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Created January 12, 2024 02:37
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Azure WVD compare to Cisco ASA

Cisco ASA automated to query Azure WVD

For this you need a service account setup on the ASA to query the current running config. As per CiscoASAServiceAccount.txt the APIUser needs to be created with "privilege 1" and then create 2 new privileges to allow the user to do a "running-config object" and "running-config object-group"

The the python code can access the Azure site and also retrieve the current configuration from the ASA.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import requests
# Disable warnings to prevent annoying messages in the console
ASA_IP = "10.x.x.xx"
AZURE_REGION_PREFIX = "WindowsVirtualDesktop.AustraliaEast"
IP_REGEX = "^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\.(?!$)|$)){4}$"
# So for whatever reason the ASA barfs at Python User agent, but works with Postman. Go figure.
HTTP_HEADERS = {'User-Agent': 'PostmanRuntime/7.36.0'}
def get_asa_network_objects(asa_prefix, asa_ip, asa_username, asa_password):
asa_base_url = f"https://{asa_ip}/gadmin/exec/show+running-config+" # ASA Base URL
asa_object_types = ["object", "object-group"] # URLs to query against the ASA3
return_object = [] # Object array to return what ever object types we want as per above asa_objects
for asa_object in asa_object_types:
# Need to do HTTP GET first to get the csrf_token token in the response to include it in the POST back.
asa_get_csrf = requests.get(asa_base_url + asa_object, headers=HTTP_HEADERS, verify=False)
if asa_get_csrf.status_code == 200:
asa_bs = BeautifulSoup(asa_get_csrf.text, "html.parser")
if asa_bs.find("input", attrs={"name": 'csrf_token'}):
csrf_token = asa_bs.find("input", attrs={"name": 'csrf_token'})["value"]
# Now we have a csrf token post back to the same URL with username, password and csrf_token
data = {'username': asa_username, 'password': asa_password, 'csrf_token': csrf_token}
post_data = + asa_object, data=data, headers=HTTP_HEADERS, verify=False)
if len(post_data.text) > 0:
has_entry = False # Flag to say we are currently parsing an entry
return_array = [] # Return array entry
for post_line in post_data.text.splitlines():
# Iterate through the entry as the first character in the line is always a space
# print(post_line)
if has_entry and post_line[0] == " ":
# If we are an object then do a split after the subnet string and return everything
if asa_object == "object":
if "host" in post_line:
return_array.append(post_line.split('host ')[1])
elif "subnet" in post_line:
return_array.append(post_line.split('subnet ')[1])
# If we are an object-group then do a split after the " object " string and return everything
if asa_object == "object-group":
return_array.append(post_line.split(' object ')[1])
# If we has_entry but the line doesn't start with a space we are at the next entry
has_entry = False
# It's the first entry of the desired record based on prefix
if post_line.startswith(asa_object+" network " + asa_prefix):
has_entry = True
return_object.append(return_array) # Append the whole array to the return_object
return return_object
def azure_wvd_ips(region_prefix):
# Retrieve Azure Public URL to find JSON URL in the document
azure_wvd_url = ""
azure_wvd_text = requests.get(azure_wvd_url, headers=HTTP_HEADERS).text
azure_wvd_bs = BeautifulSoup(azure_wvd_text, "html.parser")
azure_wvd_ip = [] # Empty list for IP addresses
for tag in azure_wvd_bs.find_all(['a']):
# The URL for the JSON URL in the document that needs to be downloaded
if "" in str(tag):
azure_wvd_json = requests.get(tag['href']).json()
for value in azure_wvd_json['values']:
# Find the WVDs in Australia, assuming they are correct
if region_prefix in value['name']:
azure_wvd_ip += value['properties']['addressPrefixes']
return azure_wvd_ip
def diff_asa_azure(asa_prefix, asa, wvd):
# Build CIDR map using loop - from:
subnet_map = {}
for cidr in range(0, 33):
subnet_map.update({str(cidr): ".".join(
[str((((1 << 32) - 1) << (32 - cidr) >> cidr_number) & 255) for cidr_number in reversed(range(0, 32, 8))])})
# Create network objects with WVD prefix
for wvd_ip in wvd:
ip_split = wvd_ip.split("/")
if re.match(IP_REGEX, str(ip_split[0])):
object_name = f"{asa_prefix}{ip_split[0].replace('.', '_')}"
object_string = f"{ip_split[0]} {subnet_map[ip_split[1]]}"
# Checking if the address is already in the ASA
if object_string in asa[0]:
print(f"! Existing object entry {object_string}")
print(f"! Add {object_name}")
print(f'object network {object_name}')
if ip_split[1] == "32":
print(f' host {ip_split[0]}')
print(f' subnet {object_string}')
# else: ** TODO Support IPv6
# print(f'IPv6 {ip_split[0]}')
# Manage object-group with SPLIT_TUNNEL suffix
print(f'object-group network {asa_prefix}SPLIT_TUNNEL')
for wvd_ip in wvd:
ip_split = wvd_ip.split("/")
object_name = f"{asa_prefix}{ip_split[0].replace('.', '_')}"
if re.match(IP_REGEX, str(ip_split[0])):
if object_name in asa[1]:
print(f"! Existing object-group entry {object_name}")
print(f' network-object object {object_name}')
for remove_entries in asa[1]: # Remove the leftovers from the object-group
print(f' no network-object object {remove_entries}')
print("exit") # Finished in the network-object so exit
for remove_entries in asa[0]: # Remove the leftovers from the objects themselves
ip_split = remove_entries.split()
print(f'no object network {asa_prefix}{ip_split[0].replace(".", "_")}')
if __name__ == "__main__":
current_asa = get_asa_network_objects(ASA_PREFIX, ASA_IP, ASA_USERNAME, ASA_PASSWORD)
wvd_ips = azure_wvd_ips(AZURE_REGION_PREFIX)
# print(wvd_ips)
diff_asa_azure(ASA_PREFIX, current_asa, wvd_ips)
conf t
user APIUser password password privilege 1
privilege show level 1 mode exec command "running-config object"
privilege show level 1 mode exec command "running-config object-group"
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