 50
-- epsilon = 0.01
-- delta = 0.009
-- NB: Transient time has to be at least
-- 50 long delays \tau_2.
-- Note: to compute for longer transient times, consider discarding
-- intermediate data.
import Linear ( V2 (..) ) -- From `linear` package
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V -- From `vector` package
import qualified Numeric.DDE as DDE -- From `dde-0.3.0` package
-- Model equation
rhs phi0 = DDE.RHS derivative
derivative ((V2 x y), (DDE.Hist histSnapshots), _) = V2 x' y'
-- DDE Eq. (4) from arXiv:1712.03283
x' = (-x - delta * y + (1 - gamma) * f x_tau1 + gamma * f x_tau2) / epsilon
y' = x
f = airy phi0
-- Delay terms where tau2 / tau1 = 100
(V2 x_tau1 _):(V2 x_tau2 _):_ = histSnapshots
-- Constants
epsilon = 0.01
gamma = 0.5
delta = 0.009
-- Airy function definition
airy phi0 x = beta / (1 + m * (sin (x + phi0))^2)
m = 50
beta = 1.6
model phi0 hStep len1 len2 totalIter = (state1, (\(V2 x y) -> x) trace)
-- Initial conditions:
-- dynamical state and delay history.
state0 = V2 0.0 0.0
hist0 = V.fromList $ map (\n -> let x = sin(2 * pi * fromIntegral n / 1000)
in V2 x 0.0) [1..len2]
-- Input is ignored in `rhs`
inp = DDE.Input $ V.replicate (totalIter + 1) 0
delaysInSamples = [len1, len2]
(state1, trace) = DDE.integ DDE.rk4 state0 hist0 delaysInSamples hStep (rhs phi0) inp
-- Control parameter
phi0 = -0.45
main = do
let hStep = 0.0005 -- Integration step
tauD1 = 1.0 -- Short delay time
len1 = round $ tauD1 / hStep -- Samples per short delay
len2 = 100 * len1 -- Long delay (in samples)
delays = 20 -- 20 long delays
total = delays * len2
let (state1, trace) = model phi0 hStep len1 len2 total
mapM_ print $ V.toList trace
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