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Last active December 11, 2018 13:50
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-- 0. Download and y.dat from
-- 1. Install stack (command line interface is marked by $):
-- $ wget -qO- | sh
-- (alternatively, curl -sSL | sh)
-- 2. Install open-blas from (needed for hmatrix package)
-- 3. Run
-- $ stack --resolver lts-10.6 --install-ghc runghc --package hmatrix- Iris.hs
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra as LA
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
-- New weights
newW (nin, nout) = do
let k = sqrt (1.0 / fromIntegral nin)
w <- randn nin nout
return (cmap (k *) w)
-- Transformations
loss y tgt =
let diff = y - tgt
in sumElements $ cmap (^2) diff
sigmoid = cmap f
f x = recip $ 1.0 + exp (-x)
-- Their gradients
sigmoid' y dY = dY * y1 * (ones - y1)
y1 = sigmoid y
ones = (rows y1) >< (cols y1) $ repeat 1.0
linear' x dy = cmap (/ m) (tr' x LA.<> dy)
m = fromIntegral $ rows x
loss' y tgt =
let diff = y - tgt
in cmap (* 2) diff
-- Building NN
forward x w1 =
let h = x LA.<> w1
y = sigmoid h
in [h, y]
descend gradF iterN gamma x0 = take iterN (iterate step x0)
step x = x - gamma * gradF(x)
grad (x, y) w1 = dW1
[h, y_pred] = forward x w1
dE = loss' y_pred y
dY = sigmoid' h dE
dW1 = linear' x dY
main = do
dta <- loadMatrix "x.dat"
tgt <- loadMatrix "y.dat"
let (nin, nout) = (4, 3)
w1_rand <- newW (nin, nout)
let epochs = 500
let w1 = last $ descend (grad (dta, tgt)) epochs 0.01 w1_rand
[_, y_pred0] = forward dta w1_rand
[_, y_pred] = forward dta w1
putStrLn $ "Initial loss " ++ show (loss y_pred0 tgt)
putStrLn $ "Loss after training " ++ show (loss y_pred tgt)
putStrLn "Some predictions by an untrained network:"
print $ takeRows 5 y_pred0
putStrLn "Some predictions by a trained network:"
print $ takeRows 5 y_pred
putStrLn "Targets"
print $ takeRows 5 tgt
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