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Last active January 25, 2024 20:23
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  • Save plambrechtsen/f712cedf9ead5015314170600be59fe5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save plambrechtsen/f712cedf9ead5015314170600be59fe5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create random Base32 TOTP Token and burn it to a NFC Token2 Token and upload the CSV to Azure
# Time step of the OTP. 1=30s, 2=60s
$TimeStep = 2
$AzureTime = $TimeStep * 30
# Sleep timeout. 1=15s, 2=30s, 3=60s, 4=120s
$ScreenTimeout = 3
# Create 32 Bit Base32 string - From
$RNG = [Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator]::Create()
for($r=''; $r.length -lt 32){$RNG.GetBytes($x); if([char]$x[0] -clike '[2-7A-Z]'){$r+=[char]$x[0]}}
# Remove the output file if it exists
Remove-Item .\output.txt -ErrorAction Ignore
# Token 2 command line tool from -> Windows Command-line tool
& .\token2-config.exe -s $r -t 0 -e $TimeStep -a 1 -p $ScreenTimeout -r output.txt
if ($? -eq $True) {
$Output = Get-Content .\output.txt
$OutputSplit = $Output -split ","
$SN = $OutputSplit[0]
Remove-Item .\$SN.csv -ErrorAction Ignore
Add-Content .\$SN.csv "upn,serial number,secret key,time interval,manufacturer,model"
Add-Content .\$SN.csv ",$Output,$AzureTime,Token2,C301i"
# Start Notepad to update the UPN/EMail Logon on the Token before uploading
& notepad.exe .\$SN.csv
# Open Azure Hardware Token site
Start-Process ""
# Time step of the OTP. 1=30s, 2=60s
#$TimeStep = 2
$AzureTime = "30"
$Title = "TOTP"
$Profile = "0"
# Screen timeout. 0=15s, 1=30s, 2=60s, 3=120s
$ScreenTimeout = 2
# Create 32 Bit Base32 string - From
$RNG = [Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator]::Create()
for($r=''; $r.length -lt 32){$RNG.GetBytes($x); if([char]$x[0] -clike '[2-7A-Z]'){$r+=[char]$x[0]}}
# Remove the output file if it exists
Remove-Item .\output.txt -ErrorAction Ignore
# Token 2 command line tool from -> Windows Command-line tool
& .\molto2-config.exe --profile $Profile --title $Title --seedbase32 $r --display_timeout $ScreenTimeout > output.txt
if ($? -eq $True) {
$Output = Get-Content .\output.txt
$GetSerialNumber = $Output | Select-String -Pattern "device serial number: (\d+)"
$SN = $GetSerialNumber.matches.groups[1].value
Remove-Item .\$SN.csv -ErrorAction Ignore
Add-Content .\$SN.csv "upn,serial number,secret key,time interval,manufacturer,model"
Add-Content .\$SN.csv ",$SN,$r,$AzureTime,Token2,Molto2"
# Start Notepad to update the UPN/EMail Logon on the Token before uploading
& notepad.exe .\$SN.csv
# Open Azure Hardware Token site
Start-Process ""
} else {
Write-Output "Call to molto2-config.exe failed"
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