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Last active February 28, 2018 17:27
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Playing around with explicit CPS in Haskell
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables, LambdaCase, TypeApplications #-}
module Continuations where
import Data.String
import Control.Monad
-- Short-circuiting evaluation
fastProduct :: forall n. (Eq n, Num n) => [n] -> n
fastProduct list = fastProduct' list id
fastProduct' [ ] k = k 1
fastProduct' (x : xs) k
| x == 0 = k 0
| otherwise = fastProduct' xs (\total -> k (x * total))
-- Building data structures inside continuations
shuffle :: [a] -> [a]
shuffle list = shuffle' True list id
shuffle' :: Bool -> [a] -> ([a] -> [a]) -> [a]
shuffle' _ [ ] k = k []
shuffle' True (x : xs) k = shuffle' False xs ((x :) . k)
shuffle' False (x : xs) k = shuffle' True xs (k . (x :))
quicksort :: forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort list =
partition list []
merge :: [a] -> a -> [a] -> ([a] -> [a])
merge lt c gt =
\rest -> partition lt (c : partition gt rest)
partition :: [a] -> ([a] -> [a])
partition [ ] = id
partition (x : xs) =
partitionAt x xs (\lt gt -> merge lt x gt)
partitionAt :: a -> [a] -> ([a] -> [a] -> ([a] -> [a])) -> ([a] -> [a])
partitionAt pivot [ ] k = k [] []
partitionAt pivot (x : xs) k
| x < pivot = partitionAt pivot xs (\lt gt -> k (x : lt) gt)
| otherwise = partitionAt pivot xs (\lt gt -> k lt (x : gt))
-- Cooperative multi-threading
newtype Thread a r = T ([Thread a r] -> a -> r)
runThread :: Thread a r -> [Thread a r] -> a -> r
runThread (T t) = t
-- Round-robin scheduling
roundRobin :: ((a -> r) -> a -> r) -> Thread a r
roundRobin f =
T (\threads a ->
case threads of
[] ->
f (runThread (roundRobin f) []) a
(t : threads) ->
f (runThread t (threads ++ [roundRobin f])) a)
runRound :: [(a -> r) -> a -> r] -> a -> r
runRound [ ] = error "No threads to run!"
runRound (t : threads) = runThread (roundRobin t) (map roundRobin threads)
-- Alternating sequences
yieldOne :: Num n => (() -> [n]) -> () -> [n]
yieldOne continue () =
1 : continue ()
yieldZero :: Num n => (() -> [n]) -> () -> [n]
yieldZero continue () =
0 : continue ()
alternating :: Num n => [n]
alternating = runRound [yieldOne, yieldZero] ()
-- Some useful combinators
stopWhen :: (a -> Bool)
-> (a -> r)
-> ((a -> r) -> a -> r)
-> ((a -> r) -> a -> r)
stopWhen predicate return k continue a
| predicate a = return a
| otherwise = k continue a
applyWhen :: (a -> Bool)
-> ((a -> r) -> a -> r)
-> ((a -> r) -> a -> r)
applyWhen predicate k continue a
| predicate a = k continue a
| otherwise = continue a
-- Collatz sequences
halve :: Integral n => (n -> [n]) -> n -> [n]
halve =
stopWhen (== 1) (\x -> [x]) $
applyWhen even $
\continue n ->
n : continue (n `div` 2)
triplePlusOne :: Integral n => (n -> [n]) -> n -> [n]
triplePlusOne =
stopWhen (== 1) (\x -> [x]) $
applyWhen odd $
\continue n ->
n : continue (3 * n + 1)
collatz :: Integral n => n -> [n]
collatz = runRound [halve, triplePlusOne]
-- Fizz-Buzz
newline = putStrLn ""
printNumber continue n =
putStr (show n ++ ". ") >> continue n
printWhen predicate string =
applyWhen predicate $
\continue n ->
do putStr string
continue n
incrementUpTo max =
stopWhen (>= max) (\_ -> newline) $
\continue n ->
newline >> continue (n + 1)
divisibleBy x y =
y `mod` x == 0
fizzbuzz n =
runRound [ printNumber
, printWhen (divisibleBy 3) "fizz"
, printWhen (divisibleBy 5) "buzz"
, incrementUpTo n
] 0
-- SAT Solver in CPS (it's slow, but that's not the point)
data Formula = Var String
| Lit Bool
| Not Formula
| Formula :&&: Formula
| Formula :||: Formula
| Formula :=>: Formula
deriving Show
infixr 3 :&&:
infixr 2 :||:
infixr 0 :=>:
instance IsString Formula where
fromString = Var
subst :: forall r. String -> Bool -> Formula -> (Formula -> r) -> r
subst v b formula k =
case formula of
Var v' | v' == v -> k (Lit b)
| otherwise -> k (Var v')
Lit b -> k (Lit b)
Not f -> unsubst Not f
f :&&: g -> binsubst (:&&:) f g
f :||: g -> binsubst (:||:) f g
f :=>: g -> binsubst (:=>:) f g
unsubst :: (Formula -> Formula) -> Formula -> r
unsubst op f =
subst v b f $ \f' ->
k (op f')
binsubst :: (Formula -> Formula -> Formula) -> Formula -> Formula -> r
binsubst op f g =
subst v b f $ \f' ->
subst v b g $ \g' ->
k (f' `op` g')
eval :: forall r. Formula -> (String -> r) -> (Bool -> r) -> r
eval formula onUnbound onResult =
case formula of
Var v -> onUnbound v
Lit b -> onResult b
Not f -> unop not f
f :&&: g -> binop (&&) f g
f :||: g -> binop (||) f g
f :=>: g -> binop (\b c -> not b || c) f g
unop :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Formula -> r
unop op f =
eval f onUnbound $ \b ->
onResult (op b)
binop :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Formula -> Formula -> r
binop op f g =
eval f onUnbound $ \b1 ->
eval g onUnbound $ \b2 ->
onResult (b1 `op` b2)
solve :: forall r. Formula -> (Maybe [(String, Bool)] -> r) -> r
solve formula k =
eval formula onUnbound onResult
onResult False = k Nothing
onResult True = k (Just [])
onUnbound :: String -> r
onUnbound v =
subst v True formula $ \f' ->
solve f' $ \case
Just assigns -> k (Just ((v, True) : assigns))
Nothing ->
subst v False formula $ \f'' ->
solve f'' $ \case
Just assigns -> k (Just ((v, False) : assigns))
Nothing -> k Nothing
printSAT :: Maybe [(String, Bool)] -> IO ()
printSAT Nothing = putStrLn "UNSAT."
printSAT (Just assigns) = do
putStrLn "SAT:"
case assigns of
[] -> putStrLn "(no variables)"
_ -> forM_ assigns $ \(var, val) ->
putStrLn (var ++ " = " ++ show val)
-- Examples of use:
-- solve (Lit True :=>: "x" :&&: (Not "y")) printSAT
-- solve ("x" :=>: Lit False) printSAT
-- solve ("x" :&&: Not "x") printSAT
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