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Created May 8, 2024 02:38
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Lets Encrypt Certbot to Cisco ASA CLI
echo "Applying VPN Cert for $1"
certbot certonly --config-dir . --preferred-challenges dns --authenticator certbot-dns-standalone:dns-standalone -d $1.$org
openssl pkcs12 -export -out $1 -passout pass:password -in live/$1.$org/cert.pem -inkey live/$1.$org/privkey.pem
# If you have a newer version of openssl you may need to add -legacy to generate legacy version of the PKCS12 file needed by the ASA.
date=`date --date="$(openssl x509 -in live/$1.$org/cert.pem -enddate -noout | cut -d= -f 2)" +%Y%m%d`
mv $1 $1-$date.p12
cat > $1.output.txt <<EOF
conf term
crypto ca import `echo $1-$date` pkcs12 password
-----BEGIN PKCS12-----
`base64 $1-$date.p12`
-----END PKCS12-----
cat $1.output.txt
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