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Created April 28, 2012 17:25
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Things I love from the internet

This is a canon of the things I love. Things that I come back to, things that have really touch me. Doing this exercise I have realized how little things do I come back to... Still, there are some tabs I have opened always on my browser.

The first one is related to github and how they work. It's a presentation and a series of 3 blog post about how they work. It is really inspiring and I have read it a couple of times in the last 2 weeks:

The second one is a presentation Sebastian Hermida shared with me a while ago. I have watched the whole of it just once, but I've watch some parts 2 or 3 times already. It is a talk by Bret Victor about inventing, fighting, feedback... well, a lot of things, but it is really good:

This is another github related blog post that I really like. It shows the github flow when coding on a project:

This videos are related to values in programming and how good they are :D - By Rich Hickey - By Brian Marick

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