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Last active November 17, 2017 20:33
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  • Save planetA/8ed7b2e711f73bbb71db53830e3270c3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save planetA/8ed7b2e711f73bbb71db53830e3270c3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Restoring OpenMPI inside Docker
Containers: 10
Running: 0
Paused: 0
Stopped: 10
Images: 66
Server Version: 17.09.0-ce
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Dirs: 209
Dirperm1 Supported: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
Volume: local
Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file logentries splunk syslog
Swarm: active
NodeID: xh8nq33dpzi3xnghdfe3tr8yi
Is Manager: false
Node Address:
Manager Addresses:
Runtimes: runc
Default Runtime: runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version: 06b9cb35161009dcb7123345749fef02f7cea8e0
runc version: 3f2f8b84a77f73d38244dd690525642a72156c64
init version: 949e6fa
Security Options:
Profile: default
Kernel Version: 4.9.0-3-amd64
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 4
Total Memory: 15.63GiB
Name: ib1
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): false
Experimental: true
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false
WARNING: No swap limit support
# OpenMPI in Docker
# Don't use such setup in production, because it is not secure. This
# image is just a proof-of-concept.
# Have a look at Singularity, because it allows to run containers
# without effectively giving away root priveleges.
FROM debian:9
MAINTAINER "Maksym Planeta <>"
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y libtool build-essential gcc gfortran wget libnuma-dev \
autoconf automake libopenmpi-dev openmpi-common openssh-server && \
apt-get clean && apt-get purge
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd && chmod 0755 /var/run/sshd && \
useradd -m user
COPY node-ssh /home/user/.ssh
RUN chown -R user:user /home/user
COPY --chown=user:user ./src /home/user/src
WORKDIR /home/user/src
RUN su user /bin/sh -c make
EXPOSE 22 21
CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]
version: "3.2"
image: openmpi-docker.registry:443/openmpi-debian
- "2222:22"
replicas: 4
condition: none
constraints: [node.role != manager]
- openmpi-network
driver: overlay
attachable: true
docker-machine ssh ib1 docker stop openmpi.1
docker-machine ssh ib1 docker rm openmpi.1
docker-machine ssh ib1 docker rm openmpi.1
docker-machine ssh ib2 docker stop openmpi.2 openmpi.1-clone
docker-machine ssh ib2 docker rm openmpi.2 openmpi.1-clone
docker-machine ssh ib2 docker rm openmpi.2 openmpi.1-clone
docker build -t $CONTAINER .
docker tag $CONTAINER openmpi-docker.registry:443/$CONTAINER
docker push openmpi-docker.registry:443/$CONTAINER
docker stack rm $CONTAINER
docker stack rm $CONTAINER
docker stack deploy -c $CONTAINER.yml $CONTAINER
echo "Create first machine"
docker-machine ssh ib1 docker run -d --name openmpi.1 \
--network "$CONTAINER_NETWORK" \
--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \
--security-opt seccomp:unconfined \
docker-machine ssh ib2 docker run -d --name openmpi.2 \
--network "$CONTAINER_NETWORK" \
--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \
--security-opt seccomp:unconfined \
sleep 5
echo "Get IP of the first machine"
CONTAINER1_IP=$(docker-machine ssh ib1 \
'docker inspect -f "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" \
CONTAINER2_IP=$(docker-machine ssh ib2 \
'docker inspect -f "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" \
echo "Create second machine"
if true
docker-machine ssh ib2 docker exec -t\
--user user \
openmpi.2 \
--mca btl tcp,self \
--mca oob_tcp_if_include \
--mca btl_tcp_if_include \
./test" &
echo "About to sleep: from $CONTAINER2_IP to $CONTAINER1_IP"
docker-machine ssh ib2 docker exec -t \
--user user \
openmpi.2 \
"ping $CONTAINER1_IP" &
echo "give them time to whisper"
sleep 5
docker-machine ssh ib2 docker create --name openmpi.1-clone \
--network "$CONTAINER_NETWORK" \
--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \
--security-opt seccomp:unconfined \
docker-machine ssh ib1 sudo rm -rf /home/user/ckpt
docker-machine ssh ib1 mkdir ckpt
docker-machine ssh ib1 docker checkpoint create \
--checkpoint-dir=/home/user/ckpt \
openmpi.1 checkpoint1
CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-machine ssh ib1 ls ckpt)
docker-machine ssh ib1 sudo tar czvf ckpt.tar.gz ckpt
docker-machine ssh ib2 sudo rm -rf ckpt
docker-machine ssh ib2 scp ib1:~/ckpt.tar.gz ./
docker-machine ssh ib2 tar xvf ckpt.tar.gz
docker-machine ssh ib2 docker start \
--checkpoint-dir /home/user/ckpt/$CONTAINER_ID/checkpoints \
--checkpoint checkpoint1 openmpi.1-clone
(00.000133) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:1
(00.000181) kernel pid_max=32768
(00.000186) Reading image tree
(00.000213) Add mnt ns 12 pid 1
(00.000261) pstree pid_max=20
(00.000268) Will restore in 6c020000 namespaces
(00.000271) NS mask to use 6c020000
(00.000275) Collecting 37/54 (flags 2)
(00.000288) Collected [usr/sbin/sshd] ID 0x1
(00.000293) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x2
(00.000297) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x3
(00.000300) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x4
(00.000304) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5
(00.000314) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x6
(00.000318) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x7
(00.000322) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x8
(00.000325) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x9
(00.000331) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xa
(00.000335) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xb
(00.000339) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xc
(00.000343) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xd
(00.000347) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xe
(00.000351) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xf
(00.000354) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x10
(00.000358) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x11
(00.000362) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x12
(00.000365) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x13
(00.000370) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x14
(00.000374) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x15
(00.000378) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x16
(00.000381) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x17
(00.000385) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x18
(00.000389) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x19
(00.000393) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1a
(00.000396) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1b
(00.000400) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1c
(00.000403) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1d
(00.000411) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1e
(00.000414) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1f
(00.000418) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x20
(00.000423) Collected pipe entry ID 0x21 PIPE ID 0xb51ca9
(00.000427) Found id pipe:[11869353] (fd 0) in inherit fd list
(00.000436) Collected pipe entry ID 0x22 PIPE ID 0xb51caa
(00.000439) Found id pipe:[11869354] (fd 1) in inherit fd list
(00.000443) Collected pipe entry ID 0x23 PIPE ID 0xb51cab
(00.000446) Found id pipe:[11869355] (fd 2) in inherit fd list
(00.000462) Collected [.] ID 0x26
(00.000466) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x27
(00.000470) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x28
(00.000474) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x29
(00.000478) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2a
(00.000481) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x2b
(00.000485) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2c
(00.000488) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2d
(00.000492) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2e
(00.000495) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2f
(00.000501) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x30
(00.000505) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x31
(00.000508) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x32
(00.000512) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x33
(00.000516) Collected [dev/null] ID 0x34
(00.000533) sk unix: `- Got 0xb520b0 peer 0xb520b1 (name - dir -)
(00.000540) sk unix: `- Got 0xb520b1 peer 0xb520b0 (name - dir -)
(00.000546) Collected pipe entry ID 0x38 PIPE ID 0xb5242d
(00.000558) Collected pipe entry ID 0x39 PIPE ID 0xb5242d
(00.000562) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3a PIPE ID 0xb51d83
(00.000566) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3b PIPE ID 0xb51d84
(00.000570) Collected [bin/dash] ID 0x3c
(00.000574) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3d PIPE ID 0xb51d82
(00.000578) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3e PIPE ID 0xb51d83
(00.000581) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3f PIPE ID 0xb51d84
(00.000586) Collected [home/user] ID 0x40
(00.000589) Collected [usr/bin/orted] ID 0x41
(00.000600) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x42
(00.000604) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x43
(00.000608) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x44
(00.000612) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x45
(00.000615) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x46
(00.000619) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x47
(00.000623) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x48
(00.000627) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x49
(00.000630) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x4a
(00.000634) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x4b
(00.000639) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x4c
(00.000643) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x4d
(00.000646) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x4e
(00.000650) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x4f
(00.000654) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0x50
(00.000657) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x51
(00.000661) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x52
(00.000665) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x53
(00.000668) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x54
(00.000673) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x55
(00.000677) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x56
(00.000681) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x57
(00.000685) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x58
(00.000688) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x59
(00.000692) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5a
(00.000696) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5b
(00.000699) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5c
(00.000703) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5d
(00.000706) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hwloc/] ID 0x5e
(00.000712) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5f
(00.000715) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hwloc/] ID 0x60
(00.000719) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x61
(00.000723) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hwloc/] ID 0x62
(00.000726) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x63
(00.000730) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x64
(00.000736) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x65
(00.000742) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x66
(00.000746) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x67
(00.000749) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x68
(00.000755) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x69
(00.000758) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x6a
(00.000762) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0x6b
(00.000769) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0x6c
(00.000774) sk unix: `- Got 0xb513e5 peer 0xb513e4 (name - dir -)
(00.000779) sk unix: `- Got 0xb513e4 peer 0xb513e5 (name - dir -)
(00.000784) eventfd: Collected : id 0x00006f flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000789) Collected [dev/shm/open_mpi.0000] ID 0x70
(00.000793) Collected [.] ID 0x71
(00.000798) Collected pipe entry ID 0x72 PIPE ID 0xb51d86
(00.000803) Collected pipe entry ID 0x73 PIPE ID 0xb51d86
(00.000808) sk unix: `- Got 0xb51d87 peer 0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/0/usock dir -)
(00.000818) epoll: Collected eventpoll: id 0x000076 flags 0x80002
(00.000823) sk unix: `- Got 0xb51d8b peer 0xb51d8a (name - dir -)
(00.000828) sk unix: `- Got 0xb51d8a peer 0xb51d8b (name - dir -)
(00.000835) eventfd: Collected : id 0x000079 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000839) Collected pipe entry ID 0x7a PIPE ID 0xb51d8c
(00.000843) Collected pipe entry ID 0x7b PIPE ID 0xb51d8c
(00.000848) sk unix: `- Got 0xb51d8d peer 0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/pmix-15 dir -)
(00.000852) Collected pipe entry ID 0x7d PIPE ID 0xb51d8e
(00.000856) Collected pipe entry ID 0x7e PIPE ID 0xb51d8e
(00.000863) Collected [dev/pts/ptmx] ID 0x81
(00.000871) Collected [dev/pts/ptmx] ID 0x83
(00.000876) Collected pipe entry ID 0x85 PIPE ID 0xb51d92
(00.000880) Collected pipe entry ID 0x86 PIPE ID 0xb51d93
(00.000884) Collected pipe entry ID 0x88 PIPE ID 0xb51d94
(00.000888) Collected pipe entry ID 0x8a PIPE ID 0xb51d97
(00.000892) Collected pipe entry ID 0x8c PIPE ID 0xb51d98
(00.000896) Collected [home/user/src/test] ID 0x8d
(00.000900) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x8e
(00.000905) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x8f
(00.000909) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x90
(00.000912) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x91
(00.000916) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x92
(00.000920) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x93
(00.000923) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x94
(00.000927) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x95
(00.000931) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x96
(00.000934) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x97
(00.000938) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x98
(00.000943) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x99
(00.000947) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9a
(00.000951) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9b
(00.000954) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9c
(00.000958) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0x9d
(00.000962) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9e
(00.000973) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9f
(00.000977) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa0
(00.000981) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa1
(00.000986) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa2
(00.000990) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa3
(00.000994) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa4
(00.000998) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa5
(00.001001) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0xa6
(00.001012) Collected pipe entry ID 0xa7 PIPE ID 0xb51d92
(00.001016) Collected [dev/pts/0] ID 0xa9
(00.001021) Collected pipe entry ID 0xaa PIPE ID 0xb51d93
(00.001028) sk unix: `- Got 0xb52430 peer 0xb5242f (name - dir -)
(00.001033) sk unix: `- Got 0xb5242f peer 0xb52430 (name - dir -)
(00.001037) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000ad flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.001041) Collected [dev/shm/open_mpi.0000] ID 0xae
(00.001046) epoll: Collected eventpoll: id 0x0000af flags 0x80002
(00.001051) sk unix: `- Got 0xb52435 peer 0xb52434 (name - dir -)
(00.001056) sk unix: `- Got 0xb52434 peer 0xb52435 (name - dir -)
(00.001059) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000b2 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.001063) Collected pipe entry ID 0xb3 PIPE ID 0xb52436
(00.001069) Collected pipe entry ID 0xb4 PIPE ID 0xb52436
(00.001074) sk unix: `- Got 0xb52437 peer 0xb52438 (name - dir -)
(00.001080) sk unix: `- Got 0xb52438 peer 0xb52437 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/pmix-15 dir -)
(00.001085) sk unix: `- Got 0xb5243b peer 0xb5243a (name - dir -)
(00.001089) sk unix: `- Got 0xb5243a peer 0xb5243b (name - dir -)
(00.001093) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000b8 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.001102) sk unix: `- Got 0xb52440 peer 0xb52441 (name - dir -)
(00.001108) sk unix: `- Got 0xb52441 peer 0xb52440 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/0/usock dir -)
(00.001115) Collected pipe entry ID 0xbc PIPE ID 0xb51d94
(00.001119) Collected [home/user/src] ID 0xbd
(00.001123) Collected [dev/null] ID 0xbe
(00.001127) Collected [dev/pts/1] ID 0xc0
(00.001131) Collected pipe entry ID 0xc1 PIPE ID 0xb51d97
(00.001138) sk unix: `- Got 0xb513ed peer 0xb513ec (name - dir -)
(00.001143) sk unix: `- Got 0xb513ec peer 0xb513ed (name - dir -)
(00.001147) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000c4 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.001151) Collected [dev/shm/open_mpi.0000] ID 0xc5
(00.001155) epoll: Collected eventpoll: id 0x0000c6 flags 0x80002
(00.001160) sk unix: `- Got 0xb513f2 peer 0xb513f1 (name - dir -)
(00.001167) sk unix: `- Got 0xb513f1 peer 0xb513f2 (name - dir -)
(00.001171) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000c9 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.001177) Collected pipe entry ID 0xca PIPE ID 0xb513f3
(00.001181) Collected pipe entry ID 0xcb PIPE ID 0xb513f3
(00.001186) sk unix: `- Got 0xb513f4 peer 0xb5243c (name - dir -)
(00.001191) sk unix: `- Got 0xb5243c peer 0xb513f4 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/pmix-15 dir -)
(00.001196) sk unix: `- Got 0xb513f6 peer 0xb513f5 (name - dir -)
(00.001201) sk unix: `- Got 0xb513f5 peer 0xb513f6 (name - dir -)
(00.001205) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000cf flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.001209) sk unix: `- Got 0xb520f0 peer 0xb52442 (name - dir -)
(00.001216) sk unix: `- Got 0xb52442 peer 0xb520f0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/0/usock dir -)
(00.001226) Collected pipe entry ID 0xd3 PIPE ID 0xb51d98
(00.001232) `- ... done
(00.001234) Collecting 43/59 (flags 0)
(00.001244) Opening ghost file 0x1 for dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.001256) Opening ghost file 0x2 for dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.001266) Opening ghost file 0x3 for dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.001277) `- ... done
(00.001377) cg: rewriting docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e to /docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001387) cg: rewriting docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e to /docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001392) cg: rewriting docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e to /docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001397) cg: rewriting docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e to /docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001401) cg: rewriting docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e to /docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001412) cg: rewriting docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e to /docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001417) cg: rewriting docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e to /docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001421) cg: rewriting docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e to /docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001425) cg: rewriting to /
(00.001430) cg: rewriting to /
(00.001435) cg: Preparing cgroups yard (cgroups restore mode 0x4)
(00.001527) cg: Opening .criu.cgyard.dqL6US as cg yard
(00.001543) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/memory (memory)
(00.001575) cg: Determined cgroup dir memory//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67 already exist
(00.001579) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir memory//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001590) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/devices (devices)
(00.001614) cg: Determined cgroup dir devices//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67 already exist
(00.001618) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir devices//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001627) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/cpuset (cpuset)
(00.001648) cg: Determined cgroup dir cpuset//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67 already exist
(00.001651) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir cpuset//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001659) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/freezer (freezer)
(00.001720) cg: Determined cgroup dir freezer//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67 already exist
(00.001726) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir freezer//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001735) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/pids (pids)
(00.001886) cg: Determined cgroup dir pids//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67 already exist
(00.001892) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir pids//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.001903) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/cpu,cpuacct (cpu,cpuacct)
(00.002065) cg: Created cgroup dir cpu,cpuacct/docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e
(00.002090) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/net_cls,net_prio (net_cls,net_prio)
(00.002233) cg: Created cgroup dir net_cls,net_prio/docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e
(00.002251) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/blkio (blkio)
(00.002349) cg: Determined cgroup dir blkio//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67 already exist
(00.002354) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir blkio//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.002365) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/perf_event (perf_event)
(00.002443) cg: Determined cgroup dir perf_event//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67 already exist
(00.002448) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir perf_event//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.002460) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/systemd (none,name=systemd)
(00.007143) cg: Determined cgroup dir systemd//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67 already exist
(00.007154) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir systemd//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67
(00.007171) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/zdtmtst (none,name=zdtmtst)
(00.007227) cg: Determined cgroup dir zdtmtst// already exist
(00.007238) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir zdtmtst//
(00.007249) cg: Determined cgroup dir zdtmtst///holder already exist
(00.007252) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir zdtmtst///holder
(00.007260) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.dqL6US/zdtmtst.defaultroot (none,name=zdtmtst.defaultroot)
(00.007298) cg: Determined cgroup dir zdtmtst.defaultroot// already exist
(00.007301) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir zdtmtst.defaultroot//
(00.007310) cg: Determined cgroup dir zdtmtst.defaultroot///holder already exist
(00.007312) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir zdtmtst.defaultroot///holder
(00.007326) Running pre-restore scripts
(00.007329) RPC
(00.007488) Saved netns fd for links restore
(00.007553) mnt: Reading mountpoint images (id 12 pid 1)
(00.007561) mnt: Will mount 189 from /
(00.007565) mnt: Will mount 189 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/firmware
(00.007568) mnt: Read 189 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/firmware
(00.007574) mnt: Will mount 188 from /dev/null (E)
(00.007576) mnt: Will mount 188 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug
(00.007578) mnt: Read 188 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug
(00.007582) mnt: Will mount 187 from /dev/null (E)
(00.007584) mnt: Will mount 187 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list
(00.007586) mnt: Read 187 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list
(00.007590) mnt: Will mount 186 from /dev/null (E)
(00.007592) mnt: Will mount 186 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/kcore
(00.007594) mnt: Read 186 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/kcore
(00.007597) mnt: Will mount 185 from /sysrq-trigger
(00.007599) mnt: Will mount 185 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger
(00.007601) mnt: Read 185 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger
(00.007604) mnt: Will mount 184 from /sys
(00.007607) mnt: Will mount 184 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys
(00.007609) mnt: Read 184 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys
(00.007617) mnt: Will mount 183 from /irq
(00.007619) mnt: Will mount 183 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq
(00.007621) mnt: Read 183 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq
(00.007624) mnt: Will mount 182 from /fs
(00.007626) mnt: Will mount 182 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs
(00.007628) mnt: Read 182 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs
(00.007631) mnt: Will mount 181 from /bus
(00.007633) mnt: Will mount 181 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus
(00.007635) mnt: Read 181 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus
(00.007638) mnt: Will mount 178 from /asound
(00.007640) mnt: Will mount 178 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound
(00.007642) mnt: Read 178 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound
(00.007646) mnt: Will mount 274 from /var/lib/docker/containers/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/shm (E)
(00.007648) mnt: Will mount 274 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/shm
(00.007651) mnt: Read 274 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/shm
(00.007654) mnt: Will mount 273 from /var/lib/docker/containers/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/hosts (E)
(00.007657) mnt: Will mount 273 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hosts
(00.007659) mnt: Read 273 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hosts
(00.007664) mnt: Will mount 272 from /var/lib/docker/containers/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/hostname (E)
(00.007666) mnt: Will mount 272 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hostname
(00.007668) mnt: Read 272 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hostname
(00.007672) mnt: Will mount 270 from /var/lib/docker/containers/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/resolv.conf (E)
(00.007674) mnt: Will mount 270 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf
(00.007682) mnt: Read 270 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf
(00.007686) mnt: Will mount 269 from /
(00.007688) mnt: Will mount 269 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue
(00.007690) mnt: Read 269 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue
(00.007694) mnt: Will mount 268 from /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.007696) mnt: Will mount 268 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory
(00.007698) mnt: Read 268 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory
(00.007703) mnt: Will mount 267 from /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.007705) mnt: Will mount 267 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices
(00.007707) mnt: Read 267 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices
(00.007711) mnt: Will mount 246 from /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset (E)
(00.007713) mnt: Will mount 246 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset
(00.007715) mnt: Read 246 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset
(00.007719) mnt: Will mount 245 from /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer (E)
(00.007721) mnt: Will mount 245 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer
(00.007723) mnt: Read 245 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer
(00.007726) mnt: Will mount 244 from /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.007728) mnt: Will mount 244 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids
(00.007730) mnt: Read 244 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids
(00.007734) mnt: Will mount 243 from /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.007736) mnt: Will mount 243 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct
(00.007738) mnt: Read 243 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct
(00.007742) mnt: Will mount 242 from /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio (E)
(00.007744) mnt: Will mount 242 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio
(00.007746) mnt: Read 242 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio
(00.007751) mnt: Will mount 241 from /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.007753) mnt: Will mount 241 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
(00.007755) mnt: Read 241 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
(00.007759) mnt: Will mount 240 from /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event (E)
(00.007761) mnt: Will mount 240 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
(00.007763) mnt: Read 240 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
(00.007767) mnt: Will mount 239 from /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.007769) mnt: Will mount 239 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
(00.007771) mnt: Read 239 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
(00.007774) mnt: Will mount 238 from /
(00.007776) mnt: Will mount 238 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup
(00.007778) mnt: Read 238 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup
(00.007783) mnt: Will mount 236 from /
(00.007785) mnt: Will mount 236 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys
(00.007787) mnt: Read 236 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys
(00.007790) mnt: Will mount 233 from /
(00.007792) mnt: Will mount 233 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/pts
(00.007794) mnt: Read 233 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/pts
(00.007797) mnt: Will mount 231 from /
(00.007800) mnt: Will mount 231 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev
(00.007802) mnt: Read 231 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev
(00.007805) mnt: Will mount 230 from /
(00.007807) mnt: Will mount 230 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc
(00.007809) mnt: Read 230 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc
(00.007812) mnt: Will mount 227 from /
(00.007817) mnt: Will mount 227 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/
(00.007819) mnt: Read 227 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/
(00.007882) Warn (criu/cr-restore.c:1161): Set CLONE_PARENT | CLONE_NEWPID but it might cause restore problem,because not all kernels support such clone flags combinations!
(00.007886) Forking task with 1 pid (flags 0x6c028000)
(00.018276) PID: real 18030 virt 1
(00.018347) Wait until namespaces are created
(00.023805) 1: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.023824) 1: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.023828) 1: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.023867) Running setup-namespaces scripts
(00.023879) RPC
(00.217864) 1: cg: Move into 2
(00.217893) 1: cg: `-> blkio//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/tasks
(00.217920) 1: cg: `-> cpu,cpuacct//docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e/tasks
(00.217938) 1: cg: `-> cpuset//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/tasks
(00.217946) 1: cg: `-> devices//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/tasks
(00.217953) 1: cg: `-> freezer//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/tasks
(00.217961) 1: cg: `-> memory//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/tasks
(00.217968) 1: cg: `-> systemd//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/tasks
(00.217975) 1: cg: `-> zdtmtst///tasks
(00.217982) 1: cg: `-> zdtmtst.defaultroot///tasks
(00.217989) 1: cg: `-> net_cls,net_prio//docker/8e973ca0dfe8a2dc0b7b3fc56a8d229184836dd33e9b0fc0eb37de5544268c9e/tasks
(00.219312) 1: cg: `-> perf_event//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/tasks
(00.219326) 1: cg: `-> pids//docker/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/tasks
(00.219359) 1: Calling restore_sid() for init
(00.219362) 1: Restoring 1 to 1 sid
(00.219404) 1: Mount procfs in crtools-proc.aobEU9
(00.238995) 1: Collecting 41/37 (flags 2)
(00.239035) 1: tty: Collected tty ID 0x80 (ptmx)
(00.239051) 1: tty: Collected tty ID 0x82 (ptmx)
(00.239057) 1: tty: Collected tty ID 0xa8 (pts)
(00.239061) 1: tty: Collected tty ID 0xbf (pts)
(00.239063) 1: `- ... done
(00.239065) 1: Collecting 42/51 (flags 0)
(00.239070) 1: No tty-data.img image
(00.239072) 1: `- ... done
(00.239073) 1: Restoring namespaces 1 flags 0x6c028000
(00.239076) 1: No netns-9.img image
(00.239079) 1: No netdev-9.img image
(00.239086) 1: No ifaddr-9.img image
(00.239089) 1: No route-9.img image
(00.239092) 1: No route6-9.img image
(00.239094) 1: No rule-9.img image
(00.239096) 1: No iptables-9.img image
(00.239099) 1: No ip6tables-9.img image
(00.244376) 1: kernel/hostname nr 12
(00.244417) 1: kernel/domainname nr 6
(00.244900) 1: Restoring IPC namespace
(00.244907) 1: Restoring IPC variables
(00.250577) 1: Restoring IPC shared memory
(00.250598) 1: No ipcns-shm-10.img image
(00.250600) 1: Restoring IPC message queues
(00.250604) 1: No ipcns-msg-10.img image
(00.250605) 1: Restoring IPC semaphores sets
(00.250608) 1: No ipcns-sem-10.img image
(00.250610) 1: mnt: Restoring mount namespace
(00.250614) 1: mnt: Building mountpoints tree
(00.250615) 1: mnt: Building plain mount tree
(00.250616) 1: mnt: Working on 227->149
(00.250620) 1: mnt: Mountpoint 227 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/) w/o parent 149
(00.250622) 1: mnt: Mountpoint 227 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/) get parent 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v)
(00.250624) 1: mnt: Working on 230->227
(00.250625) 1: mnt: Working on 231->227
(00.250626) 1: mnt: Working on 233->231
(00.250632) 1: mnt: Working on 236->227
(00.250634) 1: mnt: Working on 238->236
(00.250635) 1: mnt: Working on 239->238
(00.250636) 1: mnt: Working on 240->238
(00.250637) 1: mnt: Working on 241->238
(00.250638) 1: mnt: Working on 242->238
(00.250642) 1: mnt: Working on 243->238
(00.250643) 1: mnt: Working on 244->238
(00.250644) 1: mnt: Working on 245->238
(00.250645) 1: mnt: Working on 246->238
(00.250646) 1: mnt: Working on 267->238
(00.250648) 1: mnt: Working on 268->238
(00.250650) 1: mnt: Working on 269->231
(00.250651) 1: mnt: Working on 270->227
(00.250652) 1: mnt: Working on 272->227
(00.250653) 1: mnt: Working on 273->227
(00.250655) 1: mnt: Working on 274->231
(00.250656) 1: mnt: Working on 178->230
(00.250657) 1: mnt: Working on 181->230
(00.250658) 1: mnt: Working on 182->230
(00.250659) 1: mnt: Working on 183->230
(00.250660) 1: mnt: Working on 184->230
(00.250662) 1: mnt: Working on 185->230
(00.250663) 1: mnt: Working on 186->230
(00.250664) 1: mnt: Working on 187->230
(00.250665) 1: mnt: Working on 188->230
(00.250666) 1: mnt: Working on 189->236
(00.250668) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 0
(00.250670) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 227
(00.250671) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 230
(00.250672) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 178
(00.250673) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 181
(00.250674) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 182
(00.250675) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 183
(00.250676) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 184
(00.250677) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 185
(00.250678) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 186
(00.250679) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 187
(00.250681) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 188
(00.250682) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 231
(00.250683) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 233
(00.250684) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 269
(00.250685) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 274
(00.250686) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 236
(00.250687) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 238
(00.250688) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 239
(00.250689) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 240
(00.250691) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 241
(00.250692) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 242
(00.250693) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 243
(00.250694) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 244
(00.250695) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 245
(00.250696) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 246
(00.250698) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 267
(00.250699) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 268
(00.250700) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 189
(00.250701) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 270
(00.250702) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 272
(00.250703) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 273
(00.250704) 1: mnt: Done:
(00.250705) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v](0->0)
(00.250707) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/](227->149)
(00.250708) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc](230->227)
(00.250709) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound](178->230)
(00.250710) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250711) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug](188->230)
(00.250712) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250713) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list](187->230)
(00.250714) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250715) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/kcore](186->230)
(00.250717) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250718) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger](185->230)
(00.250719) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250720) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys](184->230)
(00.250721) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250722) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq](183->230)
(00.250723) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250724) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs](182->230)
(00.250727) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250728) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus](181->230)
(00.250729) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250730) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250731) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hosts](273->227)
(00.250732) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250733) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hostname](272->227)
(00.250734) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250735) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf](270->227)
(00.250736) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250737) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys](236->227)
(00.250738) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/firmware](189->236)
(00.250739) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250740) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup](238->236)
(00.250741) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd](239->238)
(00.250742) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250743) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory](268->238)
(00.250744) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250745) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices](267->238)
(00.250747) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250747) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset](246->238)
(00.250749) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250750) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer](245->238)
(00.250751) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250752) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids](244->238)
(00.250753) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250754) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct](243->238)
(00.250755) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250756) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio](242->238)
(00.250757) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250758) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio](241->238)
(00.250759) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250760) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event](240->238)
(00.250761) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250762) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250763) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250764) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev](231->227)
(00.250765) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/pts](233->231)
(00.250766) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250767) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/shm](274->231)
(00.250768) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250769) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue](269->231)
(00.250770) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250771) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250772) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250773) 1: mnt: <--
(00.250774) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 227 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/)
(00.250776) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 230 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.250777) 1: mnt: The mount 178 is bind for 230 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.250779) 1: mnt: The mount 181 is bind for 230 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.250780) 1: mnt: The mount 182 is bind for 230 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.250781) 1: mnt: The mount 183 is bind for 230 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.250782) 1: mnt: The mount 184 is bind for 230 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.250783) 1: mnt: The mount 185 is bind for 230 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.250784) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 231 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev)
(00.250787) 1: mnt: The mount 186 is bind for 231 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/kcore -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev)
(00.250788) 1: mnt: The mount 187 is bind for 231 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev)
(00.250790) 1: mnt: The mount 188 is bind for 231 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev)
(00.250791) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 233 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/pts)
(00.250792) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 236 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys)
(00.250793) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 238 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup)
(00.250794) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 239 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd)
(00.250795) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 240 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event)
(00.250796) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 241 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio)
(00.250798) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 242 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio)
(00.250799) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 243 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct)
(00.250800) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 244 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids)
(00.250801) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 245 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer)
(00.250802) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 246 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset)
(00.250803) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 267 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices)
(00.250805) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 268 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory)
(00.250806) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 269 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue)
(00.250807) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 270 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf)
(00.250808) 1: mnt: The mount 272 is bind for 270 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hostname -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf)
(00.250809) 1: mnt: The mount 273 is bind for 270 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hosts -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf)
(00.250811) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 272 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hostname)
(00.250812) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 273 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hosts)
(00.250813) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 274 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/shm)
(00.250814) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 178 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound)
(00.250815) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 181 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus)
(00.250816) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 182 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs)
(00.250817) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 183 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq)
(00.250818) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 184 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys)
(00.250819) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 185 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger)
(00.250820) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 186 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/kcore)
(00.250823) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 187 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list)
(00.250824) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 188 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug)
(00.250825) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 189 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/firmware)
(00.250835) 1: mnt: Start with 0:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v
(00.251042) 1: mnt: Start with 0:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v
(00.251058) 1: mnt: Mounting aufs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/ (0)
(00.251139) 1: mnt: 227:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/ private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251241) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc (0)
(00.251280) 1: mnt: 230:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251286) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger
(00.251287) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys
(00.251288) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq
(00.251290) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs
(00.251291) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus
(00.251292) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound
(00.251293) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound (0)
(00.251295) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound
(00.251307) 1: mnt: 178:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/asound private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251311) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug (0)
(00.251312) 1: mnt: Bind /dev/null to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug
(00.251320) 1: mnt: 188:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251335) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list
(00.251336) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/kcore
(00.251337) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list (0)
(00.251338) 1: mnt: Bind /dev/null to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list
(00.251353) 1: mnt: 187:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251365) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/kcore (0)
(00.251367) 1: mnt: Bind /dev/null to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/kcore
(00.251376) 1: mnt: 186:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/kcore private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251405) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger (0)
(00.251407) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger
(00.251450) 1: mnt: 185:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251482) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys (0)
(00.251484) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys
(00.251492) 1: mnt: 184:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/sys private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251495) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq (0)
(00.251497) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq
(00.251507) 1: mnt: 183:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/irq private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251511) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs (0)
(00.251513) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs
(00.251518) 1: mnt: 182:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/fs private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251525) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus (0)
(00.251527) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus
(00.251532) 1: mnt: 181:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/proc/bus private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251536) 1: mnt: Mounting unsupported @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hosts (0)
(00.251537) 1: mnt: Bind /var/lib/docker/containers/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/hosts to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hosts
(00.251554) 1: mnt: 273:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hosts private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251563) 1: mnt: Mounting unsupported @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hostname (0)
(00.251565) 1: mnt: Bind /var/lib/docker/containers/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/hostname to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hostname
(00.251576) 1: mnt: 272:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/hostname private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251582) 1: mnt: Mounting unsupported @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf (0)
(00.251583) 1: mnt: Bind /var/lib/docker/containers/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/resolv.conf to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf
(00.251594) 1: mnt: 270:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251600) 1: mnt: Mounting sysfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys (0)
(00.251632) 1: mnt: 236:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.251636) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/firmware (0)
(00.256923) 1: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.256953) 1: Inherit fd 0 moved to 7 to resolve clash
(00.256957) 1: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.256958) 1: Inherit fd 1 moved to 3 to resolve clash
(00.256960) 1: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.256961) 1: Inherit fd 2 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.258726) 1: mnt: 189:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/firmware private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.258736) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup (0)
(00.263946) 1: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.263975) 1: Inherit fd 0 moved to 7 to resolve clash
(00.263979) 1: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.263980) 1: Inherit fd 1 moved to 3 to resolve clash
(00.263982) 1: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.263984) 1: Inherit fd 2 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.265719) 1: mnt: 238:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265739) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd (0)
(00.265741) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
(00.265753) 1: mnt: 239:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265758) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory (0)
(00.265760) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory
(00.265768) 1: mnt: 268:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265772) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices (0)
(00.265773) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices
(00.265785) 1: mnt: 267:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265790) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset (0)
(00.265791) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset
(00.265797) 1: mnt: 246:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265801) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer (0)
(00.265802) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer
(00.265807) 1: mnt: 245:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265811) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids (0)
(00.265812) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids
(00.265819) 1: mnt: 244:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265823) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct (0)
(00.265824) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct
(00.265832) 1: mnt: 243:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265836) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio (0)
(00.265837) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio
(00.265843) 1: mnt: 242:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265846) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio (0)
(00.265848) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
(00.265854) 1: mnt: 241:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265858) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event (0)
(00.265859) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
(00.265865) 1: mnt: 240:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.265869) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev (0)
(00.271126) 1: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.271154) 1: Inherit fd 0 moved to 7 to resolve clash
(00.271158) 1: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.271160) 1: Inherit fd 1 moved to 3 to resolve clash
(00.271161) 1: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.271163) 1: Inherit fd 2 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.272868) 1: mnt: 231:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.272880) 1: mnt: Mounting devpts @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/pts (0)
(00.272910) 1: mnt: 233:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/pts private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.272916) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/shm (0)
(00.272917) 1: mnt: Bind /var/lib/docker/containers/b390340bd471bdaafa0a96987344ab56c825243c8231a05ee421e2be4e384a67/shm to /tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/shm
(00.272925) 1: mnt: 274:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/shm private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.272929) 1: mnt: Mounting mqueue @/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue (0)
(00.272938) 1: mnt: 269:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.272948) 1: mnt: Start with 0:/tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v
(00.299107) 1: mnt: Move the root to //tmp/.criu.mntns.1vEy1v/12-0000000000
(00.331061) Running post-setup-namespaces scripts
(00.331071) RPC
(00.331242) 1: Preparing info about shared resources
(00.331256) 1: Configuring remap 0x70 -> 0x1
(00.331305) 1: Remap rpath is dev/shm/
(00.331324) 1: Configuring remap 0xae -> 0x2
(00.331344) 1: Remap rpath is dev/shm/
(00.331356) 1: Configuring remap 0xc5 -> 0x3
(00.331373) 1: Remap rpath is dev/shm/
(00.331390) 1: No seccomp.img image
(00.331397) 1: Collecting 45/38 (flags 0)
(00.331403) 1: No filelocks.img image
(00.331405) 1: `- ... done
(00.331407) 1: Collecting 39/27 (flags 0)
(00.331418) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51ca9 (chain 9)
(00.331422) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb5242d (chain 13)
(00.331425) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d83 (chain 3)
(00.331428) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d84 (chain 4)
(00.331431) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d82 (chain 2)
(00.331434) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d86 (chain 6)
(00.331437) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d8c (chain 12)
(00.331439) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d8e (chain 14)
(00.331442) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d93 (chain 19)
(00.331445) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d94 (chain 20)
(00.331448) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d97 (chain 23)
(00.331451) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d98 (chain 24)
(00.331454) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb51d92 (chain 18)
(00.331456) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb52436 (chain 22)
(00.331459) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xb513f3 (chain 19)
(00.331462) 1: `- ... done
(00.331465) 1: Collecting 40/27 (flags 0)
(00.331469) 1: No fifo-data.img image
(00.331472) 1: `- ... done
(00.331474) 1: Collecting 38/60 (flags 0)
(00.331478) 1: No sk-queues.img image
(00.331480) 1: `- ... done
(00.331570) 1: Found 146 VMAs in image
(00.331574) 1: vma 0x55cd914b2000 0x55cd9156f000
(00.331577) 1: vma 0x55cd9176f000 0x55cd91772000
(00.331579) 1: vma 0x55cd91772000 0x55cd91773000
(00.331581) 1: vma 0x55cd91773000 0x55cd9177c000
(00.331583) 1: vma 0x55cd930b6000 0x55cd930d7000
(00.331585) 1: vma 0x7f3b39901000 0x7f3b3990b000
(00.331588) 1: vma 0x7f3b3990b000 0x7f3b39b0b000
(00.331590) 1: vma 0x7f3b39b0b000 0x7f3b39b0c000
(00.331592) 1: vma 0x7f3b39b0c000 0x7f3b39b0d000
(00.331594) 1: vma 0x7f3b39b0d000 0x7f3b39b13000
(00.331596) 1: vma 0x7f3b39b13000 0x7f3b39b1e000
(00.331599) 1: vma 0x7f3b39b1e000 0x7f3b39d1d000
(00.331601) 1: vma 0x7f3b39d1d000 0x7f3b39d1e000
(00.331603) 1: vma 0x7f3b39d1e000 0x7f3b39d1f000
(00.331605) 1: vma 0x7f3b39d1f000 0x7f3b39d26000
(00.331607) 1: vma 0x7f3b39d26000 0x7f3b39f25000
(00.331609) 1: vma 0x7f3b39f25000 0x7f3b39f26000
(00.331611) 1: vma 0x7f3b39f26000 0x7f3b39f27000
(00.331613) 1: vma 0x7f3b39f27000 0x7f3b39f3a000
(00.331616) 1: vma 0x7f3b39f3a000 0x7f3b3a139000
(00.331618) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a139000 0x7f3b3a13a000
(00.331620) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a13a000 0x7f3b3a13b000
(00.331622) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a13b000 0x7f3b3a14f000
(00.331624) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a14f000 0x7f3b3a34e000
(00.331627) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a34e000 0x7f3b3a34f000
(00.331629) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a34f000 0x7f3b3a350000
(00.331631) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a350000 0x7f3b3a352000
(00.331633) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a352000 0x7f3b3a355000
(00.331635) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a355000 0x7f3b3a554000
(00.331637) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a554000 0x7f3b3a555000
(00.331639) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a555000 0x7f3b3a556000
(00.331641) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a556000 0x7f3b3a561000
(00.331644) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a561000 0x7f3b3a760000
(00.331646) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a760000 0x7f3b3a761000
(00.331648) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a761000 0x7f3b3a762000
(00.331650) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a762000 0x7f3b3a791000
(00.331659) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a791000 0x7f3b3a991000
(00.331661) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a991000 0x7f3b3a993000
(00.331663) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a993000 0x7f3b3a994000
(00.331666) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a994000 0x7f3b3a995000
(00.331668) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a995000 0x7f3b3a9ad000
(00.331670) 1: vma 0x7f3b3a9ad000 0x7f3b3abac000
(00.331672) 1: vma 0x7f3b3abac000 0x7f3b3abad000
(00.331674) 1: vma 0x7f3b3abad000 0x7f3b3abae000
(00.331676) 1: vma 0x7f3b3abae000 0x7f3b3abb2000
(00.331678) 1: vma 0x7f3b3abb2000 0x7f3b3acb9000
(00.331681) 1: vma 0x7f3b3acb9000 0x7f3b3aeb9000
(00.331683) 1: vma 0x7f3b3aeb9000 0x7f3b3aebb000
(00.331685) 1: vma 0x7f3b3aebb000 0x7f3b3aec2000
(00.331687) 1: vma 0x7f3b3aec2000 0x7f3b3aed3000
(00.331690) 1: vma 0x7f3b3aed3000 0x7f3b3b0d2000
(00.331692) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b0d2000 0x7f3b3b0d3000
(00.331694) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b0d3000 0x7f3b3b0d4000
(00.331696) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b0d4000 0x7f3b3b0f9000
(00.331698) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b0f9000 0x7f3b3b2f8000
(00.331700) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b2f8000 0x7f3b3b2f9000
(00.331703) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b2f9000 0x7f3b3b2fa000
(00.331705) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b2fa000 0x7f3b3b301000
(00.331707) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b301000 0x7f3b3b500000
(00.331709) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b500000 0x7f3b3b501000
(00.331711) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b501000 0x7f3b3b502000
(00.331713) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b502000 0x7f3b3b574000
(00.331716) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b574000 0x7f3b3b773000
(00.331718) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b773000 0x7f3b3b774000
(00.331720) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b774000 0x7f3b3b775000
(00.331722) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b775000 0x7f3b3b778000
(00.331725) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b778000 0x7f3b3b977000
(00.331727) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b977000 0x7f3b3b978000
(00.331729) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b978000 0x7f3b3b979000
(00.331731) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b979000 0x7f3b3b97d000
(00.331733) 1: vma 0x7f3b3b97d000 0x7f3b3bb7d000
(00.331735) 1: vma 0x7f3b3bb7d000 0x7f3b3bb7e000
(00.331737) 1: vma 0x7f3b3bb7e000 0x7f3b3bb7f000
(00.331739) 1: vma 0x7f3b3bb7f000 0x7f3b3bb93000
(00.331742) 1: vma 0x7f3b3bb93000 0x7f3b3bd93000
(00.331744) 1: vma 0x7f3b3bd93000 0x7f3b3bd94000
(00.331746) 1: vma 0x7f3b3bd94000 0x7f3b3bd95000
(00.331748) 1: vma 0x7f3b3bd95000 0x7f3b3bd97000
(00.331751) 1: vma 0x7f3b3bd97000 0x7f3b3bf2c000
(00.331753) 1: vma 0x7f3b3bf2c000 0x7f3b3c12c000
(00.331756) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c12c000 0x7f3b3c130000
(00.331758) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c130000 0x7f3b3c132000
(00.331760) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c132000 0x7f3b3c136000
(00.331762) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c136000 0x7f3b3c139000
(00.331764) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c139000 0x7f3b3c338000
(00.331766) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c338000 0x7f3b3c339000
(00.331768) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c339000 0x7f3b3c33a000
(00.331770) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c33a000 0x7f3b3c403000
(00.331772) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c403000 0x7f3b3c603000
(00.331775) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c603000 0x7f3b3c611000
(00.331777) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c611000 0x7f3b3c614000
(00.331779) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c614000 0x7f3b3c65c000
(00.331781) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c65c000 0x7f3b3c85b000
(00.331783) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c85b000 0x7f3b3c85d000
(00.331785) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c85d000 0x7f3b3c85f000
(00.331787) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c85f000 0x7f3b3c867000
(00.331789) 1: vma 0x7f3b3c867000 0x7f3b3ca67000
(00.331791) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ca67000 0x7f3b3ca68000
(00.331793) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ca68000 0x7f3b3ca69000
(00.331797) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ca69000 0x7f3b3ca97000
(00.331799) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ca97000 0x7f3b3cab0000
(00.331801) 1: vma 0x7f3b3cab0000 0x7f3b3ccaf000
(00.331803) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ccaf000 0x7f3b3ccb0000
(00.331805) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ccb0000 0x7f3b3ccb1000
(00.331807) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ccb1000 0x7f3b3ccb3000
(00.331809) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ccb3000 0x7f3b3ceb2000
(00.331811) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ceb2000 0x7f3b3ceb3000
(00.331814) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ceb3000 0x7f3b3ceb4000
(00.331816) 1: vma 0x7f3b3ceb4000 0x7f3b3d0e9000
(00.331818) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d0e9000 0x7f3b3d2e9000
(00.331820) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d2e9000 0x7f3b3d305000
(00.331822) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d305000 0x7f3b3d314000
(00.331827) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d314000 0x7f3b3d318000
(00.331829) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d318000 0x7f3b3d33d000
(00.331831) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d33d000 0x7f3b3d53c000
(00.331833) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d53c000 0x7f3b3d53d000
(00.331835) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d53d000 0x7f3b3d53e000
(00.331837) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d53e000 0x7f3b3d540000
(00.331839) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d540000 0x7f3b3d54d000
(00.331841) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d54d000 0x7f3b3d74c000
(00.331845) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d74c000 0x7f3b3d74d000
(00.331847) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d74d000 0x7f3b3d74e000
(00.331849) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d74e000 0x7f3b3d76b000
(00.331851) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d76b000 0x7f3b3d96a000
(00.331853) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d96a000 0x7f3b3d96b000
(00.331855) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d96b000 0x7f3b3d96c000
(00.331857) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d96c000 0x7f3b3d976000
(00.331859) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d976000 0x7f3b3d97e000
(00.331862) 1: vma 0x7f3b3d97e000 0x7f3b3db7e000
(00.331864) 1: vma 0x7f3b3db7e000 0x7f3b3db7f000
(00.331866) 1: vma 0x7f3b3db7f000 0x7f3b3db80000
(00.331868) 1: vma 0x7f3b3db80000 0x7f3b3dba3000
(00.331870) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dd05000 0x7f3b3dd11000
(00.331872) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dd11000 0x7f3b3dd95000
(00.331874) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dd95000 0x7f3b3dd96000
(00.331876) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dd96000 0x7f3b3dd99000
(00.331878) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dd99000 0x7f3b3dd9a000
(00.331880) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dd9a000 0x7f3b3dd9b000
(00.331883) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dda0000 0x7f3b3dda3000
(00.331885) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dda3000 0x7f3b3dda4000
(00.331887) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dda4000 0x7f3b3dda5000
(00.331889) 1: vma 0x7f3b3dda5000 0x7f3b3dda6000
(00.331892) 1: vma 0x7fff0f3bd000 0x7fff0f4df000
(00.331894) 1: vma 0x7fff0f59e000 0x7fff0f5a0000
(00.331896) 1: vma 0x7fff0f5a0000 0x7fff0f5a2000
(00.331899) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.331906) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=0 id=0x21
(00.331913) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=1 id=0x22
(00.331916) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=2 id=0x23
(00.331919) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=3 id=0x24
(00.331921) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=4 id=0x25
(00.332030) 1: Found 198 VMAs in image
(00.332033) 1: vma 0x563a97dd9000 0x563a97e96000
(00.332036) 1: vma 0x563a98096000 0x563a98099000
(00.332038) 1: vma 0x563a98099000 0x563a9809a000
(00.332040) 1: vma 0x563a9809a000 0x563a980a3000
(00.332042) 1: vma 0x563a988c1000 0x563a988fc000
(00.332044) 1: vma 0x7ff69d980000 0x7ff69d983000
(00.332046) 1: vma 0x7ff69d983000 0x7ff69db82000
(00.332048) 1: vma 0x7ff69db82000 0x7ff69db83000
(00.332050) 1: vma 0x7ff69db83000 0x7ff69db84000
(00.332053) 1: vma 0x7ff69db84000 0x7ff69db89000
(00.332055) 1: vma 0x7ff69db89000 0x7ff69dd88000
(00.332057) 1: vma 0x7ff69dd88000 0x7ff69dd89000
(00.332059) 1: vma 0x7ff69dd89000 0x7ff69dd8a000
(00.332061) 1: vma 0x7ff69dd8a000 0x7ff69dd8c000
(00.332063) 1: vma 0x7ff69dd8c000 0x7ff69df8b000
(00.332065) 1: vma 0x7ff69df8b000 0x7ff69df8c000
(00.332068) 1: vma 0x7ff69df8c000 0x7ff69df8d000
(00.332070) 1: vma 0x7ff69df8d000 0x7ff69df8e000
(00.332072) 1: vma 0x7ff69df8e000 0x7ff69e18e000
(00.332074) 1: vma 0x7ff69e18e000 0x7ff69e18f000
(00.332076) 1: vma 0x7ff69e18f000 0x7ff69e190000
(00.332078) 1: vma 0x7ff69e190000 0x7ff69e193000
(00.332080) 1: vma 0x7ff69e193000 0x7ff69e392000
(00.332082) 1: vma 0x7ff69e392000 0x7ff69e393000
(00.332084) 1: vma 0x7ff69e393000 0x7ff69e394000
(00.332086) 1: vma 0x7ff69e394000 0x7ff69e396000
(00.332089) 1: vma 0x7ff69e396000 0x7ff69e595000
(00.332091) 1: vma 0x7ff69e595000 0x7ff69e596000
(00.332093) 1: vma 0x7ff69e596000 0x7ff69e597000
(00.332095) 1: vma 0x7ff69e597000 0x7ff69e599000
(00.332097) 1: vma 0x7ff69e599000 0x7ff69e798000
(00.332099) 1: vma 0x7ff69e798000 0x7ff69e799000
(00.332101) 1: vma 0x7ff69e799000 0x7ff69e79a000
(00.332103) 1: vma 0x7ff69e79a000 0x7ff69e79e000
(00.332106) 1: vma 0x7ff69e79e000 0x7ff69e99d000
(00.332108) 1: vma 0x7ff69e99d000 0x7ff69e99e000
(00.332113) 1: vma 0x7ff69e99e000 0x7ff69e99f000
(00.332115) 1: vma 0x7ff69e99f000 0x7ff69e9a0000
(00.332118) 1: vma 0x7ff69e9a0000 0x7ff69eba0000
(00.332120) 1: vma 0x7ff69eba0000 0x7ff69eba1000
(00.332122) 1: vma 0x7ff69eba1000 0x7ff69eba2000
(00.332124) 1: vma 0x7ff69eba2000 0x7ff69eba3000
(00.332126) 1: vma 0x7ff69eba3000 0x7ff69eda2000
(00.332128) 1: vma 0x7ff69eda2000 0x7ff69eda3000
(00.332130) 1: vma 0x7ff69eda3000 0x7ff69eda4000
(00.332132) 1: vma 0x7ff69eda4000 0x7ff69eda5000
(00.332134) 1: vma 0x7ff69eda5000 0x7ff69efa4000
(00.332136) 1: vma 0x7ff69efa4000 0x7ff69efa5000
(00.332139) 1: vma 0x7ff69efa5000 0x7ff69efa6000
(00.332141) 1: vma 0x7ff69efa6000 0x7ff69efb3000
(00.332143) 1: vma 0x7ff69efb3000 0x7ff69f1b3000
(00.332145) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1b3000 0x7ff69f1b4000
(00.332147) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1b4000 0x7ff69f1b5000
(00.332149) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1b5000 0x7ff69f1c1000
(00.332151) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1c1000 0x7ff69f1cb000
(00.332154) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1cb000 0x7ff69f3cb000
(00.332156) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3cb000 0x7ff69f3cc000
(00.332158) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3cc000 0x7ff69f3cd000
(00.332160) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3cd000 0x7ff69f3d3000
(00.332162) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3d3000 0x7ff69f3de000
(00.332164) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3de000 0x7ff69f5dd000
(00.332166) 1: vma 0x7ff69f5dd000 0x7ff69f5de000
(00.332168) 1: vma 0x7ff69f5de000 0x7ff69f5df000
(00.332170) 1: vma 0x7ff69f5df000 0x7ff69f5e6000
(00.332173) 1: vma 0x7ff69f5e6000 0x7ff69f7e5000
(00.332175) 1: vma 0x7ff69f7e5000 0x7ff69f7e6000
(00.332177) 1: vma 0x7ff69f7e6000 0x7ff69f7e7000
(00.332179) 1: vma 0x7ff69f7e7000 0x7ff69f7fa000
(00.332181) 1: vma 0x7ff69f7fa000 0x7ff69f9f9000
(00.332183) 1: vma 0x7ff69f9f9000 0x7ff69f9fa000
(00.332185) 1: vma 0x7ff69f9fa000 0x7ff69f9fb000
(00.332187) 1: vma 0x7ff69f9fb000 0x7ff69fa0f000
(00.332189) 1: vma 0x7ff69fa0f000 0x7ff69fc0e000
(00.332191) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc0e000 0x7ff69fc0f000
(00.332193) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc0f000 0x7ff69fc10000
(00.332195) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc10000 0x7ff69fc12000
(00.332197) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc12000 0x7ff69fc15000
(00.332200) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc15000 0x7ff69fe14000
(00.332202) 1: vma 0x7ff69fe14000 0x7ff69fe15000
(00.332205) 1: vma 0x7ff69fe15000 0x7ff69fe16000
(00.332207) 1: vma 0x7ff69fe16000 0x7ff69fe21000
(00.332209) 1: vma 0x7ff69fe21000 0x7ff6a0020000
(00.332211) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0020000 0x7ff6a0021000
(00.332213) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0021000 0x7ff6a0022000
(00.332216) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0022000 0x7ff6a0051000
(00.332218) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0051000 0x7ff6a0251000
(00.332220) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0251000 0x7ff6a0253000
(00.332222) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0253000 0x7ff6a0254000
(00.332224) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0254000 0x7ff6a0255000
(00.332226) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0255000 0x7ff6a026d000
(00.332228) 1: vma 0x7ff6a026d000 0x7ff6a046c000
(00.332230) 1: vma 0x7ff6a046c000 0x7ff6a046d000
(00.332232) 1: vma 0x7ff6a046d000 0x7ff6a046e000
(00.332234) 1: vma 0x7ff6a046e000 0x7ff6a0472000
(00.332236) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0472000 0x7ff6a0579000
(00.332239) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0579000 0x7ff6a0779000
(00.332241) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0779000 0x7ff6a077b000
(00.332243) 1: vma 0x7ff6a077b000 0x7ff6a0782000
(00.332245) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0782000 0x7ff6a0793000
(00.332247) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0793000 0x7ff6a0992000
(00.332249) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0992000 0x7ff6a0993000
(00.332251) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0993000 0x7ff6a0994000
(00.332253) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0994000 0x7ff6a09b9000
(00.332255) 1: vma 0x7ff6a09b9000 0x7ff6a0bb8000
(00.332257) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0bb8000 0x7ff6a0bb9000
(00.332259) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0bb9000 0x7ff6a0bba000
(00.332261) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0bba000 0x7ff6a0bc1000
(00.332264) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0bc1000 0x7ff6a0dc0000
(00.332266) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0dc0000 0x7ff6a0dc1000
(00.332268) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0dc1000 0x7ff6a0dc2000
(00.332270) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0dc2000 0x7ff6a0e34000
(00.332272) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0e34000 0x7ff6a1033000
(00.332276) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1033000 0x7ff6a1034000
(00.332279) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1034000 0x7ff6a1035000
(00.332281) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1035000 0x7ff6a1038000
(00.332283) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1038000 0x7ff6a1237000
(00.332285) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1237000 0x7ff6a1238000
(00.332287) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1238000 0x7ff6a1239000
(00.332289) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1239000 0x7ff6a123d000
(00.332292) 1: vma 0x7ff6a123d000 0x7ff6a143d000
(00.332294) 1: vma 0x7ff6a143d000 0x7ff6a143e000
(00.332296) 1: vma 0x7ff6a143e000 0x7ff6a143f000
(00.332298) 1: vma 0x7ff6a143f000 0x7ff6a1453000
(00.332300) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1453000 0x7ff6a1653000
(00.332303) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1653000 0x7ff6a1654000
(00.332306) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1654000 0x7ff6a1655000
(00.332308) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1655000 0x7ff6a1657000
(00.332310) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1657000 0x7ff6a17ec000
(00.332312) 1: vma 0x7ff6a17ec000 0x7ff6a19ec000
(00.332314) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19ec000 0x7ff6a19f0000
(00.332316) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19f0000 0x7ff6a19f2000
(00.332318) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19f2000 0x7ff6a19f6000
(00.332320) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19f6000 0x7ff6a19f9000
(00.332323) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19f9000 0x7ff6a1bf8000
(00.332325) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1bf8000 0x7ff6a1bf9000
(00.332327) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1bf9000 0x7ff6a1bfa000
(00.332329) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1bfa000 0x7ff6a1cc3000
(00.332331) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1cc3000 0x7ff6a1ec3000
(00.332333) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1ec3000 0x7ff6a1ed1000
(00.332335) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1ed1000 0x7ff6a1ed4000
(00.332337) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1ed4000 0x7ff6a1f1c000
(00.332339) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1f1c000 0x7ff6a211b000
(00.332342) 1: vma 0x7ff6a211b000 0x7ff6a211d000
(00.332344) 1: vma 0x7ff6a211d000 0x7ff6a211f000
(00.332346) 1: vma 0x7ff6a211f000 0x7ff6a2127000
(00.332354) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2127000 0x7ff6a2327000
(00.332356) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2327000 0x7ff6a2328000
(00.332358) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2328000 0x7ff6a2329000
(00.332361) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2329000 0x7ff6a2357000
(00.332363) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2357000 0x7ff6a2370000
(00.332365) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2370000 0x7ff6a256f000
(00.332367) 1: vma 0x7ff6a256f000 0x7ff6a2570000
(00.332369) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2570000 0x7ff6a2571000
(00.332371) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2571000 0x7ff6a2573000
(00.332373) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2573000 0x7ff6a2772000
(00.332375) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2772000 0x7ff6a2773000
(00.332377) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2773000 0x7ff6a2774000
(00.332379) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2774000 0x7ff6a29a9000
(00.332381) 1: vma 0x7ff6a29a9000 0x7ff6a2ba9000
(00.332383) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2ba9000 0x7ff6a2bc5000
(00.332386) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2bc5000 0x7ff6a2bd4000
(00.332388) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2bd4000 0x7ff6a2bd8000
(00.332390) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2bd8000 0x7ff6a2bfd000
(00.332392) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2bfd000 0x7ff6a2dfc000
(00.332394) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2dfc000 0x7ff6a2dfd000
(00.332396) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2dfd000 0x7ff6a2dfe000
(00.332399) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2dfe000 0x7ff6a2e00000
(00.332402) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2e00000 0x7ff6a2e0d000
(00.332404) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2e0d000 0x7ff6a300c000
(00.332406) 1: vma 0x7ff6a300c000 0x7ff6a300d000
(00.332408) 1: vma 0x7ff6a300d000 0x7ff6a300e000
(00.332410) 1: vma 0x7ff6a300e000 0x7ff6a302b000
(00.332412) 1: vma 0x7ff6a302b000 0x7ff6a322a000
(00.332414) 1: vma 0x7ff6a322a000 0x7ff6a322b000
(00.332416) 1: vma 0x7ff6a322b000 0x7ff6a322c000
(00.332418) 1: vma 0x7ff6a322c000 0x7ff6a3236000
(00.332420) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3236000 0x7ff6a323e000
(00.332422) 1: vma 0x7ff6a323e000 0x7ff6a343e000
(00.332424) 1: vma 0x7ff6a343e000 0x7ff6a343f000
(00.332427) 1: vma 0x7ff6a343f000 0x7ff6a3440000
(00.332429) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3440000 0x7ff6a3463000
(00.332431) 1: vma 0x7ff6a357f000 0x7ff6a35c0000
(00.332433) 1: vma 0x7ff6a35c0000 0x7ff6a35c3000
(00.332435) 1: vma 0x7ff6a35c3000 0x7ff6a35c4000
(00.332437) 1: vma 0x7ff6a35c4000 0x7ff6a35d1000
(00.332439) 1: vma 0x7ff6a35d1000 0x7ff6a3655000
(00.332441) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3655000 0x7ff6a3656000
(00.332443) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3656000 0x7ff6a3659000
(00.332448) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3659000 0x7ff6a365a000
(00.332451) 1: vma 0x7ff6a365a000 0x7ff6a365b000
(00.332453) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3660000 0x7ff6a3663000
(00.332455) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3663000 0x7ff6a3664000
(00.332457) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3664000 0x7ff6a3665000
(00.332459) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3665000 0x7ff6a3666000
(00.332461) 1: vma 0x7ffce9f4e000 0x7ffcea070000
(00.332463) 1: vma 0x7ffcea125000 0x7ffcea127000
(00.332465) 1: vma 0x7ffcea127000 0x7ffcea129000
(00.332467) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.332474) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=7 fd=0 id=0x34
(00.332478) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=7 fd=1 id=0x34
(00.332480) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=7 fd=2 id=0x34
(00.332483) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=7 fd=3 id=0x35
(00.332490) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=7 fd=5 id=0x36
(00.332594) 1: Found 198 VMAs in image
(00.332598) 1: vma 0x563a97dd9000 0x563a97e96000
(00.332600) 1: vma 0x563a98096000 0x563a98099000
(00.332602) 1: vma 0x563a98099000 0x563a9809a000
(00.332604) 1: vma 0x563a9809a000 0x563a980a3000
(00.332606) 1: vma 0x563a988c1000 0x563a988fc000
(00.332608) 1: vma 0x7ff69d980000 0x7ff69d983000
(00.332610) 1: vma 0x7ff69d983000 0x7ff69db82000
(00.332613) 1: vma 0x7ff69db82000 0x7ff69db83000
(00.332615) 1: vma 0x7ff69db83000 0x7ff69db84000
(00.332617) 1: vma 0x7ff69db84000 0x7ff69db89000
(00.332619) 1: vma 0x7ff69db89000 0x7ff69dd88000
(00.332621) 1: vma 0x7ff69dd88000 0x7ff69dd89000
(00.332623) 1: vma 0x7ff69dd89000 0x7ff69dd8a000
(00.332625) 1: vma 0x7ff69dd8a000 0x7ff69dd8c000
(00.332627) 1: vma 0x7ff69dd8c000 0x7ff69df8b000
(00.332629) 1: vma 0x7ff69df8b000 0x7ff69df8c000
(00.332631) 1: vma 0x7ff69df8c000 0x7ff69df8d000
(00.332633) 1: vma 0x7ff69df8d000 0x7ff69df8e000
(00.332636) 1: vma 0x7ff69df8e000 0x7ff69e18e000
(00.332638) 1: vma 0x7ff69e18e000 0x7ff69e18f000
(00.332640) 1: vma 0x7ff69e18f000 0x7ff69e190000
(00.332642) 1: vma 0x7ff69e190000 0x7ff69e193000
(00.332644) 1: vma 0x7ff69e193000 0x7ff69e392000
(00.332646) 1: vma 0x7ff69e392000 0x7ff69e393000
(00.332648) 1: vma 0x7ff69e393000 0x7ff69e394000
(00.332650) 1: vma 0x7ff69e394000 0x7ff69e396000
(00.332652) 1: vma 0x7ff69e396000 0x7ff69e595000
(00.332654) 1: vma 0x7ff69e595000 0x7ff69e596000
(00.332656) 1: vma 0x7ff69e596000 0x7ff69e597000
(00.332658) 1: vma 0x7ff69e597000 0x7ff69e599000
(00.332661) 1: vma 0x7ff69e599000 0x7ff69e798000
(00.332663) 1: vma 0x7ff69e798000 0x7ff69e799000
(00.332665) 1: vma 0x7ff69e799000 0x7ff69e79a000
(00.332667) 1: vma 0x7ff69e79a000 0x7ff69e79e000
(00.332669) 1: vma 0x7ff69e79e000 0x7ff69e99d000
(00.332671) 1: vma 0x7ff69e99d000 0x7ff69e99e000
(00.332673) 1: vma 0x7ff69e99e000 0x7ff69e99f000
(00.332675) 1: vma 0x7ff69e99f000 0x7ff69e9a0000
(00.332678) 1: vma 0x7ff69e9a0000 0x7ff69eba0000
(00.332680) 1: vma 0x7ff69eba0000 0x7ff69eba1000
(00.332682) 1: vma 0x7ff69eba1000 0x7ff69eba2000
(00.332684) 1: vma 0x7ff69eba2000 0x7ff69eba3000
(00.332686) 1: vma 0x7ff69eba3000 0x7ff69eda2000
(00.332688) 1: vma 0x7ff69eda2000 0x7ff69eda3000
(00.332690) 1: vma 0x7ff69eda3000 0x7ff69eda4000
(00.332692) 1: vma 0x7ff69eda4000 0x7ff69eda5000
(00.332694) 1: vma 0x7ff69eda5000 0x7ff69efa4000
(00.332696) 1: vma 0x7ff69efa4000 0x7ff69efa5000
(00.332698) 1: vma 0x7ff69efa5000 0x7ff69efa6000
(00.332701) 1: vma 0x7ff69efa6000 0x7ff69efb3000
(00.332703) 1: vma 0x7ff69efb3000 0x7ff69f1b3000
(00.332705) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1b3000 0x7ff69f1b4000
(00.332707) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1b4000 0x7ff69f1b5000
(00.332709) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1b5000 0x7ff69f1c1000
(00.332711) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1c1000 0x7ff69f1cb000
(00.332713) 1: vma 0x7ff69f1cb000 0x7ff69f3cb000
(00.332715) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3cb000 0x7ff69f3cc000
(00.332717) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3cc000 0x7ff69f3cd000
(00.332719) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3cd000 0x7ff69f3d3000
(00.332725) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3d3000 0x7ff69f3de000
(00.332727) 1: vma 0x7ff69f3de000 0x7ff69f5dd000
(00.332729) 1: vma 0x7ff69f5dd000 0x7ff69f5de000
(00.332731) 1: vma 0x7ff69f5de000 0x7ff69f5df000
(00.332733) 1: vma 0x7ff69f5df000 0x7ff69f5e6000
(00.332735) 1: vma 0x7ff69f5e6000 0x7ff69f7e5000
(00.332737) 1: vma 0x7ff69f7e5000 0x7ff69f7e6000
(00.332739) 1: vma 0x7ff69f7e6000 0x7ff69f7e7000
(00.332741) 1: vma 0x7ff69f7e7000 0x7ff69f7fa000
(00.332744) 1: vma 0x7ff69f7fa000 0x7ff69f9f9000
(00.332746) 1: vma 0x7ff69f9f9000 0x7ff69f9fa000
(00.332748) 1: vma 0x7ff69f9fa000 0x7ff69f9fb000
(00.332750) 1: vma 0x7ff69f9fb000 0x7ff69fa0f000
(00.332752) 1: vma 0x7ff69fa0f000 0x7ff69fc0e000
(00.332754) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc0e000 0x7ff69fc0f000
(00.332756) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc0f000 0x7ff69fc10000
(00.332758) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc10000 0x7ff69fc12000
(00.332760) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc12000 0x7ff69fc15000
(00.332762) 1: vma 0x7ff69fc15000 0x7ff69fe14000
(00.332764) 1: vma 0x7ff69fe14000 0x7ff69fe15000
(00.332767) 1: vma 0x7ff69fe15000 0x7ff69fe16000
(00.332769) 1: vma 0x7ff69fe16000 0x7ff69fe21000
(00.332771) 1: vma 0x7ff69fe21000 0x7ff6a0020000
(00.332773) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0020000 0x7ff6a0021000
(00.332775) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0021000 0x7ff6a0022000
(00.332777) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0022000 0x7ff6a0051000
(00.332779) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0051000 0x7ff6a0251000
(00.332781) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0251000 0x7ff6a0253000
(00.332783) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0253000 0x7ff6a0254000
(00.332785) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0254000 0x7ff6a0255000
(00.332787) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0255000 0x7ff6a026d000
(00.332790) 1: vma 0x7ff6a026d000 0x7ff6a046c000
(00.332792) 1: vma 0x7ff6a046c000 0x7ff6a046d000
(00.332794) 1: vma 0x7ff6a046d000 0x7ff6a046e000
(00.332796) 1: vma 0x7ff6a046e000 0x7ff6a0472000
(00.332798) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0472000 0x7ff6a0579000
(00.332800) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0579000 0x7ff6a0779000
(00.332802) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0779000 0x7ff6a077b000
(00.332804) 1: vma 0x7ff6a077b000 0x7ff6a0782000
(00.332806) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0782000 0x7ff6a0793000
(00.332808) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0793000 0x7ff6a0992000
(00.332810) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0992000 0x7ff6a0993000
(00.332813) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0993000 0x7ff6a0994000
(00.332815) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0994000 0x7ff6a09b9000
(00.332817) 1: vma 0x7ff6a09b9000 0x7ff6a0bb8000
(00.332819) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0bb8000 0x7ff6a0bb9000
(00.332821) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0bb9000 0x7ff6a0bba000
(00.332823) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0bba000 0x7ff6a0bc1000
(00.332825) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0bc1000 0x7ff6a0dc0000
(00.332827) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0dc0000 0x7ff6a0dc1000
(00.332829) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0dc1000 0x7ff6a0dc2000
(00.332832) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0dc2000 0x7ff6a0e34000
(00.332834) 1: vma 0x7ff6a0e34000 0x7ff6a1033000
(00.332836) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1033000 0x7ff6a1034000
(00.332838) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1034000 0x7ff6a1035000
(00.332840) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1035000 0x7ff6a1038000
(00.332842) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1038000 0x7ff6a1237000
(00.332844) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1237000 0x7ff6a1238000
(00.332846) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1238000 0x7ff6a1239000
(00.332850) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1239000 0x7ff6a123d000
(00.332852) 1: vma 0x7ff6a123d000 0x7ff6a143d000
(00.332854) 1: vma 0x7ff6a143d000 0x7ff6a143e000
(00.332856) 1: vma 0x7ff6a143e000 0x7ff6a143f000
(00.332858) 1: vma 0x7ff6a143f000 0x7ff6a1453000
(00.332860) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1453000 0x7ff6a1653000
(00.332862) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1653000 0x7ff6a1654000
(00.332865) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1654000 0x7ff6a1655000
(00.332867) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1655000 0x7ff6a1657000
(00.332869) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1657000 0x7ff6a17ec000
(00.332871) 1: vma 0x7ff6a17ec000 0x7ff6a19ec000
(00.332873) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19ec000 0x7ff6a19f0000
(00.332875) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19f0000 0x7ff6a19f2000
(00.332877) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19f2000 0x7ff6a19f6000
(00.332879) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19f6000 0x7ff6a19f9000
(00.332881) 1: vma 0x7ff6a19f9000 0x7ff6a1bf8000
(00.332883) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1bf8000 0x7ff6a1bf9000
(00.332889) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1bf9000 0x7ff6a1bfa000
(00.332891) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1bfa000 0x7ff6a1cc3000
(00.332894) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1cc3000 0x7ff6a1ec3000
(00.332896) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1ec3000 0x7ff6a1ed1000
(00.332899) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1ed1000 0x7ff6a1ed4000
(00.332901) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1ed4000 0x7ff6a1f1c000
(00.332903) 1: vma 0x7ff6a1f1c000 0x7ff6a211b000
(00.332905) 1: vma 0x7ff6a211b000 0x7ff6a211d000
(00.332907) 1: vma 0x7ff6a211d000 0x7ff6a211f000
(00.332910) 1: vma 0x7ff6a211f000 0x7ff6a2127000
(00.332912) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2127000 0x7ff6a2327000
(00.332914) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2327000 0x7ff6a2328000
(00.332916) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2328000 0x7ff6a2329000
(00.332918) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2329000 0x7ff6a2357000
(00.332920) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2357000 0x7ff6a2370000
(00.332922) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2370000 0x7ff6a256f000
(00.332924) 1: vma 0x7ff6a256f000 0x7ff6a2570000
(00.332926) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2570000 0x7ff6a2571000
(00.332928) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2571000 0x7ff6a2573000
(00.332930) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2573000 0x7ff6a2772000
(00.332932) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2772000 0x7ff6a2773000
(00.332934) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2773000 0x7ff6a2774000
(00.332937) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2774000 0x7ff6a29a9000
(00.332939) 1: vma 0x7ff6a29a9000 0x7ff6a2ba9000
(00.332941) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2ba9000 0x7ff6a2bc5000
(00.332945) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2bc5000 0x7ff6a2bd4000
(00.332947) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2bd4000 0x7ff6a2bd8000
(00.332949) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2bd8000 0x7ff6a2bfd000
(00.332951) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2bfd000 0x7ff6a2dfc000
(00.332953) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2dfc000 0x7ff6a2dfd000
(00.332955) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2dfd000 0x7ff6a2dfe000
(00.332957) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2dfe000 0x7ff6a2e00000
(00.332960) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2e00000 0x7ff6a2e0d000
(00.332962) 1: vma 0x7ff6a2e0d000 0x7ff6a300c000
(00.332964) 1: vma 0x7ff6a300c000 0x7ff6a300d000
(00.332966) 1: vma 0x7ff6a300d000 0x7ff6a300e000
(00.332968) 1: vma 0x7ff6a300e000 0x7ff6a302b000
(00.332970) 1: vma 0x7ff6a302b000 0x7ff6a322a000
(00.332972) 1: vma 0x7ff6a322a000 0x7ff6a322b000
(00.332974) 1: vma 0x7ff6a322b000 0x7ff6a322c000
(00.332976) 1: vma 0x7ff6a322c000 0x7ff6a3236000
(00.332978) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3236000 0x7ff6a323e000
(00.332980) 1: vma 0x7ff6a323e000 0x7ff6a343e000
(00.332982) 1: vma 0x7ff6a343e000 0x7ff6a343f000
(00.332984) 1: vma 0x7ff6a343f000 0x7ff6a3440000
(00.332986) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3440000 0x7ff6a3463000
(00.332989) 1: vma 0x7ff6a357f000 0x7ff6a35c0000
(00.332992) 1: vma 0x7ff6a35c0000 0x7ff6a35c3000
(00.332994) 1: vma 0x7ff6a35c3000 0x7ff6a35c4000
(00.332996) 1: vma 0x7ff6a35c4000 0x7ff6a35d1000
(00.332998) 1: vma 0x7ff6a35d1000 0x7ff6a3655000
(00.333000) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3655000 0x7ff6a3656000
(00.333002) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3656000 0x7ff6a3659000
(00.333004) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3659000 0x7ff6a365a000
(00.333006) 1: vma 0x7ff6a365a000 0x7ff6a365b000
(00.333008) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3660000 0x7ff6a3663000
(00.333010) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3663000 0x7ff6a3664000
(00.333013) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3664000 0x7ff6a3665000
(00.333015) 1: vma 0x7ff6a3665000 0x7ff6a3666000
(00.333017) 1: vma 0x7ffce9f4e000 0x7ffcea070000
(00.333019) 1: vma 0x7ffcea125000 0x7ffcea127000
(00.333021) 1: vma 0x7ffcea127000 0x7ffcea129000
(00.333023) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.333029) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=0 id=0x34
(00.333032) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=1 id=0x34
(00.333035) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=2 id=0x34
(00.333037) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=3 id=0x35
(00.333040) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=4 id=0x37
(00.333042) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=5 id=0x38
(00.333048) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=6 id=0x39
(00.333051) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=9 id=0x3a
(00.333053) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=11 id=0x3b
(00.333079) 1: Found 20 VMAs in image
(00.333081) 1: vma 0x55888242d000 0x558882448000
(00.333084) 1: vma 0x558882647000 0x558882649000
(00.333086) 1: vma 0x558882649000 0x55888264a000
(00.333091) 1: vma 0x55888264a000 0x55888264c000
(00.333093) 1: vma 0x558884314000 0x558884335000
(00.333095) 1: vma 0x7fe9b9b85000 0x7fe9b9d1a000
(00.333097) 1: vma 0x7fe9b9d1a000 0x7fe9b9f1a000
(00.333099) 1: vma 0x7fe9b9f1a000 0x7fe9b9f1e000
(00.333101) 1: vma 0x7fe9b9f1e000 0x7fe9b9f20000
(00.333104) 1: vma 0x7fe9b9f20000 0x7fe9b9f24000
(00.333106) 1: vma 0x7fe9b9f24000 0x7fe9b9f47000
(00.333108) 1: vma 0x7fe9ba13d000 0x7fe9ba13f000
(00.333110) 1: vma 0x7fe9ba144000 0x7fe9ba147000
(00.333112) 1: vma 0x7fe9ba147000 0x7fe9ba148000
(00.333114) 1: vma 0x7fe9ba148000 0x7fe9ba149000
(00.333116) 1: vma 0x7fe9ba149000 0x7fe9ba14a000
(00.333118) 1: vma 0x7ffe4dae4000 0x7ffe4dc06000
(00.333120) 1: vma 0x7ffe4dd56000 0x7ffe4dd58000
(00.333123) 1: vma 0x7ffe4dd58000 0x7ffe4dd5a000
(00.333125) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.333132) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=0 id=0x3d
(00.333134) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=1 id=0x3e
(00.333137) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=2 id=0x3f
(00.333269) 1: Found 260 VMAs in image
(00.333272) 1: vma 0x561d1a109000 0x561d1a10a000
(00.333274) 1: vma 0x561d1a309000 0x561d1a30a000
(00.333277) 1: vma 0x561d1a30a000 0x561d1a30b000
(00.333279) 1: vma 0x561d1b6c4000 0x561d1b7b1000
(00.333281) 1: vma 0x7f8f44000000 0x7f8f44021000
(00.333283) 1: vma 0x7f8f44021000 0x7f8f48000000
(00.333285) 1: vma 0x7f8f48000000 0x7f8f48021000
(00.333287) 1: vma 0x7f8f48021000 0x7f8f4c000000
(00.333289) 1: vma 0x7f8f4c000000 0x7f8f4c021000
(00.333291) 1: vma 0x7f8f4c021000 0x7f8f50000000
(00.333293) 1: vma 0x7f8f52512000 0x7f8f5251c000
(00.333295) 1: vma 0x7f8f5251c000 0x7f8f5271c000
(00.333297) 1: vma 0x7f8f5271c000 0x7f8f5271d000
(00.333299) 1: vma 0x7f8f5271d000 0x7f8f5271e000
(00.333301) 1: vma 0x7f8f5271e000 0x7f8f52724000
(00.333304) 1: vma 0x7f8f52724000 0x7f8f5272f000
(00.333306) 1: vma 0x7f8f5272f000 0x7f8f5292e000
(00.333308) 1: vma 0x7f8f5292e000 0x7f8f5292f000
(00.333310) 1: vma 0x7f8f5292f000 0x7f8f52930000
(00.333312) 1: vma 0x7f8f52930000 0x7f8f52944000
(00.333314) 1: vma 0x7f8f52944000 0x7f8f52b44000
(00.333316) 1: vma 0x7f8f52b44000 0x7f8f52b45000
(00.333318) 1: vma 0x7f8f52b45000 0x7f8f52b46000
(00.333320) 1: vma 0x7f8f52b46000 0x7f8f52b48000
(00.333322) 1: vma 0x7f8f52b48000 0x7f8f52b4f000
(00.333324) 1: vma 0x7f8f52b4f000 0x7f8f52d4e000
(00.333326) 1: vma 0x7f8f52d4e000 0x7f8f52d4f000
(00.333329) 1: vma 0x7f8f52d4f000 0x7f8f52d50000
(00.333331) 1: vma 0x7f8f52d50000 0x7f8f52d51000
(00.333333) 1: vma 0x7f8f52d51000 0x7f8f53551000
(00.333335) 1: vma 0x7f8f53551000 0x7f8f5355c000
(00.333337) 1: vma 0x7f8f5355c000 0x7f8f5375b000
(00.333339) 1: vma 0x7f8f5375b000 0x7f8f5375c000
(00.333341) 1: vma 0x7f8f5375c000 0x7f8f5375d000
(00.333343) 1: vma 0x7f8f5375f000 0x7f8f53762000
(00.333345) 1: vma 0x7f8f53762000 0x7f8f53962000
(00.333347) 1: vma 0x7f8f53962000 0x7f8f53963000
(00.333349) 1: vma 0x7f8f53963000 0x7f8f53964000
(00.333351) 1: vma 0x7f8f53964000 0x7f8f5396a000
(00.333353) 1: vma 0x7f8f5396a000 0x7f8f53b69000
(00.333355) 1: vma 0x7f8f53b69000 0x7f8f53b6a000
(00.333358) 1: vma 0x7f8f53b6a000 0x7f8f53b6b000
(00.333360) 1: vma 0x7f8f53b6b000 0x7f8f53b6f000
(00.333362) 1: vma 0x7f8f53b6f000 0x7f8f53d6e000
(00.333364) 1: vma 0x7f8f53d6e000 0x7f8f53d6f000
(00.333366) 1: vma 0x7f8f53d6f000 0x7f8f53d70000
(00.333368) 1: vma 0x7f8f53d70000 0x7f8f53d71000
(00.333370) 1: vma 0x7f8f53d71000 0x7f8f54571000
(00.333372) 1: vma 0x7f8f54571000 0x7f8f54572000
(00.333374) 1: vma 0x7f8f54572000 0x7f8f54d72000
(00.333377) 1: vma 0x7f8f54d72000 0x7f8f54dcb000
(00.333379) 1: vma 0x7f8f54dcb000 0x7f8f54fca000
(00.333381) 1: vma 0x7f8f54fca000 0x7f8f54fcb000
(00.333383) 1: vma 0x7f8f54fcb000 0x7f8f54fcd000
(00.333385) 1: vma 0x7f8f54fcd000 0x7f8f54fcf000
(00.333390) 1: vma 0x7f8f54fcf000 0x7f8f54fd4000
(00.333392) 1: vma 0x7f8f54fd4000 0x7f8f551d3000
(00.333394) 1: vma 0x7f8f551d3000 0x7f8f551d4000
(00.333396) 1: vma 0x7f8f551d4000 0x7f8f551d5000
(00.333398) 1: vma 0x7f8f551d5000 0x7f8f551d8000
(00.333400) 1: vma 0x7f8f551d8000 0x7f8f553d7000
(00.333402) 1: vma 0x7f8f553d7000 0x7f8f553d8000
(00.333404) 1: vma 0x7f8f553d8000 0x7f8f553d9000
(00.333406) 1: vma 0x7f8f553d9000 0x7f8f553dc000
(00.333409) 1: vma 0x7f8f553dc000 0x7f8f555dc000
(00.333411) 1: vma 0x7f8f555dc000 0x7f8f555dd000
(00.333413) 1: vma 0x7f8f555dd000 0x7f8f555de000
(00.333415) 1: vma 0x7f8f555de000 0x7f8f555e1000
(00.333417) 1: vma 0x7f8f555e1000 0x7f8f557e1000
(00.333419) 1: vma 0x7f8f557e1000 0x7f8f557e2000
(00.333421) 1: vma 0x7f8f557e2000 0x7f8f557e3000
(00.333423) 1: vma 0x7f8f557e3000 0x7f8f557e6000
(00.333425) 1: vma 0x7f8f557e6000 0x7f8f559e6000
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(00.333824) 1: vma 0x7ffc6ebf3000 0x7ffc6ebf5000
(00.333826) 1: vma 0x7ffc6ebf5000 0x7ffc6ebf7000
(00.333828) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.333835) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=0 id=0x3d
(00.333838) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=1 id=0x3e
(00.333840) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=2 id=0x3f
(00.333843) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=3 id=0x6d
(00.333845) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=4 id=0x6e
(00.333848) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=5 id=0x6f
(00.333853) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=6 id=0x70
(00.333855) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=7 id=0x71
(00.333858) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=8 id=0x72
(00.333862) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=9 id=0x73
(00.333865) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=10 id=0x74
(00.333867) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=11 id=0x75
(00.333870) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=12 id=0x76
(00.333872) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=13 id=0x77
(00.333875) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=14 id=0x78
(00.333877) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=15 id=0x79
(00.333881) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=16 id=0x7a
(00.333883) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=17 id=0x7b
(00.333886) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=18 id=0x7c
(00.333888) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=19 id=0x7d
(00.333891) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=20 id=0x7e
(00.333894) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=21 id=0x7f
(00.333899) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=22 id=0x80
(00.333902) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=23 id=0x82
(00.333905) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=24 id=0x84
(00.333908) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=25 id=0x85
(00.333910) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=26 id=0x86
(00.333913) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=27 id=0x87
(00.333915) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=28 id=0x88
(00.333918) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=29 id=0x89
(00.333920) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=30 id=0x8a
(00.333923) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=31 id=0x8b
(00.333925) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=15 fd=32 id=0x8c
(00.334070) 1: Found 292 VMAs in image
(00.334073) 1: vma 0x55ea53978000 0x55ea53979000
(00.334075) 1: vma 0x55ea53b78000 0x55ea53b79000
(00.334077) 1: vma 0x55ea53b79000 0x55ea53b7a000
(00.334079) 1: vma 0x55ea5468b000 0x55ea547e1000
(00.334081) 1: vma 0x7f1cf64b7000 0x7f1cf64bc000
(00.334084) 1: vma 0x7f1cf64bc000 0x7f1cf66bb000
(00.334086) 1: vma 0x7f1cf66bb000 0x7f1cf66bc000
(00.334088) 1: vma 0x7f1cf66bc000 0x7f1cf66be000
(00.334090) 1: vma 0x7f1cf66be000 0x7f1cf66dd000
(00.334092) 1: vma 0x7f1cf66dd000 0x7f1cf68dc000
(00.334094) 1: vma 0x7f1cf68dc000 0x7f1cf68dd000
(00.334096) 1: vma 0x7f1cf68dd000 0x7f1cf68de000
(00.334098) 1: vma 0x7f1cf68de000 0x7f1cf6903000
(00.334100) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6903000 0x7f1cf6b03000
(00.334102) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6b03000 0x7f1cf6b04000
(00.334104) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6b04000 0x7f1cf6b05000
(00.334106) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6b05000 0x7f1cf6b12000
(00.334108) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6b12000 0x7f1cf6d11000
(00.334111) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6d11000 0x7f1cf6d12000
(00.334113) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6d12000 0x7f1cf6d13000
(00.334115) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6d13000 0x7f1cf6d17000
(00.334117) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6d17000 0x7f1cf6f16000
(00.334119) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6f16000 0x7f1cf6f17000
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(00.334123) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6f18000 0x7f1cf6f1b000
(00.334125) 1: vma 0x7f1cf6f1b000 0x7f1cf711a000
(00.334127) 1: vma 0x7f1cf711a000 0x7f1cf711b000
(00.334129) 1: vma 0x7f1cf711b000 0x7f1cf711c000
(00.334131) 1: vma 0x7f1cf711c000 0x7f1cf7122000
(00.334133) 1: vma 0x7f1cf7122000 0x7f1cf7321000
(00.334135) 1: vma 0x7f1cf7321000 0x7f1cf7322000
(00.334137) 1: vma 0x7f1cf7322000 0x7f1cf7323000
(00.334139) 1: vma 0x7f1cf7323000 0x7f1cf7332000
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(00.334697) 1: vma 0x7fff6d80e000 0x7fff6d930000
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(00.334701) 1: vma 0x7fff6d9cc000 0x7fff6d9ce000
(00.334706) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.334713) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=0 id=0xbe
(00.334716) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=1 id=0xbf
(00.334719) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=2 id=0xc1
(00.334722) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=3 id=0xc2
(00.334724) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=4 id=0xc3
(00.334727) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=5 id=0xc4
(00.334731) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=6 id=0xc5
(00.334734) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=7 id=0xc6
(00.334736) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=8 id=0xc7
(00.334748) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=9 id=0xc8
(00.334751) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=10 id=0xc9
(00.334753) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=11 id=0xca
(00.334758) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=12 id=0xcb
(00.334760) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=13 id=0xcc
(00.334763) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=14 id=0xcd
(00.334765) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=15 id=0xce
(00.334768) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=16 id=0xcf
(00.334770) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=17 id=0xd0
(00.334773) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=18 id=0xd1
(00.334775) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=20 id=0xd2
(00.334778) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=20 fd=33 id=0xd3
(00.334976) 1: Found 292 VMAs in image
(00.334988) 1: vma 0x55bc68ccc000 0x55bc68ccd000
(00.334993) 1: vma 0x55bc68ecc000 0x55bc68ecd000
(00.334999) 1: vma 0x55bc68ecd000 0x55bc68ece000
(00.335004) 1: vma 0x55bc6a5b8000 0x55bc6a70e000
(00.335009) 1: vma 0x7f8b83693000 0x7f8b83698000
(00.335015) 1: vma 0x7f8b83698000 0x7f8b83897000
(00.335020) 1: vma 0x7f8b83897000 0x7f8b83898000
(00.335025) 1: vma 0x7f8b83898000 0x7f8b8389a000
(00.335031) 1: vma 0x7f8b8389a000 0x7f8b838b9000
(00.335036) 1: vma 0x7f8b838b9000 0x7f8b83ab8000
(00.335041) 1: vma 0x7f8b83ab8000 0x7f8b83ab9000
(00.335046) 1: vma 0x7f8b83ab9000 0x7f8b83aba000
(00.335051) 1: vma 0x7f8b83aba000 0x7f8b83adf000
(00.335057) 1: vma 0x7f8b83adf000 0x7f8b83cdf000
(00.335062) 1: vma 0x7f8b83cdf000 0x7f8b83ce0000
(00.335067) 1: vma 0x7f8b83ce0000 0x7f8b83ce1000
(00.335072) 1: vma 0x7f8b83ce1000 0x7f8b83cee000
(00.335077) 1: vma 0x7f8b83cee000 0x7f8b83eed000
(00.335082) 1: vma 0x7f8b83eed000 0x7f8b83eee000
(00.335088) 1: vma 0x7f8b83eee000 0x7f8b83eef000
(00.335093) 1: vma 0x7f8b83eef000 0x7f8b83ef3000
(00.335098) 1: vma 0x7f8b83ef3000 0x7f8b840f2000
(00.335103) 1: vma 0x7f8b840f2000 0x7f8b840f3000
(00.335108) 1: vma 0x7f8b840f3000 0x7f8b840f4000
(00.335113) 1: vma 0x7f8b840f4000 0x7f8b840f7000
(00.335119) 1: vma 0x7f8b840f7000 0x7f8b842f6000
(00.335124) 1: vma 0x7f8b842f6000 0x7f8b842f7000
(00.335129) 1: vma 0x7f8b842f7000 0x7f8b842f8000
(00.335134) 1: vma 0x7f8b842f8000 0x7f8b842fe000
(00.335139) 1: vma 0x7f8b842fe000 0x7f8b844fd000
(00.335145) 1: vma 0x7f8b844fd000 0x7f8b844fe000
(00.335150) 1: vma 0x7f8b844fe000 0x7f8b844ff000
(00.335155) 1: vma 0x7f8b844ff000 0x7f8b8450e000
(00.335160) 1: vma 0x7f8b8450e000 0x7f8b8470d000
(00.335166) 1: vma 0x7f8b8470d000 0x7f8b8470e000
(00.335171) 1: vma 0x7f8b8470e000 0x7f8b8470f000
(00.335176) 1: vma 0x7f8b8470f000 0x7f8b8472c000
(00.335181) 1: vma 0x7f8b8472c000 0x7f8b8492b000
(00.335186) 1: vma 0x7f8b8492b000 0x7f8b8492c000
(00.335191) 1: vma 0x7f8b8492c000 0x7f8b8492d000
(00.335197) 1: vma 0x7f8b8584a000 0x7f8b8584c000
(00.335202) 1: vma 0x7f8b8584c000 0x7f8b85a4c000
(00.335207) 1: vma 0x7f8b85a4c000 0x7f8b85a4d000
(00.335212) 1: vma 0x7f8b85a4d000 0x7f8b85a4e000
(00.335217) 1: vma 0x7f8b85a4e000 0x7f8b85a57000
(00.335222) 1: vma 0x7f8b85a57000 0x7f8b85c56000
(00.335228) 1: vma 0x7f8b85c56000 0x7f8b85c57000
(00.335233) 1: vma 0x7f8b85c57000 0x7f8b85c58000
(00.335238) 1: vma 0x7f8b85e62000 0x7f8b85e87000
(00.335243) 1: vma 0x7f8b85e87000 0x7f8b86087000
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(00.335274) 1: vma 0x7f8b86089000 0x7f8b86098000
(00.335279) 1: vma 0x7f8b86098000 0x7f8b86297000
(00.335285) 1: vma 0x7f8b86297000 0x7f8b86298000
(00.335290) 1: vma 0x7f8b86298000 0x7f8b86299000
(00.335295) 1: vma 0x7f8b86299000 0x7f8b8631a000
(00.335300) 1: vma 0x7f8b8631a000 0x7f8b8631d000
(00.335305) 1: vma 0x7f8b8631d000 0x7f8b8651d000
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(00.335316) 1: vma 0x7f8b8651e000 0x7f8b8651f000
(00.335321) 1: vma 0x7f8b8651f000 0x7f8b86523000
(00.335326) 1: vma 0x7f8b86523000 0x7f8b86722000
(00.335331) 1: vma 0x7f8b86722000 0x7f8b86723000
(00.335336) 1: vma 0x7f8b86723000 0x7f8b86724000
(00.335342) 1: vma 0x7f8b86724000 0x7f8b86726000
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(00.335388) 1: vma 0x7f8b86b2e000 0x7f8b86d2d000
(00.335394) 1: vma 0x7f8b86d2d000 0x7f8b86d2e000
(00.335399) 1: vma 0x7f8b86d2e000 0x7f8b86d2f000
(00.335404) 1: vma 0x7f8b86d2f000 0x7f8b86d33000
(00.335409) 1: vma 0x7f8b86d33000 0x7f8b86f32000
(00.335414) 1: vma 0x7f8b86f32000 0x7f8b86f33000
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(00.335472) 1: vma 0x7f8b87350000 0x7f8b87550000
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(00.335483) 1: vma 0x7f8b87551000 0x7f8b87552000
(00.335488) 1: vma 0x7f8b87552000 0x7f8b8755e000
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(00.335499) 1: vma 0x7f8b8775e000 0x7f8b8775f000
(00.335504) 1: vma 0x7f8b8775f000 0x7f8b87760000
(00.335509) 1: vma 0x7f8b87760000 0x7f8b8777f000
(00.335514) 1: vma 0x7f8b8777f000 0x7f8b8797e000
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(00.335577) 1: vma 0x7f8b87ded000 0x7f8b87dfe000
(00.335582) 1: vma 0x7f8b87dfe000 0x7f8b87ffe000
(00.335587) 1: vma 0x7f8b87ffe000 0x7f8b87fff000
(00.335592) 1: vma 0x7f8b87fff000 0x7f8b88000000
(00.335597) 1: vma 0x7f8b88000000 0x7f8b88021000
(00.335603) 1: vma 0x7f8b88021000 0x7f8b8c000000
(00.335608) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c1a4000 0x7f8b8c1b5000
(00.335613) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c1b5000 0x7f8b8c3b4000
(00.335618) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c3b4000 0x7f8b8c3b5000
(00.335624) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c3b5000 0x7f8b8c3b6000
(00.335629) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c3b6000 0x7f8b8c3b8000
(00.335634) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c3b8000 0x7f8b8c5b7000
(00.335639) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c5b7000 0x7f8b8c5b8000
(00.335645) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c5b8000 0x7f8b8c5b9000
(00.335650) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c5b9000 0x7f8b8c5bb000
(00.335655) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c5bb000 0x7f8b8c7ba000
(00.335660) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c7ba000 0x7f8b8c7bb000
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(00.335677) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c7bc000 0x7f8b8c7be000
(00.335682) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c7be000 0x7f8b8c9bd000
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(00.335693) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c9be000 0x7f8b8c9bf000
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(00.335703) 1: vma 0x7f8b8c9c2000 0x7f8b8cbc2000
(00.335709) 1: vma 0x7f8b8cbc2000 0x7f8b8cbc3000
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(00.335751) 1: vma 0x7f8b8cfde000 0x7f8b8cfdf000
(00.335756) 1: vma 0x7f8b8cfdf000 0x7f8b8cfe0000
(00.335762) 1: vma 0x7f8b8cfe0000 0x7f8b8d152000
(00.335770) 1: vma 0x7f8b8d152000 0x7f8b8d352000
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(00.335786) 1: vma 0x7f8b8d35e000 0x7f8b8d362000
(00.335791) 1: vma 0x7f8b8d362000 0x7f8b8d387000
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(00.335958) 1: vma 0x7f8b90000000 0x7f8b90021000
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(00.335994) 1: vma 0x7f8b942b5000 0x7f8b944b5000
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(00.336243) 1: vma 0x7f8b96747000 0x7f8b96782000
(00.336248) 1: vma 0x7f8b96782000 0x7f8b96981000
(00.336253) 1: vma 0x7f8b96981000 0x7f8b96982000
(00.336259) 1: vma 0x7f8b96982000 0x7f8b96983000
(00.336264) 1: vma 0x7f8b96983000 0x7f8b96985000
(00.336269) 1: vma 0x7f8b96985000 0x7f8b96b84000
(00.336274) 1: vma 0x7f8b96b84000 0x7f8b96b85000
(00.336279) 1: vma 0x7f8b96b85000 0x7f8b96b86000
(00.336285) 1: vma 0x7f8b96b86000 0x7f8b96c89000
(00.336290) 1: vma 0x7f8b96c89000 0x7f8b96e88000
(00.336295) 1: vma 0x7f8b96e88000 0x7f8b96e89000
(00.336300) 1: vma 0x7f8b96e89000 0x7f8b96e8a000
(00.336306) 1: vma 0x7f8b96e8a000 0x7f8b96e91000
(00.336311) 1: vma 0x7f8b96e91000 0x7f8b97090000
(00.336316) 1: vma 0x7f8b97090000 0x7f8b97091000
(00.336322) 1: vma 0x7f8b97091000 0x7f8b97092000
(00.336327) 1: vma 0x7f8b97092000 0x7f8b97135000
(00.336332) 1: vma 0x7f8b97135000 0x7f8b97334000
(00.336338) 1: vma 0x7f8b97334000 0x7f8b97338000
(00.336343) 1: vma 0x7f8b97338000 0x7f8b9733d000
(00.336348) 1: vma 0x7f8b9733d000 0x7f8b97344000
(00.336356) 1: vma 0x7f8b97344000 0x7f8b973c9000
(00.336362) 1: vma 0x7f8b973c9000 0x7f8b975c9000
(00.336367) 1: vma 0x7f8b975c9000 0x7f8b975ca000
(00.336372) 1: vma 0x7f8b975ca000 0x7f8b975ce000
(00.336377) 1: vma 0x7f8b975ce000 0x7f8b975cf000
(00.336382) 1: vma 0x7f8b975cf000 0x7f8b975d2000
(00.336388) 1: vma 0x7f8b975d2000 0x7f8b977d1000
(00.336393) 1: vma 0x7f8b977d1000 0x7f8b977d2000
(00.336398) 1: vma 0x7f8b977d2000 0x7f8b977d3000
(00.336403) 1: vma 0x7f8b977d3000 0x7f8b978b3000
(00.336409) 1: vma 0x7f8b978b3000 0x7f8b978b4000
(00.336414) 1: vma 0x7f8b978b4000 0x7f8b978b7000
(00.336419) 1: vma 0x7f8b978b7000 0x7f8b978b8000
(00.336424) 1: vma 0x7f8b978b8000 0x7f8b978bc000
(00.336429) 1: vma 0x7f8b978bc000 0x7f8b978be000
(00.336434) 1: vma 0x7f8b978be000 0x7f8b97968000
(00.336439) 1: vma 0x7f8b97968000 0x7f8b97b68000
(00.336445) 1: vma 0x7f8b97b68000 0x7f8b97b6c000
(00.336450) 1: vma 0x7f8b97b6c000 0x7f8b97b6e000
(00.336455) 1: vma 0x7f8b97b6e000 0x7f8b97b72000
(00.336460) 1: vma 0x7f8b97b72000 0x7f8b97b8a000
(00.336469) 1: vma 0x7f8b97b8a000 0x7f8b97d89000
(00.336474) 1: vma 0x7f8b97d89000 0x7f8b97d8a000
(00.336479) 1: vma 0x7f8b97d8a000 0x7f8b97d8b000
(00.336484) 1: vma 0x7f8b97d8b000 0x7f8b97d8f000
(00.336489) 1: vma 0x7f8b97d8f000 0x7f8b97e5f000
(00.336495) 1: vma 0x7f8b97e5f000 0x7f8b9805f000
(00.336500) 1: vma 0x7f8b9805f000 0x7f8b98060000
(00.336511) 1: vma 0x7f8b98060000 0x7f8b98070000
(00.336516) 1: vma 0x7f8b98070000 0x7f8b98082000
(00.336521) 1: vma 0x7f8b98082000 0x7f8b980a5000
(00.336526) 1: vma 0x7f8b980f4000 0x7f8b9829d000
(00.336532) 1: vma 0x7f8b982a2000 0x7f8b982a5000
(00.336537) 1: vma 0x7f8b982a5000 0x7f8b982a6000
(00.336542) 1: vma 0x7f8b982a6000 0x7f8b982a7000
(00.336548) 1: vma 0x7f8b982a7000 0x7f8b982a8000
(00.336553) 1: vma 0x7ffcfb71f000 0x7ffcfb841000
(00.336558) 1: vma 0x7ffcfb925000 0x7ffcfb927000
(00.336563) 1: vma 0x7ffcfb927000 0x7ffcfb929000
(00.336569) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.336586) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=0 id=0xa7
(00.336596) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=1 id=0xa8
(00.336602) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=2 id=0xaa
(00.336608) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=3 id=0xab
(00.336614) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=4 id=0xac
(00.336620) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=5 id=0xad
(00.336632) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=6 id=0xae
(00.336639) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=7 id=0xaf
(00.336645) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=8 id=0xb0
(00.336651) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=9 id=0xb1
(00.336657) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=10 id=0xb2
(00.336663) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=11 id=0xb3
(00.336673) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=12 id=0xb4
(00.336684) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=13 id=0xb5
(00.336690) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=14 id=0xb6
(00.336696) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=15 id=0xb7
(00.336702) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=16 id=0xb8
(00.336709) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=17 id=0xb9
(00.336715) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=18 id=0xba
(00.336721) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=19 id=0xbb
(00.336727) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=29 id=0xbc
(00.336764) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x563a97dd9000-0x563a97e96000
(00.336772) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x563a98096000-0x563a98099000
(00.336777) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x563a98099000-0x563a9809a000
(00.336783) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x563a9809a000-0x563a980a3000
(00.336788) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x563a988c1000-0x563a988fc000
(00.336793) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69d980000-0x7ff69d983000
(00.336798) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69d983000-0x7ff69db82000
(00.336803) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69db82000-0x7ff69db83000
(00.336808) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69db83000-0x7ff69db84000
(00.336813) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69db84000-0x7ff69db89000
(00.336818) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69db89000-0x7ff69dd88000
(00.336823) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69dd88000-0x7ff69dd89000
(00.336828) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69dd89000-0x7ff69dd8a000
(00.336834) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69dd8a000-0x7ff69dd8c000
(00.336839) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69dd8c000-0x7ff69df8b000
(00.336844) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69df8b000-0x7ff69df8c000
(00.336849) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69df8c000-0x7ff69df8d000
(00.336854) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69df8d000-0x7ff69df8e000
(00.336859) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69df8e000-0x7ff69e18e000
(00.336864) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e18e000-0x7ff69e18f000
(00.336869) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e18f000-0x7ff69e190000
(00.336875) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e190000-0x7ff69e193000
(00.336880) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e193000-0x7ff69e392000
(00.336885) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e392000-0x7ff69e393000
(00.336890) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e393000-0x7ff69e394000
(00.336895) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e394000-0x7ff69e396000
(00.336900) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e396000-0x7ff69e595000
(00.336905) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e595000-0x7ff69e596000
(00.336910) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e596000-0x7ff69e597000
(00.336915) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e597000-0x7ff69e599000
(00.336920) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e599000-0x7ff69e798000
(00.336926) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e798000-0x7ff69e799000
(00.336938) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e799000-0x7ff69e79a000
(00.336944) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e79a000-0x7ff69e79e000
(00.336948) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e79e000-0x7ff69e99d000
(00.336954) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e99d000-0x7ff69e99e000
(00.336959) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e99e000-0x7ff69e99f000
(00.336964) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e99f000-0x7ff69e9a0000
(00.336969) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69e9a0000-0x7ff69eba0000
(00.336974) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69eba0000-0x7ff69eba1000
(00.336979) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69eba1000-0x7ff69eba2000
(00.336984) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69eba2000-0x7ff69eba3000
(00.336989) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69eba3000-0x7ff69eda2000
(00.336994) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69eda2000-0x7ff69eda3000
(00.336999) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69eda3000-0x7ff69eda4000
(00.337004) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69eda4000-0x7ff69eda5000
(00.337009) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69eda5000-0x7ff69efa4000
(00.337015) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69efa4000-0x7ff69efa5000
(00.337019) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69efa5000-0x7ff69efa6000
(00.337025) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69efa6000-0x7ff69efb3000
(00.337030) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69efb3000-0x7ff69f1b3000
(00.337035) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f1b3000-0x7ff69f1b4000
(00.337040) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f1b4000-0x7ff69f1b5000
(00.337045) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f1b5000-0x7ff69f1c1000
(00.337050) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f1c1000-0x7ff69f1cb000
(00.337055) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f1cb000-0x7ff69f3cb000
(00.337060) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f3cb000-0x7ff69f3cc000
(00.337065) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f3cc000-0x7ff69f3cd000
(00.337070) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f3cd000-0x7ff69f3d3000
(00.337075) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f3d3000-0x7ff69f3de000
(00.337080) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f3de000-0x7ff69f5dd000
(00.337085) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f5dd000-0x7ff69f5de000
(00.337090) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f5de000-0x7ff69f5df000
(00.337095) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f5df000-0x7ff69f5e6000
(00.337100) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f5e6000-0x7ff69f7e5000
(00.337106) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f7e5000-0x7ff69f7e6000
(00.337111) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f7e6000-0x7ff69f7e7000
(00.337116) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f7e7000-0x7ff69f7fa000
(00.337121) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f7fa000-0x7ff69f9f9000
(00.337126) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f9f9000-0x7ff69f9fa000
(00.337131) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f9fa000-0x7ff69f9fb000
(00.337136) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69f9fb000-0x7ff69fa0f000
(00.337141) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fa0f000-0x7ff69fc0e000
(00.337146) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fc0e000-0x7ff69fc0f000
(00.337151) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fc0f000-0x7ff69fc10000
(00.337156) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fc10000-0x7ff69fc12000
(00.337161) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fc12000-0x7ff69fc15000
(00.337167) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fc15000-0x7ff69fe14000
(00.337172) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fe14000-0x7ff69fe15000
(00.337177) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fe15000-0x7ff69fe16000
(00.337182) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fe16000-0x7ff69fe21000
(00.337187) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff69fe21000-0x7ff6a0020000
(00.337192) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0020000-0x7ff6a0021000
(00.337197) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0021000-0x7ff6a0022000
(00.337202) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0022000-0x7ff6a0051000
(00.337207) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0051000-0x7ff6a0251000
(00.337212) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0251000-0x7ff6a0253000
(00.337217) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0253000-0x7ff6a0254000
(00.337222) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0254000-0x7ff6a0255000
(00.337228) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0255000-0x7ff6a026d000
(00.337233) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a026d000-0x7ff6a046c000
(00.337244) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a046c000-0x7ff6a046d000
(00.337249) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a046d000-0x7ff6a046e000
(00.337254) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a046e000-0x7ff6a0472000
(00.337259) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0472000-0x7ff6a0579000
(00.337264) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0579000-0x7ff6a0779000
(00.337269) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0779000-0x7ff6a077b000
(00.337274) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a077b000-0x7ff6a0782000
(00.337279) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0782000-0x7ff6a0793000
(00.337284) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0793000-0x7ff6a0992000
(00.337289) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0992000-0x7ff6a0993000
(00.337295) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0993000-0x7ff6a0994000
(00.337300) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0994000-0x7ff6a09b9000
(00.337305) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a09b9000-0x7ff6a0bb8000
(00.337310) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0bb8000-0x7ff6a0bb9000
(00.337315) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0bb9000-0x7ff6a0bba000
(00.337320) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0bba000-0x7ff6a0bc1000
(00.337325) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0bc1000-0x7ff6a0dc0000
(00.337330) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0dc0000-0x7ff6a0dc1000
(00.337335) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0dc1000-0x7ff6a0dc2000
(00.337340) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0dc2000-0x7ff6a0e34000
(00.337345) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a0e34000-0x7ff6a1033000
(00.337351) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1033000-0x7ff6a1034000
(00.337356) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1034000-0x7ff6a1035000
(00.337361) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1035000-0x7ff6a1038000
(00.337366) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1038000-0x7ff6a1237000
(00.337371) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1237000-0x7ff6a1238000
(00.337376) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1238000-0x7ff6a1239000
(00.337381) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1239000-0x7ff6a123d000
(00.337386) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a123d000-0x7ff6a143d000
(00.337391) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a143d000-0x7ff6a143e000
(00.337396) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a143e000-0x7ff6a143f000
(00.337401) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a143f000-0x7ff6a1453000
(00.337407) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1453000-0x7ff6a1653000
(00.337412) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1653000-0x7ff6a1654000
(00.337417) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1654000-0x7ff6a1655000
(00.337422) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1655000-0x7ff6a1657000
(00.337427) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1657000-0x7ff6a17ec000
(00.337432) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a17ec000-0x7ff6a19ec000
(00.337437) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a19ec000-0x7ff6a19f0000
(00.337442) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a19f0000-0x7ff6a19f2000
(00.337447) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a19f2000-0x7ff6a19f6000
(00.337452) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a19f6000-0x7ff6a19f9000
(00.337457) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a19f9000-0x7ff6a1bf8000
(00.337462) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1bf8000-0x7ff6a1bf9000
(00.337468) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1bf9000-0x7ff6a1bfa000
(00.337473) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1bfa000-0x7ff6a1cc3000
(00.337478) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1cc3000-0x7ff6a1ec3000
(00.337483) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1ec3000-0x7ff6a1ed1000
(00.337488) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1ed1000-0x7ff6a1ed4000
(00.337493) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1ed4000-0x7ff6a1f1c000
(00.337498) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a1f1c000-0x7ff6a211b000
(00.337503) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a211b000-0x7ff6a211d000
(00.337508) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a211d000-0x7ff6a211f000
(00.337513) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a211f000-0x7ff6a2127000
(00.337518) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2127000-0x7ff6a2327000
(00.337523) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2327000-0x7ff6a2328000
(00.337528) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2328000-0x7ff6a2329000
(00.337534) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2329000-0x7ff6a2357000
(00.337545) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2357000-0x7ff6a2370000
(00.337550) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2370000-0x7ff6a256f000
(00.337555) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a256f000-0x7ff6a2570000
(00.337560) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2570000-0x7ff6a2571000
(00.337565) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2571000-0x7ff6a2573000
(00.337570) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2573000-0x7ff6a2772000
(00.337575) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2772000-0x7ff6a2773000
(00.337580) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2773000-0x7ff6a2774000
(00.337585) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2774000-0x7ff6a29a9000
(00.337590) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a29a9000-0x7ff6a2ba9000
(00.337595) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2ba9000-0x7ff6a2bc5000
(00.337600) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2bc5000-0x7ff6a2bd4000
(00.337605) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2bd4000-0x7ff6a2bd8000
(00.337610) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2bd8000-0x7ff6a2bfd000
(00.337615) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2bfd000-0x7ff6a2dfc000
(00.337620) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2dfc000-0x7ff6a2dfd000
(00.337625) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2dfd000-0x7ff6a2dfe000
(00.337631) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2dfe000-0x7ff6a2e00000
(00.337636) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2e00000-0x7ff6a2e0d000
(00.337641) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a2e0d000-0x7ff6a300c000
(00.337646) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a300c000-0x7ff6a300d000
(00.337651) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a300d000-0x7ff6a300e000
(00.337656) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a300e000-0x7ff6a302b000
(00.337661) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a302b000-0x7ff6a322a000
(00.337666) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a322a000-0x7ff6a322b000
(00.337671) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a322b000-0x7ff6a322c000
(00.337676) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a322c000-0x7ff6a3236000
(00.337681) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a3236000-0x7ff6a323e000
(00.337686) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a323e000-0x7ff6a343e000
(00.337691) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a343e000-0x7ff6a343f000
(00.337696) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a343f000-0x7ff6a3440000
(00.337701) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a3440000-0x7ff6a3463000
(00.337706) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a357f000-0x7ff6a35c0000
(00.337711) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a35c0000-0x7ff6a35c3000
(00.337716) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a35c3000-0x7ff6a35c4000
(00.337721) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a35c4000-0x7ff6a35d1000
(00.337726) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a35d1000-0x7ff6a3655000
(00.337731) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a3655000-0x7ff6a3656000
(00.337736) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a3656000-0x7ff6a3659000
(00.337741) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a3659000-0x7ff6a365a000
(00.337747) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a365a000-0x7ff6a365b000
(00.337752) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a3660000-0x7ff6a3663000
(00.337757) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a3663000-0x7ff6a3664000
(00.337762) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a3664000-0x7ff6a3665000
(00.337767) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ff6a3665000-0x7ff6a3666000
(00.337772) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ffce9f4e000-0x7ffcea070000
(00.337777) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ffcea125000-0x7ffcea127000
(00.337782) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ffcea127000-0x7ffcea129000
(00.337845) 1: Preparing SCMs
(00.337853) 1: tty: Link PTYs (0x80)
(00.337859) 1: tty: Link PTYs (0x82)
(00.337866) 1: tty: head driver ptmx id 0x80 index 0 (master 1 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.337874) 1: tty: `- sibling driver pts id 0xa8 index 0 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.337880) 1: tty: head driver ptmx id 0x82 index 1 (master 1 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.337887) 1: tty: `- sibling driver pts id 0xbf index 1 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.337893) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb52442 -> 0xb520f0 (0xb520f0) flags 0
(00.337973) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xb52442 peer 0xb520f0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/0/usock dir -)
(00.337999) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.338006) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb513f5 -> 0xb513f6 (0xb513f6) flags 0
(00.338013) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb5243c -> 0xb513f4 (0xb513f4) flags 0
(00.338035) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xb5243c peer 0xb513f4 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/pmix-15 dir -)
(00.338045) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.338052) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb513f1 -> 0xb513f2 (0xb513f2) flags 0
(00.338058) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb513ec -> 0xb513ed (0xb513ed) flags 0
(00.338064) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb52441 -> 0xb52440 (0xb52440) flags 0
(00.338084) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xb52441 peer 0xb52440 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/0/usock dir -)
(00.338094) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.338100) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb5243a -> 0xb5243b (0xb5243b) flags 0
(00.338106) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb52438 -> 0xb52437 (0xb52437) flags 0
(00.338125) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xb52438 peer 0xb52437 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/pmix-15 dir -)
(00.338134) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.338141) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb52434 -> 0xb52435 (0xb52435) flags 0
(00.338147) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb5242f -> 0xb52430 (0xb52430) flags 0
(00.338166) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xb51d8d peer 0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/pmix-15 dir -)
(00.338175) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.338182) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb51d8a -> 0xb51d8b (0xb51d8b) flags 0
(00.338202) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xb51d87 peer 0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@8e973ca0dfe8_0/18713/0/usock dir -)
(00.338211) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.338218) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb513e4 -> 0xb513e5 (0xb513e5) flags 0
(00.338224) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xb520b1 -> 0xb520b0 (0xb520b0) flags 0
(00.338230) 1: Pipes:
(00.338236) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51ca9
(00.338241) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539b550 0x21
(00.338246) 1: `- FD 0 pid 1
(00.338252) 1: by 0x21
(00.338257) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51caa
(00.338262) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539b700 0x22
(00.338267) 1: `- FD 1 pid 1
(00.338272) 1: by 0x22
(00.338277) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51cab
(00.338282) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539b8b0 0x23
(00.338287) 1: `- FD 2 pid 1
(00.338292) 1: by 0x23
(00.338297) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb5242d
(00.338302) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539dfc0 0x38
(00.338307) 1: `- FD 5 pid 13
(00.338312) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539e170 0x39
(00.338317) 1: `- FD 6 pid 13
(00.338322) 1: by 0x38
(00.338327) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d83
(00.338332) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539e320 0x3a
(00.338337) 1: `- FD 9 pid 13
(00.338342) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539e9b0 0x3e
(00.338347) 1: `- FD 1 pid 14
(00.338352) 1: `- FD 1 pid 15
(00.338357) 1: by 0x3a
(00.338362) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d84
(00.338367) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539e4d0 0x3b
(00.338372) 1: `- FD 11 pid 13
(00.338377) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539eb60 0x3f
(00.338382) 1: `- FD 2 pid 14
(00.338387) 1: `- FD 2 pid 15
(00.338392) 1: by 0x3b
(00.338396) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d82
(00.338401) 1: `- ID 0x5559d539e800 0x3d
(00.338406) 1: `- FD 0 pid 14
(00.338411) 1: `- FD 0 pid 15
(00.338416) 1: by 0x3d
(00.338421) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d86
(00.338426) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a4010 0x72
(00.338431) 1: `- FD 8 pid 15
(00.338436) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a41c0 0x73
(00.338441) 1: `- FD 9 pid 15
(00.338446) 1: by 0x72
(00.338450) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d8c
(00.338455) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a5160 0x7a
(00.338460) 1: `- FD 16 pid 15
(00.338465) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a5310 0x7b
(00.338470) 1: `- FD 17 pid 15
(00.338484) 1: by 0x7a
(00.338489) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d8e
(00.338494) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a5740 0x7d
(00.338499) 1: `- FD 19 pid 15
(00.338504) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a58f0 0x7e
(00.338509) 1: `- FD 20 pid 15
(00.338514) 1: by 0x7d
(00.338519) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d92
(00.338524) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a6480 0x85
(00.338529) 1: `- FD 25 pid 15
(00.338534) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a98a0 0xa7
(00.338539) 1: `- FD 0 pid 19
(00.338544) 1: by 0x85
(00.338549) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d93
(00.338554) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a6630 0x86
(00.338559) 1: `- FD 26 pid 15
(00.338564) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a9db0 0xaa
(00.338569) 1: `- FD 2 pid 19
(00.338574) 1: by 0x86
(00.338579) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d94
(00.338583) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a67e0 0x88
(00.338588) 1: `- FD 28 pid 15
(00.338593) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53ac6e0 0xbc
(00.338598) 1: `- FD 29 pid 19
(00.338603) 1: by 0x88
(00.338608) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d97
(00.338613) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a6990 0x8a
(00.338618) 1: `- FD 30 pid 15
(00.338623) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53acef0 0xc1
(00.338628) 1: `- FD 2 pid 20
(00.338633) 1: by 0x8a
(00.338638) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb51d98
(00.338643) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53a6b40 0x8c
(00.338648) 1: `- FD 32 pid 15
(00.338653) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53af820 0xd3
(00.338658) 1: `- FD 33 pid 20
(00.338663) 1: by 0x8c
(00.338667) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb52436
(00.338672) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53aae80 0xb3
(00.338677) 1: `- FD 11 pid 19
(00.338682) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53ab030 0xb4
(00.338687) 1: `- FD 12 pid 19
(00.338692) 1: by 0xb3
(00.338697) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xb513f3
(00.338702) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53adfc0 0xca
(00.338707) 1: `- FD 11 pid 20
(00.338712) 1: `- ID 0x5559d53ae170 0xcb
(00.338717) 1: `- FD 12 pid 20
(00.338722) 1: by 0xca
(00.338727) 1: File descs:
(00.338731) 1: `- type 11 ID 0x80
(00.338737) 1: `- FD 22 pid 15
(00.338742) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xc0
(00.338747) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x40
(00.338752) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xc1
(00.338757) 1: `- FD 2 pid 20
(00.338762) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x81
(00.338766) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x41
(00.338771) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1
(00.338776) 1: `- type 11 ID 0x82
(00.338781) 1: `- FD 23 pid 15
(00.338786) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xc2
(00.338791) 1: `- FD 3 pid 20
(00.338796) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x42
(00.338801) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2
(00.338806) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xc3
(00.338811) 1: `- FD 4 pid 20
(00.338816) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x83
(00.338821) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x43
(00.338825) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x3
(00.338830) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xc4
(00.338835) 1: `- FD 5 pid 20
(00.338840) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x84
(00.338845) 1: `- FD 24 pid 15
(00.338850) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x44
(00.338855) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4
(00.338860) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xc5
(00.338865) 1: `- FD 6 pid 20
(00.338870) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x85
(00.338875) 1: `- FD 25 pid 15
(00.338880) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x45
(00.338884) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5
(00.338960) 1: `- type 7 ID 0xc6
(00.338962) 1: `- FD 7 pid 20
(00.338963) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x86
(00.338964) 1: `- FD 26 pid 15
(00.338965) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x46
(00.338967) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x6
(00.338968) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x87
(00.338969) 1: `- FD 27 pid 15
(00.338970) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xc7
(00.338971) 1: `- FD 8 pid 20
(00.338972) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x47
(00.338973) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x7
(00.338974) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xc8
(00.338975) 1: `- FD 9 pid 20
(00.338977) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x88
(00.338978) 1: `- FD 28 pid 15
(00.338979) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x48
(00.338980) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x8
(00.338981) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xc9
(00.338982) 1: `- FD 10 pid 20
(00.338983) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x89
(00.338986) 1: `- FD 29 pid 15
(00.338988) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x49
(00.338989) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9
(00.338990) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xca
(00.338991) 1: `- FD 11 pid 20
(00.338992) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x8a
(00.338993) 1: `- FD 30 pid 15
(00.338994) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4a
(00.338995) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa
(00.338997) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x8b
(00.338998) 1: `- FD 31 pid 15
(00.338999) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xcb
(00.339000) 1: `- FD 12 pid 20
(00.339001) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4b
(00.339002) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xb
(00.339003) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xcc
(00.339004) 1: `- FD 13 pid 20
(00.339005) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x8c
(00.339007) 1: `- FD 32 pid 15
(00.339008) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4c
(00.339009) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xc
(00.339010) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xcd
(00.339011) 1: `- FD 14 pid 20
(00.339012) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x8d
(00.339013) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4d
(00.339014) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xd
(00.339016) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xce
(00.339017) 1: `- FD 15 pid 20
(00.339018) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x8e
(00.339019) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4e
(00.339020) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xe
(00.339021) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xcf
(00.339022) 1: `- FD 16 pid 20
(00.339023) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x8f
(00.339024) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4f
(00.339026) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xf
(00.339027) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xd0
(00.339028) 1: `- FD 17 pid 20
(00.339029) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x90
(00.339030) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x50
(00.339031) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x10
(00.339032) 1: `- type 4 ID 0xd1
(00.339033) 1: `- FD 18 pid 20
(00.339035) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x91
(00.339036) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x51
(00.339037) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x11
(00.339038) 1: `- type 4 ID 0xd2
(00.339039) 1: `- FD 20 pid 20
(00.339040) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x92
(00.339041) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x52
(00.339042) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x12
(00.339043) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xd3
(00.339045) 1: `- FD 33 pid 20
(00.339046) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x93
(00.339047) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x53
(00.339048) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x13
(00.339049) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x94
(00.339050) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x54
(00.339051) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x14
(00.339052) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x95
(00.339054) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x55
(00.339055) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x15
(00.339056) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x96
(00.339057) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x56
(00.339058) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x16
(00.339059) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x97
(00.339060) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x57
(00.339061) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x17
(00.339062) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x98
(00.339064) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x58
(00.339065) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x18
(00.339066) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x99
(00.339067) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x59
(00.339068) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x19
(00.339069) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9a
(00.339070) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5a
(00.339071) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1a
(00.339072) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9b
(00.339074) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5b
(00.339075) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1b
(00.339076) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9c
(00.339077) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5c
(00.339078) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1c
(00.339079) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9d
(00.339080) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5d
(00.339081) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1d
(00.339082) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9e
(00.339084) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5e
(00.339085) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1e
(00.339086) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9f
(00.339087) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5f
(00.339088) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1f
(00.339089) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa0
(00.339090) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x60
(00.339091) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x20
(00.339093) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa1
(00.339094) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x61
(00.339095) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x21
(00.339096) 1: `- FD 0 pid 1
(00.339097) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa2
(00.339098) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x62
(00.339099) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x22
(00.339100) 1: `- FD 1 pid 1
(00.339101) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa3
(00.339103) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x63
(00.339105) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x23
(00.339106) 1: `- FD 2 pid 1
(00.339107) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa4
(00.339108) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x64
(00.339110) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x24
(00.339111) 1: `- FD 3 pid 1
(00.339112) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa5
(00.339113) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x65
(00.339114) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x25
(00.339115) 1: `- FD 4 pid 1
(00.339116) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa6
(00.339118) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x66
(00.339119) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x26
(00.339120) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xa7
(00.339121) 1: `- FD 0 pid 19
(00.339122) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x67
(00.339123) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x27
(00.339124) 1: `- type 11 ID 0xa8
(00.339125) 1: `- FD 1 pid 19
(00.339127) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x68
(00.339128) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x28
(00.339129) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa9
(00.339130) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x69
(00.339131) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x29
(00.339132) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xaa
(00.339133) 1: `- FD 2 pid 19
(00.339134) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x6a
(00.339135) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2a
(00.339137) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xab
(00.339138) 1: `- FD 3 pid 19
(00.339139) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x6b
(00.339140) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2b
(00.339141) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xac
(00.339142) 1: `- FD 4 pid 19
(00.339143) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x6c
(00.339144) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2c
(00.339146) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xad
(00.339147) 1: `- FD 5 pid 19
(00.339148) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x6d
(00.339149) 1: `- FD 3 pid 15
(00.339150) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2d
(00.339151) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xae
(00.339152) 1: `- FD 6 pid 19
(00.339153) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x6e
(00.339154) 1: `- FD 4 pid 15
(00.339156) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2e
(00.339157) 1: `- type 7 ID 0xaf
(00.339158) 1: `- FD 7 pid 19
(00.339159) 1: `- type 6 ID 0x6f
(00.339160) 1: `- FD 5 pid 15
(00.339161) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2f
(00.339162) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb0
(00.339164) 1: `- FD 8 pid 19
(00.339165) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x70
(00.339166) 1: `- FD 6 pid 15
(00.339167) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x30
(00.339168) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb1
(00.339169) 1: `- FD 9 pid 19
(00.339170) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x71
(00.339171) 1: `- FD 7 pid 15
(00.339172) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x31
(00.339174) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xb2
(00.339175) 1: `- FD 10 pid 19
(00.339176) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x72
(00.339177) 1: `- FD 8 pid 15
(00.339178) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x32
(00.339179) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xb3
(00.339180) 1: `- FD 11 pid 19
(00.339181) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x73
(00.339183) 1: `- FD 9 pid 15
(00.339184) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x33
(00.339185) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xb4
(00.339186) 1: `- FD 12 pid 19
(00.339187) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x74
(00.339188) 1: `- FD 10 pid 15
(00.339189) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x34
(00.339190) 1: `- FD 0 pid 7
(00.339192) 1: `- FD 1 pid 7
(00.339193) 1: `- FD 2 pid 7
(00.339194) 1: `- FD 0 pid 13
(00.339195) 1: `- FD 1 pid 13
(00.339196) 1: `- FD 2 pid 13
(00.339197) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb5
(00.339198) 1: `- FD 13 pid 19
(00.339199) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x75
(00.339200) 1: `- FD 11 pid 15
(00.339202) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x35
(00.339203) 1: `- FD 3 pid 7
(00.339204) 1: `- FD 3 pid 13
(00.339205) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb6
(00.339206) 1: `- FD 14 pid 19
(00.339207) 1: `- type 7 ID 0x76
(00.339208) 1: `- FD 12 pid 15
(00.339209) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x36
(00.339211) 1: `- FD 5 pid 7
(00.339212) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb7
(00.339213) 1: `- FD 15 pid 19
(00.339214) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x77
(00.339215) 1: `- FD 13 pid 15
(00.339216) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x37
(00.339217) 1: `- FD 4 pid 13
(00.339218) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xb8
(00.339220) 1: `- FD 16 pid 19
(00.339221) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x78
(00.339222) 1: `- FD 14 pid 15
(00.339223) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x38
(00.339227) 1: `- FD 5 pid 13
(00.339228) 1: `- type 4 ID 0xb9
(00.339230) 1: `- FD 17 pid 19
(00.339231) 1: `- type 6 ID 0x79
(00.339232) 1: `- FD 15 pid 15
(00.339233) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x39
(00.339234) 1: `- FD 6 pid 13
(00.339235) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xba
(00.339236) 1: `- FD 18 pid 19
(00.339237) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x7a
(00.339238) 1: `- FD 16 pid 15
(00.339240) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3a
(00.339241) 1: `- FD 9 pid 13
(00.339242) 1: `- type 4 ID 0xbb
(00.339243) 1: `- FD 19 pid 19
(00.339244) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x7b
(00.339245) 1: `- FD 17 pid 15
(00.339246) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3b
(00.339247) 1: `- FD 11 pid 13
(00.339248) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xbc
(00.339250) 1: `- FD 29 pid 19
(00.339251) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x7c
(00.339252) 1: `- FD 18 pid 15
(00.339253) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x3c
(00.339254) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xbd
(00.339255) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x7d
(00.339256) 1: `- FD 19 pid 15
(00.339257) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3d
(00.339259) 1: `- FD 0 pid 14
(00.339260) 1: `- FD 0 pid 15
(00.339261) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xbe
(00.339262) 1: `- FD 0 pid 20
(00.339263) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x7e
(00.339264) 1: `- FD 20 pid 15
(00.339265) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3e
(00.339266) 1: `- FD 1 pid 14
(00.339268) 1: `- FD 1 pid 15
(00.339269) 1: `- type 11 ID 0xbf
(00.339270) 1: `- FD 1 pid 20
(00.339271) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x7f
(00.339272) 1: `- FD 21 pid 15
(00.339273) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3f
(00.339274) 1: `- FD 2 pid 14
(00.339275) 1: `- FD 2 pid 15
(00.339307) 1: Opened local page read 1 (parent 0)
(00.339312) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339314) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339315) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339316) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339317) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339318) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339319) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339321) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339322) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339323) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339324) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339325) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339326) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339327) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339328) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339329) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339330) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339331) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339332) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339334) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339335) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339336) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339337) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339338) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339339) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339340) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339341) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339342) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339344) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339346) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339347) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339348) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339349) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339350) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339351) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339352) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339353) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339354) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339355) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339356) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339357) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339358) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339360) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339361) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339362) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339363) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339364) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339365) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339366) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339367) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339368) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339369) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339370) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339371) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339372) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339374) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339375) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339376) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339377) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339378) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339379) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339380) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339383) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339384) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339385) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339386) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339387) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339388) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339390) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339391) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339392) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339393) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339394) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339395) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339396) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339397) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339398) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339399) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.339403) 1: nr_restored_pages: 195
(00.339404) 1: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.339405) 1: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.339407) 1: nr_lazy: 0
(00.339411) 1: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f128e9ee000(0)
(00.339413) 1: Restore on-core sigactions for 1
(00.339420) 1: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.339423) 1: Restoring children in our session:
(00.339457) 1: Forking task with 7 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.344942) 1: Restoring 1 to 1 pgid
(00.344988) 1: PID: real 18082 virt 7
(00.346813) 7: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.346821) 7: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.346822) 7: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.346831) 7: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.346873) 7: Opened local page read 2 (parent 0)
(00.346981) 7: premap 0x00563a97dd9000-0x00563a97e96000 -> 00007f128d14d000
(00.346987) 7: premap 0x00563a98096000-0x00563a98099000 -> 00007f128d20a000
(00.346989) 7: premap 0x00563a98099000-0x00563a9809a000 -> 00007f128d20d000
(00.346992) 7: premap 0x00563a9809a000-0x00563a980a3000 -> 00007f128d20e000
(00.346994) 7: premap 0x00563a988c1000-0x00563a988fc000 -> 00007f128d217000
(00.347036) 7: premap 0x007ff69d980000-0x007ff69d983000 -> 00007f128d252000
(00.347041) 7: premap 0x007ff69d983000-0x007ff69db82000 -> 00007f128d255000
(00.347043) 7: premap 0x007ff69db82000-0x007ff69db83000 -> 00007f128d454000
(00.347045) 7: premap 0x007ff69db83000-0x007ff69db84000 -> 00007f128d455000
(00.347065) 7: premap 0x007ff69db84000-0x007ff69db89000 -> 00007f128d456000
(00.347069) 7: premap 0x007ff69db89000-0x007ff69dd88000 -> 00007f128d45b000
(00.347071) 7: premap 0x007ff69dd88000-0x007ff69dd89000 -> 00007f128d65a000
(00.347073) 7: premap 0x007ff69dd89000-0x007ff69dd8a000 -> 00007f128d65b000
(00.347091) 7: premap 0x007ff69dd8a000-0x007ff69dd8c000 -> 00007f128d65c000
(00.347094) 7: premap 0x007ff69dd8c000-0x007ff69df8b000 -> 00007f128d65e000
(00.347097) 7: premap 0x007ff69df8b000-0x007ff69df8c000 -> 00007f128d85d000
(00.347099) 7: premap 0x007ff69df8c000-0x007ff69df8d000 -> 00007f128d85e000
(00.347119) 7: premap 0x007ff69df8d000-0x007ff69df8e000 -> 00007f128d85f000
(00.347122) 7: premap 0x007ff69df8e000-0x007ff69e18e000 -> 00007f128d860000
(00.347125) 7: premap 0x007ff69e18e000-0x007ff69e18f000 -> 00007f128da60000
(00.347127) 7: premap 0x007ff69e18f000-0x007ff69e190000 -> 00007f128da61000
(00.347143) 7: premap 0x007ff69e190000-0x007ff69e193000 -> 00007f128da62000
(00.347147) 7: premap 0x007ff69e193000-0x007ff69e392000 -> 00007f128da65000
(00.347149) 7: premap 0x007ff69e392000-0x007ff69e393000 -> 00007f128dc64000
(00.347151) 7: premap 0x007ff69e393000-0x007ff69e394000 -> 00007f128dc65000
(00.347169) 7: premap 0x007ff69e394000-0x007ff69e396000 -> 00007f128dc66000
(00.347173) 7: premap 0x007ff69e396000-0x007ff69e595000 -> 00007f128dc68000
(00.347175) 7: premap 0x007ff69e595000-0x007ff69e596000 -> 00007f128de67000
(00.347177) 7: premap 0x007ff69e596000-0x007ff69e597000 -> 00007f128de68000
(00.347195) 7: premap 0x007ff69e597000-0x007ff69e599000 -> 00007f128de69000
(00.347201) 7: premap 0x007ff69e599000-0x007ff69e798000 -> 00007f128de6b000
(00.347208) 7: premap 0x007ff69e798000-0x007ff69e799000 -> 00007f128e06a000
(00.347210) 7: premap 0x007ff69e799000-0x007ff69e79a000 -> 00007f128e06b000
(00.347228) 7: premap 0x007ff69e79a000-0x007ff69e79e000 -> 00007f128e06c000
(00.347232) 7: premap 0x007ff69e79e000-0x007ff69e99d000 -> 00007f128e070000
(00.347234) 7: premap 0x007ff69e99d000-0x007ff69e99e000 -> 00007f128e26f000
(00.347236) 7: premap 0x007ff69e99e000-0x007ff69e99f000 -> 00007f128e270000
(00.347256) 7: premap 0x007ff69e99f000-0x007ff69e9a0000 -> 00007f128e271000
(00.347259) 7: premap 0x007ff69e9a0000-0x007ff69eba0000 -> 00007f128e272000
(00.347262) 7: premap 0x007ff69eba0000-0x007ff69eba1000 -> 00007f128e472000
(00.347264) 7: premap 0x007ff69eba1000-0x007ff69eba2000 -> 00007f128e473000
(00.347281) 7: premap 0x007ff69eba2000-0x007ff69eba3000 -> 00007f128e474000
(00.347285) 7: premap 0x007ff69eba3000-0x007ff69eda2000 -> 00007f128e475000
(00.347287) 7: premap 0x007ff69eda2000-0x007ff69eda3000 -> 00007f128e674000
(00.347289) 7: premap 0x007ff69eda3000-0x007ff69eda4000 -> 00007f128e675000
(00.347308) 7: premap 0x007ff69eda4000-0x007ff69eda5000 -> 00007f128e676000
(00.347312) 7: premap 0x007ff69eda5000-0x007ff69efa4000 -> 00007f128e677000
(00.347314) 7: premap 0x007ff69efa4000-0x007ff69efa5000 -> 00007f128e876000
(00.347316) 7: premap 0x007ff69efa5000-0x007ff69efa6000 -> 00007f128e877000
(00.347334) 7: premap 0x007ff69efa6000-0x007ff69efb3000 -> 00007f128e878000
(00.347337) 7: premap 0x007ff69efb3000-0x007ff69f1b3000 -> 00007f128e885000
(00.347340) 7: premap 0x007ff69f1b3000-0x007ff69f1b4000 -> 00007f128ea85000
(00.347342) 7: premap 0x007ff69f1b4000-0x007ff69f1b5000 -> 00007f128ea86000
(00.347344) 7: premap 0x007ff69f1b5000-0x007ff69f1c1000 -> 00007f128ea87000
(00.347361) 7: premap 0x007ff69f1c1000-0x007ff69f1cb000 -> 00007f128ea93000
(00.347365) 7: premap 0x007ff69f1cb000-0x007ff69f3cb000 -> 00007f128ea9d000
(00.347367) 7: premap 0x007ff69f3cb000-0x007ff69f3cc000 -> 00007f128ec9d000
(00.347370) 7: premap 0x007ff69f3cc000-0x007ff69f3cd000 -> 00007f128ec9e000
(00.347374) 7: premap 0x007ff69f3cd000-0x007ff69f3d3000 -> 00007f128ec9f000
(00.347391) 7: premap 0x007ff69f3d3000-0x007ff69f3de000 -> 00007f128eca5000
(00.347395) 7: premap 0x007ff69f3de000-0x007ff69f5dd000 -> 00007f128ecb0000
(00.347397) 7: premap 0x007ff69f5dd000-0x007ff69f5de000 -> 00007f128eeaf000
(00.347399) 7: premap 0x007ff69f5de000-0x007ff69f5df000 -> 00007f128eeb0000
(00.347416) 7: premap 0x007ff69f5df000-0x007ff69f5e6000 -> 00007f128eeb1000
(00.347419) 7: premap 0x007ff69f5e6000-0x007ff69f7e5000 -> 00007f128eeb8000
(00.347422) 7: premap 0x007ff69f7e5000-0x007ff69f7e6000 -> 00007f128f0b7000
(00.347424) 7: premap 0x007ff69f7e6000-0x007ff69f7e7000 -> 00007f128f0b8000
(00.347443) 7: premap 0x007ff69f7e7000-0x007ff69f7fa000 -> 00007f128f0b9000
(00.347447) 7: premap 0x007ff69f7fa000-0x007ff69f9f9000 -> 00007f128f0cc000
(00.347449) 7: premap 0x007ff69f9f9000-0x007ff69f9fa000 -> 00007f128f2cb000
(00.347451) 7: premap 0x007ff69f9fa000-0x007ff69f9fb000 -> 00007f128f2cc000
(00.347469) 7: premap 0x007ff69f9fb000-0x007ff69fa0f000 -> 00007f128f2cd000
(00.347473) 7: premap 0x007ff69fa0f000-0x007ff69fc0e000 -> 00007f128f2e1000
(00.347475) 7: premap 0x007ff69fc0e000-0x007ff69fc0f000 -> 00007f128f4e0000
(00.347478) 7: premap 0x007ff69fc0f000-0x007ff69fc10000 -> 00007f128f4e1000
(00.347479) 7: premap 0x007ff69fc10000-0x007ff69fc12000 -> 00007f128f4e2000
(00.347496) 7: premap 0x007ff69fc12000-0x007ff69fc15000 -> 00007f128f4e4000
(00.347499) 7: premap 0x007ff69fc15000-0x007ff69fe14000 -> 00007f128f4e7000
(00.347502) 7: premap 0x007ff69fe14000-0x007ff69fe15000 -> 00007f128f6e6000
(00.347506) 7: premap 0x007ff69fe15000-0x007ff69fe16000 -> 00007f128f6e7000
(00.347535) 7: premap 0x007ff69fe16000-0x007ff69fe21000 -> 00007f128f6e8000
(00.347543) 7: premap 0x007ff69fe21000-0x007ff6a0020000 -> 00007f128f6f3000
(00.347545) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0020000-0x007ff6a0021000 -> 00007f128f8f2000
(00.347547) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0021000-0x007ff6a0022000 -> 00007f128f8f3000
(00.347565) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0022000-0x007ff6a0051000 -> 00007f128f8f4000
(00.347569) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0051000-0x007ff6a0251000 -> 00007f128f923000
(00.347571) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0251000-0x007ff6a0253000 -> 00007f128fb23000
(00.347573) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0253000-0x007ff6a0254000 -> 00007f128fb25000
(00.347575) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0254000-0x007ff6a0255000 -> 00007f128fb26000
(00.347593) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0255000-0x007ff6a026d000 -> 00007f128fb27000
(00.347597) 7: premap 0x007ff6a026d000-0x007ff6a046c000 -> 00007f128fb3f000
(00.347600) 7: premap 0x007ff6a046c000-0x007ff6a046d000 -> 00007f128fd3e000
(00.347602) 7: premap 0x007ff6a046d000-0x007ff6a046e000 -> 00007f128fd3f000
(00.347604) 7: premap 0x007ff6a046e000-0x007ff6a0472000 -> 00007f128fd40000
(00.347622) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0472000-0x007ff6a0579000 -> 00007f128fd44000
(00.347626) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0579000-0x007ff6a0779000 -> 00007f128fe4b000
(00.347628) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0779000-0x007ff6a077b000 -> 00007f129004b000
(00.347630) 7: premap 0x007ff6a077b000-0x007ff6a0782000 -> 00007f129004d000
(00.347649) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0782000-0x007ff6a0793000 -> 00007f1290054000
(00.347653) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0793000-0x007ff6a0992000 -> 00007f1290065000
(00.347655) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0992000-0x007ff6a0993000 -> 00007f1290264000
(00.347660) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0993000-0x007ff6a0994000 -> 00007f1290265000
(00.347678) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0994000-0x007ff6a09b9000 -> 00007f1290266000
(00.347682) 7: premap 0x007ff6a09b9000-0x007ff6a0bb8000 -> 00007f129028b000
(00.347686) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0bb8000-0x007ff6a0bb9000 -> 00007f129048a000
(00.347689) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0bb9000-0x007ff6a0bba000 -> 00007f129048b000
(00.347707) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0bba000-0x007ff6a0bc1000 -> 00007f129048c000
(00.347710) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0bc1000-0x007ff6a0dc0000 -> 00007f1290493000
(00.347713) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0dc0000-0x007ff6a0dc1000 -> 00007f1290692000
(00.347715) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0dc1000-0x007ff6a0dc2000 -> 00007f1290693000
(00.347732) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0dc2000-0x007ff6a0e34000 -> 00007f1290694000
(00.347735) 7: premap 0x007ff6a0e34000-0x007ff6a1033000 -> 00007f1290706000
(00.347738) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1033000-0x007ff6a1034000 -> 00007f1290905000
(00.347740) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1034000-0x007ff6a1035000 -> 00007f1290906000
(00.347757) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1035000-0x007ff6a1038000 -> 00007f1290907000
(00.347763) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1038000-0x007ff6a1237000 -> 00007f129090a000
(00.347765) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1237000-0x007ff6a1238000 -> 00007f1290b09000
(00.347767) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1238000-0x007ff6a1239000 -> 00007f1290b0a000
(00.347784) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1239000-0x007ff6a123d000 -> 00007f1290b0b000
(00.347788) 7: premap 0x007ff6a123d000-0x007ff6a143d000 -> 00007f1290b0f000
(00.347790) 7: premap 0x007ff6a143d000-0x007ff6a143e000 -> 00007f1290d0f000
(00.347793) 7: premap 0x007ff6a143e000-0x007ff6a143f000 -> 00007f1290d10000
(00.347810) 7: premap 0x007ff6a143f000-0x007ff6a1453000 -> 00007f1290d11000
(00.347814) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1453000-0x007ff6a1653000 -> 00007f1290d25000
(00.347818) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1653000-0x007ff6a1654000 -> 00007f1290f25000
(00.347821) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1654000-0x007ff6a1655000 -> 00007f1290f26000
(00.347823) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1655000-0x007ff6a1657000 -> 00007f1290f27000
(00.347841) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1657000-0x007ff6a17ec000 -> 00007f1290f29000
(00.347845) 7: premap 0x007ff6a17ec000-0x007ff6a19ec000 -> 00007f12910be000
(00.347848) 7: premap 0x007ff6a19ec000-0x007ff6a19f0000 -> 00007f12912be000
(00.347850) 7: premap 0x007ff6a19f0000-0x007ff6a19f2000 -> 00007f12912c2000
(00.347855) 7: premap 0x007ff6a19f2000-0x007ff6a19f6000 -> 00007f12912c4000
(00.347872) 7: premap 0x007ff6a19f6000-0x007ff6a19f9000 -> 00007f12912c8000
(00.347876) 7: premap 0x007ff6a19f9000-0x007ff6a1bf8000 -> 00007f12912cb000
(00.347878) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1bf8000-0x007ff6a1bf9000 -> 00007f12914ca000
(00.347880) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1bf9000-0x007ff6a1bfa000 -> 00007f12914cb000
(00.347897) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1bfa000-0x007ff6a1cc3000 -> 00007f12914cc000
(00.347900) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1cc3000-0x007ff6a1ec3000 -> 00007f1291595000
(00.347903) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1ec3000-0x007ff6a1ed1000 -> 00007f1291795000
(00.347905) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1ed1000-0x007ff6a1ed4000 -> 00007f12917a3000
(00.347925) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1ed4000-0x007ff6a1f1c000 -> 00007f12917a6000
(00.347929) 7: premap 0x007ff6a1f1c000-0x007ff6a211b000 -> 00007f12917ee000
(00.347932) 7: premap 0x007ff6a211b000-0x007ff6a211d000 -> 00007f12919ed000
(00.347934) 7: premap 0x007ff6a211d000-0x007ff6a211f000 -> 00007f12919ef000
(00.347951) 7: premap 0x007ff6a211f000-0x007ff6a2127000 -> 00007f12919f1000
(00.347955) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2127000-0x007ff6a2327000 -> 00007f12919f9000
(00.347959) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2327000-0x007ff6a2328000 -> 00007f1291bf9000
(00.347961) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2328000-0x007ff6a2329000 -> 00007f1291bfa000
(00.347963) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2329000-0x007ff6a2357000 -> 00007f1291bfb000
(00.347983) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2357000-0x007ff6a2370000 -> 00007f1291c29000
(00.347987) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2370000-0x007ff6a256f000 -> 00007f1291c42000
(00.347989) 7: premap 0x007ff6a256f000-0x007ff6a2570000 -> 00007f1291e41000
(00.347991) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2570000-0x007ff6a2571000 -> 00007f1291e42000
(00.348008) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2571000-0x007ff6a2573000 -> 00007f1291e43000
(00.348011) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2573000-0x007ff6a2772000 -> 00007f1291e45000
(00.348013) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2772000-0x007ff6a2773000 -> 00007f1292044000
(00.348015) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2773000-0x007ff6a2774000 -> 00007f1292045000
(00.348032) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2774000-0x007ff6a29a9000 -> 00007f1292046000
(00.348035) 7: premap 0x007ff6a29a9000-0x007ff6a2ba9000 -> 00007f129227b000
(00.348038) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2ba9000-0x007ff6a2bc5000 -> 00007f129247b000
(00.348040) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2bc5000-0x007ff6a2bd4000 -> 00007f1292497000
(00.348042) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2bd4000-0x007ff6a2bd8000 -> 00007f12924a6000
(00.348059) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2bd8000-0x007ff6a2bfd000 -> 00007f12924aa000
(00.348062) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2bfd000-0x007ff6a2dfc000 -> 00007f12924cf000
(00.348064) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2dfc000-0x007ff6a2dfd000 -> 00007f12926ce000
(00.348067) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2dfd000-0x007ff6a2dfe000 -> 00007f12926cf000
(00.348069) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2dfe000-0x007ff6a2e00000 -> 00007f12926d0000
(00.348089) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2e00000-0x007ff6a2e0d000 -> 00007f12926d2000
(00.348093) 7: premap 0x007ff6a2e0d000-0x007ff6a300c000 -> 00007f12926df000
(00.348095) 7: premap 0x007ff6a300c000-0x007ff6a300d000 -> 00007f12928de000
(00.348097) 7: premap 0x007ff6a300d000-0x007ff6a300e000 -> 00007f12928df000
(00.348114) 7: premap 0x007ff6a300e000-0x007ff6a302b000 -> 00007f12928e0000
(00.348117) 7: premap 0x007ff6a302b000-0x007ff6a322a000 -> 00007f12928fd000
(00.348119) 7: premap 0x007ff6a322a000-0x007ff6a322b000 -> 00007f1292afc000
(00.348121) 7: premap 0x007ff6a322b000-0x007ff6a322c000 -> 00007f1292afd000
(00.348123) 7: premap 0x007ff6a322c000-0x007ff6a3236000 -> 00007f1292afe000
(00.348139) 7: premap 0x007ff6a3236000-0x007ff6a323e000 -> 00007f1292b08000
(00.348143) 7: premap 0x007ff6a323e000-0x007ff6a343e000 -> 00007f1292b10000
(00.348145) 7: premap 0x007ff6a343e000-0x007ff6a343f000 -> 00007f1292d10000
(00.348147) 7: premap 0x007ff6a343f000-0x007ff6a3440000 -> 00007f1292d11000
(00.348163) 7: premap 0x007ff6a3440000-0x007ff6a3463000 -> 00007f1292d12000
(00.348184) 7: premap 0x007ff6a357f000-0x007ff6a35c0000 -> 00007f1292d35000
(00.348188) 7: premap 0x007ff6a35c0000-0x007ff6a35c3000 -> 00007f1292d76000
(00.348190) 7: premap 0x007ff6a35c3000-0x007ff6a35c4000 -> 00007f1292d79000
(00.348192) 7: premap 0x007ff6a35c4000-0x007ff6a35d1000 -> 00007f1292d7a000
(00.348210) 7: premap 0x007ff6a35d1000-0x007ff6a3655000 -> 00007f1292d87000
(00.348214) 7: premap 0x007ff6a3655000-0x007ff6a3656000 -> 00007f1292e0b000
(00.348216) 7: premap 0x007ff6a3656000-0x007ff6a3659000 -> 00007f1292e0c000
(00.348221) 7: premap 0x007ff6a3659000-0x007ff6a365a000 -> 00007f1292e0f000
(00.348223) 7: premap 0x007ff6a365a000-0x007ff6a365b000 -> 00007f1292e10000
(00.348225) 7: premap 0x007ff6a3660000-0x007ff6a3663000 -> 00007f1292e11000
(00.348237) 7: premap 0x007ff6a3663000-0x007ff6a3664000 -> 00007f1292e14000
(00.348240) 7: premap 0x007ff6a3664000-0x007ff6a3665000 -> 00007f1292e15000
(00.348242) 7: premap 0x007ff6a3665000-0x007ff6a3666000 -> 00007f1292e16000
(00.348244) 7: premap 0x007ffce9f4d000-0x007ffcea070000 -> 00007f1292e17000
(00.348246) 7: premap 0x007ffcea125000-0x007ffcea127000 -> 00007f1292f3a000
(00.348248) 7: premap 0x007ffcea127000-0x007ffcea129000 -> 00007f1292f3c000
(00.348250) 7: pr7-2 Read 563a97dd9000 1 pages
(00.348252) 7: pr7-2 Read 563a98096000 3 pages
(00.348254) 7: pr7-2 Read 563a98099000 1 pages
(00.348255) 7: pr7-2 Read 563a9809a000 9 pages
(00.348256) 7: pr7-2 Read 563a988c1000 29 pages
(00.348257) 7: pr7-2 Read 563a988e3000 1 pages
(00.348258) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69db82000 1 pages
(00.348259) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69db83000 1 pages
(00.348261) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69dd88000 1 pages
(00.348262) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69dd89000 1 pages
(00.348263) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69df8b000 1 pages
(00.348264) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69df8c000 1 pages
(00.348265) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e18e000 1 pages
(00.348266) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e18f000 1 pages
(00.348267) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e392000 1 pages
(00.348269) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e393000 1 pages
(00.348270) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e595000 1 pages
(00.348271) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e596000 1 pages
(00.348272) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e798000 1 pages
(00.348273) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e799000 1 pages
(00.348274) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e99d000 1 pages
(00.348275) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69e99e000 1 pages
(00.348277) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69eba0000 1 pages
(00.348278) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69eba1000 1 pages
(00.348279) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69eda2000 1 pages
(00.348280) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69eda3000 1 pages
(00.348281) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69efa4000 1 pages
(00.348282) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69efa5000 1 pages
(00.348283) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f1b3000 1 pages
(00.348284) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f1b4000 1 pages
(00.348286) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f3cb000 1 pages
(00.348287) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f3cc000 1 pages
(00.348288) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f5dd000 1 pages
(00.348289) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f5de000 1 pages
(00.348290) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f7e5000 1 pages
(00.348291) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f7e6000 1 pages
(00.348292) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f9f9000 1 pages
(00.348294) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69f9fa000 1 pages
(00.348295) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69fc0e000 1 pages
(00.348296) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69fc0f000 1 pages
(00.348297) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69fe14000 1 pages
(00.348298) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff69fe15000 1 pages
(00.348299) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0020000 1 pages
(00.348300) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0021000 1 pages
(00.348302) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0251000 2 pages
(00.348303) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0253000 1 pages
(00.348304) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a046c000 1 pages
(00.348305) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a046d000 1 pages
(00.348306) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0471000 1 pages
(00.348307) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0779000 2 pages
(00.348308) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a077b000 7 pages
(00.348309) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0992000 1 pages
(00.348311) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0993000 1 pages
(00.348312) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0bb8000 1 pages
(00.348316) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0bb9000 1 pages
(00.348317) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0dc0000 1 pages
(00.348318) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a0dc1000 1 pages
(00.348319) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1033000 1 pages
(00.348320) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1034000 1 pages
(00.348321) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1237000 1 pages
(00.348322) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1238000 1 pages
(00.348324) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a143d000 1 pages
(00.348325) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a143e000 1 pages
(00.348326) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1653000 1 pages
(00.348327) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1654000 1 pages
(00.348328) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a19ec000 4 pages
(00.348329) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a19f0000 2 pages
(00.348330) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a19f2000 4 pages
(00.348331) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1bf8000 1 pages
(00.348333) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1bf9000 1 pages
(00.348334) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1ec3000 14 pages
(00.348335) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a1ed1000 3 pages
(00.348336) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a211b000 2 pages
(00.348337) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a211d000 2 pages
(00.348338) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2327000 1 pages
(00.348339) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2328000 1 pages
(00.348341) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a256f000 1 pages
(00.348342) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2570000 1 pages
(00.348343) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2772000 1 pages
(00.348344) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2773000 1 pages
(00.348345) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2ba9000 28 pages
(00.348346) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2bc5000 15 pages
(00.348347) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2bd4000 1 pages
(00.348348) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2bd6000 2 pages
(00.348350) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2dfc000 1 pages
(00.348351) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2dfd000 1 pages
(00.348352) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a2dfe000 1 pages
(00.348353) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a300c000 1 pages
(00.348354) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a300d000 1 pages
(00.348355) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a322a000 1 pages
(00.348356) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a322b000 1 pages
(00.348357) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a322f000 1 pages
(00.348359) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a343e000 1 pages
(00.348360) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a343f000 1 pages
(00.348361) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a35c0000 3 pages
(00.348362) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a35c3000 1 pages
(00.348363) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a35c5000 12 pages
(00.348364) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a3656000 3 pages
(00.348365) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a3659000 1 pages
(00.348366) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a3660000 3 pages
(00.348368) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a3663000 1 pages
(00.348369) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a3664000 1 pages
(00.348370) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ff6a3665000 1 pages
(00.348371) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ffcea066000 10 pages
(00.348372) 7: pr7-2 Read 7ffcea127000 2 pages
(00.348373) 7: Read piov iovs 53, from 0, len 999424, first 0x7f128d14d000:4096
(00.348803) 7: nr_restored_pages: 244
(00.348805) 7: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.348806) 7: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.348807) 7: nr_lazy: 0
(00.348808) 7: Restore on-core sigactions for 7
(00.348815) 7: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.348816) 7: Restoring 7 to 7 sid
(00.348824) 7: Restoring children in our session:
(00.348860) 7: Forking task with 13 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.354093) 7: Restoring 7 to 7 pgid
(00.354114) 7: PID: real 18083 virt 13
(00.356001) 13: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.356010) 13: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.356012) 13: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.356022) 13: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.356065) 13: Opened local page read 3 (parent 0)
(00.356105) 13: premap 0x00563a97dd9000-0x00563a97e96000 -> 00007f128735c000
(00.356111) 13: premap 0x00563a98096000-0x00563a98099000 -> 00007f1287419000
(00.356114) 13: premap 0x00563a98099000-0x00563a9809a000 -> 00007f128741c000
(00.356119) 13: premap 0x00563a9809a000-0x00563a980a3000 -> 00007f128741d000
(00.356122) 13: premap 0x00563a988c1000-0x00563a988fc000 -> 00007f1287426000
(00.356131) 13: premap 0x007ff69d980000-0x007ff69d983000 -> 00007f1287461000
(00.356140) 13: premap 0x007ff69d983000-0x007ff69db82000 -> 00007f1287464000
(00.356143) 13: premap 0x007ff69db82000-0x007ff69db83000 -> 00007f1287663000
(00.356146) 13: premap 0x007ff69db83000-0x007ff69db84000 -> 00007f1287664000
(00.356149) 13: premap 0x007ff69db84000-0x007ff69db89000 -> 00007f1287665000
(00.356154) 13: premap 0x007ff69db89000-0x007ff69dd88000 -> 00007f128766a000
(00.356159) 13: premap 0x007ff69dd88000-0x007ff69dd89000 -> 00007f1287869000
(00.356162) 13: premap 0x007ff69dd89000-0x007ff69dd8a000 -> 00007f128786a000
(00.356164) 13: premap 0x007ff69dd8a000-0x007ff69dd8c000 -> 00007f128786b000
(00.356169) 13: premap 0x007ff69dd8c000-0x007ff69df8b000 -> 00007f128786d000
(00.356172) 13: premap 0x007ff69df8b000-0x007ff69df8c000 -> 00007f1287a6c000
(00.356175) 13: premap 0x007ff69df8c000-0x007ff69df8d000 -> 00007f1287a6d000
(00.356177) 13: premap 0x007ff69df8d000-0x007ff69df8e000 -> 00007f1287a6e000
(00.356182) 13: premap 0x007ff69df8e000-0x007ff69e18e000 -> 00007f1287a6f000
(00.356186) 13: premap 0x007ff69e18e000-0x007ff69e18f000 -> 00007f1287c6f000
(00.356190) 13: premap 0x007ff69e18f000-0x007ff69e190000 -> 00007f1287c70000
(00.356193) 13: premap 0x007ff69e190000-0x007ff69e193000 -> 00007f1287c71000
(00.356198) 13: premap 0x007ff69e193000-0x007ff69e392000 -> 00007f1287c74000
(00.356201) 13: premap 0x007ff69e392000-0x007ff69e393000 -> 00007f1287e73000
(00.356204) 13: premap 0x007ff69e393000-0x007ff69e394000 -> 00007f1287e74000
(00.356207) 13: premap 0x007ff69e394000-0x007ff69e396000 -> 00007f1287e75000
(00.356211) 13: premap 0x007ff69e396000-0x007ff69e595000 -> 00007f1287e77000
(00.356214) 13: premap 0x007ff69e595000-0x007ff69e596000 -> 00007f1288076000
(00.356217) 13: premap 0x007ff69e596000-0x007ff69e597000 -> 00007f1288077000
(00.356220) 13: premap 0x007ff69e597000-0x007ff69e599000 -> 00007f1288078000
(00.356224) 13: premap 0x007ff69e599000-0x007ff69e798000 -> 00007f128807a000
(00.356227) 13: premap 0x007ff69e798000-0x007ff69e799000 -> 00007f1288279000
(00.356231) 13: premap 0x007ff69e799000-0x007ff69e79a000 -> 00007f128827a000
(00.356235) 13: premap 0x007ff69e79a000-0x007ff69e79e000 -> 00007f128827b000
(00.356239) 13: premap 0x007ff69e79e000-0x007ff69e99d000 -> 00007f128827f000
(00.356242) 13: premap 0x007ff69e99d000-0x007ff69e99e000 -> 00007f128847e000
(00.356244) 13: premap 0x007ff69e99e000-0x007ff69e99f000 -> 00007f128847f000
(00.356247) 13: premap 0x007ff69e99f000-0x007ff69e9a0000 -> 00007f1288480000
(00.356252) 13: premap 0x007ff69e9a0000-0x007ff69eba0000 -> 00007f1288481000
(00.356254) 13: premap 0x007ff69eba0000-0x007ff69eba1000 -> 00007f1288681000
(00.356257) 13: premap 0x007ff69eba1000-0x007ff69eba2000 -> 00007f1288682000
(00.356259) 13: premap 0x007ff69eba2000-0x007ff69eba3000 -> 00007f1288683000
(00.356264) 13: premap 0x007ff69eba3000-0x007ff69eda2000 -> 00007f1288684000
(00.356267) 13: premap 0x007ff69eda2000-0x007ff69eda3000 -> 00007f1288883000
(00.356269) 13: premap 0x007ff69eda3000-0x007ff69eda4000 -> 00007f1288884000
(00.356272) 13: premap 0x007ff69eda4000-0x007ff69eda5000 -> 00007f1288885000
(00.356276) 13: premap 0x007ff69eda5000-0x007ff69efa4000 -> 00007f1288886000
(00.356279) 13: premap 0x007ff69efa4000-0x007ff69efa5000 -> 00007f1288a85000
(00.356282) 13: premap 0x007ff69efa5000-0x007ff69efa6000 -> 00007f1288a86000
(00.356285) 13: premap 0x007ff69efa6000-0x007ff69efb3000 -> 00007f1288a87000
(00.356289) 13: premap 0x007ff69efb3000-0x007ff69f1b3000 -> 00007f1288a94000
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(00.356300) 13: premap 0x007ff69f1b5000-0x007ff69f1c1000 -> 00007f1288c96000
(00.356304) 13: premap 0x007ff69f1c1000-0x007ff69f1cb000 -> 00007f1288ca2000
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(00.356314) 13: premap 0x007ff69f3cb000-0x007ff69f3cc000 -> 00007f1288eac000
(00.356318) 13: premap 0x007ff69f3cc000-0x007ff69f3cd000 -> 00007f1288ead000
(00.356321) 13: premap 0x007ff69f3cd000-0x007ff69f3d3000 -> 00007f1288eae000
(00.356325) 13: premap 0x007ff69f3d3000-0x007ff69f3de000 -> 00007f1288eb4000
(00.356329) 13: premap 0x007ff69f3de000-0x007ff69f5dd000 -> 00007f1288ebf000
(00.356332) 13: premap 0x007ff69f5dd000-0x007ff69f5de000 -> 00007f12890be000
(00.356335) 13: premap 0x007ff69f5de000-0x007ff69f5df000 -> 00007f12890bf000
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(00.356395) 13: premap 0x007ff69fe15000-0x007ff69fe16000 -> 00007f12898f6000
(00.356399) 13: premap 0x007ff69fe16000-0x007ff69fe21000 -> 00007f12898f7000
(00.356403) 13: premap 0x007ff69fe21000-0x007ff6a0020000 -> 00007f1289902000
(00.356406) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0020000-0x007ff6a0021000 -> 00007f1289b01000
(00.356409) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0021000-0x007ff6a0022000 -> 00007f1289b02000
(00.356411) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0022000-0x007ff6a0051000 -> 00007f1289b03000
(00.356416) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0051000-0x007ff6a0251000 -> 00007f1289b32000
(00.356419) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0251000-0x007ff6a0253000 -> 00007f1289d32000
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(00.356432) 13: premap 0x007ff6a026d000-0x007ff6a046c000 -> 00007f1289d4e000
(00.356435) 13: premap 0x007ff6a046c000-0x007ff6a046d000 -> 00007f1289f4d000
(00.356438) 13: premap 0x007ff6a046d000-0x007ff6a046e000 -> 00007f1289f4e000
(00.356442) 13: premap 0x007ff6a046e000-0x007ff6a0472000 -> 00007f1289f4f000
(00.356447) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0472000-0x007ff6a0579000 -> 00007f1289f53000
(00.356452) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0579000-0x007ff6a0779000 -> 00007f128a05a000
(00.356455) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0779000-0x007ff6a077b000 -> 00007f128a25a000
(00.356458) 13: premap 0x007ff6a077b000-0x007ff6a0782000 -> 00007f128a25c000
(00.356462) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0782000-0x007ff6a0793000 -> 00007f128a263000
(00.356466) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0793000-0x007ff6a0992000 -> 00007f128a274000
(00.356469) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0992000-0x007ff6a0993000 -> 00007f128a473000
(00.356472) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0993000-0x007ff6a0994000 -> 00007f128a474000
(00.356475) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0994000-0x007ff6a09b9000 -> 00007f128a475000
(00.356479) 13: premap 0x007ff6a09b9000-0x007ff6a0bb8000 -> 00007f128a49a000
(00.356482) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0bb8000-0x007ff6a0bb9000 -> 00007f128a699000
(00.356487) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0bb9000-0x007ff6a0bba000 -> 00007f128a69a000
(00.356490) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0bba000-0x007ff6a0bc1000 -> 00007f128a69b000
(00.356495) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0bc1000-0x007ff6a0dc0000 -> 00007f128a6a2000
(00.356498) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0dc0000-0x007ff6a0dc1000 -> 00007f128a8a1000
(00.356501) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0dc1000-0x007ff6a0dc2000 -> 00007f128a8a2000
(00.356504) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0dc2000-0x007ff6a0e34000 -> 00007f128a8a3000
(00.356509) 13: premap 0x007ff6a0e34000-0x007ff6a1033000 -> 00007f128a915000
(00.356512) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1033000-0x007ff6a1034000 -> 00007f128ab14000
(00.356514) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1034000-0x007ff6a1035000 -> 00007f128ab15000
(00.356517) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1035000-0x007ff6a1038000 -> 00007f128ab16000
(00.356525) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1038000-0x007ff6a1237000 -> 00007f128ab19000
(00.356528) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1237000-0x007ff6a1238000 -> 00007f128ad18000
(00.356530) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1238000-0x007ff6a1239000 -> 00007f128ad19000
(00.356535) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1239000-0x007ff6a123d000 -> 00007f128ad1a000
(00.356539) 13: premap 0x007ff6a123d000-0x007ff6a143d000 -> 00007f128ad1e000
(00.356542) 13: premap 0x007ff6a143d000-0x007ff6a143e000 -> 00007f128af1e000
(00.356545) 13: premap 0x007ff6a143e000-0x007ff6a143f000 -> 00007f128af1f000
(00.356550) 13: premap 0x007ff6a143f000-0x007ff6a1453000 -> 00007f128af20000
(00.356554) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1453000-0x007ff6a1653000 -> 00007f128af34000
(00.356557) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1653000-0x007ff6a1654000 -> 00007f128b134000
(00.356560) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1654000-0x007ff6a1655000 -> 00007f128b135000
(00.356562) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1655000-0x007ff6a1657000 -> 00007f128b136000
(00.356566) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1657000-0x007ff6a17ec000 -> 00007f128b138000
(00.356570) 13: premap 0x007ff6a17ec000-0x007ff6a19ec000 -> 00007f128b2cd000
(00.356573) 13: premap 0x007ff6a19ec000-0x007ff6a19f0000 -> 00007f128b4cd000
(00.356577) 13: premap 0x007ff6a19f0000-0x007ff6a19f2000 -> 00007f128b4d1000
(00.356580) 13: premap 0x007ff6a19f2000-0x007ff6a19f6000 -> 00007f128b4d3000
(00.356583) 13: premap 0x007ff6a19f6000-0x007ff6a19f9000 -> 00007f128b4d7000
(00.356588) 13: premap 0x007ff6a19f9000-0x007ff6a1bf8000 -> 00007f128b4da000
(00.356591) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1bf8000-0x007ff6a1bf9000 -> 00007f128b6d9000
(00.356593) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1bf9000-0x007ff6a1bfa000 -> 00007f128b6da000
(00.356597) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1bfa000-0x007ff6a1cc3000 -> 00007f128b6db000
(00.356601) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1cc3000-0x007ff6a1ec3000 -> 00007f128b7a4000
(00.356605) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1ec3000-0x007ff6a1ed1000 -> 00007f128b9a4000
(00.356608) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1ed1000-0x007ff6a1ed4000 -> 00007f128b9b2000
(00.356612) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1ed4000-0x007ff6a1f1c000 -> 00007f128b9b5000
(00.356617) 13: premap 0x007ff6a1f1c000-0x007ff6a211b000 -> 00007f128b9fd000
(00.356620) 13: premap 0x007ff6a211b000-0x007ff6a211d000 -> 00007f128bbfc000
(00.356622) 13: premap 0x007ff6a211d000-0x007ff6a211f000 -> 00007f128bbfe000
(00.356626) 13: premap 0x007ff6a211f000-0x007ff6a2127000 -> 00007f128bc00000
(00.356630) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2127000-0x007ff6a2327000 -> 00007f128bc08000
(00.356633) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2327000-0x007ff6a2328000 -> 00007f128be08000
(00.356636) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2328000-0x007ff6a2329000 -> 00007f128be09000
(00.356638) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2329000-0x007ff6a2357000 -> 00007f128be0a000
(00.356641) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2357000-0x007ff6a2370000 -> 00007f128be38000
(00.356645) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2370000-0x007ff6a256f000 -> 00007f128be51000
(00.356647) 13: premap 0x007ff6a256f000-0x007ff6a2570000 -> 00007f128c050000
(00.356650) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2570000-0x007ff6a2571000 -> 00007f128c051000
(00.356653) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2571000-0x007ff6a2573000 -> 00007f128c052000
(00.356657) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2573000-0x007ff6a2772000 -> 00007f128c054000
(00.356662) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2772000-0x007ff6a2773000 -> 00007f128c253000
(00.356665) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2773000-0x007ff6a2774000 -> 00007f128c254000
(00.356669) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2774000-0x007ff6a29a9000 -> 00007f128c255000
(00.356673) 13: premap 0x007ff6a29a9000-0x007ff6a2ba9000 -> 00007f128c48a000
(00.356677) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2ba9000-0x007ff6a2bc5000 -> 00007f128c68a000
(00.356681) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2bc5000-0x007ff6a2bd4000 -> 00007f128c6a6000
(00.356686) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2bd4000-0x007ff6a2bd8000 -> 00007f128c6b5000
(00.356689) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2bd8000-0x007ff6a2bfd000 -> 00007f128c6b9000
(00.356694) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2bfd000-0x007ff6a2dfc000 -> 00007f128c6de000
(00.356697) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2dfc000-0x007ff6a2dfd000 -> 00007f128c8dd000
(00.356699) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2dfd000-0x007ff6a2dfe000 -> 00007f128c8de000
(00.356702) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2dfe000-0x007ff6a2e00000 -> 00007f128c8df000
(00.356705) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2e00000-0x007ff6a2e0d000 -> 00007f128c8e1000
(00.356710) 13: premap 0x007ff6a2e0d000-0x007ff6a300c000 -> 00007f128c8ee000
(00.356712) 13: premap 0x007ff6a300c000-0x007ff6a300d000 -> 00007f128caed000
(00.356715) 13: premap 0x007ff6a300d000-0x007ff6a300e000 -> 00007f128caee000
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(00.356727) 13: premap 0x007ff6a322a000-0x007ff6a322b000 -> 00007f128cd0b000
(00.356730) 13: premap 0x007ff6a322b000-0x007ff6a322c000 -> 00007f128cd0c000
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(00.356743) 13: premap 0x007ff6a343e000-0x007ff6a343f000 -> 00007f128cf1f000
(00.356745) 13: premap 0x007ff6a343f000-0x007ff6a3440000 -> 00007f128cf20000
(00.356748) 13: premap 0x007ff6a3440000-0x007ff6a3463000 -> 00007f128cf21000
(00.356751) 13: premap 0x007ff6a357f000-0x007ff6a35c0000 -> 00007f128cf44000
(00.356756) 13: premap 0x007ff6a35c0000-0x007ff6a35c3000 -> 00007f128cf85000
(00.356759) 13: premap 0x007ff6a35c3000-0x007ff6a35c4000 -> 00007f128cf88000
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(00.356766) 13: premap 0x007ff6a35d1000-0x007ff6a3655000 -> 00007f128cf96000
(00.356769) 13: premap 0x007ff6a3655000-0x007ff6a3656000 -> 00007f128d01a000
(00.356771) 13: premap 0x007ff6a3656000-0x007ff6a3659000 -> 00007f128d01b000
(00.356774) 13: premap 0x007ff6a3659000-0x007ff6a365a000 -> 00007f128d01e000
(00.356777) 13: premap 0x007ff6a365a000-0x007ff6a365b000 -> 00007f128d01f000
(00.356780) 13: premap 0x007ff6a3660000-0x007ff6a3663000 -> 00007f128d020000
(00.356783) 13: premap 0x007ff6a3663000-0x007ff6a3664000 -> 00007f128d023000
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(00.356791) 13: premap 0x007ffce9f4d000-0x007ffcea070000 -> 00007f128d026000
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(00.357497) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a2bd7000/c3000
(00.357499) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a2dfc000 1 pages
(00.357500) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a2dfc000/c4000
(00.357503) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a2dfd000 1 pages
(00.357504) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a2dfd000/c5000
(00.357506) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a2dfe000 1 pages
(00.357507) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a2dfe000/c6000
(00.357509) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a300c000 1 pages
(00.357511) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a300c000/c7000
(00.357513) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a300d000 1 pages
(00.357514) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a300d000/c8000
(00.357516) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a322a000 1 pages
(00.357518) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a322a000/c9000
(00.357520) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a322b000 1 pages
(00.357521) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a322b000/ca000
(00.357524) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a322f000 1 pages
(00.357526) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a322f000/cb000
(00.357528) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a343e000 1 pages
(00.357529) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a343e000/cc000
(00.357531) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a343f000 1 pages
(00.357532) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a343f000/cd000
(00.357535) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35c0000 1 pages
(00.357536) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35c0000/ce000
(00.357538) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35c1000 1 pages
(00.357539) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35c1000/cf000
(00.357541) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35c2000 1 pages
(00.357543) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35c2000/d0000
(00.357545) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35c3000 1 pages
(00.357546) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35c3000/d1000
(00.357548) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35c5000 1 pages
(00.357551) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35c5000/d2000
(00.357555) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35c6000 1 pages
(00.357556) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35c6000/d3000
(00.357559) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35c7000 1 pages
(00.357560) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35c7000/d4000
(00.357562) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35c8000 1 pages
(00.357563) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35c8000/d5000
(00.357566) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35c9000 1 pages
(00.357567) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35c9000/d6000
(00.357569) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35ca000 1 pages
(00.357570) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35ca000/d7000
(00.357572) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35cb000 1 pages
(00.357573) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35cb000/d8000
(00.357575) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35cc000 1 pages
(00.357577) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35cc000/d9000
(00.357579) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35cd000 1 pages
(00.357580) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35cd000/da000
(00.357582) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35ce000 1 pages
(00.357583) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35ce000/db000
(00.357585) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35cf000 1 pages
(00.357587) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35cf000/dc000
(00.357589) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a35d0000 1 pages
(00.357590) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a35d0000/dd000
(00.357592) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3656000 1 pages
(00.357593) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3656000/de000
(00.357595) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3657000 1 pages
(00.357596) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3657000/df000
(00.357598) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3658000 1 pages
(00.357600) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3658000/e0000
(00.357602) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3659000 1 pages
(00.357603) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3659000/e1000
(00.357605) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3660000 1 pages
(00.357606) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3660000/e2000
(00.357608) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3661000 1 pages
(00.357609) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3661000/e3000
(00.357611) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3662000 1 pages
(00.357613) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3662000/e4000
(00.357615) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3663000 1 pages
(00.357616) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3663000/e5000
(00.357618) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3664000 1 pages
(00.357619) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3664000/e6000
(00.357622) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ff6a3665000 1 pages
(00.357624) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ff6a3665000/e7000
(00.357626) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea066000 1 pages
(00.357627) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea066000/e8000
(00.357629) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea067000 1 pages
(00.357630) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea067000/e9000
(00.357633) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea068000 1 pages
(00.357635) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea068000/ea000
(00.357637) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea069000 1 pages
(00.357638) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea069000/eb000
(00.357642) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea06a000 1 pages
(00.357643) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea06a000/ec000
(00.357647) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea06b000 1 pages
(00.357648) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea06b000/ed000
(00.357652) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea06c000 1 pages
(00.357653) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea06c000/ee000
(00.357656) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea06d000 1 pages
(00.357657) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea06d000/ef000
(00.357660) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea06e000 1 pages
(00.357661) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea06e000/f0000
(00.357664) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea06f000 1 pages
(00.357666) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea06f000/f1000
(00.357669) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea127000 1 pages
(00.357670) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea127000/f2000
(00.357672) 13: pr13-3 Read 7ffcea128000 1 pages
(00.357673) 13: pr13-3 Read page from self 7ffcea128000/f3000
(00.357684) 13: nr_restored_pages: 37
(00.357688) 13: nr_shared_pages: 207
(00.357689) 13: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.357690) 13: nr_lazy: 0
(00.357691) 13: Restore on-core sigactions for 13
(00.357696) 13: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.357698) 13: Restoring children in our session:
(00.357735) 13: Forking task with 14 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.363108) 13: Restoring 13 to 7 pgid
(00.363124) 13: PID: real 18084 virt 14
(00.364971) 14: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.364979) 14: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.364981) 14: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.364987) 14: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.365025) 14: Opened local page read 4 (parent 0)
(00.365036) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365038) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365039) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365040) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365041) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365042) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365043) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365044) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365045) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365046) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365047) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365048) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365049) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365050) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365051) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365052) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.365056) 14: nr_restored_pages: 28
(00.365057) 14: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.365058) 14: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.365059) 14: nr_lazy: 0
(00.365062) 14: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f1292a0c000(0)
(00.365064) 14: Restore on-core sigactions for 14
(00.365070) 14: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.365071) 14: Restoring 14 to 14 sid
(00.365080) 14: Restoring children in our session:
(00.365114) 14: Forking task with 15 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.370457) 14: Restoring 14 to 14 pgid
(00.370479) 14: PID: real 18085 virt 15
(00.372339) 15: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.372347) 15: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.372349) 15: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.372355) 15: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.372403) 15: Opened local page read 5 (parent 0)
(00.372427) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372429) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372430) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372431) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372432) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372433) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372434) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372435) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372436) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372437) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372438) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372439) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372440) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372441) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372443) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372444) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372445) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372446) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372447) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372448) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372449) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372450) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372451) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372452) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372453) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372454) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372455) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372456) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372457) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372458) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372459) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372460) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372461) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372462) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372463) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372464) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372465) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372465) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372466) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372467) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372468) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372469) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372470) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372471) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372472) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372478) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372479) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372480) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372481) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372482) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372483) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372484) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372485) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372486) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372487) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372488) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372489) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372490) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372491) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372492) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372493) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372494) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372495) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372496) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372497) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372498) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372499) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372500) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372501) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372503) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372504) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372505) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372506) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372508) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372509) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372510) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372511) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372512) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372513) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372514) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372515) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372516) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372517) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372518) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372519) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372520) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372521) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372522) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372523) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372524) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372525) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372526) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372527) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372528) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372529) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372530) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372531) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372532) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372533) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372534) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372535) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372536) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372537) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372538) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372539) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372540) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372541) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372542) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372543) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372544) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372545) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372546) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372547) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372548) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372549) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372550) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372551) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372552) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372553) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372554) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372555) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372556) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372557) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372557) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372558) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372559) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372560) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372561) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372562) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372563) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372564) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372565) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372566) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372567) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372568) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372569) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372570) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372571) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372572) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372573) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372574) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372575) 15: Enqueue page-read
(00.372583) 15: nr_restored_pages: 458
(00.372584) 15: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.372585) 15: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.372586) 15: nr_lazy: 0
(00.372591) 15: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f1270693000(0)
(00.372593) 15: Restore on-core sigactions for 15
(00.372599) 15: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.372601) 15: Restoring children in our session:
(00.372636) 15: Forking task with 20 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.378026) 15: PID: real 18086 virt 20
(00.378073) 15: Forking task with 19 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.379922) 20: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.379934) 20: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.379936) 20: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.379943) 20: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.379994) 20: Opened local page read 6 (parent 0)
(00.380023) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380026) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380027) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380028) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380029) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380030) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380031) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380032) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380033) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380034) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380035) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380036) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380037) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380038) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380039) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380040) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380041) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380042) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380043) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380044) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380045) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380046) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380047) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380048) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380049) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380050) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380051) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380052) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380053) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380054) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380055) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380056) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380057) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380058) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380059) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380060) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380061) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380062) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380063) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380064) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380065) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380066) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380067) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380068) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380069) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380070) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380071) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380072) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380073) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380075) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380076) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380077) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380078) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380079) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380080) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380081) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380082) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380083) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380084) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380085) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380086) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380087) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380088) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380089) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380090) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380091) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380092) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380093) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380095) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380096) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380097) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380098) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380099) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380100) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380101) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380102) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380104) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380105) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380106) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380107) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380108) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380109) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380110) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380111) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380113) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380114) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380115) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380116) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380117) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380118) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380119) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380120) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380121) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380127) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380128) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380129) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380130) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380131) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380132) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380133) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380134) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380135) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380136) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380137) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380138) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380139) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380140) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380141) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380142) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380143) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380144) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380145) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380146) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380147) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380149) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380150) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380151) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380152) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380153) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380154) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380155) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380156) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380157) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380158) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380159) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380160) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380161) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380162) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380163) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380164) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380165) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380166) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380168) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380169) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380170) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380171) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380172) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380173) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380174) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380175) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380175) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380176) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380177) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380179) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380180) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380181) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380182) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380183) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380184) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380185) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380186) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380187) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380188) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380189) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380190) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380191) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380192) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380193) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380194) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380195) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380196) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380197) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380198) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380199) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380200) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380201) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380202) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380203) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380204) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380205) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380206) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380207) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380208) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380209) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380210) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380211) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380212) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380214) 20: Enqueue page-read
(00.380225) 20: nr_restored_pages: 720
(00.380227) 20: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.380228) 20: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.380229) 20: nr_lazy: 0
(00.380235) 20: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f127388f000(0)
(00.380237) 20: Restore on-core sigactions for 20
(00.380244) 20: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.380246) 20: Restoring children in our session:
(00.380251) 20: Restoring 20 to 20 pgid
(00.380281) 20: will call setpgid, mine pgid is 14
(00.383586) 15: Restoring 15 to 14 pgid
(00.383607) 15: PID: real 18087 virt 19
(00.385448) 19: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.385455) 19: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.385456) 19: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.385462) 19: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.385517) 19: Opened local page read 6 (parent 0)
(00.385546) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385548) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385549) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385550) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385551) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385552) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385553) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385554) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385555) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385556) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385557) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385558) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385559) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385560) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385561) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385562) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385563) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385564) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385565) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385566) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385567) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385568) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385569) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385570) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385571) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385572) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385573) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385574) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385575) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385576) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385577) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385578) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385579) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385580) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385581) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385582) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385583) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385584) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385585) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385586) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385587) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385588) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385589) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385590) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385591) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385592) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385593) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385594) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385595) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385596) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385597) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385598) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385599) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385600) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385601) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385602) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385603) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385604) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385605) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385606) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385607) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385608) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385609) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385610) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385611) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385612) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385613) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385613) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385615) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385615) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385616) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385617) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385619) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385620) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385621) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385622) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385623) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385624) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385625) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385626) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385627) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385628) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385629) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385630) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385631) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385632) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385633) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385634) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385635) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385636) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385637) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385638) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385639) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385640) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385641) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385642) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385643) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385644) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385645) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385646) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385647) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385648) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385649) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385650) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385651) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385654) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385655) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385656) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385657) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385658) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385659) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385660) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385661) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385662) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385663) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385663) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385664) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385665) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385666) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385667) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385668) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385669) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385670) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385671) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385672) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385673) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385674) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385675) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385676) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385677) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385678) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385679) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385680) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385681) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385682) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385683) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385684) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385685) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385686) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385687) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385688) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385689) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385690) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385691) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385692) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385693) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385694) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385695) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385696) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385697) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385698) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385699) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385700) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385701) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385702) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385703) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385704) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385705) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385706) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385707) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385707) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385708) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385709) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385710) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385711) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385712) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385713) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385714) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385715) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385716) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385717) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385718) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385719) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385720) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385721) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385722) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385723) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385724) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.385732) 19: nr_restored_pages: 721
(00.385734) 19: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.385735) 19: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.385736) 19: nr_lazy: 0
(00.385741) 19: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f127388f000(0)
(00.385743) 19: Restore on-core sigactions for 19
(00.385748) 19: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.385750) 19: Restoring children in our session:
(00.385753) 19: Restoring 19 to 19 pgid
(00.385777) 19: will call setpgid, mine pgid is 14
(00.385866) 14: Restoring resources
(00.385875) 7: Restoring resources
(00.385892) 13: Restoring resources
(00.385899) 14: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.385902) 7: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.385906) 14: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d82 id=0x3d
(00.385907) 13: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.385913) 13: Receive fd for 0
(00.385916) 13: Receive fd for 1
(00.385918) 13: Receive fd for 2
(00.385919) 14: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xb51d82
(00.385920) 13: Receive fd for 3
(00.385924) 14: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.385925) 7: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.385927) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb5242d id=0x38
(00.385930) 14: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.385931) 7: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.385936) 13: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xb5242d
(00.385937) 14: Create fd for 0
(00.385938) 7: Create fd for 0
(00.385939) 13: Send fd 4 to /crtools-fd-13
(00.385939) 14: Send fd 0 to /crtools-fd-15
(00.385940) 7: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.385944) 7: Inherit fd 1 moved to 3 to resolve clash
(00.385945) 7: Going to dup 0 into 1
(00.385947) 7: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.385948) 7: Inherit fd 2 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.385949) 14: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d83 id=0x3e
(00.385949) 7: Going to dup 0 into 2
(00.385950) 13: Create fd for 5
(00.385952) 14: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d84 id=0x3f
(00.385952) 7: Send fd 0 to /crtools-fd-13
(00.385953) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb5242d id=0x39
(00.385954) 14: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d83 id=0x3e
(00.385958) 14: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d84 id=0x3f
(00.385959) 13: Further fle=0x7f129444d418, pid=13
(00.385961) 13: Create fd for 6
(00.385962) 7: Send fd 0 to /crtools-fd-13
(00.385962) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d83 id=0x3a
(00.385964) 7: Send fd 0 to /crtools-fd-13
(00.385964) 20: Restoring resources
(00.385967) 13: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xb51d83
(00.385967) 7: Receive fd for 1
(00.385969) 13: Send fd 4 to /crtools-fd-14
(00.385970) 7: Receive fd for 2
(00.385972) 20: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.385975) 13: Create fd for 9
(00.385977) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d84 id=0x3b
(00.385977) 7: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 22 state 1 src_addr
(00.385981) 13: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xb51d84
(00.385983) 13: Send fd 4 to /crtools-fd-14
(00.385985) 7: Restoring TCP connection
(00.385986) 13: Create fd for 11
(00.385988) 13: Receive fd for 0
(00.385988) 7: Restoring TCP connection id 35 ino b51d7e
(00.385989) 20: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.385990) 13: Further fle=0x7f129444d298, pid=13
(00.385993) 13: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.385994) 20: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.385997) 20: Create fd for 0
(00.385997) 13: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.386000) 13: Receive fd for 1
(00.385999) 20: tty: open driver pts id 0xbf index 1 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.386002) 13: Further fle=0x7f129444d2d8, pid=13
(00.386003) 20: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d97 id=0xc1
(00.386003) 13: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386006) 13: Inherit fd 1 moved to 7 to resolve clash
(00.386006) 20: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xc2 ino 0xb513ec peer 0xb513ed)
(00.386008) 13: Receive fd for 2
(00.386010) 13: Further fle=0x7f129444d318, pid=13
(00.386010) 7: Error (criu/files.c:1191): Unable to open fd=3 id=0x35
(00.386012) 13: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386014) 13: Inherit fd 2 moved to 8 to resolve clash
(00.386015) 13: Receive fd for 3
(00.386015) 20: Trying to restore recv queue for 195
(00.386017) 13: Receive fd for 3
(00.386020) 20: Trying to restore recv queue for 194
(00.386022) 20: 3 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386023) 14: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d83 id=0x3e
(00.386024) 20: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386027) 20: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386027) 14: Further fle=0x7f129444d518, pid=14
(00.386029) 20: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386030) 14: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386032) 20: Send fd 5 to /crtools-fd-20
(00.386032) 14: Inherit fd 1 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.386035) 14: Create fd for 1
(00.386038) 20: Create fd for 3
(00.386040) 14: Send fd 1 to /crtools-fd-15
(00.386043) 20: Further fle=0x7f129444ded8, pid=20
(00.386043) 14: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d84 id=0x3f
(00.386045) 20: Found fd 4 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386046) 14: Further fle=0x7f129444d558, pid=14
(00.386047) 20: Inherit fd 4 moved to 6 to resolve clash
(00.386048) 14: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386050) 20: 4 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386050) 14: Inherit fd 2 moved to 6 to resolve clash
(00.386051) 20: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386053) 14: Create fd for 2
(00.386054) 20: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386055) 14: Send fd 2 to /crtools-fd-15
(00.386056) 20: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386058) 20: Create fd for 4
(00.386062) 20: Create fd for 5
(00.386062) 14: Opening 0x0055888242d000-0x00558882448000 0000000000000000 (41) vma
(00.386069) 20: 274: Link dev/shm/ -> dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.386090) 20: Found fd 6 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386092) 20: Inherit fd 6 moved to 8 to resolve clash
(00.386094) 20: Create fd for 6
(00.386095) 20: epoll: Restore eventpoll: id 0x0000c6 flags 0x80002
(00.386099) 20: Create fd for 7
(00.386102) 20: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xc7 ino 0xb513f1 peer 0xb513f2)
(00.386106) 20: Trying to restore recv queue for 200
(00.386108) 20: Trying to restore recv queue for 199
(00.386109) 20: 9 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386111) 20: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386112) 20: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386112) 14: Opening 0x00558882647000-0x00558882649000 0x0000000001a000 (41) vma
(00.386113) 20: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386115) 14: Opening 0x00558882649000-0x0055888264a000 0x0000000001c000 (41) vma
(00.386117) 20: Send fd 10 to /crtools-fd-20
(00.386117) 14: Opening 0x007fe9b9b85000-0x007fe9b9d1a000 0000000000000000 (20000041) vma
(00.386121) 20: Found fd 8 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386122) 20: Inherit fd 8 moved to 10 to resolve clash
(00.386124) 20: Create fd for 8
(00.386126) 20: Further fle=0x7f129444a040, pid=20
(00.386127) 14: Opening 0x007fe9b9d1a000-0x007fe9b9f1a000 0x00000000195000 (41) vma
(00.386128) 20: 9 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386129) 14: Opening 0x007fe9b9f1a000-0x007fe9b9f1e000 0x00000000195000 (41) vma
(00.386130) 20: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386131) 14: Opening 0x007fe9b9f1e000-0x007fe9b9f20000 0x00000000199000 (41) vma
(00.386132) 20: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386133) 14: Opening 0x007fe9b9f24000-0x007fe9b9f47000 0000000000000000 (20000041) vma
(00.386134) 20: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386137) 20: Create fd for 9
(00.386139) 20: Found fd 10 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386141) 20: Inherit fd 10 moved to 12 to resolve clash
(00.386141) 14: Opening 0x007fe9ba147000-0x007fe9ba148000 0x00000000023000 (41) vma
(00.386142) 20: Create fd for 10
(00.386143) 14: Opening 0x007fe9ba148000-0x007fe9ba149000 0x00000000024000 (41) vma
(00.386145) 20: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb513f3 id=0xca
(00.386150) 20: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xb513f3
(00.386152) 20: Send fd 13 to /crtools-fd-20
(00.386152) 14: Closing inherit fd 4 -> pipe:[11869353]
(00.386154) 20: Create fd for 11
(00.386154) 14: Closing inherit fd 5 -> pipe:[11869354]
(00.386156) 20: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb513f3 id=0xcb
(00.386157) 14: Closing inherit fd 6 -> pipe:[11869355]
(00.386159) 20: Further fle=0x7f129444a100, pid=20
(00.386160) 20: Found fd 12 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386162) 20: Inherit fd 12 moved to 14 to resolve clash
(00.386166) 20: Create fd for 12
(00.386168) 20: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xcd ino 0xb513f5 peer 0xb513f6)
(00.386175) 20: Trying to restore recv queue for 206
(00.386176) 20: Trying to restore recv queue for 205
(00.386177) 14: `- render 11 iovs (0x55888242d000:4096...)
(00.386178) 20: 13 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386180) 14: Restore via sigreturn
(00.386181) 20: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386183) 20: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386184) 20: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386186) 20: Send fd 15 to /crtools-fd-20
(00.386188) 20: Found fd 14 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386190) 20: Inherit fd 14 moved to 15 to resolve clash
(00.386191) 20: Create fd for 14
(00.386193) 20: Further fle=0x7f129444a1c0, pid=20
(00.386194) 20: Found fd 15 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386195) 20: Inherit fd 15 moved to 16 to resolve clash
(00.386197) 20: 15 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386198) 20: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386200) 20: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386201) 20: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386202) 20: Create fd for 15
(00.386204) 20: Found fd 16 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386205) 20: Inherit fd 16 moved to 17 to resolve clash
(00.386207) 20: Create fd for 16
(00.386213) 20: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 1024 state 10 src_addr
(00.386219) 14: Parsed 5559d3707000-5559d3816000 vma
(00.386222) 14: Parsed 5559d3a16000-5559d3a33000 vma
(00.386223) 20: 13 restore sndbuf 262144 rcv buf 262144
(00.386223) 14: Parsed 5559d3a16000-5559d3a39000 vma
(00.386225) 20: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386226) 14: Parsed 5559d3a16000-5559d3a48000 vma
(00.386227) 20: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386228) 14: Parsed 5559d5395000-5559d53d7000 vma
(00.386229) 20: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386230) 14: Parsed 5559d5395000-5559d543a000 vma
(00.386232) 20: Create fd for 18
(00.386233) 14: Parsed 5559d5395000-5559d5454000 vma
(00.386234) 20: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 1024 state 1 src_addr
(00.386235) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287419000 vma
(00.386237) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128741c000 vma
(00.386237) 20: Restoring TCP connection
(00.386239) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128741d000 vma
(00.386240) 20: Restoring TCP connection id d2 ino b513fd
(00.386241) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287461000 vma
(00.386243) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287464000 vma
(00.386245) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287663000 vma
(00.386246) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287664000 vma
(00.386247) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287665000 vma
(00.386248) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128766a000 vma
(00.386249) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287869000 vma
(00.386251) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128786a000 vma
(00.386252) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128786b000 vma
(00.386253) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128786d000 vma
(00.386254) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287a6c000 vma
(00.386255) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287a6d000 vma
(00.386257) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287a6e000 vma
(00.386257) 20: Error (criu/files.c:1191): Unable to open fd=20 id=0xd2
(00.386258) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287a6f000 vma
(00.386261) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287c6f000 vma
(00.386262) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287c70000 vma
(00.386263) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287c71000 vma
(00.386264) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287c74000 vma
(00.386265) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287e73000 vma
(00.386267) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287e74000 vma
(00.386268) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287e75000 vma
(00.386269) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1287e77000 vma
(00.386270) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288076000 vma
(00.386271) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288077000 vma
(00.386273) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288078000 vma
(00.386277) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128807a000 vma
(00.386278) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288279000 vma
(00.386279) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128827a000 vma
(00.386306) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128827b000 vma
(00.386307) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128827f000 vma
(00.386309) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128847e000 vma
(00.386310) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128847f000 vma
(00.386311) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288480000 vma
(00.386312) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288481000 vma
(00.386314) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288681000 vma
(00.386315) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288682000 vma
(00.386316) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288683000 vma
(00.386317) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288684000 vma
(00.386318) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288883000 vma
(00.386319) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288884000 vma
(00.386321) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288885000 vma
(00.386322) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288886000 vma
(00.386323) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288a85000 vma
(00.386324) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288a86000 vma
(00.386325) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288a87000 vma
(00.386327) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288a94000 vma
(00.386328) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288c94000 vma
(00.386329) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288c95000 vma
(00.386330) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288c96000 vma
(00.386331) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288ca2000 vma
(00.386333) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288cac000 vma
(00.386334) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288eac000 vma
(00.386335) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288ead000 vma
(00.386336) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288eae000 vma
(00.386337) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288eb4000 vma
(00.386339) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1288ebf000 vma
(00.386340) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12890be000 vma
(00.386341) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12890bf000 vma
(00.386342) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12890c0000 vma
(00.386343) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12890c7000 vma
(00.386345) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12892c6000 vma
(00.386346) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12892c7000 vma
(00.386347) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12892c8000 vma
(00.386348) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12892db000 vma
(00.386375) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12894da000 vma
(00.386376) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12894db000 vma
(00.386377) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12894dc000 vma
(00.386379) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12894f0000 vma
(00.386380) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12896ef000 vma
(00.386381) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12896f0000 vma
(00.386382) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12896f1000 vma
(00.386383) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12896f3000 vma
(00.386384) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12896f6000 vma
(00.386386) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12898f5000 vma
(00.386387) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12898f6000 vma
(00.386388) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f12898f7000 vma
(00.386389) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289902000 vma
(00.386390) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289b01000 vma
(00.386392) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289b02000 vma
(00.386393) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289b03000 vma
(00.386394) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289b32000 vma
(00.386395) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289d32000 vma
(00.386396) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289d34000 vma
(00.386398) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289d35000 vma
(00.386399) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289d36000 vma
(00.386400) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289d4e000 vma
(00.386401) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289f4d000 vma
(00.386402) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289f4e000 vma
(00.386403) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289f4f000 vma
(00.386405) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f1289f53000 vma
(00.386406) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a05a000 vma
(00.386407) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a25a000 vma
(00.386408) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a25c000 vma
(00.386409) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a263000 vma
(00.386411) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a274000 vma
(00.386412) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a473000 vma
(00.386413) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a474000 vma
(00.386416) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a475000 vma
(00.386417) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a49a000 vma
(00.386418) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a699000 vma
(00.386420) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a69a000 vma
(00.386444) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a69b000 vma
(00.386446) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a6a2000 vma
(00.386447) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a8a1000 vma
(00.386448) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a8a2000 vma
(00.386449) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a8a3000 vma
(00.386450) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128a915000 vma
(00.386452) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128ab14000 vma
(00.386453) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128ab15000 vma
(00.386454) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128ab16000 vma
(00.386455) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128ab19000 vma
(00.386456) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128ad18000 vma
(00.386458) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128ad19000 vma
(00.386459) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128ad1a000 vma
(00.386460) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128ad1e000 vma
(00.386461) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128af1e000 vma
(00.386463) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128af1f000 vma
(00.386464) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128af20000 vma
(00.386465) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128af34000 vma
(00.386466) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b134000 vma
(00.386467) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b135000 vma
(00.386468) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b136000 vma
(00.386470) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b138000 vma
(00.386471) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b2cd000 vma
(00.386472) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b4cd000 vma
(00.386473) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b4d1000 vma
(00.386475) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b4d3000 vma
(00.386476) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b4d7000 vma
(00.386477) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b4da000 vma
(00.386478) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b6d9000 vma
(00.386479) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b6da000 vma
(00.386481) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b6db000 vma
(00.386482) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b7a4000 vma
(00.386483) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b9a4000 vma
(00.386484) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b9b2000 vma
(00.386485) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b9b5000 vma
(00.386486) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128b9fd000 vma
(00.386488) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128bbfc000 vma
(00.386512) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128bbfe000 vma
(00.386514) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128bc00000 vma
(00.386515) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128bc08000 vma
(00.386516) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128be08000 vma
(00.386517) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128be09000 vma
(00.386518) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128be0a000 vma
(00.386520) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128be38000 vma
(00.386521) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128be51000 vma
(00.386522) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c050000 vma
(00.386523) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c051000 vma
(00.386524) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c052000 vma
(00.386526) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c054000 vma
(00.386527) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c253000 vma
(00.386528) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c254000 vma
(00.386529) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c255000 vma
(00.386530) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c48a000 vma
(00.386532) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c68a000 vma
(00.386533) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c6a6000 vma
(00.386534) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c6b5000 vma
(00.386535) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c6b9000 vma
(00.386536) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c6de000 vma
(00.386538) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c8dd000 vma
(00.386539) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c8de000 vma
(00.386540) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c8df000 vma
(00.386541) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c8e1000 vma
(00.386542) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128c8ee000 vma
(00.386543) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128caed000 vma
(00.386545) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128caee000 vma
(00.386546) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128caef000 vma
(00.386547) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cb0c000 vma
(00.386550) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cd0b000 vma
(00.386551) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cd0c000 vma
(00.386552) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cd0d000 vma
(00.386553) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cd17000 vma
(00.386555) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cd1f000 vma
(00.386556) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cf1f000 vma
(00.386557) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cf20000 vma
(00.386558) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cf21000 vma
(00.386584) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cf44000 vma
(00.386585) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cf85000 vma
(00.386586) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cf88000 vma
(00.386588) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cf89000 vma
(00.386589) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128cf96000 vma
(00.386590) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128d01a000 vma
(00.386591) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128d01b000 vma
(00.386592) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128d01e000 vma
(00.386594) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128d01f000 vma
(00.386595) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128d023000 vma
(00.386596) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128d024000 vma
(00.386597) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128d025000 vma
(00.386598) 14: Parsed 7f128735c000-7f128d026000 vma
(00.386600) 14: Parsed 7f128d126000-7f128d149000 vma
(00.386601) 14: Parsed 7f128d126000-7f128d14b000 vma
(00.386602) 14: Parsed 7f128d126000-7f128d14d000 vma
(00.386604) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293041000 vma
(00.386605) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293240000 vma
(00.386606) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293241000 vma
(00.386607) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293242000 vma
(00.386608) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12933d7000 vma
(00.386610) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12935d7000 vma
(00.386611) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12935db000 vma
(00.386612) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12935dd000 vma
(00.386613) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12935e1000 vma
(00.386613) 15: Restoring resources
(00.386615) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12935f8000 vma
(00.386618) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12937f7000 vma
(00.386619) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12937f8000 vma
(00.386620) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12937f9000 vma
(00.386622) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f12937fb000 vma
(00.386623) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f129381a000 vma
(00.386623) 15: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.386624) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293a19000 vma
(00.386626) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293a1b000 vma
(00.386628) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293a1c000 vma
(00.386628) 15: Receive fd for 0
(00.386629) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293a1f000 vma
(00.386631) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293c1e000 vma
(00.386632) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293c1f000 vma
(00.386632) 15: Further fle=0x7f129444d598, pid=15
(00.386633) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293c20000 vma
(00.386635) 15: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386636) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293c28000 vma
(00.386638) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293e27000 vma
(00.386640) 15: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.386643) 15: Receive fd for 1
(00.386645) 15: Further fle=0x7f129444d5d8, pid=15
(00.386646) 15: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386647) 15: Inherit fd 1 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.386649) 15: Receive fd for 2
(00.386651) 15: Further fle=0x7f129444d618, pid=15
(00.386652) 15: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386654) 15: Inherit fd 2 moved to 6 to resolve clash
(00.386658) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293e28000 vma
(00.386658) 15: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0x6d ino 0xb513e4 peer 0xb513e5)
(00.386660) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293e29000 vma
(00.386662) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1293e41000 vma
(00.386663) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1294040000 vma
(00.386665) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1294041000 vma
(00.386665) 15: Trying to restore recv queue for 110
(00.386666) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1294042000 vma
(00.386668) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1294046000 vma
(00.386669) 15: Trying to restore recv queue for 109
(00.386672) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f129404d000 vma
(00.386675) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f129424c000 vma
(00.386675) 15: 3 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386676) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f129424d000 vma
(00.386677) 15: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386678) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f129424e000 vma
(00.386679) 15: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386681) 14: Parsed 7f1292f3e000-7f1294271000 vma
(00.386682) 15: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386683) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f1294441000 vma
(00.386685) 15: Send fd 7 to /crtools-fd-15
(00.386685) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f129444a000 vma
(00.386687) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f129444c000 vma
(00.386688) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f129444e000 vma
(00.386690) 15: Create fd for 3
(00.386690) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f1294450000 vma
(00.386692) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f1294452000 vma
(00.386692) 15: Further fle=0x7f129444d698, pid=15
(00.386694) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f1294454000 vma
(00.386695) 15: Found fd 4 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386696) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f1294456000 vma
(00.386697) 15: Inherit fd 4 moved to 8 to resolve clash
(00.386698) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f129445a000 vma
(00.386700) 15: 4 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386700) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f129445c000 vma
(00.386702) 15: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386703) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f129446c000 vma
(00.386704) 15: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386705) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f129446e000 vma
(00.386706) 15: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386707) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f1294471000 vma
(00.386709) 15: Create fd for 4
(00.386709) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f1294472000 vma
(00.386711) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f1294473000 vma
(00.386712) 15: Found fd 5 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386713) 14: Parsed 7f129443e000-7f1294474000 vma
(00.386714) 15: Inherit fd 5 moved to 9 to resolve clash
(00.386715) 14: Parsed 7ffee7243000-7ffee7364000 vma
(00.386717) 15: Create fd for 5
(00.386718) 14: Parsed 7ffee7377000-7ffee7379000 vma
(00.386720) 14: Parsed 7ffee7377000-7ffee737b000 vma
(00.386721) 14: Parsed ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 vma
(00.386723) 15: 274: Link dev/shm/ -> dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.386724) 14: 1 threads require 92K of memory
(00.386727) 14: Found bootstrap VMA hint at: 0x10000 (needs ~108K)
(00.386744) 15: Found fd 6 (id pipe:[11869355]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386746) 15: Inherit fd 6 moved to 10 to resolve clash
(00.386748) 15: Create fd for 6
(00.386752) 14: call mremap(0x7f129443e000, 8192, 8192, MAYMOVE | FIXED, 0x23000)
(00.386756) 14: call mremap(0x7f129445a000, 8192, 8192, MAYMOVE | FIXED, 0x25000)
(00.386760) 15: Create fd for 7
(00.386762) 15: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d86 id=0x72
(00.386764) 14: xsave runtime structure
(00.386765) 14: -----------------------
(00.386767) 15: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xb51d86
(00.386766) 14: cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.386769) 15: Send fd 12 to /crtools-fd-15
(00.386769) 14: magic1:46505853 extended_size:344 xstate_bv:7 xstate_size:340
(00.386771) 14: xstate_bv: 7
(00.386772) 14: -----------------------
(00.386773) 15: Found fd 8 (id pipe:[11869353]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386774) 14: Thread 0 stack 0x19080 rt_sigframe 0x21080
(00.386775) 15: Inherit fd 8 moved to 12 to resolve clash
(00.386777) 15: Create fd for 8
(00.386778) 15: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d86 id=0x73
(00.386781) 15: Further fle=0x7f129444d7d8, pid=15
(00.386782) 15: Found fd 9 (id pipe:[11869354]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.386786) 15: Inherit fd 9 moved to 13 to resolve clash
(00.386788) 15: Create fd for 9
(00.386789) 15: sk unix: Opening standalone socket (id 0x74 ino 0xb51d87 peer 0)
(00.386801) 14: Going to chroot into /proc/self/fd/10
(00.386806) 14: Restoring umask to 22
(00.386809) 19: Restoring resources
(00.386814) 14: task_args: 0x22000
task_args->pid: 14
task_args->nr_threads: 1
task_args->clone_restore_fn: 0x10da0
task_args->thread_args: 0x22580
(00.386818) 19: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.386818)pie: 14: Switched to the restorer 14
(00.386821) 15: Error (criu/cr-restore.c:1298): 20 exited, status=1
(00.386822) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d92 id=0xa7
(00.386829) 19: tty: open driver pts id 0xa8 index 0 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.386831) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb51d93 id=0xaa
(00.386834) 19: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xab ino 0xb5242f peer 0xb52430)
(00.386839) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 172
(00.386839) 15: Error (criu/sk-unix.c:1194): sk unix: Can't bind socket: No such file or directory
(00.386842) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 171
(00.386843) 15: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.386845) 19: 3 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386846) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386848) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386848) 15: Error (criu/files.c:1191): Unable to open fd=10 id=0x74
(00.386849) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386852) 19: Send fd 4 to /crtools-fd-19
(00.386857) 19: Create fd for 3
(00.386860) 19: Further fle=0x7f129444a440, pid=19
(00.386861) 19: 4 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386863) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386864) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386865) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386867) 19: Create fd for 4
(00.386869) 19: Create fd for 5
(00.386876) 19: 274: Link dev/shm/ -> dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.386921) 19: Create fd for 6
(00.386923) 19: epoll: Restore eventpoll: id 0x0000af flags 0x80002
(00.386927) 19: Create fd for 7
(00.386929) 19: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xb0 ino 0xb52434 peer 0xb52435)
(00.386941) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 177
(00.386943) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 176
(00.386945) 19: 8 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386946) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386947) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386948) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386950) 19: Send fd 9 to /crtools-fd-19
(00.386953) 19: Create fd for 8
(00.386955) 19: Further fle=0x7f129444a580, pid=19
(00.386957) 19: 9 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386958) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386959) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386960) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386962) 19: Create fd for 9
(00.386964) 19: Create fd for 10
(00.386965) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb52436 id=0xb3
(00.386969) 19: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xb52436
(00.386971) 19: Send fd 12 to /crtools-fd-19
(00.386974) 19: Create fd for 11
(00.386975) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xb52436 id=0xb4
(00.386977) 19: Further fle=0x7f129444a640, pid=19
(00.386978) 19: Create fd for 12
(00.386980) 19: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xb6 ino 0xb5243a peer 0xb5243b)
(00.386985) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 183
(00.386986) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 182
(00.386988) 19: 13 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.386989) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.386990) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.386992) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.386993) 19: Send fd 14 to /crtools-fd-19
(00.386996) 19: Create fd for 14
(00.386998) 19: Further fle=0x7f129444a700, pid=19
(00.386999) 19: 15 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.387001) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.387002) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.387003) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.387008) 19: Create fd for 15
(00.387010) 19: Create fd for 16
(00.387014) 19: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 1025 state 10 src_addr
(00.387020) 19: 13 restore sndbuf 262144 rcv buf 262144
(00.387021) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.387022) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.387024) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.387025) 19: Create fd for 17
(00.387028) 19: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 44742 state 1 src_addr
(00.387030) 19: Restoring TCP connection
(00.387032) 19: Restoring TCP connection id bb ino b51da8
(00.387045) 19: Error (criu/files.c:1191): Unable to open fd=19 id=0xbb
(00.387067)pie: 14: Mapping native vDSO at 0x27000
(00.387071)pie: 14: mmap(0x55888242d000 -> 0x558882448000, 0x7 0x12 3)
(00.387075)pie: 14: mmap(0x558882647000 -> 0x558882649000, 0x3 0x12 3)
(00.387077)pie: 14: mmap(0x558882649000 -> 0x55888264a000, 0x3 0x12 3)
(00.387079)pie: 14: mmap(0x55888264a000 -> 0x55888264c000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.387081)pie: 14: mmap(0x558884314000 -> 0x558884335000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.387082)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9b9b85000 -> 0x7fe9b9d1a000, 0x5 0x12 7)
(00.387084)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9b9d1a000 -> 0x7fe9b9f1a000, 0x2 0x12 7)
(00.387086)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9b9f1a000 -> 0x7fe9b9f1e000, 0x3 0x12 7)
(00.387088)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9b9f1e000 -> 0x7fe9b9f20000, 0x3 0x12 7)
(00.387090)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9b9f20000 -> 0x7fe9b9f24000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.387092)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9b9f24000 -> 0x7fe9b9f47000, 0x5 0x12 8)
(00.387094)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9ba13d000 -> 0x7fe9ba13f000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.387095)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9ba144000 -> 0x7fe9ba147000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.387097)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9ba147000 -> 0x7fe9ba148000, 0x3 0x12 8)
(00.387099)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9ba148000 -> 0x7fe9ba149000, 0x3 0x12 8)
(00.387101)pie: 14: mmap(0x7fe9ba149000 -> 0x7fe9ba14a000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.387102)pie: 14: mmap(0x7ffe4dae4000 -> 0x7ffe4dc06000, 0x3 0x132 -1)
(00.387104)pie: 14: mmap(0x7ffe4dd56000 -> 0x7ffe4dd58000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.387105)pie: 14: mmap(0x7ffe4dd58000 -> 0x7ffe4dd5a000, 0x7 0x32 -1)
(00.387107)pie: 14: Preadv 0x55888242d000:4096... (11 iovs)
(00.387162)pie: 14: `- returned 114688
(00.387164)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387165)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387166)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387167)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387168)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387169)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387170)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387171)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387172)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387173)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387174)pie: 14: `- skip pagemap
(00.387176)pie: 14: vdso: Parsing at 0x7ffe4dd58000 0x7ffe4dd5a000
(00.387178)pie: 14: vdso: PT_LOAD p_vaddr: 0x0
(00.387179)pie: 14: vdso: DT_HASH: 0x120
(00.387180)pie: 14: vdso: DT_STRTAB: 0x298
(00.387181)pie: 14: vdso: DT_SYMTAB: 0x1a8
(00.387182)pie: 14: vdso: DT_STRSZ: 0x5e
(00.387183)pie: 14: vdso: DT_SYMENT: 0x18
(00.387184)pie: 14: vdso: nbucket 0x3 nchain 0xa bucket 0x7ffe4dd58128 chain >
(00.387184)pie: 14: 0x7ffe4dd58134
(00.387187)pie: 14: vdso: image [vdso] 0x7ffe4dd58000-0x7ffe4dd5a000 [vvar] 0>
(00.387187)pie: 14: x7ffe4dd56000-0x7ffe4dd58000
(00.387189)pie: 14: vdso: Runtime vdso/vvar matches dumpee, remap inplace
(00.387193)pie: 14: vdso: Remap rt-vdso 0x29000 -> 0x7ffe4dd58000
(00.387195)pie: 14: vdso: Remap rt-vvar 0x27000 -> 0x7ffe4dd56000
(00.387208)pie: 14: Restoring scheduler params 0.0.0
(00.387212)pie: 14: 14: Restored
(00.387447)pie: 14: Task 15 exited, status= 1
(00.463046) mnt: Switching to new ns to clean ghosts
(00.463092) Unlink remap dev/shm/
(00.463117) Unlink remap dev/shm/
(00.463134) Unlink remap dev/shm/
(00.491065) Error (criu/cr-restore.c:2171): Restoring FAILED.
(00.000093) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:1
(00.000124) kernel pid_max=32768
(00.000126) Reading image tree
(00.000141) Add mnt ns 12 pid 1
(00.000166) pstree pid_max=19
(00.000171) Will restore in 6c020000 namespaces
(00.000172) NS mask to use 6c020000
(00.000174) Collecting 37/54 (flags 2)
(00.000181) Collected [usr/sbin/sshd] ID 0x1
(00.000184) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x2
(00.000186) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x3
(00.000187) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x4
(00.000189) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5
(00.000194) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x6
(00.000196) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x7
(00.000198) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x8
(00.000200) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x9
(00.000201) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xa
(00.000204) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xb
(00.000206) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xc
(00.000207) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xd
(00.000209) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xe
(00.000211) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0xf
(00.000212) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x10
(00.000214) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x11
(00.000216) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x12
(00.000218) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x13
(00.000219) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x14
(00.000222) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x15
(00.000223) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x16
(00.000225) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x17
(00.000227) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x18
(00.000228) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x19
(00.000230) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1a
(00.000232) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1b
(00.000233) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1c
(00.000235) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1d
(00.000237) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1e
(00.000240) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x1f
(00.000242) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x20
(00.000244) Collected pipe entry ID 0x21 PIPE ID 0x9e84
(00.000249) Found id pipe:[40580] (fd 0) in inherit fd list
(00.000251) Collected pipe entry ID 0x22 PIPE ID 0x9e85
(00.000252) Found id pipe:[40581] (fd 1) in inherit fd list
(00.000254) Collected pipe entry ID 0x23 PIPE ID 0x9e86
(00.000255) Found id pipe:[40582] (fd 2) in inherit fd list
(00.000264) Collected [.] ID 0x26
(00.000266) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x27
(00.000268) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x28
(00.000269) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x29
(00.000271) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2a
(00.000273) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x2b
(00.000274) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2c
(00.000276) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2d
(00.000278) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2e
(00.000279) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x2f
(00.000281) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x30
(00.000284) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x31
(00.000285) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x32
(00.000287) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/] ID 0x33
(00.000289) Collected [dev/null] ID 0x34
(00.000297) sk unix: `- Got 0xa759 peer 0xa75a (name - dir -)
(00.000301) sk unix: `- Got 0xa75a peer 0xa759 (name - dir -)
(00.000302) Collected pipe entry ID 0x38 PIPE ID 0xac56
(00.000310) Collected pipe entry ID 0x39 PIPE ID 0xac56
(00.000312) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3a PIPE ID 0xa249
(00.000313) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3b PIPE ID 0xa24a
(00.000315) Collected [bin/dash] ID 0x3c
(00.000317) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3d PIPE ID 0xa248
(00.000319) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3e PIPE ID 0xa249
(00.000321) Collected pipe entry ID 0x3f PIPE ID 0xa24a
(00.000322) Collected [home/user] ID 0x40
(00.000324) Collected [usr/bin/orted] ID 0x41
(00.000326) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x42
(00.000329) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x43
(00.000331) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x44
(00.000332) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x45
(00.000334) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x46
(00.000336) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x47
(00.000337) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x48
(00.000339) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x49
(00.000341) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x4a
(00.000343) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x4b
(00.000344) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x4c
(00.000347) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x4d
(00.000348) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x4e
(00.000350) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x4f
(00.000352) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0x50
(00.000354) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x51
(00.000355) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x52
(00.000357) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x53
(00.000359) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x54
(00.000360) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x55
(00.000363) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x56
(00.000365) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x57
(00.000366) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x58
(00.000368) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x59
(00.000370) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5a
(00.000371) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5b
(00.000373) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5c
(00.000375) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5d
(00.000376) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hwloc/] ID 0x5e
(00.000378) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x5f
(00.000381) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hwloc/] ID 0x60
(00.000382) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x61
(00.000384) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hwloc/] ID 0x62
(00.000386) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x63
(00.000387) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x64
(00.000391) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x65
(00.000393) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x66
(00.000395) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x67
(00.000397) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x68
(00.000398) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x69
(00.000401) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] ID 0x6a
(00.000403) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0x6b
(00.000406) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0x6c
(00.000408) sk unix: `- Got 0xa85d peer 0xa85c (name - dir -)
(00.000411) sk unix: `- Got 0xa85c peer 0xa85d (name - dir -)
(00.000413) eventfd: Collected : id 0x00006f flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000415) Collected [dev/shm/open_mpi.0000] ID 0x70
(00.000417) Collected [.] ID 0x71
(00.000419) Collected pipe entry ID 0x72 PIPE ID 0xa24c
(00.000422) Collected pipe entry ID 0x73 PIPE ID 0xa24c
(00.000424) sk unix: `- Got 0xa24d peer 0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/0/usock dir -)
(00.000429) epoll: Collected eventpoll: id 0x000076 flags 0x80002
(00.000432) sk unix: `- Got 0xa251 peer 0xa250 (name - dir -)
(00.000434) sk unix: `- Got 0xa250 peer 0xa251 (name - dir -)
(00.000436) eventfd: Collected : id 0x000079 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000439) Collected pipe entry ID 0x7a PIPE ID 0xa252
(00.000441) Collected pipe entry ID 0x7b PIPE ID 0xa252
(00.000444) sk unix: `- Got 0xa253 peer 0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/pmix-14 dir -)
(00.000446) Collected pipe entry ID 0x7d PIPE ID 0xa254
(00.000447) Collected pipe entry ID 0x7e PIPE ID 0xa254
(00.000451) Collected [dev/pts/ptmx] ID 0x81
(00.000454) Collected [dev/pts/ptmx] ID 0x83
(00.000457) Collected pipe entry ID 0x85 PIPE ID 0xa258
(00.000459) Collected pipe entry ID 0x86 PIPE ID 0xa259
(00.000461) Collected pipe entry ID 0x88 PIPE ID 0xa25a
(00.000462) Collected pipe entry ID 0x8a PIPE ID 0xa25d
(00.000464) Collected pipe entry ID 0x8c PIPE ID 0xa25e
(00.000466) Collected [home/user/src/test] ID 0x8d
(00.000468) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x8e
(00.000470) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x8f
(00.000475) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x90
(00.000477) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x91
(00.000479) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x92
(00.000480) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x93
(00.000482) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x94
(00.000484) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x95
(00.000485) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x96
(00.000487) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x97
(00.000489) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x98
(00.000491) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x99
(00.000493) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9a
(00.000495) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9b
(00.000496) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9c
(00.000498) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0x9d
(00.000500) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9e
(00.000506) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0x9f
(00.000508) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa0
(00.000509) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa1
(00.000511) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa2
(00.000514) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa3
(00.000515) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa4
(00.000517) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/openmpi/] ID 0xa5
(00.000519) Collected [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/] ID 0xa6
(00.000521) Collected pipe entry ID 0xa7 PIPE ID 0xa258
(00.000524) Collected [dev/pts/0] ID 0xa9
(00.000527) Collected pipe entry ID 0xaa PIPE ID 0xa259
(00.000529) sk unix: `- Got 0xac59 peer 0xac58 (name - dir -)
(00.000532) sk unix: `- Got 0xac58 peer 0xac59 (name - dir -)
(00.000534) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000ad flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000536) Collected [dev/shm/open_mpi.0000] ID 0xae
(00.000538) epoll: Collected eventpoll: id 0x0000af flags 0x80002
(00.000541) sk unix: `- Got 0xac5e peer 0xac5d (name - dir -)
(00.000543) sk unix: `- Got 0xac5d peer 0xac5e (name - dir -)
(00.000545) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000b2 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000547) Collected pipe entry ID 0xb3 PIPE ID 0xac5f
(00.000549) Collected pipe entry ID 0xb4 PIPE ID 0xac5f
(00.000552) sk unix: `- Got 0xac60 peer 0xa75b (name - dir -)
(00.000554) sk unix: `- Got 0xa75b peer 0xac60 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/pmix-14 dir -)
(00.000557) sk unix: `- Got 0xa8a2 peer 0xa8a1 (name - dir -)
(00.000559) sk unix: `- Got 0xa8a1 peer 0xa8a2 (name - dir -)
(00.000561) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000b8 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000564) sk unix: `- Got 0xa8a3 peer 0xa75f (name - dir -)
(00.000568) sk unix: `- Got 0xa75f peer 0xa8a3 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/0/usock dir -)
(00.000571) Collected pipe entry ID 0xbc PIPE ID 0xa25a
(00.000573) Collected [home/user/src] ID 0xbd
(00.000575) Collected [dev/null] ID 0xbe
(00.000576) Collected [dev/pts/1] ID 0xc0
(00.000579) Collected pipe entry ID 0xc1 PIPE ID 0xa25d
(00.000582) sk unix: `- Got 0xa262 peer 0xa261 (name - dir -)
(00.000584) sk unix: `- Got 0xa261 peer 0xa262 (name - dir -)
(00.000586) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000c4 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000588) Collected [dev/shm/open_mpi.0000] ID 0xc5
(00.000590) epoll: Collected eventpoll: id 0x0000c6 flags 0x80002
(00.000592) sk unix: `- Got 0xa267 peer 0xa266 (name - dir -)
(00.000596) sk unix: `- Got 0xa266 peer 0xa267 (name - dir -)
(00.000597) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000c9 flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000599) Collected pipe entry ID 0xca PIPE ID 0xa268
(00.000602) Collected pipe entry ID 0xcb PIPE ID 0xa268
(00.000604) sk unix: `- Got 0xa269 peer 0xa75d (name - dir -)
(00.000607) sk unix: `- Got 0xa75d peer 0xa269 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/pmix-14 dir -)
(00.000609) sk unix: `- Got 0xa26b peer 0xa26a (name - dir -)
(00.000611) sk unix: `- Got 0xa26a peer 0xa26b (name - dir -)
(00.000613) eventfd: Collected : id 0x0000cf flags 0x80802 counter 0000000000000000
(00.000615) sk unix: `- Got 0xa8a4 peer 0xa761 (name - dir -)
(00.000618) sk unix: `- Got 0xa761 peer 0xa8a4 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/0/usock dir -)
(00.000623) Collected pipe entry ID 0xd3 PIPE ID 0xa25e
(00.000625) `- ... done
(00.000627) Collecting 43/59 (flags 0)
(00.000632) Opening ghost file 0x1 for dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.000637) Opening ghost file 0x2 for dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.000642) Opening ghost file 0x3 for dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.000647) `- ... done
(00.000686) cg: rewriting docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48 to /docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000692) cg: rewriting docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48 to /docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000695) cg: rewriting docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48 to /docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000697) cg: rewriting docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48 to /docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000699) cg: rewriting docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48 to /docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000701) cg: rewriting docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48 to /docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000706) cg: rewriting docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48 to /docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000708) cg: rewriting docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48 to /docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000711) cg: Preparing cgroups yard (cgroups restore mode 0x4)
(00.000769) cg: Opening .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ as cg yard
(00.000777) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/memory (memory)
(00.000796) cg: Determined cgroup dir memory//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5 already exist
(00.000798) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir memory//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000803) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/pids (pids)
(00.000815) cg: Determined cgroup dir pids//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5 already exist
(00.000817) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir pids//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000821) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/devices (devices)
(00.000832) cg: Determined cgroup dir devices//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5 already exist
(00.000833) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir devices//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000837) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/cpuset (cpuset)
(00.000849) cg: Determined cgroup dir cpuset//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5 already exist
(00.000850) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir cpuset//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000854) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/cpu,cpuacct (cpu,cpuacct)
(00.000908) cg: Created cgroup dir cpu,cpuacct/docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48
(00.000920) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/freezer (freezer)
(00.000935) cg: Determined cgroup dir freezer//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5 already exist
(00.000936) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir freezer//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000940) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/perf_event (perf_event)
(00.000952) cg: Determined cgroup dir perf_event//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5 already exist
(00.000953) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir perf_event//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.000957) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/net_cls,net_prio (net_cls,net_prio)
(00.000998) cg: Created cgroup dir net_cls,net_prio/docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48
(00.001007) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/blkio (blkio)
(00.001019) cg: Determined cgroup dir blkio//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5 already exist
(00.001021) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir blkio//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.001025) cg: Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.IKOckJ/systemd (none,name=systemd)
(00.001039) cg: Determined cgroup dir systemd//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5 already exist
(00.001040) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir systemd//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5
(00.001049) Running pre-restore scripts
(00.001051) RPC
(00.001231) Saved netns fd for links restore
(00.001272) mnt: Reading mountpoint images (id 12 pid 1)
(00.001278) mnt: Will mount 188 from /
(00.001281) mnt: Will mount 188 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/firmware
(00.001282) mnt: Read 188 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/firmware
(00.001290) mnt: Will mount 187 from /dev/null (E)
(00.001292) mnt: Will mount 187 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug
(00.001293) mnt: Read 187 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug
(00.001295) mnt: Will mount 186 from /dev/null (E)
(00.001296) mnt: Will mount 186 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list
(00.001297) mnt: Read 186 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list
(00.001299) mnt: Will mount 185 from /dev/null (E)
(00.001301) mnt: Will mount 185 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/kcore
(00.001302) mnt: Read 185 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/kcore
(00.001304) mnt: Will mount 184 from /sysrq-trigger
(00.001305) mnt: Will mount 184 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger
(00.001306) mnt: Read 184 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger
(00.001308) mnt: Will mount 183 from /sys
(00.001310) mnt: Will mount 183 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys
(00.001311) mnt: Read 183 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys
(00.001312) mnt: Will mount 182 from /irq
(00.001314) mnt: Will mount 182 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq
(00.001315) mnt: Read 182 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq
(00.001321) mnt: Will mount 181 from /fs
(00.001323) mnt: Will mount 181 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs
(00.001324) mnt: Read 181 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs
(00.001326) mnt: Will mount 180 from /bus
(00.001327) mnt: Will mount 180 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus
(00.001328) mnt: Read 180 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus
(00.001330) mnt: Will mount 170 from /asound
(00.001331) mnt: Will mount 170 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound
(00.001332) mnt: Read 170 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound
(00.001334) mnt: Will mount 379 from /var/lib/docker/containers/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/shm (E)
(00.001336) mnt: Will mount 379 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/shm
(00.001337) mnt: Read 379 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/shm
(00.001339) mnt: Will mount 378 from /var/lib/docker/containers/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/hosts (E)
(00.001340) mnt: Will mount 378 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hosts
(00.001341) mnt: Read 378 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hosts
(00.001343) mnt: Will mount 377 from /var/lib/docker/containers/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/hostname (E)
(00.001345) mnt: Will mount 377 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hostname
(00.001346) mnt: Read 377 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hostname
(00.001349) mnt: Will mount 376 from /var/lib/docker/containers/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/resolv.conf (E)
(00.001350) mnt: Will mount 376 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf
(00.001351) mnt: Read 376 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf
(00.001353) mnt: Will mount 375 from /
(00.001354) mnt: Will mount 375 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue
(00.001355) mnt: Read 375 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue
(00.001357) mnt: Will mount 374 from /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.001358) mnt: Will mount 374 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory
(00.001359) mnt: Read 374 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory
(00.001362) mnt: Will mount 373 from /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.001363) mnt: Will mount 373 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids
(00.001364) mnt: Read 373 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids
(00.001366) mnt: Will mount 372 from /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.001367) mnt: Will mount 372 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices
(00.001370) mnt: Read 372 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices
(00.001373) mnt: Will mount 371 from /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset (E)
(00.001374) mnt: Will mount 371 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset
(00.001376) mnt: Read 371 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset
(00.001378) mnt: Will mount 370 from /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.001379) mnt: Will mount 370 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct
(00.001380) mnt: Read 370 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct
(00.001382) mnt: Will mount 369 from /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer (E)
(00.001383) mnt: Will mount 369 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer
(00.001384) mnt: Read 369 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer
(00.001386) mnt: Will mount 368 from /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event (E)
(00.001387) mnt: Will mount 368 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
(00.001388) mnt: Read 368 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
(00.001391) mnt: Will mount 367 from /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio (E)
(00.001393) mnt: Will mount 367 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio
(00.001394) mnt: Read 367 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio
(00.001396) mnt: Will mount 366 from /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.001397) mnt: Will mount 366 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
(00.001398) mnt: Read 366 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
(00.001400) mnt: Will mount 365 from /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/system.slice/docker.service (E)
(00.001401) mnt: Will mount 365 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
(00.001402) mnt: Read 365 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
(00.001404) mnt: Will mount 364 from /
(00.001405) mnt: Will mount 364 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup
(00.001406) mnt: Read 364 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup
(00.001408) mnt: Will mount 363 from /
(00.001409) mnt: Will mount 363 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys
(00.001410) mnt: Read 363 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys
(00.001415) mnt: Will mount 362 from /
(00.001416) mnt: Will mount 362 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/pts
(00.001417) mnt: Read 362 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/pts
(00.001419) mnt: Will mount 361 from /
(00.001420) mnt: Will mount 361 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev
(00.001421) mnt: Read 361 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev
(00.001423) mnt: Will mount 360 from /
(00.001424) mnt: Will mount 360 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc
(00.001425) mnt: Read 360 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc
(00.001427) mnt: Will mount 359 from /
(00.001428) mnt: Will mount 359 @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/
(00.001429) mnt: Read 359 mp @ /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/
(00.001465) Warn (criu/cr-restore.c:1161): Set CLONE_PARENT | CLONE_NEWPID but it might cause restore problem,because not all kernels support such clone flags combinations!
(00.001467) Forking task with 1 pid (flags 0x6c028000)
(00.006936) PID: real 5643 virt 1
(00.006981) Wait until namespaces are created
(00.009417) 1: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.009428) 1: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.009430) 1: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.009446) Running setup-namespaces scripts
(00.009450) RPC
(00.130702) 1: cg: Move into 2
(00.130722) 1: cg: `-> blkio//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/tasks
(00.130741) 1: cg: `-> cpu,cpuacct//docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48/tasks
(00.130761) 1: cg: `-> cpuset//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/tasks
(00.130769) 1: cg: `-> devices//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/tasks
(00.130776) 1: cg: `-> freezer//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/tasks
(00.130784) 1: cg: `-> memory//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/tasks
(00.130791) 1: cg: `-> systemd//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/tasks
(00.130801) 1: cg: `-> net_cls,net_prio//docker/71eaf2a6a6f1f5898dec0e9354a4c5dba00f1150a8afd9fbecf1e2a48ae56b48/tasks
(00.132265) 1: cg: `-> perf_event//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/tasks
(00.132283) 1: cg: `-> pids//docker/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/tasks
(00.132327) 1: Calling restore_sid() for init
(00.132330) 1: Restoring 1 to 1 sid
(00.132381) 1: Mount procfs in crtools-proc.jgKXXu
(00.149282) 1: Collecting 41/37 (flags 2)
(00.149320) 1: tty: Collected tty ID 0x80 (ptmx)
(00.149334) 1: tty: Collected tty ID 0x82 (ptmx)
(00.149340) 1: tty: Collected tty ID 0xa8 (pts)
(00.149344) 1: tty: Collected tty ID 0xbf (pts)
(00.149346) 1: `- ... done
(00.149348) 1: Collecting 42/51 (flags 0)
(00.149350) 1: No tty-data.img image
(00.149352) 1: `- ... done
(00.149353) 1: Restoring namespaces 1 flags 0x6c028000
(00.149356) 1: No netns-9.img image
(00.149358) 1: No netdev-9.img image
(00.149365) 1: No ifaddr-9.img image
(00.149367) 1: No route-9.img image
(00.149368) 1: No route6-9.img image
(00.149370) 1: No rule-9.img image
(00.149372) 1: No iptables-9.img image
(00.149374) 1: No ip6tables-9.img image
(00.154864) 1: kernel/hostname nr 12
(00.154912) 1: kernel/domainname nr 6
(00.155410) 1: Restoring IPC namespace
(00.155417) 1: Restoring IPC variables
(00.161153) 1: Restoring IPC shared memory
(00.161167) 1: No ipcns-shm-10.img image
(00.161169) 1: Restoring IPC message queues
(00.161171) 1: No ipcns-msg-10.img image
(00.161172) 1: Restoring IPC semaphores sets
(00.161174) 1: No ipcns-sem-10.img image
(00.161176) 1: mnt: Restoring mount namespace
(00.161181) 1: mnt: Building mountpoints tree
(00.161182) 1: mnt: Building plain mount tree
(00.161183) 1: mnt: Working on 359->303
(00.161187) 1: mnt: Mountpoint 359 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/) w/o parent 303
(00.161189) 1: mnt: Mountpoint 359 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/) get parent 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6)
(00.161190) 1: mnt: Working on 360->359
(00.161191) 1: mnt: Working on 361->359
(00.161192) 1: mnt: Working on 362->361
(00.161194) 1: mnt: Working on 363->359
(00.161196) 1: mnt: Working on 364->363
(00.161197) 1: mnt: Working on 365->364
(00.161198) 1: mnt: Working on 366->364
(00.161199) 1: mnt: Working on 367->364
(00.161200) 1: mnt: Working on 368->364
(00.161203) 1: mnt: Working on 369->364
(00.161204) 1: mnt: Working on 370->364
(00.161205) 1: mnt: Working on 371->364
(00.161206) 1: mnt: Working on 372->364
(00.161218) 1: mnt: Working on 373->364
(00.161219) 1: mnt: Working on 374->364
(00.161221) 1: mnt: Working on 375->361
(00.161222) 1: mnt: Working on 376->359
(00.161223) 1: mnt: Working on 377->359
(00.161225) 1: mnt: Working on 378->359
(00.161226) 1: mnt: Working on 379->361
(00.161227) 1: mnt: Working on 170->360
(00.161228) 1: mnt: Working on 180->360
(00.161230) 1: mnt: Working on 181->360
(00.161231) 1: mnt: Working on 182->360
(00.161232) 1: mnt: Working on 183->360
(00.161233) 1: mnt: Working on 184->360
(00.161237) 1: mnt: Working on 185->360
(00.161238) 1: mnt: Working on 186->360
(00.161246) 1: mnt: Working on 187->360
(00.161247) 1: mnt: Working on 188->363
(00.161249) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 0
(00.161250) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 359
(00.161252) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 360
(00.161253) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 170
(00.161254) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 180
(00.161255) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 181
(00.161256) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 182
(00.161258) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 183
(00.161259) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 184
(00.161260) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 185
(00.161261) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 186
(00.161262) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 187
(00.161264) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 361
(00.161265) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 362
(00.161266) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 375
(00.161267) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 379
(00.161268) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 363
(00.161269) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 364
(00.161270) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 365
(00.161272) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 366
(00.161273) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 367
(00.161274) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 368
(00.161275) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 369
(00.161276) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 370
(00.161278) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 371
(00.161279) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 372
(00.161280) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 373
(00.161281) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 374
(00.161282) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 188
(00.161283) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 376
(00.161285) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 377
(00.161286) 1: mnt: Resorting siblings on 378
(00.161287) 1: mnt: Done:
(00.161288) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6](0->0)
(00.161290) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/](359->303)
(00.161291) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc](360->359)
(00.161292) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound](170->360)
(00.161293) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161294) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug](187->360)
(00.161296) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161297) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list](186->360)
(00.161298) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161299) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/kcore](185->360)
(00.161300) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161301) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger](184->360)
(00.161302) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161303) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys](183->360)
(00.161305) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161306) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq](182->360)
(00.161307) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161308) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs](181->360)
(00.161309) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161310) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus](180->360)
(00.161311) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161312) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161313) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hosts](378->359)
(00.161315) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161316) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hostname](377->359)
(00.161317) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161318) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf](376->359)
(00.161319) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161320) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys](363->359)
(00.161321) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/firmware](188->363)
(00.161322) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161324) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup](364->363)
(00.161325) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd](365->364)
(00.161326) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161327) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory](374->364)
(00.161328) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161331) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids](373->364)
(00.161332) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161333) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices](372->364)
(00.161334) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161335) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset](371->364)
(00.161336) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161337) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct](370->364)
(00.161339) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161340) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer](369->364)
(00.161341) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161342) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event](368->364)
(00.161343) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161344) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio](367->364)
(00.161345) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161346) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio](366->364)
(00.161348) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161349) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161350) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161351) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev](361->359)
(00.161352) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/pts](362->361)
(00.161353) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161354) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/shm](379->361)
(00.161355) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161357) 1: mnt: [/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue](375->361)
(00.161358) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161359) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161360) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161361) 1: mnt: <--
(00.161362) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 359 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/)
(00.161364) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 360 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.161365) 1: mnt: The mount 170 is bind for 360 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.161367) 1: mnt: The mount 180 is bind for 360 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.161368) 1: mnt: The mount 181 is bind for 360 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.161369) 1: mnt: The mount 182 is bind for 360 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.161371) 1: mnt: The mount 183 is bind for 360 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.161372) 1: mnt: The mount 184 is bind for 360 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc)
(00.161373) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 361 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev)
(00.161374) 1: mnt: The mount 185 is bind for 361 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/kcore -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev)
(00.161376) 1: mnt: The mount 186 is bind for 361 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev)
(00.161377) 1: mnt: The mount 187 is bind for 361 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev)
(00.161378) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 362 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/pts)
(00.161379) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 363 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys)
(00.161381) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 364 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup)
(00.161382) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 365 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd)
(00.161383) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 366 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio)
(00.161384) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 367 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio)
(00.161387) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 368 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event)
(00.161389) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 369 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer)
(00.161390) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 370 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct)
(00.161391) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 371 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset)
(00.161392) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 372 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices)
(00.161394) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 373 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids)
(00.161395) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 374 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory)
(00.161396) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 375 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue)
(00.161397) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 376 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf)
(00.161399) 1: mnt: The mount 377 is bind for 376 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hostname -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf)
(00.161400) 1: mnt: The mount 378 is bind for 376 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hosts -> @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf)
(00.161401) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 377 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hostname)
(00.161402) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 378 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hosts)
(00.161403) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 379 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/shm)
(00.161405) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 170 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound)
(00.161406) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 180 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus)
(00.161407) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 181 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs)
(00.161408) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 182 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq)
(00.161409) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 183 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys)
(00.161410) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 184 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger)
(00.161412) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 185 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/kcore)
(00.161413) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 186 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list)
(00.161414) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 187 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug)
(00.161415) 1: mnt: Inspecting sharing on 188 shared_id 0 master_id 0 (@/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/firmware)
(00.161426) 1: mnt: Start with 0:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6
(00.161523) 1: mnt: Start with 0:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6
(00.161526) 1: mnt: Mounting aufs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/ (0)
(00.161539) 1: mnt: 359:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/ private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161592) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc (0)
(00.161632) 1: mnt: 360:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161638) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger
(00.161641) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys
(00.161642) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq
(00.161647) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs
(00.161648) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus
(00.161649) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound
(00.161650) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound (0)
(00.161652) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound
(00.161678) 1: mnt: 170:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/asound private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161683) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug (0)
(00.161685) 1: mnt: Bind /dev/null to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug
(00.161726) 1: mnt: 187:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sched_debug private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161749) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list
(00.161752) 1: mnt: Bind private /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/kcore
(00.161754) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list (0)
(00.161755) 1: mnt: Bind /dev/null to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list
(00.161768) 1: mnt: 186:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/timer_list private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161772) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/kcore (0)
(00.161773) 1: mnt: Bind /dev/null to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/kcore
(00.161788) 1: mnt: 185:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/kcore private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161792) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger (0)
(00.161794) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger
(00.161805) 1: mnt: 184:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sysrq-trigger private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161809) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys (0)
(00.161811) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys
(00.161817) 1: mnt: 183:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/sys private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161821) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq (0)
(00.161822) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq
(00.161828) 1: mnt: 182:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/irq private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161831) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs (0)
(00.161833) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs
(00.161839) 1: mnt: 181:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/fs private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161842) 1: mnt: Mounting proc @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus (0)
(00.161844) 1: mnt: Bind /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus
(00.161850) 1: mnt: 180:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/proc/bus private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161853) 1: mnt: Mounting unsupported @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hosts (0)
(00.161855) 1: mnt: Bind /var/lib/docker/containers/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/hosts to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hosts
(00.161875) 1: mnt: 378:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hosts private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161885) 1: mnt: Mounting unsupported @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hostname (0)
(00.161887) 1: mnt: Bind /var/lib/docker/containers/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/hostname to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hostname
(00.161899) 1: mnt: 377:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/hostname private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161909) 1: mnt: Mounting unsupported @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf (0)
(00.161911) 1: mnt: Bind /var/lib/docker/containers/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/resolv.conf to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf
(00.161922) 1: mnt: 376:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/etc/resolv.conf private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161929) 1: mnt: Mounting sysfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys (0)
(00.161959) 1: mnt: 363:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.161964) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/firmware (0)
(00.167330) 1: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.167365) 1: Inherit fd 0 moved to 7 to resolve clash
(00.167368) 1: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.167370) 1: Inherit fd 1 moved to 3 to resolve clash
(00.167372) 1: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.167373) 1: Inherit fd 2 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.169194) 1: mnt: 188:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/firmware private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.169206) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup (0)
(00.174524) 1: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.174558) 1: Inherit fd 0 moved to 7 to resolve clash
(00.174562) 1: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.174564) 1: Inherit fd 1 moved to 3 to resolve clash
(00.174565) 1: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.174567) 1: Inherit fd 2 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.176455) 1: mnt: 364:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176468) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd (0)
(00.176471) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
(00.176485) 1: mnt: 365:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176490) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory (0)
(00.176492) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory
(00.176499) 1: mnt: 374:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/memory private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176504) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids (0)
(00.176505) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids
(00.176512) 1: mnt: 373:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/pids private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176516) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices (0)
(00.176518) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices
(00.176524) 1: mnt: 372:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/devices private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176529) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset (0)
(00.176530) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset
(00.176537) 1: mnt: 371:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176541) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct (0)
(00.176542) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct
(00.176549) 1: mnt: 370:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176560) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer (0)
(00.176561) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer
(00.176567) 1: mnt: 369:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176571) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event (0)
(00.176573) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
(00.176579) 1: mnt: 368:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176583) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio (0)
(00.176585) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio
(00.176591) 1: mnt: 367:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176595) 1: mnt: Mounting cgroup @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio (0)
(00.176596) 1: mnt: Bind /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/system.slice/docker.service to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
(00.176603) 1: mnt: 366:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.176607) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev (0)
(00.181850) 1: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.181884) 1: Inherit fd 0 moved to 7 to resolve clash
(00.181888) 1: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.181889) 1: Inherit fd 1 moved to 3 to resolve clash
(00.181891) 1: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.181892) 1: Inherit fd 2 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.183740) 1: mnt: 361:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.183751) 1: mnt: Mounting devpts @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/pts (0)
(00.183782) 1: mnt: 362:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/pts private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.183787) 1: mnt: Mounting tmpfs @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/shm (0)
(00.183789) 1: mnt: Bind /var/lib/docker/containers/7e758fadba352038758e469665e3c70e267d858b27f3dd29ee69544dc6d6f3d5/shm to /tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/shm
(00.183798) 1: mnt: 379:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/shm private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.183802) 1: mnt: Mounting mqueue @/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue (0)
(00.183812) 1: mnt: 375:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000/dev/mqueue private 1 shared 0 slave 0
(00.183816) 1: mnt: Start with 0:/tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6
(00.205389) 1: mnt: Move the root to //tmp/.criu.mntns.IJe0T6/12-0000000000
(00.245333) Running post-setup-namespaces scripts
(00.245338) RPC
(00.245444) 1: Preparing info about shared resources
(00.245453) 1: Configuring remap 0x70 -> 0x1
(00.245480) 1: Remap rpath is dev/shm/
(00.245494) 1: Configuring remap 0xae -> 0x2
(00.245505) 1: Remap rpath is dev/shm/
(00.245512) 1: Configuring remap 0xc5 -> 0x3
(00.245522) 1: Remap rpath is dev/shm/
(00.245528) 1: No seccomp.img image
(00.245532) 1: Collecting 45/38 (flags 0)
(00.245534) 1: No filelocks.img image
(00.245536) 1: `- ... done
(00.245537) 1: Collecting 39/27 (flags 0)
(00.245544) 1: Collected pipe data for 0x9e84 (chain 4)
(00.245546) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xac56 (chain 22)
(00.245547) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa249 (chain 9)
(00.245549) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa24a (chain 10)
(00.245551) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa248 (chain 8)
(00.245557) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa24c (chain 12)
(00.245559) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa252 (chain 18)
(00.245561) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa254 (chain 20)
(00.245562) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa259 (chain 25)
(00.245564) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa25a (chain 26)
(00.245566) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa25d (chain 29)
(00.245567) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa25e (chain 30)
(00.245569) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa258 (chain 24)
(00.245570) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xac5f (chain 31)
(00.245572) 1: Collected pipe data for 0xa268 (chain 8)
(00.245574) 1: `- ... done
(00.245575) 1: Collecting 40/27 (flags 0)
(00.245577) 1: No fifo-data.img image
(00.245578) 1: `- ... done
(00.245579) 1: Collecting 38/60 (flags 0)
(00.245581) 1: No sk-queues.img image
(00.245582) 1: `- ... done
(00.245634) 1: Found 146 VMAs in image
(00.245637) 1: vma 0x556f59f34000 0x556f59ff1000
(00.245638) 1: vma 0x556f5a1f1000 0x556f5a1f4000
(00.245640) 1: vma 0x556f5a1f4000 0x556f5a1f5000
(00.245641) 1: vma 0x556f5a1f5000 0x556f5a1fe000
(00.245642) 1: vma 0x556f5ae73000 0x556f5ae94000
(00.245643) 1: vma 0x7fc889e4b000 0x7fc889e55000
(00.245645) 1: vma 0x7fc889e55000 0x7fc88a055000
(00.245646) 1: vma 0x7fc88a055000 0x7fc88a056000
(00.245647) 1: vma 0x7fc88a056000 0x7fc88a057000
(00.245648) 1: vma 0x7fc88a057000 0x7fc88a05d000
(00.245649) 1: vma 0x7fc88a05d000 0x7fc88a068000
(00.245651) 1: vma 0x7fc88a068000 0x7fc88a267000
(00.245652) 1: vma 0x7fc88a267000 0x7fc88a268000
(00.245653) 1: vma 0x7fc88a268000 0x7fc88a269000
(00.245654) 1: vma 0x7fc88a269000 0x7fc88a270000
(00.245656) 1: vma 0x7fc88a270000 0x7fc88a46f000
(00.245657) 1: vma 0x7fc88a46f000 0x7fc88a470000
(00.245658) 1: vma 0x7fc88a470000 0x7fc88a471000
(00.245659) 1: vma 0x7fc88a471000 0x7fc88a484000
(00.245660) 1: vma 0x7fc88a484000 0x7fc88a683000
(00.245662) 1: vma 0x7fc88a683000 0x7fc88a684000
(00.245663) 1: vma 0x7fc88a684000 0x7fc88a685000
(00.245664) 1: vma 0x7fc88a685000 0x7fc88a699000
(00.245665) 1: vma 0x7fc88a699000 0x7fc88a898000
(00.245667) 1: vma 0x7fc88a898000 0x7fc88a899000
(00.245668) 1: vma 0x7fc88a899000 0x7fc88a89a000
(00.245669) 1: vma 0x7fc88a89a000 0x7fc88a89c000
(00.245670) 1: vma 0x7fc88a89c000 0x7fc88a89f000
(00.245672) 1: vma 0x7fc88a89f000 0x7fc88aa9e000
(00.245673) 1: vma 0x7fc88aa9e000 0x7fc88aa9f000
(00.245674) 1: vma 0x7fc88aa9f000 0x7fc88aaa0000
(00.245675) 1: vma 0x7fc88aaa0000 0x7fc88aaab000
(00.245677) 1: vma 0x7fc88aaab000 0x7fc88acaa000
(00.245678) 1: vma 0x7fc88acaa000 0x7fc88acab000
(00.245679) 1: vma 0x7fc88acab000 0x7fc88acac000
(00.245680) 1: vma 0x7fc88acac000 0x7fc88acdb000
(00.245681) 1: vma 0x7fc88acdb000 0x7fc88aedb000
(00.245683) 1: vma 0x7fc88aedb000 0x7fc88aedd000
(00.245684) 1: vma 0x7fc88aedd000 0x7fc88aede000
(00.245685) 1: vma 0x7fc88aede000 0x7fc88aedf000
(00.245686) 1: vma 0x7fc88aedf000 0x7fc88aef7000
(00.245688) 1: vma 0x7fc88aef7000 0x7fc88b0f6000
(00.245689) 1: vma 0x7fc88b0f6000 0x7fc88b0f7000
(00.245690) 1: vma 0x7fc88b0f7000 0x7fc88b0f8000
(00.245691) 1: vma 0x7fc88b0f8000 0x7fc88b0fc000
(00.245692) 1: vma 0x7fc88b0fc000 0x7fc88b203000
(00.245694) 1: vma 0x7fc88b203000 0x7fc88b403000
(00.245695) 1: vma 0x7fc88b403000 0x7fc88b405000
(00.245696) 1: vma 0x7fc88b405000 0x7fc88b40c000
(00.245697) 1: vma 0x7fc88b40c000 0x7fc88b41d000
(00.245699) 1: vma 0x7fc88b41d000 0x7fc88b61c000
(00.245700) 1: vma 0x7fc88b61c000 0x7fc88b61d000
(00.245701) 1: vma 0x7fc88b61d000 0x7fc88b61e000
(00.245702) 1: vma 0x7fc88b61e000 0x7fc88b643000
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(00.245819) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.245824) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=0 id=0x21
(00.245827) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=1 id=0x22
(00.245829) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=2 id=0x23
(00.245831) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=3 id=0x24
(00.245832) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=1 fd=4 id=0x25
(00.245892) 1: Found 198 VMAs in image
(00.245894) 1: vma 0x55633edb5000 0x55633ee72000
(00.245895) 1: vma 0x55633f072000 0x55633f075000
(00.245896) 1: vma 0x55633f075000 0x55633f076000
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(00.245900) 1: vma 0x7f9688ae9000 0x7f9688aec000
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(00.246096) 1: vma 0x7f968df65000 0x7f968df66000
(00.246097) 1: vma 0x7f968df66000 0x7f968df67000
(00.246098) 1: vma 0x7f968df67000 0x7f968df69000
(00.246100) 1: vma 0x7f968df69000 0x7f968df76000
(00.246104) 1: vma 0x7f968df76000 0x7f968e175000
(00.246106) 1: vma 0x7f968e175000 0x7f968e176000
(00.246107) 1: vma 0x7f968e176000 0x7f968e177000
(00.246108) 1: vma 0x7f968e177000 0x7f968e194000
(00.246109) 1: vma 0x7f968e194000 0x7f968e393000
(00.246110) 1: vma 0x7f968e393000 0x7f968e394000
(00.246112) 1: vma 0x7f968e394000 0x7f968e395000
(00.246113) 1: vma 0x7f968e395000 0x7f968e39f000
(00.246114) 1: vma 0x7f968e39f000 0x7f968e3a7000
(00.246115) 1: vma 0x7f968e3a7000 0x7f968e5a7000
(00.246116) 1: vma 0x7f968e5a7000 0x7f968e5a8000
(00.246118) 1: vma 0x7f968e5a8000 0x7f968e5a9000
(00.246119) 1: vma 0x7f968e5a9000 0x7f968e5cc000
(00.246120) 1: vma 0x7f968e6e8000 0x7f968e729000
(00.246121) 1: vma 0x7f968e729000 0x7f968e72c000
(00.246123) 1: vma 0x7f968e72c000 0x7f968e72d000
(00.246124) 1: vma 0x7f968e72d000 0x7f968e73a000
(00.246125) 1: vma 0x7f968e73a000 0x7f968e7be000
(00.246126) 1: vma 0x7f968e7be000 0x7f968e7bf000
(00.246127) 1: vma 0x7f968e7bf000 0x7f968e7c2000
(00.246129) 1: vma 0x7f968e7c2000 0x7f968e7c3000
(00.246130) 1: vma 0x7f968e7c3000 0x7f968e7c4000
(00.246132) 1: vma 0x7f968e7c9000 0x7f968e7cc000
(00.246133) 1: vma 0x7f968e7cc000 0x7f968e7cd000
(00.246134) 1: vma 0x7f968e7cd000 0x7f968e7ce000
(00.246135) 1: vma 0x7f968e7ce000 0x7f968e7cf000
(00.246136) 1: vma 0x7ffc7c228000 0x7ffc7c249000
(00.246137) 1: vma 0x7ffc7c3eb000 0x7ffc7c3ed000
(00.246139) 1: vma 0x7ffc7c3ed000 0x7ffc7c3ef000
(00.246140) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.246144) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=6 fd=0 id=0x34
(00.246146) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=6 fd=1 id=0x34
(00.246147) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=6 fd=2 id=0x34
(00.246149) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=6 fd=3 id=0x35
(00.246152) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=6 fd=5 id=0x36
(00.246212) 1: Found 198 VMAs in image
(00.246214) 1: vma 0x55633edb5000 0x55633ee72000
(00.246215) 1: vma 0x55633f072000 0x55633f075000
(00.246216) 1: vma 0x55633f075000 0x55633f076000
(00.246218) 1: vma 0x55633f076000 0x55633f07f000
(00.246219) 1: vma 0x55633fe73000 0x55633feae000
(00.246220) 1: vma 0x7f9688ae9000 0x7f9688aec000
(00.246223) 1: vma 0x7f9688aec000 0x7f9688ceb000
(00.246224) 1: vma 0x7f9688ceb000 0x7f9688cec000
(00.246225) 1: vma 0x7f9688cec000 0x7f9688ced000
(00.246227) 1: vma 0x7f9688ced000 0x7f9688cf2000
(00.246228) 1: vma 0x7f9688cf2000 0x7f9688ef1000
(00.246229) 1: vma 0x7f9688ef1000 0x7f9688ef2000
(00.246230) 1: vma 0x7f9688ef2000 0x7f9688ef3000
(00.246231) 1: vma 0x7f9688ef3000 0x7f9688ef5000
(00.246232) 1: vma 0x7f9688ef5000 0x7f96890f4000
(00.246234) 1: vma 0x7f96890f4000 0x7f96890f5000
(00.246235) 1: vma 0x7f96890f5000 0x7f96890f6000
(00.246236) 1: vma 0x7f96890f6000 0x7f96890f7000
(00.246237) 1: vma 0x7f96890f7000 0x7f96892f7000
(00.246238) 1: vma 0x7f96892f7000 0x7f96892f8000
(00.246239) 1: vma 0x7f96892f8000 0x7f96892f9000
(00.246241) 1: vma 0x7f96892f9000 0x7f96892fc000
(00.246242) 1: vma 0x7f96892fc000 0x7f96894fb000
(00.246243) 1: vma 0x7f96894fb000 0x7f96894fc000
(00.246244) 1: vma 0x7f96894fc000 0x7f96894fd000
(00.246245) 1: vma 0x7f96894fd000 0x7f96894ff000
(00.246247) 1: vma 0x7f96894ff000 0x7f96896fe000
(00.246248) 1: vma 0x7f96896fe000 0x7f96896ff000
(00.246249) 1: vma 0x7f96896ff000 0x7f9689700000
(00.246250) 1: vma 0x7f9689700000 0x7f9689702000
(00.246251) 1: vma 0x7f9689702000 0x7f9689901000
(00.246252) 1: vma 0x7f9689901000 0x7f9689902000
(00.246254) 1: vma 0x7f9689902000 0x7f9689903000
(00.246255) 1: vma 0x7f9689903000 0x7f9689907000
(00.246256) 1: vma 0x7f9689907000 0x7f9689b06000
(00.246257) 1: vma 0x7f9689b06000 0x7f9689b07000
(00.246258) 1: vma 0x7f9689b07000 0x7f9689b08000
(00.246260) 1: vma 0x7f9689b08000 0x7f9689b09000
(00.246261) 1: vma 0x7f9689b09000 0x7f9689d09000
(00.246262) 1: vma 0x7f9689d09000 0x7f9689d0a000
(00.246263) 1: vma 0x7f9689d0a000 0x7f9689d0b000
(00.246264) 1: vma 0x7f9689d0b000 0x7f9689d0c000
(00.246266) 1: vma 0x7f9689d0c000 0x7f9689f0b000
(00.246267) 1: vma 0x7f9689f0b000 0x7f9689f0c000
(00.246268) 1: vma 0x7f9689f0c000 0x7f9689f0d000
(00.246269) 1: vma 0x7f9689f0d000 0x7f9689f0e000
(00.246270) 1: vma 0x7f9689f0e000 0x7f968a10d000
(00.246271) 1: vma 0x7f968a10d000 0x7f968a10e000
(00.246273) 1: vma 0x7f968a10e000 0x7f968a10f000
(00.246274) 1: vma 0x7f968a10f000 0x7f968a11c000
(00.246275) 1: vma 0x7f968a11c000 0x7f968a31c000
(00.246276) 1: vma 0x7f968a31c000 0x7f968a31d000
(00.246277) 1: vma 0x7f968a31d000 0x7f968a31e000
(00.246278) 1: vma 0x7f968a31e000 0x7f968a32a000
(00.246280) 1: vma 0x7f968a32a000 0x7f968a334000
(00.246281) 1: vma 0x7f968a334000 0x7f968a534000
(00.246282) 1: vma 0x7f968a534000 0x7f968a535000
(00.246283) 1: vma 0x7f968a535000 0x7f968a536000
(00.246284) 1: vma 0x7f968a536000 0x7f968a53c000
(00.246286) 1: vma 0x7f968a53c000 0x7f968a547000
(00.246287) 1: vma 0x7f968a547000 0x7f968a746000
(00.246288) 1: vma 0x7f968a746000 0x7f968a747000
(00.246289) 1: vma 0x7f968a747000 0x7f968a748000
(00.246290) 1: vma 0x7f968a748000 0x7f968a74f000
(00.246292) 1: vma 0x7f968a74f000 0x7f968a94e000
(00.246293) 1: vma 0x7f968a94e000 0x7f968a94f000
(00.246294) 1: vma 0x7f968a94f000 0x7f968a950000
(00.246295) 1: vma 0x7f968a950000 0x7f968a963000
(00.246296) 1: vma 0x7f968a963000 0x7f968ab62000
(00.246298) 1: vma 0x7f968ab62000 0x7f968ab63000
(00.246299) 1: vma 0x7f968ab63000 0x7f968ab64000
(00.246300) 1: vma 0x7f968ab64000 0x7f968ab78000
(00.246301) 1: vma 0x7f968ab78000 0x7f968ad77000
(00.246302) 1: vma 0x7f968ad77000 0x7f968ad78000
(00.246303) 1: vma 0x7f968ad78000 0x7f968ad79000
(00.246305) 1: vma 0x7f968ad79000 0x7f968ad7b000
(00.246307) 1: vma 0x7f968ad7b000 0x7f968ad7e000
(00.246308) 1: vma 0x7f968ad7e000 0x7f968af7d000
(00.246309) 1: vma 0x7f968af7d000 0x7f968af7e000
(00.246310) 1: vma 0x7f968af7e000 0x7f968af7f000
(00.246311) 1: vma 0x7f968af7f000 0x7f968af8a000
(00.246312) 1: vma 0x7f968af8a000 0x7f968b189000
(00.246315) 1: vma 0x7f968b189000 0x7f968b18a000
(00.246316) 1: vma 0x7f968b18a000 0x7f968b18b000
(00.246318) 1: vma 0x7f968b18b000 0x7f968b1ba000
(00.246319) 1: vma 0x7f968b1ba000 0x7f968b3ba000
(00.246320) 1: vma 0x7f968b3ba000 0x7f968b3bc000
(00.246321) 1: vma 0x7f968b3bc000 0x7f968b3bd000
(00.246322) 1: vma 0x7f968b3bd000 0x7f968b3be000
(00.246324) 1: vma 0x7f968b3be000 0x7f968b3d6000
(00.246325) 1: vma 0x7f968b3d6000 0x7f968b5d5000
(00.246326) 1: vma 0x7f968b5d5000 0x7f968b5d6000
(00.246327) 1: vma 0x7f968b5d6000 0x7f968b5d7000
(00.246328) 1: vma 0x7f968b5d7000 0x7f968b5db000
(00.246329) 1: vma 0x7f968b5db000 0x7f968b6e2000
(00.246331) 1: vma 0x7f968b6e2000 0x7f968b8e2000
(00.246332) 1: vma 0x7f968b8e2000 0x7f968b8e4000
(00.246333) 1: vma 0x7f968b8e4000 0x7f968b8eb000
(00.246334) 1: vma 0x7f968b8eb000 0x7f968b8fc000
(00.246335) 1: vma 0x7f968b8fc000 0x7f968bafb000
(00.246337) 1: vma 0x7f968bafb000 0x7f968bafc000
(00.246338) 1: vma 0x7f968bafc000 0x7f968bafd000
(00.246339) 1: vma 0x7f968bafd000 0x7f968bb22000
(00.246340) 1: vma 0x7f968bb22000 0x7f968bd21000
(00.246341) 1: vma 0x7f968bd21000 0x7f968bd22000
(00.246343) 1: vma 0x7f968bd22000 0x7f968bd23000
(00.246344) 1: vma 0x7f968bd23000 0x7f968bd2a000
(00.246345) 1: vma 0x7f968bd2a000 0x7f968bf29000
(00.246346) 1: vma 0x7f968bf29000 0x7f968bf2a000
(00.246347) 1: vma 0x7f968bf2a000 0x7f968bf2b000
(00.246348) 1: vma 0x7f968bf2b000 0x7f968bf9d000
(00.246350) 1: vma 0x7f968bf9d000 0x7f968c19c000
(00.246351) 1: vma 0x7f968c19c000 0x7f968c19d000
(00.246352) 1: vma 0x7f968c19d000 0x7f968c19e000
(00.246353) 1: vma 0x7f968c19e000 0x7f968c1a1000
(00.246354) 1: vma 0x7f968c1a1000 0x7f968c3a0000
(00.246356) 1: vma 0x7f968c3a0000 0x7f968c3a1000
(00.246357) 1: vma 0x7f968c3a1000 0x7f968c3a2000
(00.246358) 1: vma 0x7f968c3a2000 0x7f968c3a6000
(00.246359) 1: vma 0x7f968c3a6000 0x7f968c5a6000
(00.246361) 1: vma 0x7f968c5a6000 0x7f968c5a7000
(00.246362) 1: vma 0x7f968c5a7000 0x7f968c5a8000
(00.246363) 1: vma 0x7f968c5a8000 0x7f968c5bc000
(00.246365) 1: vma 0x7f968c5bc000 0x7f968c7bc000
(00.246366) 1: vma 0x7f968c7bc000 0x7f968c7bd000
(00.246367) 1: vma 0x7f968c7bd000 0x7f968c7be000
(00.246368) 1: vma 0x7f968c7be000 0x7f968c7c0000
(00.246369) 1: vma 0x7f968c7c0000 0x7f968c955000
(00.246371) 1: vma 0x7f968c955000 0x7f968cb55000
(00.246372) 1: vma 0x7f968cb55000 0x7f968cb59000
(00.246373) 1: vma 0x7f968cb59000 0x7f968cb5b000
(00.246374) 1: vma 0x7f968cb5b000 0x7f968cb5f000
(00.246375) 1: vma 0x7f968cb5f000 0x7f968cb62000
(00.246376) 1: vma 0x7f968cb62000 0x7f968cd61000
(00.246378) 1: vma 0x7f968cd61000 0x7f968cd62000
(00.246379) 1: vma 0x7f968cd62000 0x7f968cd63000
(00.246380) 1: vma 0x7f968cd63000 0x7f968ce2c000
(00.246381) 1: vma 0x7f968ce2c000 0x7f968d02c000
(00.246382) 1: vma 0x7f968d02c000 0x7f968d03a000
(00.246384) 1: vma 0x7f968d03a000 0x7f968d03d000
(00.246385) 1: vma 0x7f968d03d000 0x7f968d085000
(00.246387) 1: vma 0x7f968d085000 0x7f968d284000
(00.246388) 1: vma 0x7f968d284000 0x7f968d286000
(00.246389) 1: vma 0x7f968d286000 0x7f968d288000
(00.246390) 1: vma 0x7f968d288000 0x7f968d290000
(00.246391) 1: vma 0x7f968d290000 0x7f968d490000
(00.246393) 1: vma 0x7f968d490000 0x7f968d491000
(00.246394) 1: vma 0x7f968d491000 0x7f968d492000
(00.246395) 1: vma 0x7f968d492000 0x7f968d4c0000
(00.246396) 1: vma 0x7f968d4c0000 0x7f968d4d9000
(00.246397) 1: vma 0x7f968d4d9000 0x7f968d6d8000
(00.246398) 1: vma 0x7f968d6d8000 0x7f968d6d9000
(00.246400) 1: vma 0x7f968d6d9000 0x7f968d6da000
(00.246401) 1: vma 0x7f968d6da000 0x7f968d6dc000
(00.246402) 1: vma 0x7f968d6dc000 0x7f968d8db000
(00.246403) 1: vma 0x7f968d8db000 0x7f968d8dc000
(00.246404) 1: vma 0x7f968d8dc000 0x7f968d8dd000
(00.246405) 1: vma 0x7f968d8dd000 0x7f968db12000
(00.246408) 1: vma 0x7f968db12000 0x7f968dd12000
(00.246409) 1: vma 0x7f968dd12000 0x7f968dd2e000
(00.246410) 1: vma 0x7f968dd2e000 0x7f968dd3d000
(00.246412) 1: vma 0x7f968dd3d000 0x7f968dd41000
(00.246413) 1: vma 0x7f968dd41000 0x7f968dd66000
(00.246415) 1: vma 0x7f968dd66000 0x7f968df65000
(00.246416) 1: vma 0x7f968df65000 0x7f968df66000
(00.246417) 1: vma 0x7f968df66000 0x7f968df67000
(00.246418) 1: vma 0x7f968df67000 0x7f968df69000
(00.246419) 1: vma 0x7f968df69000 0x7f968df76000
(00.246421) 1: vma 0x7f968df76000 0x7f968e175000
(00.246422) 1: vma 0x7f968e175000 0x7f968e176000
(00.246423) 1: vma 0x7f968e176000 0x7f968e177000
(00.246424) 1: vma 0x7f968e177000 0x7f968e194000
(00.246425) 1: vma 0x7f968e194000 0x7f968e393000
(00.246426) 1: vma 0x7f968e393000 0x7f968e394000
(00.246428) 1: vma 0x7f968e394000 0x7f968e395000
(00.246429) 1: vma 0x7f968e395000 0x7f968e39f000
(00.246430) 1: vma 0x7f968e39f000 0x7f968e3a7000
(00.246431) 1: vma 0x7f968e3a7000 0x7f968e5a7000
(00.246432) 1: vma 0x7f968e5a7000 0x7f968e5a8000
(00.246433) 1: vma 0x7f968e5a8000 0x7f968e5a9000
(00.246435) 1: vma 0x7f968e5a9000 0x7f968e5cc000
(00.246436) 1: vma 0x7f968e6e8000 0x7f968e729000
(00.246437) 1: vma 0x7f968e729000 0x7f968e72c000
(00.246438) 1: vma 0x7f968e72c000 0x7f968e72d000
(00.246440) 1: vma 0x7f968e72d000 0x7f968e73a000
(00.246441) 1: vma 0x7f968e73a000 0x7f968e7be000
(00.246442) 1: vma 0x7f968e7be000 0x7f968e7bf000
(00.246444) 1: vma 0x7f968e7bf000 0x7f968e7c2000
(00.246445) 1: vma 0x7f968e7c2000 0x7f968e7c3000
(00.246446) 1: vma 0x7f968e7c3000 0x7f968e7c4000
(00.246447) 1: vma 0x7f968e7c9000 0x7f968e7cc000
(00.246448) 1: vma 0x7f968e7cc000 0x7f968e7cd000
(00.246449) 1: vma 0x7f968e7cd000 0x7f968e7ce000
(00.246451) 1: vma 0x7f968e7ce000 0x7f968e7cf000
(00.246452) 1: vma 0x7ffc7c228000 0x7ffc7c249000
(00.246453) 1: vma 0x7ffc7c3eb000 0x7ffc7c3ed000
(00.246454) 1: vma 0x7ffc7c3ed000 0x7ffc7c3ef000
(00.246455) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.246459) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=12 fd=0 id=0x34
(00.246461) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=12 fd=1 id=0x34
(00.246462) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=12 fd=2 id=0x34
(00.246463) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=12 fd=3 id=0x35
(00.246465) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=12 fd=4 id=0x37
(00.246466) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=12 fd=5 id=0x38
(00.246468) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=12 fd=6 id=0x39
(00.246471) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=12 fd=9 id=0x3a
(00.246473) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=12 fd=11 id=0x3b
(00.246488) 1: Found 20 VMAs in image
(00.246489) 1: vma 0x563cea9a4000 0x563cea9bf000
(00.246491) 1: vma 0x563ceabbe000 0x563ceabc0000
(00.246492) 1: vma 0x563ceabc0000 0x563ceabc1000
(00.246493) 1: vma 0x563ceabc1000 0x563ceabc3000
(00.246494) 1: vma 0x563cebb73000 0x563cebb94000
(00.246495) 1: vma 0x7f2981427000 0x7f29815bc000
(00.246497) 1: vma 0x7f29815bc000 0x7f29817bc000
(00.246498) 1: vma 0x7f29817bc000 0x7f29817c0000
(00.246499) 1: vma 0x7f29817c0000 0x7f29817c2000
(00.246500) 1: vma 0x7f29817c2000 0x7f29817c6000
(00.246501) 1: vma 0x7f29817c6000 0x7f29817e9000
(00.246503) 1: vma 0x7f29819df000 0x7f29819e1000
(00.246504) 1: vma 0x7f29819e6000 0x7f29819e9000
(00.246505) 1: vma 0x7f29819e9000 0x7f29819ea000
(00.246506) 1: vma 0x7f29819ea000 0x7f29819eb000
(00.246507) 1: vma 0x7f29819eb000 0x7f29819ec000
(00.246509) 1: vma 0x7fff0faba000 0x7fff0fadb000
(00.246510) 1: vma 0x7fff0fb97000 0x7fff0fb99000
(00.246511) 1: vma 0x7fff0fb99000 0x7fff0fb9b000
(00.246512) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.246516) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=0 id=0x3d
(00.246517) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=1 id=0x3e
(00.246519) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=13 fd=2 id=0x3f
(00.246593) 1: Found 260 VMAs in image
(00.246595) 1: vma 0x55c608403000 0x55c608404000
(00.246598) 1: vma 0x55c608603000 0x55c608604000
(00.246600) 1: vma 0x55c608604000 0x55c608605000
(00.246601) 1: vma 0x55c60916e000 0x55c60925b000
(00.246602) 1: vma 0x7fb280000000 0x7fb280021000
(00.246603) 1: vma 0x7fb280021000 0x7fb284000000
(00.246604) 1: vma 0x7fb284000000 0x7fb284021000
(00.246605) 1: vma 0x7fb284021000 0x7fb288000000
(00.246607) 1: vma 0x7fb288000000 0x7fb288021000
(00.246608) 1: vma 0x7fb288021000 0x7fb28c000000
(00.246609) 1: vma 0x7fb28dd5c000 0x7fb28dd66000
(00.246610) 1: vma 0x7fb28dd66000 0x7fb28df66000
(00.246611) 1: vma 0x7fb28df66000 0x7fb28df67000
(00.246612) 1: vma 0x7fb28df67000 0x7fb28df68000
(00.246614) 1: vma 0x7fb28df68000 0x7fb28df6e000
(00.246615) 1: vma 0x7fb28df6e000 0x7fb28df79000
(00.246616) 1: vma 0x7fb28df79000 0x7fb28e178000
(00.246617) 1: vma 0x7fb28e178000 0x7fb28e179000
(00.246618) 1: vma 0x7fb28e179000 0x7fb28e17a000
(00.246620) 1: vma 0x7fb28e17a000 0x7fb28e18e000
(00.246621) 1: vma 0x7fb28e18e000 0x7fb28e38e000
(00.246622) 1: vma 0x7fb28e38e000 0x7fb28e38f000
(00.246623) 1: vma 0x7fb28e38f000 0x7fb28e390000
(00.246624) 1: vma 0x7fb28e390000 0x7fb28e392000
(00.246625) 1: vma 0x7fb28e392000 0x7fb28e399000
(00.246627) 1: vma 0x7fb28e399000 0x7fb28e598000
(00.246628) 1: vma 0x7fb28e598000 0x7fb28e599000
(00.246629) 1: vma 0x7fb28e599000 0x7fb28e59a000
(00.246630) 1: vma 0x7fb28e59a000 0x7fb28e59b000
(00.246631) 1: vma 0x7fb28e59b000 0x7fb28ed9b000
(00.246632) 1: vma 0x7fb28ed9b000 0x7fb28eda6000
(00.246634) 1: vma 0x7fb28eda6000 0x7fb28efa5000
(00.246635) 1: vma 0x7fb28efa5000 0x7fb28efa6000
(00.246636) 1: vma 0x7fb28efa6000 0x7fb28efa7000
(00.246637) 1: vma 0x7fb28efa9000 0x7fb28efac000
(00.246638) 1: vma 0x7fb28efac000 0x7fb28f1ac000
(00.246639) 1: vma 0x7fb28f1ac000 0x7fb28f1ad000
(00.246641) 1: vma 0x7fb28f1ad000 0x7fb28f1ae000
(00.246642) 1: vma 0x7fb28f1ae000 0x7fb28f1b4000
(00.246643) 1: vma 0x7fb28f1b4000 0x7fb28f3b3000
(00.246644) 1: vma 0x7fb28f3b3000 0x7fb28f3b4000
(00.246645) 1: vma 0x7fb28f3b4000 0x7fb28f3b5000
(00.246647) 1: vma 0x7fb28f3b5000 0x7fb28f3b9000
(00.246648) 1: vma 0x7fb28f3b9000 0x7fb28f5b8000
(00.246649) 1: vma 0x7fb28f5b8000 0x7fb28f5b9000
(00.246650) 1: vma 0x7fb28f5b9000 0x7fb28f5ba000
(00.246651) 1: vma 0x7fb28f5ba000 0x7fb28f5bb000
(00.246653) 1: vma 0x7fb28f5bb000 0x7fb28fdbb000
(00.246654) 1: vma 0x7fb28fdbb000 0x7fb28fdbc000
(00.246655) 1: vma 0x7fb28fdbc000 0x7fb2905bc000
(00.246656) 1: vma 0x7fb2905bc000 0x7fb290615000
(00.246657) 1: vma 0x7fb290615000 0x7fb290814000
(00.246658) 1: vma 0x7fb290814000 0x7fb290815000
(00.246660) 1: vma 0x7fb290815000 0x7fb290817000
(00.246661) 1: vma 0x7fb290817000 0x7fb290819000
(00.246662) 1: vma 0x7fb290819000 0x7fb29081e000
(00.246663) 1: vma 0x7fb29081e000 0x7fb290a1d000
(00.246664) 1: vma 0x7fb290a1d000 0x7fb290a1e000
(00.246665) 1: vma 0x7fb290a1e000 0x7fb290a1f000
(00.246667) 1: vma 0x7fb290a1f000 0x7fb290a22000
(00.246668) 1: vma 0x7fb290a22000 0x7fb290c21000
(00.246669) 1: vma 0x7fb290c21000 0x7fb290c22000
(00.246670) 1: vma 0x7fb290c22000 0x7fb290c23000
(00.246671) 1: vma 0x7fb290c23000 0x7fb290c26000
(00.246673) 1: vma 0x7fb290c26000 0x7fb290e26000
(00.246674) 1: vma 0x7fb290e26000 0x7fb290e27000
(00.246675) 1: vma 0x7fb290e27000 0x7fb290e28000
(00.246676) 1: vma 0x7fb290e28000 0x7fb290e2b000
(00.246677) 1: vma 0x7fb290e2b000 0x7fb29102b000
(00.246678) 1: vma 0x7fb29102b000 0x7fb29102c000
(00.246680) 1: vma 0x7fb29102c000 0x7fb29102d000
(00.246681) 1: vma 0x7fb29102d000 0x7fb291030000
(00.246682) 1: vma 0x7fb291030000 0x7fb291230000
(00.246683) 1: vma 0x7fb291230000 0x7fb291231000
(00.246684) 1: vma 0x7fb291231000 0x7fb291232000
(00.246685) 1: vma 0x7fb291232000 0x7fb291245000
(00.246687) 1: vma 0x7fb291245000 0x7fb291445000
(00.246689) 1: vma 0x7fb291445000 0x7fb291446000
(00.246690) 1: vma 0x7fb291446000 0x7fb291447000
(00.246692) 1: vma 0x7fb291447000 0x7fb291453000
(00.246693) 1: vma 0x7fb291453000 0x7fb291653000
(00.246694) 1: vma 0x7fb291653000 0x7fb291654000
(00.246695) 1: vma 0x7fb291654000 0x7fb291655000
(00.246696) 1: vma 0x7fb291655000 0x7fb291674000
(00.246698) 1: vma 0x7fb291674000 0x7fb291873000
(00.246699) 1: vma 0x7fb291873000 0x7fb291875000
(00.246700) 1: vma 0x7fb291875000 0x7fb291876000
(00.246701) 1: vma 0x7fb291876000 0x7fb2918d4000
(00.246702) 1: vma 0x7fb2918d4000 0x7fb291ad3000
(00.246703) 1: vma 0x7fb291ad3000 0x7fb291ad6000
(00.246705) 1: vma 0x7fb291ad6000 0x7fb291adb000
(00.246706) 1: vma 0x7fb291adb000 0x7fb291add000
(00.246707) 1: vma 0x7fb291add000 0x7fb291ae1000
(00.246708) 1: vma 0x7fb291ae1000 0x7fb291ce0000
(00.246709) 1: vma 0x7fb291ce0000 0x7fb291ce1000
(00.246711) 1: vma 0x7fb291ce1000 0x7fb291ce2000
(00.246712) 1: vma 0x7fb291ce2000 0x7fb291cf3000
(00.246714) 1: vma 0x7fb291cf3000 0x7fb291ef3000
(00.246715) 1: vma 0x7fb291ef3000 0x7fb291ef4000
(00.246716) 1: vma 0x7fb291ef4000 0x7fb291ef5000
(00.246717) 1: vma 0x7fb291ef5000 0x7fb291f06000
(00.246718) 1: vma 0x7fb291f06000 0x7fb292105000
(00.246719) 1: vma 0x7fb292105000 0x7fb292106000
(00.246721) 1: vma 0x7fb292106000 0x7fb292107000
(00.246722) 1: vma 0x7fb292107000 0x7fb292110000
(00.246723) 1: vma 0x7fb292110000 0x7fb29230f000
(00.246724) 1: vma 0x7fb29230f000 0x7fb292310000
(00.246725) 1: vma 0x7fb292310000 0x7fb292311000
(00.246726) 1: vma 0x7fb292311000 0x7fb292314000
(00.246728) 1: vma 0x7fb292314000 0x7fb292514000
(00.246729) 1: vma 0x7fb292514000 0x7fb292515000
(00.246730) 1: vma 0x7fb292515000 0x7fb292516000
(00.246731) 1: vma 0x7fb292719000 0x7fb29271d000
(00.246732) 1: vma 0x7fb29271d000 0x7fb29291c000
(00.246734) 1: vma 0x7fb29291c000 0x7fb29291d000
(00.246735) 1: vma 0x7fb29291d000 0x7fb29291e000
(00.246736) 1: vma 0x7fb292b21000 0x7fb292b25000
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(00.246739) 1: vma 0x7fb292d25000 0x7fb292d26000
(00.246741) 1: vma 0x7fb292d26000 0x7fb292d2a000
(00.246742) 1: vma 0x7fb292d2a000 0x7fb292f29000
(00.246743) 1: vma 0x7fb292f29000 0x7fb292f2a000
(00.246744) 1: vma 0x7fb292f2a000 0x7fb292f2b000
(00.246745) 1: vma 0x7fb292f2b000 0x7fb292f41000
(00.246746) 1: vma 0x7fb292f41000 0x7fb293140000
(00.246748) 1: vma 0x7fb293140000 0x7fb293141000
(00.246749) 1: vma 0x7fb293141000 0x7fb293142000
(00.246750) 1: vma 0x7fb293142000 0x7fb2932b4000
(00.246751) 1: vma 0x7fb2932b4000 0x7fb2934b4000
(00.246752) 1: vma 0x7fb2934b4000 0x7fb2934be000
(00.246754) 1: vma 0x7fb2934be000 0x7fb2934c0000
(00.246755) 1: vma 0x7fb2934c0000 0x7fb2934c4000
(00.246756) 1: vma 0x7fb2934c4000 0x7fb2934e9000
(00.246757) 1: vma 0x7fb2934e9000 0x7fb2936e8000
(00.246758) 1: vma 0x7fb2936e8000 0x7fb2936e9000
(00.246760) 1: vma 0x7fb2936e9000 0x7fb2936ea000
(00.246761) 1: vma 0x7fb2936ea000 0x7fb294f66000
(00.246762) 1: vma 0x7fb294f66000 0x7fb295165000
(00.246763) 1: vma 0x7fb295165000 0x7fb295166000
(00.246764) 1: vma 0x7fb295166000 0x7fb295167000
(00.246766) 1: vma 0x7fb295167000 0x7fb2952fb000
(00.246767) 1: vma 0x7fb2952fb000 0x7fb2954fa000
(00.246768) 1: vma 0x7fb2954fa000 0x7fb29550c000
(00.246769) 1: vma 0x7fb29550c000 0x7fb29550d000
(00.246772) 1: vma 0x7fb29550d000 0x7fb29550f000
(00.246774) 1: vma 0x7fb29550f000 0x7fb29577a000
(00.246775) 1: vma 0x7fb29577a000 0x7fb295979000
(00.246776) 1: vma 0x7fb295979000 0x7fb295986000
(00.246777) 1: vma 0x7fb295986000 0x7fb295988000
(00.246778) 1: vma 0x7fb295988000 0x7fb295989000
(00.246780) 1: vma 0x7fb295989000 0x7fb295b39000
(00.246781) 1: vma 0x7fb295b39000 0x7fb295d39000
(00.246783) 1: vma 0x7fb295d39000 0x7fb295d41000
(00.246785) 1: vma 0x7fb295d41000 0x7fb295d43000
(00.246786) 1: vma 0x7fb295d43000 0x7fb295d44000
(00.246787) 1: vma 0x7fb295d44000 0x7fb295d47000
(00.246788) 1: vma 0x7fb295d47000 0x7fb295f46000
(00.246789) 1: vma 0x7fb295f46000 0x7fb295f47000
(00.246790) 1: vma 0x7fb295f47000 0x7fb295f48000
(00.246792) 1: vma 0x7fb295f48000 0x7fb295f61000
(00.246793) 1: vma 0x7fb295f61000 0x7fb296160000
(00.246794) 1: vma 0x7fb296160000 0x7fb296161000
(00.246795) 1: vma 0x7fb296161000 0x7fb296162000
(00.246796) 1: vma 0x7fb296162000 0x7fb29616a000
(00.246798) 1: vma 0x7fb29616a000 0x7fb29636a000
(00.246799) 1: vma 0x7fb29636a000 0x7fb29636b000
(00.246801) 1: vma 0x7fb29636b000 0x7fb29636c000
(00.246802) 1: vma 0x7fb29636c000 0x7fb29636e000
(00.246803) 1: vma 0x7fb29636e000 0x7fb29656e000
(00.246804) 1: vma 0x7fb29656e000 0x7fb29656f000
(00.246805) 1: vma 0x7fb29656f000 0x7fb296570000
(00.246806) 1: vma 0x7fb296570000 0x7fb296579000
(00.246808) 1: vma 0x7fb296579000 0x7fb296779000
(00.246809) 1: vma 0x7fb296779000 0x7fb29677a000
(00.246810) 1: vma 0x7fb29677a000 0x7fb29677b000
(00.246811) 1: vma 0x7fb29677b000 0x7fb29677d000
(00.246812) 1: vma 0x7fb29677d000 0x7fb29697c000
(00.246814) 1: vma 0x7fb29697c000 0x7fb29697d000
(00.246815) 1: vma 0x7fb29697d000 0x7fb29697e000
(00.246816) 1: vma 0x7fb29697e000 0x7fb296981000
(00.246817) 1: vma 0x7fb296981000 0x7fb296b80000
(00.246818) 1: vma 0x7fb296b80000 0x7fb296b81000
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(00.246839) 1: vma 0x7fb297395000 0x7fb297396000
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(00.246846) 1: vma 0x7fb2975a4000 0x7fb2977a3000
(00.246847) 1: vma 0x7fb2977a3000 0x7fb2977a4000
(00.246866) 1: vma 0x7fb2977a4000 0x7fb2977a5000
(00.246869) 1: vma 0x7fb2977a5000 0x7fb297885000
(00.246871) 1: vma 0x7fb297885000 0x7fb297886000
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(00.246874) 1: vma 0x7fb29788a000 0x7fb29788e000
(00.246876) 1: vma 0x7fb29788e000 0x7fb297890000
(00.246877) 1: vma 0x7fb297890000 0x7fb29793a000
(00.246878) 1: vma 0x7fb29793a000 0x7fb297b3a000
(00.246879) 1: vma 0x7fb297b3a000 0x7fb297b3e000
(00.246880) 1: vma 0x7fb297b3e000 0x7fb297b40000
(00.246881) 1: vma 0x7fb297b40000 0x7fb297b44000
(00.246883) 1: vma 0x7fb297b44000 0x7fb297b5c000
(00.246884) 1: vma 0x7fb297b5c000 0x7fb297d5b000
(00.246885) 1: vma 0x7fb297d5b000 0x7fb297d5c000
(00.246886) 1: vma 0x7fb297d5c000 0x7fb297d5d000
(00.246887) 1: vma 0x7fb297d5d000 0x7fb297d61000
(00.246889) 1: vma 0x7fb297d61000 0x7fb297d9c000
(00.246890) 1: vma 0x7fb297d9c000 0x7fb297f9b000
(00.246891) 1: vma 0x7fb297f9b000 0x7fb297f9c000
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(00.246900) 1: vma 0x7fb29819f000 0x7fb2981a0000
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(00.246902) 1: vma 0x7fb2982a3000 0x7fb2984a2000
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(00.246906) 1: vma 0x7fb2984a4000 0x7fb2984ab000
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(00.246910) 1: vma 0x7fb2986ac000 0x7fb29874f000
(00.246911) 1: vma 0x7fb29874f000 0x7fb29894e000
(00.246913) 1: vma 0x7fb29894e000 0x7fb298952000
(00.246914) 1: vma 0x7fb298952000 0x7fb298957000
(00.246915) 1: vma 0x7fb298957000 0x7fb29895e000
(00.246916) 1: vma 0x7fb29895e000 0x7fb2989e3000
(00.246917) 1: vma 0x7fb2989e3000 0x7fb298be3000
(00.246925) 1: vma 0x7fb298be3000 0x7fb298be4000
(00.246926) 1: vma 0x7fb298be4000 0x7fb298be8000
(00.246927) 1: vma 0x7fb298be8000 0x7fb298be9000
(00.246929) 1: vma 0x7fb298be9000 0x7fb298c0c000
(00.246930) 1: vma 0x7fb298dfe000 0x7fb298e04000
(00.246932) 1: vma 0x7fb298e09000 0x7fb298e0c000
(00.246933) 1: vma 0x7fb298e0c000 0x7fb298e0d000
(00.246934) 1: vma 0x7fb298e0d000 0x7fb298e0e000
(00.246935) 1: vma 0x7fb298e0e000 0x7fb298e0f000
(00.246936) 1: vma 0x7fffcbcde000 0x7fffcbcff000
(00.246938) 1: vma 0x7fffcbd3a000 0x7fffcbd3c000
(00.246939) 1: vma 0x7fffcbd3c000 0x7fffcbd3e000
(00.246940) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.246945) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=0 id=0x3d
(00.246947) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=1 id=0x3e
(00.246949) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=2 id=0x3f
(00.246950) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=3 id=0x6d
(00.246951) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=4 id=0x6e
(00.246953) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=5 id=0x6f
(00.246956) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=6 id=0x70
(00.246957) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=7 id=0x71
(00.246958) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=8 id=0x72
(00.246960) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=9 id=0x73
(00.246962) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=10 id=0x74
(00.246964) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=11 id=0x75
(00.246965) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=12 id=0x76
(00.246967) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=13 id=0x77
(00.246968) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=14 id=0x78
(00.246969) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=15 id=0x79
(00.246971) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=16 id=0x7a
(00.246973) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=17 id=0x7b
(00.246974) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=18 id=0x7c
(00.246975) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=19 id=0x7d
(00.246977) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=20 id=0x7e
(00.246978) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=21 id=0x7f
(00.246980) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=22 id=0x80
(00.246981) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=23 id=0x82
(00.246983) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=24 id=0x84
(00.246985) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=25 id=0x85
(00.246986) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=26 id=0x86
(00.246987) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=27 id=0x87
(00.246989) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=28 id=0x88
(00.246990) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=29 id=0x89
(00.246996) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=30 id=0x8a
(00.246998) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=31 id=0x8b
(00.246999) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=14 fd=32 id=0x8c
(00.247086) 1: Found 292 VMAs in image
(00.247088) 1: vma 0x558e58b2d000 0x558e58b2e000
(00.247089) 1: vma 0x558e58d2d000 0x558e58d2e000
(00.247090) 1: vma 0x558e58d2e000 0x558e58d2f000
(00.247092) 1: vma 0x558e5913f000 0x558e59295000
(00.247093) 1: vma 0x7fca2a857000 0x7fca2a85c000
(00.247094) 1: vma 0x7fca2a85c000 0x7fca2aa5b000
(00.247095) 1: vma 0x7fca2aa5b000 0x7fca2aa5c000
(00.247096) 1: vma 0x7fca2aa5c000 0x7fca2aa5e000
(00.247097) 1: vma 0x7fca2aa5e000 0x7fca2aa7d000
(00.247099) 1: vma 0x7fca2aa7d000 0x7fca2ac7c000
(00.247102) 1: vma 0x7fca2ac7c000 0x7fca2ac7d000
(00.247103) 1: vma 0x7fca2ac7d000 0x7fca2ac7e000
(00.247104) 1: vma 0x7fca2ac7e000 0x7fca2aca3000
(00.247106) 1: vma 0x7fca2aca3000 0x7fca2aea3000
(00.247107) 1: vma 0x7fca2aea3000 0x7fca2aea4000
(00.247108) 1: vma 0x7fca2aea4000 0x7fca2aea5000
(00.247109) 1: vma 0x7fca2aea5000 0x7fca2aeb2000
(00.247110) 1: vma 0x7fca2aeb2000 0x7fca2b0b1000
(00.247112) 1: vma 0x7fca2b0b1000 0x7fca2b0b2000
(00.247113) 1: vma 0x7fca2b0b2000 0x7fca2b0b3000
(00.247114) 1: vma 0x7fca2b0b3000 0x7fca2b0b7000
(00.247115) 1: vma 0x7fca2b0b7000 0x7fca2b2b6000
(00.247116) 1: vma 0x7fca2b2b6000 0x7fca2b2b7000
(00.247117) 1: vma 0x7fca2b2b7000 0x7fca2b2b8000
(00.247119) 1: vma 0x7fca2b2b8000 0x7fca2b2bb000
(00.247120) 1: vma 0x7fca2b2bb000 0x7fca2b4ba000
(00.247121) 1: vma 0x7fca2b4ba000 0x7fca2b4bb000
(00.247122) 1: vma 0x7fca2b4bb000 0x7fca2b4bc000
(00.247123) 1: vma 0x7fca2b4bc000 0x7fca2b4c2000
(00.247125) 1: vma 0x7fca2b4c2000 0x7fca2b6c1000
(00.247126) 1: vma 0x7fca2b6c1000 0x7fca2b6c2000
(00.247127) 1: vma 0x7fca2b6c2000 0x7fca2b6c3000
(00.247128) 1: vma 0x7fca2b6c3000 0x7fca2b6d2000
(00.247129) 1: vma 0x7fca2b6d2000 0x7fca2b8d1000
(00.247130) 1: vma 0x7fca2b8d1000 0x7fca2b8d2000
(00.247132) 1: vma 0x7fca2b8d2000 0x7fca2b8d3000
(00.247133) 1: vma 0x7fca2b8d3000 0x7fca2b8f0000
(00.247134) 1: vma 0x7fca2b8f0000 0x7fca2baef000
(00.247135) 1: vma 0x7fca2baef000 0x7fca2baf0000
(00.247136) 1: vma 0x7fca2baf0000 0x7fca2baf1000
(00.247137) 1: vma 0x7fca2ca0e000 0x7fca2ca10000
(00.247138) 1: vma 0x7fca2ca10000 0x7fca2cc10000
(00.247140) 1: vma 0x7fca2cc10000 0x7fca2cc11000
(00.247141) 1: vma 0x7fca2cc11000 0x7fca2cc12000
(00.247142) 1: vma 0x7fca2cc12000 0x7fca2cc1b000
(00.247143) 1: vma 0x7fca2cc1b000 0x7fca2ce1a000
(00.247144) 1: vma 0x7fca2ce1a000 0x7fca2ce1b000
(00.247145) 1: vma 0x7fca2ce1b000 0x7fca2ce1c000
(00.247147) 1: vma 0x7fca2d026000 0x7fca2d04b000
(00.247148) 1: vma 0x7fca2d04b000 0x7fca2d24b000
(00.247149) 1: vma 0x7fca2d24b000 0x7fca2d24c000
(00.247150) 1: vma 0x7fca2d24c000 0x7fca2d24d000
(00.247151) 1: vma 0x7fca2d24d000 0x7fca2d25c000
(00.247153) 1: vma 0x7fca2d25c000 0x7fca2d45b000
(00.247154) 1: vma 0x7fca2d45b000 0x7fca2d45c000
(00.247155) 1: vma 0x7fca2d45c000 0x7fca2d45d000
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(00.247157) 1: vma 0x7fca2d4de000 0x7fca2d4e1000
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(00.247162) 1: vma 0x7fca2d6e3000 0x7fca2d6e7000
(00.247163) 1: vma 0x7fca2d6e7000 0x7fca2d8e6000
(00.247164) 1: vma 0x7fca2d8e6000 0x7fca2d8e7000
(00.247166) 1: vma 0x7fca2d8e7000 0x7fca2d8e8000
(00.247167) 1: vma 0x7fca2d8e8000 0x7fca2d8ea000
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(00.247170) 1: vma 0x7fca2daea000 0x7fca2daeb000
(00.247171) 1: vma 0x7fca2daeb000 0x7fca2daed000
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(00.247174) 1: vma 0x7fca2dcec000 0x7fca2dced000
(00.247175) 1: vma 0x7fca2dced000 0x7fca2dcee000
(00.247176) 1: vma 0x7fca2dcee000 0x7fca2dcf2000
(00.247177) 1: vma 0x7fca2dcf2000 0x7fca2def1000
(00.247178) 1: vma 0x7fca2def1000 0x7fca2def2000
(00.247180) 1: vma 0x7fca2def2000 0x7fca2def3000
(00.247181) 1: vma 0x7fca2def3000 0x7fca2def7000
(00.247182) 1: vma 0x7fca2def7000 0x7fca2e0f6000
(00.247183) 1: vma 0x7fca2e0f6000 0x7fca2e0f7000
(00.247184) 1: vma 0x7fca2e0f7000 0x7fca2e0f8000
(00.247185) 1: vma 0x7fca2e0f8000 0x7fca2e0fa000
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(00.247189) 1: vma 0x7fca2e2fb000 0x7fca2e2fc000
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(00.247193) 1: vma 0x7fca2e2ff000 0x7fca2e4ff000
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(00.247197) 1: vma 0x7fca2e501000 0x7fca2e514000
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(00.247216) 1: vma 0x7fca2edaa000 0x7fca2edac000
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(00.247225) 1: vma 0x7fca2f1c2000 0x7fca2f1c3000
(00.247226) 1: vma 0x7fca2f1c3000 0x7fca2f1c4000
(00.247227) 1: vma 0x7fca2f1c4000 0x7fca2f1d5000
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(00.247234) 1: vma 0x7fca2f5d7000 0x7fca2f5d8000
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(00.247242) 1: vma 0x7fca2f7de000 0x7fca2f9dd000
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(00.247245) 1: vma 0x7fca2f9de000 0x7fca2f9df000
(00.247246) 1: vma 0x7fca2f9df000 0x7fca2f9e2000
(00.247247) 1: vma 0x7fca2f9e2000 0x7fca2fbe2000
(00.247248) 1: vma 0x7fca2fbe2000 0x7fca2fbe3000
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(00.247259) 1: vma 0x7fca2fffe000 0x7fca2ffff000
(00.247260) 1: vma 0x7fca2ffff000 0x7fca30000000
(00.247261) 1: vma 0x7fca30000000 0x7fca30021000
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(00.247279) 1: vma 0x7fca361eb000 0x7fca3637f000
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(00.247290) 1: vma 0x7fca36a0a000 0x7fca36a0c000
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(00.247293) 1: vma 0x7fca36a0d000 0x7fca36bbd000
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(00.247324) 1: vma 0x7fca37800000 0x7fca38000000
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(00.247334) 1: vma 0x7fca3cae6000 0x7fca3cb3f000
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(00.247387) 1: vma 0x7fca3e0b0000 0x7fca3e2af000
(00.247388) 1: vma 0x7fca3e2af000 0x7fca3e2b0000
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(00.247396) 1: vma 0x7fca3e55c000 0x7fca3e563000
(00.247397) 1: vma 0x7fca3e563000 0x7fca3e5e8000
(00.247398) 1: vma 0x7fca3e5e8000 0x7fca3e7e8000
(00.247400) 1: vma 0x7fca3e7e8000 0x7fca3e7e9000
(00.247401) 1: vma 0x7fca3e7e9000 0x7fca3e7ed000
(00.247402) 1: vma 0x7fca3e7ed000 0x7fca3e7ee000
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(00.247404) 1: vma 0x7fca3e7f1000 0x7fca3e9f0000
(00.247405) 1: vma 0x7fca3e9f0000 0x7fca3e9f1000
(00.247407) 1: vma 0x7fca3e9f1000 0x7fca3e9f2000
(00.247408) 1: vma 0x7fca3e9f2000 0x7fca3ead2000
(00.247409) 1: vma 0x7fca3ead2000 0x7fca3ead3000
(00.247410) 1: vma 0x7fca3ead3000 0x7fca3ead6000
(00.247411) 1: vma 0x7fca3ead6000 0x7fca3ead7000
(00.247413) 1: vma 0x7fca3ead7000 0x7fca3eadb000
(00.247414) 1: vma 0x7fca3eadb000 0x7fca3eadd000
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(00.247418) 1: vma 0x7fca3ed87000 0x7fca3ed8b000
(00.247419) 1: vma 0x7fca3ed8b000 0x7fca3ed8d000
(00.247420) 1: vma 0x7fca3ed8d000 0x7fca3ed91000
(00.247422) 1: vma 0x7fca3ed91000 0x7fca3eda9000
(00.247423) 1: vma 0x7fca3eda9000 0x7fca3efa8000
(00.247424) 1: vma 0x7fca3efa8000 0x7fca3efa9000
(00.247425) 1: vma 0x7fca3efa9000 0x7fca3efaa000
(00.247426) 1: vma 0x7fca3efaa000 0x7fca3efae000
(00.247427) 1: vma 0x7fca3efae000 0x7fca3f07e000
(00.247429) 1: vma 0x7fca3f07e000 0x7fca3f27e000
(00.247430) 1: vma 0x7fca3f27e000 0x7fca3f27f000
(00.247431) 1: vma 0x7fca3f27f000 0x7fca3f28f000
(00.247432) 1: vma 0x7fca3f28f000 0x7fca3f2a1000
(00.247433) 1: vma 0x7fca3f2a1000 0x7fca3f2c4000
(00.247435) 1: vma 0x7fca3f313000 0x7fca3f4bc000
(00.247436) 1: vma 0x7fca3f4c1000 0x7fca3f4c4000
(00.247437) 1: vma 0x7fca3f4c4000 0x7fca3f4c5000
(00.247438) 1: vma 0x7fca3f4c5000 0x7fca3f4c6000
(00.247439) 1: vma 0x7fca3f4c6000 0x7fca3f4c7000
(00.247441) 1: vma 0x7ffc06c53000 0x7ffc06c74000
(00.247442) 1: vma 0x7ffc06cd1000 0x7ffc06cd3000
(00.247443) 1: vma 0x7ffc06cd3000 0x7ffc06cd5000
(00.247445) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.247449) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=0 id=0xbe
(00.247451) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=1 id=0xbf
(00.247453) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=2 id=0xc1
(00.247454) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=3 id=0xc2
(00.247456) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=4 id=0xc3
(00.247457) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=5 id=0xc4
(00.247460) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=6 id=0xc5
(00.247461) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=7 id=0xc6
(00.247462) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=8 id=0xc7
(00.247469) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=9 id=0xc8
(00.247471) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=10 id=0xc9
(00.247472) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=11 id=0xca
(00.247474) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=12 id=0xcb
(00.247477) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=13 id=0xcc
(00.247478) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=14 id=0xcd
(00.247480) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=15 id=0xce
(00.247481) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=16 id=0xcf
(00.247482) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=17 id=0xd0
(00.247484) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=18 id=0xd1
(00.247485) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=20 id=0xd2
(00.247488) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=19 fd=33 id=0xd3
(00.247577) 1: Found 292 VMAs in image
(00.247579) 1: vma 0x55b9c2f54000 0x55b9c2f55000
(00.247580) 1: vma 0x55b9c3154000 0x55b9c3155000
(00.247581) 1: vma 0x55b9c3155000 0x55b9c3156000
(00.247582) 1: vma 0x55b9c468e000 0x55b9c47e4000
(00.247584) 1: vma 0x7f70afaab000 0x7f70afab0000
(00.247585) 1: vma 0x7f70afab0000 0x7f70afcaf000
(00.247586) 1: vma 0x7f70afcaf000 0x7f70afcb0000
(00.247587) 1: vma 0x7f70afcb0000 0x7f70afcb2000
(00.247588) 1: vma 0x7f70afcb2000 0x7f70afcd1000
(00.247590) 1: vma 0x7f70afcd1000 0x7f70afed0000
(00.247591) 1: vma 0x7f70afed0000 0x7f70afed1000
(00.247592) 1: vma 0x7f70afed1000 0x7f70afed2000
(00.247593) 1: vma 0x7f70afed2000 0x7f70afef7000
(00.247594) 1: vma 0x7f70afef7000 0x7f70b00f7000
(00.247595) 1: vma 0x7f70b00f7000 0x7f70b00f8000
(00.247597) 1: vma 0x7f70b00f8000 0x7f70b00f9000
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(00.247600) 1: vma 0x7f70b0305000 0x7f70b0306000
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(00.247602) 1: vma 0x7f70b0307000 0x7f70b030b000
(00.247604) 1: vma 0x7f70b030b000 0x7f70b050a000
(00.247605) 1: vma 0x7f70b050a000 0x7f70b050b000
(00.247606) 1: vma 0x7f70b050b000 0x7f70b050c000
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(00.247609) 1: vma 0x7f70b070e000 0x7f70b070f000
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(00.247612) 1: vma 0x7f70b0710000 0x7f70b0716000
(00.247613) 1: vma 0x7f70b0716000 0x7f70b0915000
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(00.247626) 1: vma 0x7f70b1c62000 0x7f70b1c64000
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(00.247673) 1: vma 0x7f70b334a000 0x7f70b334b000
(00.247674) 1: vma 0x7f70b334b000 0x7f70b334c000
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(00.247715) 1: vma 0x7f70b85c1000 0x7f70b85c2000
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(00.247807) 1: vma 0x7f70c0891000 0x7f70c089a000
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(00.247821) 1: vma 0x7f70c1ca1000 0x7f70c1cfa000
(00.247822) 1: vma 0x7f70c1cfa000 0x7f70c1ef9000
(00.247824) 1: vma 0x7f70c1ef9000 0x7f70c1efa000
(00.247825) 1: vma 0x7f70c1efa000 0x7f70c1efc000
(00.247826) 1: vma 0x7f70c1efc000 0x7f70c1efe000
(00.247827) 1: vma 0x7f70c1efe000 0x7f70c1f01000
(00.247828) 1: vma 0x7f70c1f01000 0x7f70c2100000
(00.247829) 1: vma 0x7f70c2100000 0x7f70c2101000
(00.247831) 1: vma 0x7f70c2101000 0x7f70c2102000
(00.247833) 1: vma 0x7f70c2102000 0x7f70c2106000
(00.247834) 1: vma 0x7f70c2106000 0x7f70c2305000
(00.247835) 1: vma 0x7f70c2305000 0x7f70c2306000
(00.247836) 1: vma 0x7f70c2306000 0x7f70c2307000
(00.247837) 1: vma 0x7f70c2307000 0x7f70c2308000
(00.247839) 1: vma 0x7f70c2308000 0x7f70c2507000
(00.247840) 1: vma 0x7f70c2507000 0x7f70c2508000
(00.247841) 1: vma 0x7f70c2508000 0x7f70c2509000
(00.247842) 1: vma 0x7f70c2509000 0x7f70c250a000
(00.247843) 1: vma 0x7f70c250a000 0x7f70c270a000
(00.247844) 1: vma 0x7f70c270a000 0x7f70c270b000
(00.247846) 1: vma 0x7f70c270b000 0x7f70c270c000
(00.247847) 1: vma 0x7f70c270c000 0x7f70c2715000
(00.247848) 1: vma 0x7f70c2715000 0x7f70c2914000
(00.247849) 1: vma 0x7f70c2914000 0x7f70c2915000
(00.247852) 1: vma 0x7f70c2915000 0x7f70c2916000
(00.247853) 1: vma 0x7f70c2916000 0x7f70c2920000
(00.247854) 1: vma 0x7f70c2920000 0x7f70c2b1f000
(00.247855) 1: vma 0x7f70c2b1f000 0x7f70c2b20000
(00.247856) 1: vma 0x7f70c2b20000 0x7f70c2b21000
(00.247858) 1: vma 0x7f70c2b21000 0x7f70c2b5c000
(00.247859) 1: vma 0x7f70c2b5c000 0x7f70c2d5b000
(00.247861) 1: vma 0x7f70c2d5b000 0x7f70c2d5c000
(00.247862) 1: vma 0x7f70c2d5c000 0x7f70c2d5d000
(00.247863) 1: vma 0x7f70c2d5d000 0x7f70c2d5f000
(00.247864) 1: vma 0x7f70c2d5f000 0x7f70c2f5e000
(00.247865) 1: vma 0x7f70c2f5e000 0x7f70c2f5f000
(00.247866) 1: vma 0x7f70c2f5f000 0x7f70c2f60000
(00.247868) 1: vma 0x7f70c2f60000 0x7f70c3063000
(00.247869) 1: vma 0x7f70c3063000 0x7f70c3262000
(00.247870) 1: vma 0x7f70c3262000 0x7f70c3263000
(00.247871) 1: vma 0x7f70c3263000 0x7f70c3264000
(00.247872) 1: vma 0x7f70c3264000 0x7f70c326b000
(00.247873) 1: vma 0x7f70c326b000 0x7f70c346a000
(00.247875) 1: vma 0x7f70c346a000 0x7f70c346b000
(00.247876) 1: vma 0x7f70c346b000 0x7f70c346c000
(00.247877) 1: vma 0x7f70c346c000 0x7f70c350f000
(00.247878) 1: vma 0x7f70c350f000 0x7f70c370e000
(00.247879) 1: vma 0x7f70c370e000 0x7f70c3712000
(00.247881) 1: vma 0x7f70c3712000 0x7f70c3717000
(00.247882) 1: vma 0x7f70c3717000 0x7f70c371e000
(00.247883) 1: vma 0x7f70c371e000 0x7f70c37a3000
(00.247885) 1: vma 0x7f70c37a3000 0x7f70c39a3000
(00.247886) 1: vma 0x7f70c39a3000 0x7f70c39a4000
(00.247887) 1: vma 0x7f70c39a4000 0x7f70c39a8000
(00.247888) 1: vma 0x7f70c39a8000 0x7f70c39a9000
(00.247890) 1: vma 0x7f70c39a9000 0x7f70c39ac000
(00.247891) 1: vma 0x7f70c39ac000 0x7f70c3bab000
(00.247892) 1: vma 0x7f70c3bab000 0x7f70c3bac000
(00.247893) 1: vma 0x7f70c3bac000 0x7f70c3bad000
(00.247894) 1: vma 0x7f70c3bad000 0x7f70c3c8d000
(00.247895) 1: vma 0x7f70c3c8d000 0x7f70c3c8e000
(00.247897) 1: vma 0x7f70c3c8e000 0x7f70c3c91000
(00.247898) 1: vma 0x7f70c3c91000 0x7f70c3c92000
(00.247899) 1: vma 0x7f70c3c92000 0x7f70c3c96000
(00.247900) 1: vma 0x7f70c3c96000 0x7f70c3c98000
(00.247901) 1: vma 0x7f70c3c98000 0x7f70c3d42000
(00.247903) 1: vma 0x7f70c3d42000 0x7f70c3f42000
(00.247904) 1: vma 0x7f70c3f42000 0x7f70c3f46000
(00.247905) 1: vma 0x7f70c3f46000 0x7f70c3f48000
(00.247906) 1: vma 0x7f70c3f48000 0x7f70c3f4c000
(00.247907) 1: vma 0x7f70c3f4c000 0x7f70c3f64000
(00.247908) 1: vma 0x7f70c3f64000 0x7f70c4163000
(00.247910) 1: vma 0x7f70c4163000 0x7f70c4164000
(00.247912) 1: vma 0x7f70c4164000 0x7f70c4165000
(00.247913) 1: vma 0x7f70c4165000 0x7f70c4169000
(00.247914) 1: vma 0x7f70c4169000 0x7f70c4239000
(00.247915) 1: vma 0x7f70c4239000 0x7f70c4439000
(00.247916) 1: vma 0x7f70c4439000 0x7f70c443a000
(00.247917) 1: vma 0x7f70c443a000 0x7f70c444a000
(00.247919) 1: vma 0x7f70c444a000 0x7f70c445c000
(00.247920) 1: vma 0x7f70c445c000 0x7f70c447f000
(00.247921) 1: vma 0x7f70c44ce000 0x7f70c4677000
(00.247922) 1: vma 0x7f70c467c000 0x7f70c467f000
(00.247923) 1: vma 0x7f70c467f000 0x7f70c4680000
(00.247924) 1: vma 0x7f70c4680000 0x7f70c4681000
(00.247926) 1: vma 0x7f70c4681000 0x7f70c4682000
(00.247927) 1: vma 0x7ffc18ca1000 0x7ffc18cc2000
(00.247928) 1: vma 0x7ffc18cdb000 0x7ffc18cdd000
(00.247929) 1: vma 0x7ffc18cdd000 0x7ffc18cdf000
(00.247930) 1: vma 0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000
(00.247934) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=0 id=0xa7
(00.247936) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=1 id=0xa8
(00.247938) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=2 id=0xaa
(00.247939) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=3 id=0xab
(00.247940) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=4 id=0xac
(00.247942) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=5 id=0xad
(00.247944) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=6 id=0xae
(00.247946) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=7 id=0xaf
(00.247947) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=8 id=0xb0
(00.247948) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=9 id=0xb1
(00.247952) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=10 id=0xb2
(00.247954) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=11 id=0xb3
(00.247955) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=12 id=0xb4
(00.247956) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=13 id=0xb5
(00.247958) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=14 id=0xb6
(00.247959) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=15 id=0xb7
(00.247960) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=16 id=0xb8
(00.247963) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=17 id=0xb9
(00.247965) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=18 id=0xba
(00.247966) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=19 id=0xbb
(00.247968) 1: Collect fdinfo pid=18 fd=29 id=0xbc
(00.247976) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x55633edb5000-0x55633ee72000
(00.247978) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x55633f072000-0x55633f075000
(00.247979) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x55633f075000-0x55633f076000
(00.247980) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x55633f076000-0x55633f07f000
(00.247981) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x55633fe73000-0x55633feae000
(00.247983) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688ae9000-0x7f9688aec000
(00.247984) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688aec000-0x7f9688ceb000
(00.247985) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688ceb000-0x7f9688cec000
(00.247986) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688cec000-0x7f9688ced000
(00.247987) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688ced000-0x7f9688cf2000
(00.247988) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688cf2000-0x7f9688ef1000
(00.247989) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688ef1000-0x7f9688ef2000
(00.247990) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688ef2000-0x7f9688ef3000
(00.247992) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688ef3000-0x7f9688ef5000
(00.247993) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9688ef5000-0x7f96890f4000
(00.247994) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96890f4000-0x7f96890f5000
(00.247995) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96890f5000-0x7f96890f6000
(00.247996) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96890f6000-0x7f96890f7000
(00.247997) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96890f7000-0x7f96892f7000
(00.247998) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96892f7000-0x7f96892f8000
(00.247999) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96892f8000-0x7f96892f9000
(00.248000) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96892f9000-0x7f96892fc000
(00.248002) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96892fc000-0x7f96894fb000
(00.248003) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96894fb000-0x7f96894fc000
(00.248004) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96894fc000-0x7f96894fd000
(00.248005) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96894fd000-0x7f96894ff000
(00.248006) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96894ff000-0x7f96896fe000
(00.248007) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96896fe000-0x7f96896ff000
(00.248008) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f96896ff000-0x7f9689700000
(00.248009) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689700000-0x7f9689702000
(00.248011) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689702000-0x7f9689901000
(00.248012) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689901000-0x7f9689902000
(00.248013) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689902000-0x7f9689903000
(00.248014) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689903000-0x7f9689907000
(00.248015) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689907000-0x7f9689b06000
(00.248016) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689b06000-0x7f9689b07000
(00.248017) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689b07000-0x7f9689b08000
(00.248018) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689b08000-0x7f9689b09000
(00.248019) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689b09000-0x7f9689d09000
(00.248021) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689d09000-0x7f9689d0a000
(00.248022) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689d0a000-0x7f9689d0b000
(00.248023) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689d0b000-0x7f9689d0c000
(00.248024) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689d0c000-0x7f9689f0b000
(00.248025) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689f0b000-0x7f9689f0c000
(00.248026) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689f0c000-0x7f9689f0d000
(00.248027) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689f0d000-0x7f9689f0e000
(00.248028) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f9689f0e000-0x7f968a10d000
(00.248030) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a10d000-0x7f968a10e000
(00.248031) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a10e000-0x7f968a10f000
(00.248033) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a10f000-0x7f968a11c000
(00.248035) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a11c000-0x7f968a31c000
(00.248036) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a31c000-0x7f968a31d000
(00.248037) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a31d000-0x7f968a31e000
(00.248038) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a31e000-0x7f968a32a000
(00.248039) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a32a000-0x7f968a334000
(00.248040) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a334000-0x7f968a534000
(00.248041) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a534000-0x7f968a535000
(00.248043) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a535000-0x7f968a536000
(00.248044) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a536000-0x7f968a53c000
(00.248045) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a53c000-0x7f968a547000
(00.248046) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a547000-0x7f968a746000
(00.248047) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a746000-0x7f968a747000
(00.248048) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a747000-0x7f968a748000
(00.248049) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a748000-0x7f968a74f000
(00.248050) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a74f000-0x7f968a94e000
(00.248052) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a94e000-0x7f968a94f000
(00.248053) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a94f000-0x7f968a950000
(00.248054) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a950000-0x7f968a963000
(00.248055) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968a963000-0x7f968ab62000
(00.248056) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ab62000-0x7f968ab63000
(00.248057) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ab63000-0x7f968ab64000
(00.248058) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ab64000-0x7f968ab78000
(00.248059) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ab78000-0x7f968ad77000
(00.248061) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ad77000-0x7f968ad78000
(00.248062) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ad78000-0x7f968ad79000
(00.248063) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ad79000-0x7f968ad7b000
(00.248064) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ad7b000-0x7f968ad7e000
(00.248065) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ad7e000-0x7f968af7d000
(00.248066) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968af7d000-0x7f968af7e000
(00.248067) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968af7e000-0x7f968af7f000
(00.248068) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968af7f000-0x7f968af8a000
(00.248070) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968af8a000-0x7f968b189000
(00.248071) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b189000-0x7f968b18a000
(00.248072) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b18a000-0x7f968b18b000
(00.248073) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b18b000-0x7f968b1ba000
(00.248074) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b1ba000-0x7f968b3ba000
(00.248075) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b3ba000-0x7f968b3bc000
(00.248076) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b3bc000-0x7f968b3bd000
(00.248077) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b3bd000-0x7f968b3be000
(00.248078) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b3be000-0x7f968b3d6000
(00.248080) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b3d6000-0x7f968b5d5000
(00.248081) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b5d5000-0x7f968b5d6000
(00.248082) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b5d6000-0x7f968b5d7000
(00.248083) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b5d7000-0x7f968b5db000
(00.248084) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b5db000-0x7f968b6e2000
(00.248085) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b6e2000-0x7f968b8e2000
(00.248086) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b8e2000-0x7f968b8e4000
(00.248087) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b8e4000-0x7f968b8eb000
(00.248089) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b8eb000-0x7f968b8fc000
(00.248090) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968b8fc000-0x7f968bafb000
(00.248091) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bafb000-0x7f968bafc000
(00.248092) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bafc000-0x7f968bafd000
(00.248093) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bafd000-0x7f968bb22000
(00.248094) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bb22000-0x7f968bd21000
(00.248095) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bd21000-0x7f968bd22000
(00.248096) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bd22000-0x7f968bd23000
(00.248097) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bd23000-0x7f968bd2a000
(00.248099) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bd2a000-0x7f968bf29000
(00.248101) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bf29000-0x7f968bf2a000
(00.248102) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bf2a000-0x7f968bf2b000
(00.248103) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bf2b000-0x7f968bf9d000
(00.248105) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968bf9d000-0x7f968c19c000
(00.248106) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c19c000-0x7f968c19d000
(00.248107) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c19d000-0x7f968c19e000
(00.248108) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c19e000-0x7f968c1a1000
(00.248109) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c1a1000-0x7f968c3a0000
(00.248110) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c3a0000-0x7f968c3a1000
(00.248111) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c3a1000-0x7f968c3a2000
(00.248112) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c3a2000-0x7f968c3a6000
(00.248114) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c3a6000-0x7f968c5a6000
(00.248115) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c5a6000-0x7f968c5a7000
(00.248116) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c5a7000-0x7f968c5a8000
(00.248117) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c5a8000-0x7f968c5bc000
(00.248118) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c5bc000-0x7f968c7bc000
(00.248119) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c7bc000-0x7f968c7bd000
(00.248120) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c7bd000-0x7f968c7be000
(00.248121) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c7be000-0x7f968c7c0000
(00.248122) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c7c0000-0x7f968c955000
(00.248124) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968c955000-0x7f968cb55000
(00.248125) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968cb55000-0x7f968cb59000
(00.248126) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968cb59000-0x7f968cb5b000
(00.248127) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968cb5b000-0x7f968cb5f000
(00.248128) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968cb5f000-0x7f968cb62000
(00.248129) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968cb62000-0x7f968cd61000
(00.248130) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968cd61000-0x7f968cd62000
(00.248131) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968cd62000-0x7f968cd63000
(00.248133) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968cd63000-0x7f968ce2c000
(00.248134) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968ce2c000-0x7f968d02c000
(00.248135) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d02c000-0x7f968d03a000
(00.248136) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d03a000-0x7f968d03d000
(00.248137) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d03d000-0x7f968d085000
(00.248138) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d085000-0x7f968d284000
(00.248139) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d284000-0x7f968d286000
(00.248140) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d286000-0x7f968d288000
(00.248141) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d288000-0x7f968d290000
(00.248143) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d290000-0x7f968d490000
(00.248144) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d490000-0x7f968d491000
(00.248145) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d491000-0x7f968d492000
(00.248146) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d492000-0x7f968d4c0000
(00.248147) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d4c0000-0x7f968d4d9000
(00.248148) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d4d9000-0x7f968d6d8000
(00.248149) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d6d8000-0x7f968d6d9000
(00.248150) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d6d9000-0x7f968d6da000
(00.248152) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d6da000-0x7f968d6dc000
(00.248153) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d6dc000-0x7f968d8db000
(00.248154) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d8db000-0x7f968d8dc000
(00.248155) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d8dc000-0x7f968d8dd000
(00.248156) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968d8dd000-0x7f968db12000
(00.248157) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968db12000-0x7f968dd12000
(00.248158) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968dd12000-0x7f968dd2e000
(00.248159) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968dd2e000-0x7f968dd3d000
(00.248160) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968dd3d000-0x7f968dd41000
(00.248162) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968dd41000-0x7f968dd66000
(00.248163) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968dd66000-0x7f968df65000
(00.248164) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968df65000-0x7f968df66000
(00.248165) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968df66000-0x7f968df67000
(00.248166) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968df67000-0x7f968df69000
(00.248169) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968df69000-0x7f968df76000
(00.248170) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968df76000-0x7f968e175000
(00.248171) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e175000-0x7f968e176000
(00.248172) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e176000-0x7f968e177000
(00.248173) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e177000-0x7f968e194000
(00.248174) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e194000-0x7f968e393000
(00.248176) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e393000-0x7f968e394000
(00.248177) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e394000-0x7f968e395000
(00.248178) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e395000-0x7f968e39f000
(00.248179) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e39f000-0x7f968e3a7000
(00.248180) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e3a7000-0x7f968e5a7000
(00.248181) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e5a7000-0x7f968e5a8000
(00.248182) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e5a8000-0x7f968e5a9000
(00.248183) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e5a9000-0x7f968e5cc000
(00.248185) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e6e8000-0x7f968e729000
(00.248186) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e729000-0x7f968e72c000
(00.248187) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e72c000-0x7f968e72d000
(00.248188) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e72d000-0x7f968e73a000
(00.248189) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e73a000-0x7f968e7be000
(00.248190) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e7be000-0x7f968e7bf000
(00.248191) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e7bf000-0x7f968e7c2000
(00.248192) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e7c2000-0x7f968e7c3000
(00.248193) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e7c3000-0x7f968e7c4000
(00.248195) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e7c9000-0x7f968e7cc000
(00.248196) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e7cc000-0x7f968e7cd000
(00.248197) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e7cd000-0x7f968e7ce000
(00.248198) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7f968e7ce000-0x7f968e7cf000
(00.248199) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ffc7c228000-0x7ffc7c249000
(00.248200) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ffc7c3eb000-0x7ffc7c3ed000
(00.248201) 1: Found two COW VMAs @0x7ffc7c3ed000-0x7ffc7c3ef000
(00.248217) 1: Preparing SCMs
(00.248219) 1: tty: Link PTYs (0x80)
(00.248220) 1: tty: Link PTYs (0x82)
(00.248222) 1: tty: head driver ptmx id 0x80 index 0 (master 1 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.248224) 1: tty: `- sibling driver pts id 0xa8 index 0 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.248226) 1: tty: head driver ptmx id 0x82 index 1 (master 1 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.248227) 1: tty: `- sibling driver pts id 0xbf index 1 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.248229) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa761 -> 0xa8a4 (0xa8a4) flags 0
(00.248243) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xa761 peer 0xa8a4 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/0/usock dir -)
(00.248247) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.248249) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa26a -> 0xa26b (0xa26b) flags 0
(00.248250) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa75d -> 0xa269 (0xa269) flags 0
(00.248255) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xa75d peer 0xa269 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/pmix-14 dir -)
(00.248257) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.248258) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa266 -> 0xa267 (0xa267) flags 0
(00.248260) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa261 -> 0xa262 (0xa262) flags 0
(00.248261) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa75f -> 0xa8a3 (0xa8a3) flags 0
(00.248265) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xa75f peer 0xa8a3 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/0/usock dir -)
(00.248268) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.248269) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa8a1 -> 0xa8a2 (0xa8a2) flags 0
(00.248270) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa75b -> 0xac60 (0xac60) flags 0
(00.248274) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xa75b peer 0xac60 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/pmix-14 dir -)
(00.248276) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.248283) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xac5d -> 0xac5e (0xac5e) flags 0
(00.248284) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xac58 -> 0xac59 (0xac59) flags 0
(00.248289) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xa253 peer 0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/pmix-14 dir -)
(00.248291) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.248292) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa250 -> 0xa251 (0xa251) flags 0
(00.248297) 1: Warn (criu/sk-unix.c:1515): sk unix: Can't unlink stale socket 0xa24d peer 0 (name /tmp/openmpi-sessions-1000@71eaf2a6a6f1_0/9745/0/usock dir -)
(00.248299) 1: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.248300) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa85c -> 0xa85d (0xa85d) flags 0
(00.248301) 1: sk unix: Connected 0xa75a -> 0xa759 (0xa759) flags 0
(00.248303) 1: Pipes:
(00.248304) 1: `- PIPE ID 0x9e84
(00.248305) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a53e0 0x21
(00.248306) 1: `- FD 0 pid 1
(00.248308) 1: by 0x21
(00.248309) 1: `- PIPE ID 0x9e85
(00.248310) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a5590 0x22
(00.248311) 1: `- FD 1 pid 1
(00.248312) 1: by 0x22
(00.248313) 1: `- PIPE ID 0x9e86
(00.248314) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a5740 0x23
(00.248315) 1: `- FD 2 pid 1
(00.248316) 1: by 0x23
(00.248318) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xac56
(00.248319) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a7e50 0x38
(00.248320) 1: `- FD 5 pid 12
(00.248321) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a8000 0x39
(00.248322) 1: `- FD 6 pid 12
(00.248323) 1: by 0x38
(00.248324) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa249
(00.248325) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a81b0 0x3a
(00.248326) 1: `- FD 9 pid 12
(00.248328) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a8840 0x3e
(00.248329) 1: `- FD 1 pid 13
(00.248330) 1: `- FD 1 pid 14
(00.248331) 1: by 0x3a
(00.248332) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa24a
(00.248333) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a8360 0x3b
(00.248334) 1: `- FD 11 pid 12
(00.248335) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a89f0 0x3f
(00.248336) 1: `- FD 2 pid 13
(00.248338) 1: `- FD 2 pid 14
(00.248339) 1: by 0x3b
(00.248340) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa248
(00.248341) 1: `- ID 0x5588487a8690 0x3d
(00.248342) 1: `- FD 0 pid 13
(00.248343) 1: `- FD 0 pid 14
(00.248344) 1: by 0x3d
(00.248345) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa24c
(00.248346) 1: `- ID 0x5588487adea0 0x72
(00.248347) 1: `- FD 8 pid 14
(00.248348) 1: `- ID 0x5588487ae050 0x73
(00.248350) 1: `- FD 9 pid 14
(00.248351) 1: by 0x72
(00.248352) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa252
(00.248353) 1: `- ID 0x5588487aeff0 0x7a
(00.248354) 1: `- FD 16 pid 14
(00.248355) 1: `- ID 0x5588487af1a0 0x7b
(00.248356) 1: `- FD 17 pid 14
(00.248357) 1: by 0x7a
(00.248358) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa254
(00.248359) 1: `- ID 0x5588487af5d0 0x7d
(00.248361) 1: `- FD 19 pid 14
(00.248362) 1: `- ID 0x5588487af780 0x7e
(00.248363) 1: `- FD 20 pid 14
(00.248364) 1: by 0x7d
(00.248365) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa258
(00.248366) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b0310 0x85
(00.248367) 1: `- FD 25 pid 14
(00.248368) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b3730 0xa7
(00.248370) 1: `- FD 0 pid 18
(00.248371) 1: by 0x85
(00.248372) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa259
(00.248373) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b04c0 0x86
(00.248374) 1: `- FD 26 pid 14
(00.248375) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b3c40 0xaa
(00.248376) 1: `- FD 2 pid 18
(00.248377) 1: by 0x86
(00.248378) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa25a
(00.248379) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b0670 0x88
(00.248381) 1: `- FD 28 pid 14
(00.248382) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b6570 0xbc
(00.248383) 1: `- FD 29 pid 18
(00.248384) 1: by 0x88
(00.248385) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa25d
(00.248386) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b0820 0x8a
(00.248387) 1: `- FD 30 pid 14
(00.248388) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b6d80 0xc1
(00.248390) 1: `- FD 2 pid 19
(00.248391) 1: by 0x8a
(00.248392) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa25e
(00.248393) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b09d0 0x8c
(00.248396) 1: `- FD 32 pid 14
(00.248397) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b96b0 0xd3
(00.248398) 1: `- FD 33 pid 19
(00.248399) 1: by 0x8c
(00.248400) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xac5f
(00.248401) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b4d10 0xb3
(00.248403) 1: `- FD 11 pid 18
(00.248404) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b4ec0 0xb4
(00.248405) 1: `- FD 12 pid 18
(00.248406) 1: by 0xb3
(00.248407) 1: `- PIPE ID 0xa268
(00.248408) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b7e50 0xca
(00.248409) 1: `- FD 11 pid 19
(00.248410) 1: `- ID 0x5588487b8000 0xcb
(00.248411) 1: `- FD 12 pid 19
(00.248413) 1: by 0xca
(00.248414) 1: File descs:
(00.248415) 1: `- type 11 ID 0x80
(00.248416) 1: `- FD 22 pid 14
(00.248417) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xc0
(00.248418) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x40
(00.248419) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xc1
(00.248420) 1: `- FD 2 pid 19
(00.248421) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x81
(00.248423) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x41
(00.248424) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1
(00.248425) 1: `- type 11 ID 0x82
(00.248426) 1: `- FD 23 pid 14
(00.248427) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xc2
(00.248428) 1: `- FD 3 pid 19
(00.248429) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x42
(00.248430) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2
(00.248431) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xc3
(00.248432) 1: `- FD 4 pid 19
(00.248434) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x83
(00.248435) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x43
(00.248436) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x3
(00.248437) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xc4
(00.248438) 1: `- FD 5 pid 19
(00.248439) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x84
(00.248440) 1: `- FD 24 pid 14
(00.248441) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x44
(00.248442) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4
(00.248443) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xc5
(00.248444) 1: `- FD 6 pid 19
(00.248446) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x85
(00.248447) 1: `- FD 25 pid 14
(00.248448) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x45
(00.248449) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5
(00.248450) 1: `- type 7 ID 0xc6
(00.248451) 1: `- FD 7 pid 19
(00.248452) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x86
(00.248453) 1: `- FD 26 pid 14
(00.248454) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x46
(00.248455) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x6
(00.248456) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x87
(00.248458) 1: `- FD 27 pid 14
(00.248459) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xc7
(00.248460) 1: `- FD 8 pid 19
(00.248461) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x47
(00.248462) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x7
(00.248463) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xc8
(00.248464) 1: `- FD 9 pid 19
(00.248465) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x88
(00.248466) 1: `- FD 28 pid 14
(00.248467) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x48
(00.248468) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x8
(00.248470) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xc9
(00.248471) 1: `- FD 10 pid 19
(00.248472) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x89
(00.248473) 1: `- FD 29 pid 14
(00.248474) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x49
(00.248475) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9
(00.248476) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xca
(00.248477) 1: `- FD 11 pid 19
(00.248478) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x8a
(00.248479) 1: `- FD 30 pid 14
(00.248480) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4a
(00.248482) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa
(00.248483) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x8b
(00.248484) 1: `- FD 31 pid 14
(00.248485) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xcb
(00.248486) 1: `- FD 12 pid 19
(00.248487) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4b
(00.248488) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xb
(00.248489) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xcc
(00.248490) 1: `- FD 13 pid 19
(00.248491) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x8c
(00.248492) 1: `- FD 32 pid 14
(00.248494) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4c
(00.248495) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xc
(00.248496) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xcd
(00.248497) 1: `- FD 14 pid 19
(00.248498) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x8d
(00.248499) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4d
(00.248500) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xd
(00.248501) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xce
(00.248502) 1: `- FD 15 pid 19
(00.248503) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x8e
(00.248504) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4e
(00.248506) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xe
(00.248507) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xcf
(00.248508) 1: `- FD 16 pid 19
(00.248509) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x8f
(00.248510) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x4f
(00.248512) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xf
(00.248514) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xd0
(00.248515) 1: `- FD 17 pid 19
(00.248516) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x90
(00.248517) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x50
(00.248518) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x10
(00.248519) 1: `- type 4 ID 0xd1
(00.248520) 1: `- FD 18 pid 19
(00.248521) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x91
(00.248522) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x51
(00.248523) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x11
(00.248524) 1: `- type 4 ID 0xd2
(00.248526) 1: `- FD 20 pid 19
(00.248527) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x92
(00.248528) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x52
(00.248529) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x12
(00.248530) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xd3
(00.248531) 1: `- FD 33 pid 19
(00.248532) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x93
(00.248533) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x53
(00.248534) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x13
(00.248535) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x94
(00.248536) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x54
(00.248537) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x14
(00.248539) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x95
(00.248540) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x55
(00.248541) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x15
(00.248542) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x96
(00.248543) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x56
(00.248544) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x16
(00.248545) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x97
(00.248546) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x57
(00.248547) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x17
(00.248548) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x98
(00.248549) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x58
(00.248550) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x18
(00.248552) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x99
(00.248553) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x59
(00.248554) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x19
(00.248555) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9a
(00.248556) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5a
(00.248557) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1a
(00.248558) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9b
(00.248559) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5b
(00.248560) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1b
(00.248561) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9c
(00.248562) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5c
(00.248563) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1c
(00.248565) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9d
(00.248566) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5d
(00.248567) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1d
(00.248568) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9e
(00.248569) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5e
(00.248570) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1e
(00.248571) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x9f
(00.248572) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x5f
(00.248573) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x1f
(00.248574) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa0
(00.248575) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x60
(00.248576) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x20
(00.248578) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa1
(00.248579) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x61
(00.248580) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x21
(00.248581) 1: `- FD 0 pid 1
(00.248582) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa2
(00.248583) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x62
(00.248584) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x22
(00.248585) 1: `- FD 1 pid 1
(00.248586) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa3
(00.248587) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x63
(00.248588) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x23
(00.248590) 1: `- FD 2 pid 1
(00.248591) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa4
(00.248592) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x64
(00.248593) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x24
(00.248594) 1: `- FD 3 pid 1
(00.248595) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa5
(00.248596) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x65
(00.248597) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x25
(00.248598) 1: `- FD 4 pid 1
(00.248599) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa6
(00.248600) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x66
(00.248602) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x26
(00.248603) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xa7
(00.248604) 1: `- FD 0 pid 18
(00.248605) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x67
(00.248606) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x27
(00.248607) 1: `- type 11 ID 0xa8
(00.248608) 1: `- FD 1 pid 18
(00.248609) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x68
(00.248610) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x28
(00.248611) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xa9
(00.248612) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x69
(00.248614) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x29
(00.248615) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xaa
(00.248616) 1: `- FD 2 pid 18
(00.248617) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x6a
(00.248618) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2a
(00.248619) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xab
(00.248620) 1: `- FD 3 pid 18
(00.248621) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x6b
(00.248622) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2b
(00.248623) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xac
(00.248624) 1: `- FD 4 pid 18
(00.248626) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x6c
(00.248628) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2c
(00.248629) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xad
(00.248630) 1: `- FD 5 pid 18
(00.248632) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x6d
(00.248633) 1: `- FD 3 pid 14
(00.248634) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2d
(00.248635) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xae
(00.248636) 1: `- FD 6 pid 18
(00.248637) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x6e
(00.248638) 1: `- FD 4 pid 14
(00.248639) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2e
(00.248640) 1: `- type 7 ID 0xaf
(00.248641) 1: `- FD 7 pid 18
(00.248642) 1: `- type 6 ID 0x6f
(00.248644) 1: `- FD 5 pid 14
(00.248645) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x2f
(00.248646) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb0
(00.248647) 1: `- FD 8 pid 18
(00.248648) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x70
(00.248649) 1: `- FD 6 pid 14
(00.248650) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x30
(00.248651) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb1
(00.248652) 1: `- FD 9 pid 18
(00.248653) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x71
(00.248654) 1: `- FD 7 pid 14
(00.248656) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x31
(00.248657) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xb2
(00.248658) 1: `- FD 10 pid 18
(00.248659) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x72
(00.248660) 1: `- FD 8 pid 14
(00.248661) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x32
(00.248662) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xb3
(00.248663) 1: `- FD 11 pid 18
(00.248664) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x73
(00.248665) 1: `- FD 9 pid 14
(00.248666) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x33
(00.248668) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xb4
(00.248669) 1: `- FD 12 pid 18
(00.248670) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x74
(00.248671) 1: `- FD 10 pid 14
(00.248672) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x34
(00.248673) 1: `- FD 0 pid 6
(00.248674) 1: `- FD 1 pid 6
(00.248675) 1: `- FD 2 pid 6
(00.248676) 1: `- FD 0 pid 12
(00.248677) 1: `- FD 1 pid 12
(00.248679) 1: `- FD 2 pid 12
(00.248680) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb5
(00.248681) 1: `- FD 13 pid 18
(00.248682) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x75
(00.248683) 1: `- FD 11 pid 14
(00.248684) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x35
(00.248685) 1: `- FD 3 pid 6
(00.248686) 1: `- FD 3 pid 12
(00.248687) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb6
(00.248688) 1: `- FD 14 pid 18
(00.248689) 1: `- type 7 ID 0x76
(00.248691) 1: `- FD 12 pid 14
(00.248692) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x36
(00.248693) 1: `- FD 5 pid 6
(00.248694) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xb7
(00.248695) 1: `- FD 15 pid 18
(00.248696) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x77
(00.248697) 1: `- FD 13 pid 14
(00.248698) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x37
(00.248699) 1: `- FD 4 pid 12
(00.248700) 1: `- type 6 ID 0xb8
(00.248701) 1: `- FD 16 pid 18
(00.248703) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x78
(00.248704) 1: `- FD 14 pid 14
(00.248705) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x38
(00.248706) 1: `- FD 5 pid 12
(00.248707) 1: `- type 4 ID 0xb9
(00.248708) 1: `- FD 17 pid 18
(00.248709) 1: `- type 6 ID 0x79
(00.248710) 1: `- FD 15 pid 14
(00.248711) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x39
(00.248712) 1: `- FD 6 pid 12
(00.248713) 1: `- type 5 ID 0xba
(00.248715) 1: `- FD 18 pid 18
(00.248716) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x7a
(00.248717) 1: `- FD 16 pid 14
(00.248718) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3a
(00.248719) 1: `- FD 9 pid 12
(00.248720) 1: `- type 4 ID 0xbb
(00.248721) 1: `- FD 19 pid 18
(00.248722) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x7b
(00.248723) 1: `- FD 17 pid 14
(00.248724) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3b
(00.248725) 1: `- FD 11 pid 12
(00.248727) 1: `- type 2 ID 0xbc
(00.248728) 1: `- FD 29 pid 18
(00.248729) 1: `- type 5 ID 0x7c
(00.248730) 1: `- FD 18 pid 14
(00.248731) 1: `- type 1 ID 0x3c
(00.248732) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xbd
(00.248733) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x7d
(00.248734) 1: `- FD 19 pid 14
(00.248735) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3d
(00.248736) 1: `- FD 0 pid 13
(00.248737) 1: `- FD 0 pid 14
(00.248738) 1: `- type 1 ID 0xbe
(00.248740) 1: `- FD 0 pid 19
(00.248741) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x7e
(00.248742) 1: `- FD 20 pid 14
(00.248743) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3e
(00.248745) 1: `- FD 1 pid 13
(00.248747) 1: `- FD 1 pid 14
(00.248748) 1: `- type 11 ID 0xbf
(00.248749) 1: `- FD 1 pid 19
(00.248750) 1: `- type 4 ID 0x7f
(00.248751) 1: `- FD 21 pid 14
(00.248752) 1: `- type 2 ID 0x3f
(00.248753) 1: `- FD 2 pid 13
(00.248754) 1: `- FD 2 pid 14
(00.248779) 1: Opened local page read 1 (parent 0)
(00.248784) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248785) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248786) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248787) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248788) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248790) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248791) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248792) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248793) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248794) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248795) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248796) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248797) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248798) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248799) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248800) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248801) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248802) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248803) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248804) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248805) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248806) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248807) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248808) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248810) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248811) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248812) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248813) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248814) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248815) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248816) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248817) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248818) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248819) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248820) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248821) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248822) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248823) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248824) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248825) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248826) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248827) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248828) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248829) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248830) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248831) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248832) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248833) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248834) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248835) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248836) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248838) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248839) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248840) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248841) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248842) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248843) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248844) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248845) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248846) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248847) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248848) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248849) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248850) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248851) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248852) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248853) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248854) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248855) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248856) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248857) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248858) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248860) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248861) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248862) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248863) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248865) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248866) 1: Enqueue page-read
(00.248869) 1: nr_restored_pages: 196
(00.248871) 1: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.248872) 1: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.248873) 1: nr_lazy: 0
(00.248877) 1: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f38eeabf000(0)
(00.248879) 1: Restore on-core sigactions for 1
(00.248886) 1: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.248887) 1: Restoring children in our session:
(00.248921) 1: Forking task with 6 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.254324) 1: Restoring 1 to 1 pgid
(00.254378) 1: PID: real 5695 virt 6
(00.256471) 6: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.256478) 6: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.256487) 6: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.256496) 6: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.256537) 6: Opened local page read 2 (parent 0)
(00.256616) 6: premap 0x0055633edb5000-0x0055633ee72000 -> 00007f38ed21e000
(00.256622) 6: premap 0x0055633f072000-0x0055633f075000 -> 00007f38ed2db000
(00.256625) 6: premap 0x0055633f075000-0x0055633f076000 -> 00007f38ed2de000
(00.256627) 6: premap 0x0055633f076000-0x0055633f07f000 -> 00007f38ed2df000
(00.256630) 6: premap 0x0055633fe73000-0x0055633feae000 -> 00007f38ed2e8000
(00.256674) 6: premap 0x007f9688ae9000-0x007f9688aec000 -> 00007f38ed323000
(00.256678) 6: premap 0x007f9688aec000-0x007f9688ceb000 -> 00007f38ed326000
(00.256681) 6: premap 0x007f9688ceb000-0x007f9688cec000 -> 00007f38ed525000
(00.256684) 6: premap 0x007f9688cec000-0x007f9688ced000 -> 00007f38ed526000
(00.256704) 6: premap 0x007f9688ced000-0x007f9688cf2000 -> 00007f38ed527000
(00.256708) 6: premap 0x007f9688cf2000-0x007f9688ef1000 -> 00007f38ed52c000
(00.256710) 6: premap 0x007f9688ef1000-0x007f9688ef2000 -> 00007f38ed72b000
(00.256713) 6: premap 0x007f9688ef2000-0x007f9688ef3000 -> 00007f38ed72c000
(00.256731) 6: premap 0x007f9688ef3000-0x007f9688ef5000 -> 00007f38ed72d000
(00.256734) 6: premap 0x007f9688ef5000-0x007f96890f4000 -> 00007f38ed72f000
(00.256737) 6: premap 0x007f96890f4000-0x007f96890f5000 -> 00007f38ed92e000
(00.256740) 6: premap 0x007f96890f5000-0x007f96890f6000 -> 00007f38ed92f000
(00.256758) 6: premap 0x007f96890f6000-0x007f96890f7000 -> 00007f38ed930000
(00.256761) 6: premap 0x007f96890f7000-0x007f96892f7000 -> 00007f38ed931000
(00.256766) 6: premap 0x007f96892f7000-0x007f96892f8000 -> 00007f38edb31000
(00.256769) 6: premap 0x007f96892f8000-0x007f96892f9000 -> 00007f38edb32000
(00.256787) 6: premap 0x007f96892f9000-0x007f96892fc000 -> 00007f38edb33000
(00.256790) 6: premap 0x007f96892fc000-0x007f96894fb000 -> 00007f38edb36000
(00.256793) 6: premap 0x007f96894fb000-0x007f96894fc000 -> 00007f38edd35000
(00.256796) 6: premap 0x007f96894fc000-0x007f96894fd000 -> 00007f38edd36000
(00.256814) 6: premap 0x007f96894fd000-0x007f96894ff000 -> 00007f38edd37000
(00.256817) 6: premap 0x007f96894ff000-0x007f96896fe000 -> 00007f38edd39000
(00.256820) 6: premap 0x007f96896fe000-0x007f96896ff000 -> 00007f38edf38000
(00.256822) 6: premap 0x007f96896ff000-0x007f9689700000 -> 00007f38edf39000
(00.256840) 6: premap 0x007f9689700000-0x007f9689702000 -> 00007f38edf3a000
(00.256843) 6: premap 0x007f9689702000-0x007f9689901000 -> 00007f38edf3c000
(00.256846) 6: premap 0x007f9689901000-0x007f9689902000 -> 00007f38ee13b000
(00.256849) 6: premap 0x007f9689902000-0x007f9689903000 -> 00007f38ee13c000
(00.256867) 6: premap 0x007f9689903000-0x007f9689907000 -> 00007f38ee13d000
(00.256872) 6: premap 0x007f9689907000-0x007f9689b06000 -> 00007f38ee141000
(00.256875) 6: premap 0x007f9689b06000-0x007f9689b07000 -> 00007f38ee340000
(00.256878) 6: premap 0x007f9689b07000-0x007f9689b08000 -> 00007f38ee341000
(00.256896) 6: premap 0x007f9689b08000-0x007f9689b09000 -> 00007f38ee342000
(00.256899) 6: premap 0x007f9689b09000-0x007f9689d09000 -> 00007f38ee343000
(00.256904) 6: premap 0x007f9689d09000-0x007f9689d0a000 -> 00007f38ee543000
(00.256907) 6: premap 0x007f9689d0a000-0x007f9689d0b000 -> 00007f38ee544000
(00.256925) 6: premap 0x007f9689d0b000-0x007f9689d0c000 -> 00007f38ee545000
(00.256929) 6: premap 0x007f9689d0c000-0x007f9689f0b000 -> 00007f38ee546000
(00.256931) 6: premap 0x007f9689f0b000-0x007f9689f0c000 -> 00007f38ee745000
(00.256934) 6: premap 0x007f9689f0c000-0x007f9689f0d000 -> 00007f38ee746000
(00.256952) 6: premap 0x007f9689f0d000-0x007f9689f0e000 -> 00007f38ee747000
(00.256955) 6: premap 0x007f9689f0e000-0x007f968a10d000 -> 00007f38ee748000
(00.256958) 6: premap 0x007f968a10d000-0x007f968a10e000 -> 00007f38ee947000
(00.256964) 6: premap 0x007f968a10e000-0x007f968a10f000 -> 00007f38ee948000
(00.256982) 6: premap 0x007f968a10f000-0x007f968a11c000 -> 00007f38ee949000
(00.256986) 6: premap 0x007f968a11c000-0x007f968a31c000 -> 00007f38ee956000
(00.256988) 6: premap 0x007f968a31c000-0x007f968a31d000 -> 00007f38eeb56000
(00.256991) 6: premap 0x007f968a31d000-0x007f968a31e000 -> 00007f38eeb57000
(00.256994) 6: premap 0x007f968a31e000-0x007f968a32a000 -> 00007f38eeb58000
(00.257014) 6: premap 0x007f968a32a000-0x007f968a334000 -> 00007f38eeb64000
(00.257017) 6: premap 0x007f968a334000-0x007f968a534000 -> 00007f38eeb6e000
(00.257020) 6: premap 0x007f968a534000-0x007f968a535000 -> 00007f38eed6e000
(00.257023) 6: premap 0x007f968a535000-0x007f968a536000 -> 00007f38eed6f000
(00.257025) 6: premap 0x007f968a536000-0x007f968a53c000 -> 00007f38eed70000
(00.257042) 6: premap 0x007f968a53c000-0x007f968a547000 -> 00007f38eed76000
(00.257049) 6: premap 0x007f968a547000-0x007f968a746000 -> 00007f38eed81000
(00.257052) 6: premap 0x007f968a746000-0x007f968a747000 -> 00007f38eef80000
(00.257055) 6: premap 0x007f968a747000-0x007f968a748000 -> 00007f38eef81000
(00.257072) 6: premap 0x007f968a748000-0x007f968a74f000 -> 00007f38eef82000
(00.257076) 6: premap 0x007f968a74f000-0x007f968a94e000 -> 00007f38eef89000
(00.257078) 6: premap 0x007f968a94e000-0x007f968a94f000 -> 00007f38ef188000
(00.257081) 6: premap 0x007f968a94f000-0x007f968a950000 -> 00007f38ef189000
(00.257099) 6: premap 0x007f968a950000-0x007f968a963000 -> 00007f38ef18a000
(00.257102) 6: premap 0x007f968a963000-0x007f968ab62000 -> 00007f38ef19d000
(00.257105) 6: premap 0x007f968ab62000-0x007f968ab63000 -> 00007f38ef39c000
(00.257110) 6: premap 0x007f968ab63000-0x007f968ab64000 -> 00007f38ef39d000
(00.257128) 6: premap 0x007f968ab64000-0x007f968ab78000 -> 00007f38ef39e000
(00.257131) 6: premap 0x007f968ab78000-0x007f968ad77000 -> 00007f38ef3b2000
(00.257134) 6: premap 0x007f968ad77000-0x007f968ad78000 -> 00007f38ef5b1000
(00.257137) 6: premap 0x007f968ad78000-0x007f968ad79000 -> 00007f38ef5b2000
(00.257139) 6: premap 0x007f968ad79000-0x007f968ad7b000 -> 00007f38ef5b3000
(00.257158) 6: premap 0x007f968ad7b000-0x007f968ad7e000 -> 00007f38ef5b5000
(00.257161) 6: premap 0x007f968ad7e000-0x007f968af7d000 -> 00007f38ef5b8000
(00.257164) 6: premap 0x007f968af7d000-0x007f968af7e000 -> 00007f38ef7b7000
(00.257167) 6: premap 0x007f968af7e000-0x007f968af7f000 -> 00007f38ef7b8000
(00.257196) 6: premap 0x007f968af7f000-0x007f968af8a000 -> 00007f38ef7b9000
(00.257202) 6: premap 0x007f968af8a000-0x007f968b189000 -> 00007f38ef7c4000
(00.257205) 6: premap 0x007f968b189000-0x007f968b18a000 -> 00007f38ef9c3000
(00.257207) 6: premap 0x007f968b18a000-0x007f968b18b000 -> 00007f38ef9c4000
(00.257240) 6: premap 0x007f968b18b000-0x007f968b1ba000 -> 00007f38ef9c5000
(00.257244) 6: premap 0x007f968b1ba000-0x007f968b3ba000 -> 00007f38ef9f4000
(00.257247) 6: premap 0x007f968b3ba000-0x007f968b3bc000 -> 00007f38efbf4000
(00.257250) 6: premap 0x007f968b3bc000-0x007f968b3bd000 -> 00007f38efbf6000
(00.257252) 6: premap 0x007f968b3bd000-0x007f968b3be000 -> 00007f38efbf7000
(00.257270) 6: premap 0x007f968b3be000-0x007f968b3d6000 -> 00007f38efbf8000
(00.257273) 6: premap 0x007f968b3d6000-0x007f968b5d5000 -> 00007f38efc10000
(00.257276) 6: premap 0x007f968b5d5000-0x007f968b5d6000 -> 00007f38efe0f000
(00.257279) 6: premap 0x007f968b5d6000-0x007f968b5d7000 -> 00007f38efe10000
(00.257281) 6: premap 0x007f968b5d7000-0x007f968b5db000 -> 00007f38efe11000
(00.257299) 6: premap 0x007f968b5db000-0x007f968b6e2000 -> 00007f38efe15000
(00.257302) 6: premap 0x007f968b6e2000-0x007f968b8e2000 -> 00007f38eff1c000
(00.257305) 6: premap 0x007f968b8e2000-0x007f968b8e4000 -> 00007f38f011c000
(00.257308) 6: premap 0x007f968b8e4000-0x007f968b8eb000 -> 00007f38f011e000
(00.257330) 6: premap 0x007f968b8eb000-0x007f968b8fc000 -> 00007f38f0125000
(00.257334) 6: premap 0x007f968b8fc000-0x007f968bafb000 -> 00007f38f0136000
(00.257337) 6: premap 0x007f968bafb000-0x007f968bafc000 -> 00007f38f0335000
(00.257340) 6: premap 0x007f968bafc000-0x007f968bafd000 -> 00007f38f0336000
(00.257358) 6: premap 0x007f968bafd000-0x007f968bb22000 -> 00007f38f0337000
(00.257364) 6: premap 0x007f968bb22000-0x007f968bd21000 -> 00007f38f035c000
(00.257367) 6: premap 0x007f968bd21000-0x007f968bd22000 -> 00007f38f055b000
(00.257370) 6: premap 0x007f968bd22000-0x007f968bd23000 -> 00007f38f055c000
(00.257387) 6: premap 0x007f968bd23000-0x007f968bd2a000 -> 00007f38f055d000
(00.257393) 6: premap 0x007f968bd2a000-0x007f968bf29000 -> 00007f38f0564000
(00.257395) 6: premap 0x007f968bf29000-0x007f968bf2a000 -> 00007f38f0763000
(00.257398) 6: premap 0x007f968bf2a000-0x007f968bf2b000 -> 00007f38f0764000
(00.257416) 6: premap 0x007f968bf2b000-0x007f968bf9d000 -> 00007f38f0765000
(00.257419) 6: premap 0x007f968bf9d000-0x007f968c19c000 -> 00007f38f07d7000
(00.257422) 6: premap 0x007f968c19c000-0x007f968c19d000 -> 00007f38f09d6000
(00.257425) 6: premap 0x007f968c19d000-0x007f968c19e000 -> 00007f38f09d7000
(00.257442) 6: premap 0x007f968c19e000-0x007f968c1a1000 -> 00007f38f09d8000
(00.257447) 6: premap 0x007f968c1a1000-0x007f968c3a0000 -> 00007f38f09db000
(00.257450) 6: premap 0x007f968c3a0000-0x007f968c3a1000 -> 00007f38f0bda000
(00.257453) 6: premap 0x007f968c3a1000-0x007f968c3a2000 -> 00007f38f0bdb000
(00.257470) 6: premap 0x007f968c3a2000-0x007f968c3a6000 -> 00007f38f0bdc000
(00.257474) 6: premap 0x007f968c3a6000-0x007f968c5a6000 -> 00007f38f0be0000
(00.257477) 6: premap 0x007f968c5a6000-0x007f968c5a7000 -> 00007f38f0de0000
(00.257480) 6: premap 0x007f968c5a7000-0x007f968c5a8000 -> 00007f38f0de1000
(00.257497) 6: premap 0x007f968c5a8000-0x007f968c5bc000 -> 00007f38f0de2000
(00.257500) 6: premap 0x007f968c5bc000-0x007f968c7bc000 -> 00007f38f0df6000
(00.257503) 6: premap 0x007f968c7bc000-0x007f968c7bd000 -> 00007f38f0ff6000
(00.257506) 6: premap 0x007f968c7bd000-0x007f968c7be000 -> 00007f38f0ff7000
(00.257510) 6: premap 0x007f968c7be000-0x007f968c7c0000 -> 00007f38f0ff8000
(00.257528) 6: premap 0x007f968c7c0000-0x007f968c955000 -> 00007f38f0ffa000
(00.257531) 6: premap 0x007f968c955000-0x007f968cb55000 -> 00007f38f118f000
(00.257534) 6: premap 0x007f968cb55000-0x007f968cb59000 -> 00007f38f138f000
(00.257537) 6: premap 0x007f968cb59000-0x007f968cb5b000 -> 00007f38f1393000
(00.257539) 6: premap 0x007f968cb5b000-0x007f968cb5f000 -> 00007f38f1395000
(00.257556) 6: premap 0x007f968cb5f000-0x007f968cb62000 -> 00007f38f1399000
(00.257560) 6: premap 0x007f968cb62000-0x007f968cd61000 -> 00007f38f139c000
(00.257563) 6: premap 0x007f968cd61000-0x007f968cd62000 -> 00007f38f159b000
(00.257565) 6: premap 0x007f968cd62000-0x007f968cd63000 -> 00007f38f159c000
(00.257582) 6: premap 0x007f968cd63000-0x007f968ce2c000 -> 00007f38f159d000
(00.257586) 6: premap 0x007f968ce2c000-0x007f968d02c000 -> 00007f38f1666000
(00.257588) 6: premap 0x007f968d02c000-0x007f968d03a000 -> 00007f38f1866000
(00.257591) 6: premap 0x007f968d03a000-0x007f968d03d000 -> 00007f38f1874000
(00.257608) 6: premap 0x007f968d03d000-0x007f968d085000 -> 00007f38f1877000
(00.257612) 6: premap 0x007f968d085000-0x007f968d284000 -> 00007f38f18bf000
(00.257615) 6: premap 0x007f968d284000-0x007f968d286000 -> 00007f38f1abe000
(00.257620) 6: premap 0x007f968d286000-0x007f968d288000 -> 00007f38f1ac0000
(00.257637) 6: premap 0x007f968d288000-0x007f968d290000 -> 00007f38f1ac2000
(00.257641) 6: premap 0x007f968d290000-0x007f968d490000 -> 00007f38f1aca000
(00.257644) 6: premap 0x007f968d490000-0x007f968d491000 -> 00007f38f1cca000
(00.257648) 6: premap 0x007f968d491000-0x007f968d492000 -> 00007f38f1ccb000
(00.257654) 6: premap 0x007f968d492000-0x007f968d4c0000 -> 00007f38f1ccc000
(00.257673) 6: premap 0x007f968d4c0000-0x007f968d4d9000 -> 00007f38f1cfa000
(00.257676) 6: premap 0x007f968d4d9000-0x007f968d6d8000 -> 00007f38f1d13000
(00.257679) 6: premap 0x007f968d6d8000-0x007f968d6d9000 -> 00007f38f1f12000
(00.257682) 6: premap 0x007f968d6d9000-0x007f968d6da000 -> 00007f38f1f13000
(00.257699) 6: premap 0x007f968d6da000-0x007f968d6dc000 -> 00007f38f1f14000
(00.257703) 6: premap 0x007f968d6dc000-0x007f968d8db000 -> 00007f38f1f16000
(00.257705) 6: premap 0x007f968d8db000-0x007f968d8dc000 -> 00007f38f2115000
(00.257708) 6: premap 0x007f968d8dc000-0x007f968d8dd000 -> 00007f38f2116000
(00.257725) 6: premap 0x007f968d8dd000-0x007f968db12000 -> 00007f38f2117000
(00.257729) 6: premap 0x007f968db12000-0x007f968dd12000 -> 00007f38f234c000
(00.257731) 6: premap 0x007f968dd12000-0x007f968dd2e000 -> 00007f38f254c000
(00.257735) 6: premap 0x007f968dd2e000-0x007f968dd3d000 -> 00007f38f2568000
(00.257737) 6: premap 0x007f968dd3d000-0x007f968dd41000 -> 00007f38f2577000
(00.257755) 6: premap 0x007f968dd41000-0x007f968dd66000 -> 00007f38f257b000
(00.257759) 6: premap 0x007f968dd66000-0x007f968df65000 -> 00007f38f25a0000
(00.257762) 6: premap 0x007f968df65000-0x007f968df66000 -> 00007f38f279f000
(00.257764) 6: premap 0x007f968df66000-0x007f968df67000 -> 00007f38f27a0000
(00.257767) 6: premap 0x007f968df67000-0x007f968df69000 -> 00007f38f27a1000
(00.257784) 6: premap 0x007f968df69000-0x007f968df76000 -> 00007f38f27a3000
(00.257788) 6: premap 0x007f968df76000-0x007f968e175000 -> 00007f38f27b0000
(00.257793) 6: premap 0x007f968e175000-0x007f968e176000 -> 00007f38f29af000
(00.257795) 6: premap 0x007f968e176000-0x007f968e177000 -> 00007f38f29b0000
(00.257815) 6: premap 0x007f968e177000-0x007f968e194000 -> 00007f38f29b1000
(00.257818) 6: premap 0x007f968e194000-0x007f968e393000 -> 00007f38f29ce000
(00.257821) 6: premap 0x007f968e393000-0x007f968e394000 -> 00007f38f2bcd000
(00.257824) 6: premap 0x007f968e394000-0x007f968e395000 -> 00007f38f2bce000
(00.257826) 6: premap 0x007f968e395000-0x007f968e39f000 -> 00007f38f2bcf000
(00.257844) 6: premap 0x007f968e39f000-0x007f968e3a7000 -> 00007f38f2bd9000
(00.257848) 6: premap 0x007f968e3a7000-0x007f968e5a7000 -> 00007f38f2be1000
(00.257850) 6: premap 0x007f968e5a7000-0x007f968e5a8000 -> 00007f38f2de1000
(00.257853) 6: premap 0x007f968e5a8000-0x007f968e5a9000 -> 00007f38f2de2000
(00.257871) 6: premap 0x007f968e5a9000-0x007f968e5cc000 -> 00007f38f2de3000
(00.257888) 6: premap 0x007f968e6e8000-0x007f968e729000 -> 00007f38f2e06000
(00.257892) 6: premap 0x007f968e729000-0x007f968e72c000 -> 00007f38f2e47000
(00.257895) 6: premap 0x007f968e72c000-0x007f968e72d000 -> 00007f38f2e4a000
(00.257897) 6: premap 0x007f968e72d000-0x007f968e73a000 -> 00007f38f2e4b000
(00.257914) 6: premap 0x007f968e73a000-0x007f968e7be000 -> 00007f38f2e58000
(00.257918) 6: premap 0x007f968e7be000-0x007f968e7bf000 -> 00007f38f2edc000
(00.257920) 6: premap 0x007f968e7bf000-0x007f968e7c2000 -> 00007f38f2edd000
(00.257923) 6: premap 0x007f968e7c2000-0x007f968e7c3000 -> 00007f38f2ee0000
(00.257926) 6: premap 0x007f968e7c3000-0x007f968e7c4000 -> 00007f38f2ee1000
(00.257930) 6: premap 0x007f968e7c9000-0x007f968e7cc000 -> 00007f38f2ee2000
(00.257944) 6: premap 0x007f968e7cc000-0x007f968e7cd000 -> 00007f38f2ee5000
(00.257947) 6: premap 0x007f968e7cd000-0x007f968e7ce000 -> 00007f38f2ee6000
(00.257950) 6: premap 0x007f968e7ce000-0x007f968e7cf000 -> 00007f38f2ee7000
(00.257952) 6: premap 0x007ffc7c228000-0x007ffc7c249000 -> 00007f38f2ee8000
(00.257954) 6: premap 0x007ffc7c3eb000-0x007ffc7c3ed000 -> 00007f38f2f09000
(00.257957) 6: premap 0x007ffc7c3ed000-0x007ffc7c3ef000 -> 00007f38f2f0b000
(00.257959) 6: pr6-2 Read 55633edb5000 1 pages
(00.257963) 6: pr6-2 Read 55633f072000 3 pages
(00.257965) 6: pr6-2 Read 55633f075000 1 pages
(00.257966) 6: pr6-2 Read 55633f076000 9 pages
(00.257967) 6: pr6-2 Read 55633fe73000 29 pages
(00.257969) 6: pr6-2 Read 55633fe95000 1 pages
(00.257970) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f9688ceb000 1 pages
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(00.257972) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f9688ef1000 1 pages
(00.257974) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f9688ef2000 1 pages
(00.257975) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f96890f4000 1 pages
(00.257976) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f96890f5000 1 pages
(00.257978) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f96892f7000 1 pages
(00.257979) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f96892f8000 1 pages
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(00.257989) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f9689b07000 1 pages
(00.257990) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f9689d09000 1 pages
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(00.257995) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a10d000 1 pages
(00.257997) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a10e000 1 pages
(00.257998) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a31c000 1 pages
(00.257999) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a31d000 1 pages
(00.258000) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a534000 1 pages
(00.258002) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a535000 1 pages
(00.258003) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a746000 1 pages
(00.258004) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a747000 1 pages
(00.258006) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a94e000 1 pages
(00.258007) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968a94f000 1 pages
(00.258008) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968ab62000 1 pages
(00.258009) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968ab63000 1 pages
(00.258011) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968ad77000 1 pages
(00.258012) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968ad78000 1 pages
(00.258013) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968af7d000 1 pages
(00.258015) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968af7e000 1 pages
(00.258016) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968b189000 1 pages
(00.258017) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968b18a000 1 pages
(00.258018) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968b3ba000 2 pages
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(00.258026) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968b8e4000 7 pages
(00.258027) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968bafb000 1 pages
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(00.258030) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968bd21000 1 pages
(00.258031) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968bd22000 1 pages
(00.258032) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968bf29000 1 pages
(00.258034) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968bf2a000 1 pages
(00.258035) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968c19c000 1 pages
(00.258036) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968c19d000 1 pages
(00.258037) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968c3a0000 1 pages
(00.258039) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968c3a1000 1 pages
(00.258040) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968c5a6000 1 pages
(00.258041) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968c5a7000 1 pages
(00.258043) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968c7bc000 1 pages
(00.258044) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968c7bd000 1 pages
(00.258045) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968cb55000 4 pages
(00.258046) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968cb59000 2 pages
(00.258048) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968cb5b000 4 pages
(00.258049) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968cd61000 1 pages
(00.258050) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968cd62000 1 pages
(00.258051) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d02c000 14 pages
(00.258053) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d03a000 3 pages
(00.258054) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d284000 2 pages
(00.258055) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d286000 2 pages
(00.258057) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d490000 1 pages
(00.258058) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d491000 1 pages
(00.258059) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d6d8000 1 pages
(00.258060) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d6d9000 1 pages
(00.258062) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d8db000 1 pages
(00.258063) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968d8dc000 1 pages
(00.258066) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968dd12000 28 pages
(00.258067) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968dd2e000 15 pages
(00.258068) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968dd3d000 1 pages
(00.258070) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968dd3f000 2 pages
(00.258071) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968df65000 1 pages
(00.258072) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968df66000 1 pages
(00.258073) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968df67000 1 pages
(00.258075) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e175000 1 pages
(00.258076) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e176000 1 pages
(00.258077) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e393000 1 pages
(00.258078) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e394000 1 pages
(00.258080) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e398000 1 pages
(00.258081) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e5a7000 1 pages
(00.258082) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e5a8000 1 pages
(00.258083) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e729000 3 pages
(00.258085) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e72c000 1 pages
(00.258086) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e72e000 12 pages
(00.258087) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e7bf000 3 pages
(00.258088) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e7c2000 1 pages
(00.258090) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e7c9000 3 pages
(00.258091) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e7cc000 1 pages
(00.258092) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e7cd000 1 pages
(00.258093) 6: pr6-2 Read 7f968e7ce000 1 pages
(00.258095) 6: pr6-2 Read 7ffc7c240000 9 pages
(00.258096) 6: pr6-2 Read 7ffc7c3ed000 2 pages
(00.258097) 6: Read piov iovs 53, from 0, len 995328, first 0x7f38ed21e000:4096
(00.258531) 6: nr_restored_pages: 243
(00.258532) 6: nr_shared_pages: 0
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(00.258536) 6: Restore on-core sigactions for 6
(00.258543) 6: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.258545) 6: Restoring 6 to 6 sid
(00.258553) 6: Restoring children in our session:
(00.258594) 6: Forking task with 12 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.263997) 6: Restoring 6 to 6 pgid
(00.264023) 6: PID: real 5696 virt 12
(00.266080) 12: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.266088) 12: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.266090) 12: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.266095) 12: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.266139) 12: Opened local page read 3 (parent 0)
(00.266181) 12: premap 0x0055633edb5000-0x0055633ee72000 -> 00007f38e752f000
(00.266186) 12: premap 0x0055633f072000-0x0055633f075000 -> 00007f38e75ec000
(00.266190) 12: premap 0x0055633f075000-0x0055633f076000 -> 00007f38e75ef000
(00.266195) 12: premap 0x0055633f076000-0x0055633f07f000 -> 00007f38e75f0000
(00.266201) 12: premap 0x0055633fe73000-0x0055633feae000 -> 00007f38e75f9000
(00.266204) 12: premap 0x007f9688ae9000-0x007f9688aec000 -> 00007f38e7634000
(00.266210) 12: premap 0x007f9688aec000-0x007f9688ceb000 -> 00007f38e7637000
(00.266213) 12: premap 0x007f9688ceb000-0x007f9688cec000 -> 00007f38e7836000
(00.266217) 12: premap 0x007f9688cec000-0x007f9688ced000 -> 00007f38e7837000
(00.266220) 12: premap 0x007f9688ced000-0x007f9688cf2000 -> 00007f38e7838000
(00.266229) 12: premap 0x007f9688cf2000-0x007f9688ef1000 -> 00007f38e783d000
(00.266233) 12: premap 0x007f9688ef1000-0x007f9688ef2000 -> 00007f38e7a3c000
(00.266236) 12: premap 0x007f9688ef2000-0x007f9688ef3000 -> 00007f38e7a3d000
(00.266241) 12: premap 0x007f9688ef3000-0x007f9688ef5000 -> 00007f38e7a3e000
(00.266246) 12: premap 0x007f9688ef5000-0x007f96890f4000 -> 00007f38e7a40000
(00.266249) 12: premap 0x007f96890f4000-0x007f96890f5000 -> 00007f38e7c3f000
(00.266252) 12: premap 0x007f96890f5000-0x007f96890f6000 -> 00007f38e7c40000
(00.266255) 12: premap 0x007f96890f6000-0x007f96890f7000 -> 00007f38e7c41000
(00.266260) 12: premap 0x007f96890f7000-0x007f96892f7000 -> 00007f38e7c42000
(00.266264) 12: premap 0x007f96892f7000-0x007f96892f8000 -> 00007f38e7e42000
(00.266267) 12: premap 0x007f96892f8000-0x007f96892f9000 -> 00007f38e7e43000
(00.266270) 12: premap 0x007f96892f9000-0x007f96892fc000 -> 00007f38e7e44000
(00.266281) 12: premap 0x007f96892fc000-0x007f96894fb000 -> 00007f38e7e47000
(00.266285) 12: premap 0x007f96894fb000-0x007f96894fc000 -> 00007f38e8046000
(00.266290) 12: premap 0x007f96894fc000-0x007f96894fd000 -> 00007f38e8047000
(00.266293) 12: premap 0x007f96894fd000-0x007f96894ff000 -> 00007f38e8048000
(00.266299) 12: premap 0x007f96894ff000-0x007f96896fe000 -> 00007f38e804a000
(00.266302) 12: premap 0x007f96896fe000-0x007f96896ff000 -> 00007f38e8249000
(00.266306) 12: premap 0x007f96896ff000-0x007f9689700000 -> 00007f38e824a000
(00.266309) 12: premap 0x007f9689700000-0x007f9689702000 -> 00007f38e824b000
(00.266314) 12: premap 0x007f9689702000-0x007f9689901000 -> 00007f38e824d000
(00.266317) 12: premap 0x007f9689901000-0x007f9689902000 -> 00007f38e844c000
(00.266320) 12: premap 0x007f9689902000-0x007f9689903000 -> 00007f38e844d000
(00.266323) 12: premap 0x007f9689903000-0x007f9689907000 -> 00007f38e844e000
(00.266330) 12: premap 0x007f9689907000-0x007f9689b06000 -> 00007f38e8452000
(00.266333) 12: premap 0x007f9689b06000-0x007f9689b07000 -> 00007f38e8651000
(00.266336) 12: premap 0x007f9689b07000-0x007f9689b08000 -> 00007f38e8652000
(00.266339) 12: premap 0x007f9689b08000-0x007f9689b09000 -> 00007f38e8653000
(00.266344) 12: premap 0x007f9689b09000-0x007f9689d09000 -> 00007f38e8654000
(00.266347) 12: premap 0x007f9689d09000-0x007f9689d0a000 -> 00007f38e8854000
(00.266350) 12: premap 0x007f9689d0a000-0x007f9689d0b000 -> 00007f38e8855000
(00.266353) 12: premap 0x007f9689d0b000-0x007f9689d0c000 -> 00007f38e8856000
(00.266358) 12: premap 0x007f9689d0c000-0x007f9689f0b000 -> 00007f38e8857000
(00.266362) 12: premap 0x007f9689f0b000-0x007f9689f0c000 -> 00007f38e8a56000
(00.266365) 12: premap 0x007f9689f0c000-0x007f9689f0d000 -> 00007f38e8a57000
(00.266368) 12: premap 0x007f9689f0d000-0x007f9689f0e000 -> 00007f38e8a58000
(00.266373) 12: premap 0x007f9689f0e000-0x007f968a10d000 -> 00007f38e8a59000
(00.266376) 12: premap 0x007f968a10d000-0x007f968a10e000 -> 00007f38e8c58000
(00.266379) 12: premap 0x007f968a10e000-0x007f968a10f000 -> 00007f38e8c59000
(00.266383) 12: premap 0x007f968a10f000-0x007f968a11c000 -> 00007f38e8c5a000
(00.266388) 12: premap 0x007f968a11c000-0x007f968a31c000 -> 00007f38e8c67000
(00.266391) 12: premap 0x007f968a31c000-0x007f968a31d000 -> 00007f38e8e67000
(00.266394) 12: premap 0x007f968a31d000-0x007f968a31e000 -> 00007f38e8e68000
(00.266398) 12: premap 0x007f968a31e000-0x007f968a32a000 -> 00007f38e8e69000
(00.266403) 12: premap 0x007f968a32a000-0x007f968a334000 -> 00007f38e8e75000
(00.266409) 12: premap 0x007f968a334000-0x007f968a534000 -> 00007f38e8e7f000
(00.266412) 12: premap 0x007f968a534000-0x007f968a535000 -> 00007f38e907f000
(00.266415) 12: premap 0x007f968a535000-0x007f968a536000 -> 00007f38e9080000
(00.266418) 12: premap 0x007f968a536000-0x007f968a53c000 -> 00007f38e9081000
(00.266422) 12: premap 0x007f968a53c000-0x007f968a547000 -> 00007f38e9087000
(00.266430) 12: premap 0x007f968a547000-0x007f968a746000 -> 00007f38e9092000
(00.266433) 12: premap 0x007f968a746000-0x007f968a747000 -> 00007f38e9291000
(00.266437) 12: premap 0x007f968a747000-0x007f968a748000 -> 00007f38e9292000
(00.266440) 12: premap 0x007f968a748000-0x007f968a74f000 -> 00007f38e9293000
(00.266445) 12: premap 0x007f968a74f000-0x007f968a94e000 -> 00007f38e929a000
(00.266448) 12: premap 0x007f968a94e000-0x007f968a94f000 -> 00007f38e9499000
(00.266451) 12: premap 0x007f968a94f000-0x007f968a950000 -> 00007f38e949a000
(00.266455) 12: premap 0x007f968a950000-0x007f968a963000 -> 00007f38e949b000
(00.266460) 12: premap 0x007f968a963000-0x007f968ab62000 -> 00007f38e94ae000
(00.266464) 12: premap 0x007f968ab62000-0x007f968ab63000 -> 00007f38e96ad000
(00.266466) 12: premap 0x007f968ab63000-0x007f968ab64000 -> 00007f38e96ae000
(00.266471) 12: premap 0x007f968ab64000-0x007f968ab78000 -> 00007f38e96af000
(00.266478) 12: premap 0x007f968ab78000-0x007f968ad77000 -> 00007f38e96c3000
(00.266482) 12: premap 0x007f968ad77000-0x007f968ad78000 -> 00007f38e98c2000
(00.266484) 12: premap 0x007f968ad78000-0x007f968ad79000 -> 00007f38e98c3000
(00.266489) 12: premap 0x007f968ad79000-0x007f968ad7b000 -> 00007f38e98c4000
(00.266492) 12: premap 0x007f968ad7b000-0x007f968ad7e000 -> 00007f38e98c6000
(00.266497) 12: premap 0x007f968ad7e000-0x007f968af7d000 -> 00007f38e98c9000
(00.266501) 12: premap 0x007f968af7d000-0x007f968af7e000 -> 00007f38e9ac8000
(00.266504) 12: premap 0x007f968af7e000-0x007f968af7f000 -> 00007f38e9ac9000
(00.266507) 12: premap 0x007f968af7f000-0x007f968af8a000 -> 00007f38e9aca000
(00.266512) 12: premap 0x007f968af8a000-0x007f968b189000 -> 00007f38e9ad5000
(00.266516) 12: premap 0x007f968b189000-0x007f968b18a000 -> 00007f38e9cd4000
(00.266518) 12: premap 0x007f968b18a000-0x007f968b18b000 -> 00007f38e9cd5000
(00.266522) 12: premap 0x007f968b18b000-0x007f968b1ba000 -> 00007f38e9cd6000
(00.266526) 12: premap 0x007f968b1ba000-0x007f968b3ba000 -> 00007f38e9d05000
(00.266530) 12: premap 0x007f968b3ba000-0x007f968b3bc000 -> 00007f38e9f05000
(00.266533) 12: premap 0x007f968b3bc000-0x007f968b3bd000 -> 00007f38e9f07000
(00.266536) 12: premap 0x007f968b3bd000-0x007f968b3be000 -> 00007f38e9f08000
(00.266541) 12: premap 0x007f968b3be000-0x007f968b3d6000 -> 00007f38e9f09000
(00.266545) 12: premap 0x007f968b3d6000-0x007f968b5d5000 -> 00007f38e9f21000
(00.266548) 12: premap 0x007f968b5d5000-0x007f968b5d6000 -> 00007f38ea120000
(00.266551) 12: premap 0x007f968b5d6000-0x007f968b5d7000 -> 00007f38ea121000
(00.266554) 12: premap 0x007f968b5d7000-0x007f968b5db000 -> 00007f38ea122000
(00.266559) 12: premap 0x007f968b5db000-0x007f968b6e2000 -> 00007f38ea126000
(00.266564) 12: premap 0x007f968b6e2000-0x007f968b8e2000 -> 00007f38ea22d000
(00.266568) 12: premap 0x007f968b8e2000-0x007f968b8e4000 -> 00007f38ea42d000
(00.266575) 12: premap 0x007f968b8e4000-0x007f968b8eb000 -> 00007f38ea42f000
(00.266579) 12: premap 0x007f968b8eb000-0x007f968b8fc000 -> 00007f38ea436000
(00.266584) 12: premap 0x007f968b8fc000-0x007f968bafb000 -> 00007f38ea447000
(00.266587) 12: premap 0x007f968bafb000-0x007f968bafc000 -> 00007f38ea646000
(00.266590) 12: premap 0x007f968bafc000-0x007f968bafd000 -> 00007f38ea647000
(00.266594) 12: premap 0x007f968bafd000-0x007f968bb22000 -> 00007f38ea648000
(00.266600) 12: premap 0x007f968bb22000-0x007f968bd21000 -> 00007f38ea66d000
(00.266603) 12: premap 0x007f968bd21000-0x007f968bd22000 -> 00007f38ea86c000
(00.266606) 12: premap 0x007f968bd22000-0x007f968bd23000 -> 00007f38ea86d000
(00.266609) 12: premap 0x007f968bd23000-0x007f968bd2a000 -> 00007f38ea86e000
(00.266614) 12: premap 0x007f968bd2a000-0x007f968bf29000 -> 00007f38ea875000
(00.266618) 12: premap 0x007f968bf29000-0x007f968bf2a000 -> 00007f38eaa74000
(00.266621) 12: premap 0x007f968bf2a000-0x007f968bf2b000 -> 00007f38eaa75000
(00.266625) 12: premap 0x007f968bf2b000-0x007f968bf9d000 -> 00007f38eaa76000
(00.266630) 12: premap 0x007f968bf9d000-0x007f968c19c000 -> 00007f38eaae8000
(00.266633) 12: premap 0x007f968c19c000-0x007f968c19d000 -> 00007f38eace7000
(00.266636) 12: premap 0x007f968c19d000-0x007f968c19e000 -> 00007f38eace8000
(00.266640) 12: premap 0x007f968c19e000-0x007f968c1a1000 -> 00007f38eace9000
(00.266647) 12: premap 0x007f968c1a1000-0x007f968c3a0000 -> 00007f38eacec000
(00.266650) 12: premap 0x007f968c3a0000-0x007f968c3a1000 -> 00007f38eaeeb000
(00.266653) 12: premap 0x007f968c3a1000-0x007f968c3a2000 -> 00007f38eaeec000
(00.266657) 12: premap 0x007f968c3a2000-0x007f968c3a6000 -> 00007f38eaeed000
(00.266662) 12: premap 0x007f968c3a6000-0x007f968c5a6000 -> 00007f38eaef1000
(00.266667) 12: premap 0x007f968c5a6000-0x007f968c5a7000 -> 00007f38eb0f1000
(00.266670) 12: premap 0x007f968c5a7000-0x007f968c5a8000 -> 00007f38eb0f2000
(00.266677) 12: premap 0x007f968c5a8000-0x007f968c5bc000 -> 00007f38eb0f3000
(00.266683) 12: premap 0x007f968c5bc000-0x007f968c7bc000 -> 00007f38eb107000
(00.266686) 12: premap 0x007f968c7bc000-0x007f968c7bd000 -> 00007f38eb307000
(00.266689) 12: premap 0x007f968c7bd000-0x007f968c7be000 -> 00007f38eb308000
(00.266692) 12: premap 0x007f968c7be000-0x007f968c7c0000 -> 00007f38eb309000
(00.266696) 12: premap 0x007f968c7c0000-0x007f968c955000 -> 00007f38eb30b000
(00.266701) 12: premap 0x007f968c955000-0x007f968cb55000 -> 00007f38eb4a0000
(00.266705) 12: premap 0x007f968cb55000-0x007f968cb59000 -> 00007f38eb6a0000
(00.266708) 12: premap 0x007f968cb59000-0x007f968cb5b000 -> 00007f38eb6a4000
(00.266711) 12: premap 0x007f968cb5b000-0x007f968cb5f000 -> 00007f38eb6a6000
(00.266714) 12: premap 0x007f968cb5f000-0x007f968cb62000 -> 00007f38eb6aa000
(00.266721) 12: premap 0x007f968cb62000-0x007f968cd61000 -> 00007f38eb6ad000
(00.266725) 12: premap 0x007f968cd61000-0x007f968cd62000 -> 00007f38eb8ac000
(00.266728) 12: premap 0x007f968cd62000-0x007f968cd63000 -> 00007f38eb8ad000
(00.266732) 12: premap 0x007f968cd63000-0x007f968ce2c000 -> 00007f38eb8ae000
(00.266736) 12: premap 0x007f968ce2c000-0x007f968d02c000 -> 00007f38eb977000
(00.266740) 12: premap 0x007f968d02c000-0x007f968d03a000 -> 00007f38ebb77000
(00.266744) 12: premap 0x007f968d03a000-0x007f968d03d000 -> 00007f38ebb85000
(00.266747) 12: premap 0x007f968d03d000-0x007f968d085000 -> 00007f38ebb88000
(00.266752) 12: premap 0x007f968d085000-0x007f968d284000 -> 00007f38ebbd0000
(00.266757) 12: premap 0x007f968d284000-0x007f968d286000 -> 00007f38ebdcf000
(00.266760) 12: premap 0x007f968d286000-0x007f968d288000 -> 00007f38ebdd1000
(00.266764) 12: premap 0x007f968d288000-0x007f968d290000 -> 00007f38ebdd3000
(00.266769) 12: premap 0x007f968d290000-0x007f968d490000 -> 00007f38ebddb000
(00.266772) 12: premap 0x007f968d490000-0x007f968d491000 -> 00007f38ebfdb000
(00.266775) 12: premap 0x007f968d491000-0x007f968d492000 -> 00007f38ebfdc000
(00.266778) 12: premap 0x007f968d492000-0x007f968d4c0000 -> 00007f38ebfdd000
(00.266783) 12: premap 0x007f968d4c0000-0x007f968d4d9000 -> 00007f38ec00b000
(00.266789) 12: premap 0x007f968d4d9000-0x007f968d6d8000 -> 00007f38ec024000
(00.266792) 12: premap 0x007f968d6d8000-0x007f968d6d9000 -> 00007f38ec223000
(00.266795) 12: premap 0x007f968d6d9000-0x007f968d6da000 -> 00007f38ec224000
(00.266798) 12: premap 0x007f968d6da000-0x007f968d6dc000 -> 00007f38ec225000
(00.266803) 12: premap 0x007f968d6dc000-0x007f968d8db000 -> 00007f38ec227000
(00.266806) 12: premap 0x007f968d8db000-0x007f968d8dc000 -> 00007f38ec426000
(00.266809) 12: premap 0x007f968d8dc000-0x007f968d8dd000 -> 00007f38ec427000
(00.266813) 12: premap 0x007f968d8dd000-0x007f968db12000 -> 00007f38ec428000
(00.266818) 12: premap 0x007f968db12000-0x007f968dd12000 -> 00007f38ec65d000
(00.266823) 12: premap 0x007f968dd12000-0x007f968dd2e000 -> 00007f38ec85d000
(00.266827) 12: premap 0x007f968dd2e000-0x007f968dd3d000 -> 00007f38ec879000
(00.266830) 12: premap 0x007f968dd3d000-0x007f968dd41000 -> 00007f38ec888000
(00.266834) 12: premap 0x007f968dd41000-0x007f968dd66000 -> 00007f38ec88c000
(00.266841) 12: premap 0x007f968dd66000-0x007f968df65000 -> 00007f38ec8b1000
(00.266844) 12: premap 0x007f968df65000-0x007f968df66000 -> 00007f38ecab0000
(00.266847) 12: premap 0x007f968df66000-0x007f968df67000 -> 00007f38ecab1000
(00.266850) 12: premap 0x007f968df67000-0x007f968df69000 -> 00007f38ecab2000
(00.266854) 12: premap 0x007f968df69000-0x007f968df76000 -> 00007f38ecab4000
(00.266859) 12: premap 0x007f968df76000-0x007f968e175000 -> 00007f38ecac1000
(00.266862) 12: premap 0x007f968e175000-0x007f968e176000 -> 00007f38eccc0000
(00.266866) 12: premap 0x007f968e176000-0x007f968e177000 -> 00007f38eccc1000
(00.266871) 12: premap 0x007f968e177000-0x007f968e194000 -> 00007f38eccc2000
(00.266880) 12: premap 0x007f968e194000-0x007f968e393000 -> 00007f38eccdf000
(00.266883) 12: premap 0x007f968e393000-0x007f968e394000 -> 00007f38ecede000
(00.266886) 12: premap 0x007f968e394000-0x007f968e395000 -> 00007f38ecedf000
(00.266890) 12: premap 0x007f968e395000-0x007f968e39f000 -> 00007f38ecee0000
(00.266894) 12: premap 0x007f968e39f000-0x007f968e3a7000 -> 00007f38eceea000
(00.266899) 12: premap 0x007f968e3a7000-0x007f968e5a7000 -> 00007f38ecef2000
(00.266902) 12: premap 0x007f968e5a7000-0x007f968e5a8000 -> 00007f38ed0f2000
(00.266905) 12: premap 0x007f968e5a8000-0x007f968e5a9000 -> 00007f38ed0f3000
(00.266908) 12: premap 0x007f968e5a9000-0x007f968e5cc000 -> 00007f38ed0f4000
(00.266912) 12: premap 0x007f968e6e8000-0x007f968e729000 -> 00007f38ed117000
(00.266915) 12: premap 0x007f968e729000-0x007f968e72c000 -> 00007f38ed158000
(00.266919) 12: premap 0x007f968e72c000-0x007f968e72d000 -> 00007f38ed15b000
(00.266924) 12: premap 0x007f968e72d000-0x007f968e73a000 -> 00007f38ed15c000
(00.266928) 12: premap 0x007f968e73a000-0x007f968e7be000 -> 00007f38ed169000
(00.266931) 12: premap 0x007f968e7be000-0x007f968e7bf000 -> 00007f38ed1ed000
(00.266935) 12: premap 0x007f968e7bf000-0x007f968e7c2000 -> 00007f38ed1ee000
(00.266938) 12: premap 0x007f968e7c2000-0x007f968e7c3000 -> 00007f38ed1f1000
(00.266941) 12: premap 0x007f968e7c3000-0x007f968e7c4000 -> 00007f38ed1f2000
(00.266944) 12: premap 0x007f968e7c9000-0x007f968e7cc000 -> 00007f38ed1f3000
(00.266948) 12: premap 0x007f968e7cc000-0x007f968e7cd000 -> 00007f38ed1f6000
(00.266951) 12: premap 0x007f968e7cd000-0x007f968e7ce000 -> 00007f38ed1f7000
(00.266953) 12: premap 0x007f968e7ce000-0x007f968e7cf000 -> 00007f38ed1f8000
(00.266960) 12: premap 0x007ffc7c228000-0x007ffc7c249000 -> 00007f38ed1f9000
(00.266963) 12: premap 0x007ffc7c3eb000-0x007ffc7c3ed000 -> 00007f38ed21a000
(00.266966) 12: premap 0x007ffc7c3ed000-0x007ffc7c3ef000 -> 00007f38ed21c000
(00.266968) 12: pr12-3 Read 55633edb5000 1 pages
(00.266972) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 55633edb5000/0
(00.266979) 12: pr12-3 Read 55633f072000 1 pages
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(00.267555) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd17000 1 pages
(00.267556) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd17000/9b000
(00.267559) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd18000 1 pages
(00.267560) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd18000/9c000
(00.267562) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd19000 1 pages
(00.267563) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd19000/9d000
(00.267565) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd1a000 1 pages
(00.267567) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd1a000/9e000
(00.267569) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd1b000 1 pages
(00.267570) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd1b000/9f000
(00.267572) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd1c000 1 pages
(00.267574) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd1c000/a0000
(00.267576) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd1d000 1 pages
(00.267577) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd1d000/a1000
(00.267579) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd1e000 1 pages
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(00.267583) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd1f000 1 pages
(00.267584) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd1f000/a3000
(00.267586) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd20000 1 pages
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(00.267590) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd21000 1 pages
(00.267591) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd21000/a5000
(00.267593) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd22000 1 pages
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(00.267596) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd23000 1 pages
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(00.267601) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd24000/a8000
(00.267603) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd25000 1 pages
(00.267604) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd25000/a9000
(00.267607) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd26000 1 pages
(00.267608) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd26000/aa000
(00.267610) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd27000 1 pages
(00.267611) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd27000/ab000
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(00.267614) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd28000/ac000
(00.267617) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd29000 1 pages
(00.267618) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd29000/ad000
(00.267620) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd2a000 1 pages
(00.267621) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd2a000/ae000
(00.267623) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd2b000 1 pages
(00.267625) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd2b000/af000
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(00.267628) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd2c000/b0000
(00.267630) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd2d000 1 pages
(00.267631) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd2d000/b1000
(00.267633) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd2e000 1 pages
(00.267635) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd2e000/b2000
(00.267638) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd2f000 1 pages
(00.267639) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd2f000/b3000
(00.267642) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd30000 1 pages
(00.267643) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd30000/b4000
(00.267646) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd31000 1 pages
(00.267648) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd31000/b5000
(00.267650) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd32000 1 pages
(00.267651) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd32000/b6000
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(00.267655) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd33000/b7000
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(00.267658) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd34000/b8000
(00.267661) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd35000 1 pages
(00.267662) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd35000/b9000
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(00.267665) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd36000/ba000
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(00.267670) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd37000/bb000
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(00.267674) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd38000/bc000
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(00.267677) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd39000/bd000
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(00.267681) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd3a000/be000
(00.267683) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd3b000 1 pages
(00.267684) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd3b000/bf000
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(00.267687) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd3c000/c0000
(00.267690) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd3d000 1 pages
(00.267691) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd3d000/c1000
(00.267694) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd3f000 1 pages
(00.267696) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968dd3f000/c2000
(00.267698) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968dd40000 1 pages
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(00.267702) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968df65000 1 pages
(00.267703) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968df65000/c4000
(00.267705) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968df66000 1 pages
(00.267706) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968df66000/c5000
(00.267709) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968df67000 1 pages
(00.267710) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968df67000/c6000
(00.267712) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e175000 1 pages
(00.267713) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e175000/c7000
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(00.267717) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e176000/c8000
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(00.267720) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e393000/c9000
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(00.267724) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e394000/ca000
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(00.267728) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e398000/cb000
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(00.267732) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e5a7000/cc000
(00.267734) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e5a8000 1 pages
(00.267735) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e5a8000/cd000
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(00.267739) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e729000/ce000
(00.267741) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e72a000 1 pages
(00.267742) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e72a000/cf000
(00.267744) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e72b000 1 pages
(00.267746) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e72b000/d0000
(00.267748) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e72c000 1 pages
(00.267749) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e72c000/d1000
(00.267751) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e72e000 1 pages
(00.267753) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e72e000/d2000
(00.267756) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e72f000 1 pages
(00.267757) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e72f000/d3000
(00.267761) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e730000 1 pages
(00.267762) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e730000/d4000
(00.267764) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e731000 1 pages
(00.267765) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e731000/d5000
(00.267767) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e732000 1 pages
(00.267769) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e732000/d6000
(00.267771) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e733000 1 pages
(00.267772) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e733000/d7000
(00.267775) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e734000 1 pages
(00.267776) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e734000/d8000
(00.267778) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e735000 1 pages
(00.267779) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e735000/d9000
(00.267782) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e736000 1 pages
(00.267783) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e736000/da000
(00.267785) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e737000 1 pages
(00.267786) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e737000/db000
(00.267788) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e738000 1 pages
(00.267790) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e738000/dc000
(00.267792) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e739000 1 pages
(00.267793) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e739000/dd000
(00.267797) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7bf000 1 pages
(00.267798) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7bf000/de000
(00.267801) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7c0000 1 pages
(00.267802) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7c0000/df000
(00.267804) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7c1000 1 pages
(00.267805) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7c1000/e0000
(00.267807) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7c2000 1 pages
(00.267809) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7c2000/e1000
(00.267811) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7c9000 1 pages
(00.267812) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7c9000/e2000
(00.267814) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7ca000 1 pages
(00.267816) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7ca000/e3000
(00.267818) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7cb000 1 pages
(00.267819) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7cb000/e4000
(00.267822) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7cc000 1 pages
(00.267823) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7cc000/e5000
(00.267825) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7cd000 1 pages
(00.267826) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7cd000/e6000
(00.267830) 12: pr12-3 Read 7f968e7ce000 1 pages
(00.267831) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7f968e7ce000/e7000
(00.267834) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c240000 1 pages
(00.267835) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c240000/e8000
(00.267838) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c241000 1 pages
(00.267840) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c241000/e9000
(00.267842) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c242000 1 pages
(00.267843) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c242000/ea000
(00.267847) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c243000 1 pages
(00.267848) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c243000/eb000
(00.267852) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c244000 1 pages
(00.267854) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c244000/ec000
(00.267857) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c245000 1 pages
(00.267858) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c245000/ed000
(00.267862) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c246000 1 pages
(00.267863) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c246000/ee000
(00.267866) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c247000 1 pages
(00.267867) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c247000/ef000
(00.267871) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c248000 1 pages
(00.267872) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c248000/f0000
(00.267875) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c3ed000 1 pages
(00.267877) 12: pr12-3 Read page from self 7ffc7c3ed000/f1000
(00.267879) 12: pr12-3 Read 7ffc7c3ee000 1 pages
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(00.267893) 12: Restore on-core sigactions for 12
(00.267898) 12: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.267900) 12: Restoring children in our session:
(00.267941) 12: Forking task with 13 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.273324) 12: Restoring 12 to 6 pgid
(00.273352) 12: PID: real 5697 virt 13
(00.275413) 13: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.275420) 13: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.275422) 13: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.275432) 13: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.275469) 13: Opened local page read 4 (parent 0)
(00.275477) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275480) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275481) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275482) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275484) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275485) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275486) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275487) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275488) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275489) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275490) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275491) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275492) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275493) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275494) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275496) 13: Enqueue page-read
(00.275497) 13: Enqueue page-read
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(00.275511) 13: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f38f2add000(0)
(00.275513) 13: Restore on-core sigactions for 13
(00.275520) 13: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.275522) 13: Restoring 13 to 13 sid
(00.275531) 13: Restoring children in our session:
(00.275572) 13: Forking task with 14 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.281014) 13: Restoring 13 to 13 pgid
(00.281042) 13: PID: real 5698 virt 14
(00.283101) 14: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.283109) 14: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.283111) 14: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.283116) 14: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.283166) 14: Opened local page read 5 (parent 0)
(00.283189) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283192) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283193) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283194) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283195) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283196) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283197) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283198) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283199) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283200) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283201) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283202) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283203) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283204) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283205) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283206) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283208) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283209) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283210) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283211) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283212) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283213) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283214) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283215) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283216) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283217) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283218) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283219) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283220) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283221) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283222) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283223) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283224) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283225) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283226) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283227) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283229) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283230) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283231) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283232) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283233) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283234) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283235) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283236) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283237) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283238) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283239) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283240) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283241) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283242) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283243) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283244) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283245) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283246) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283247) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283248) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283249) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283250) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283251) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283252) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283253) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283254) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283256) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283257) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283258) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283259) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283260) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283261) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283262) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283263) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283264) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283265) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283266) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283267) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283268) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283269) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283270) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283271) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283272) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283273) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283274) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283275) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283276) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283283) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283285) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283286) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283287) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283288) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283289) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283290) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283291) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283292) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283293) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283294) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283295) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283296) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283297) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283298) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283299) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283300) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283301) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283302) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283303) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283305) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283306) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283307) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283308) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283309) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283310) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283311) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283312) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283313) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283314) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283315) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283317) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283318) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283320) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283321) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283322) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283323) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283324) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283325) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283326) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283327) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283328) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283329) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283330) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283331) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283332) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283333) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283334) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283335) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283336) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283337) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283338) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283339) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283340) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283341) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283343) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283344) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283345) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283346) 14: Enqueue page-read
(00.283351) 14: nr_restored_pages: 459
(00.283352) 14: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.283353) 14: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.283354) 14: nr_lazy: 0
(00.283360) 14: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f38d0968000(0)
(00.283362) 14: Restore on-core sigactions for 14
(00.283369) 14: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.283371) 14: Restoring children in our session:
(00.283409) 14: Forking task with 19 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.288962) 14: PID: real 5699 virt 19
(00.288993) 14: Forking task with 18 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.291052) 19: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.291065) 19: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.291067) 19: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.291075) 19: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.291132) 19: Opened local page read 6 (parent 0)
(00.291163) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291165) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291166) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291167) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291169) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291170) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291171) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291172) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291173) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291174) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291175) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291176) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291177) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291178) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291179) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291180) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291181) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291182) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291183) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291185) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291186) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291187) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291188) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291189) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291195) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291197) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291198) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291199) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291200) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291201) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291202) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291203) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291204) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291205) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291206) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291207) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291208) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291209) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291210) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291211) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291212) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291213) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291215) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291216) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291217) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291218) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291219) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291220) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291221) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291222) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291223) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291224) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291225) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291226) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291227) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291228) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291229) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291230) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291231) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291232) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291233) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291234) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291235) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291237) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291238) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291239) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291240) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291241) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291242) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291243) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291244) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291245) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291246) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291247) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291248) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291249) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291250) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291251) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291252) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291253) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291254) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291255) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291256) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291258) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291259) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291260) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291261) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291262) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291263) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291264) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291265) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291266) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291267) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291268) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291269) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291270) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291271) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291272) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291273) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291274) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291275) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291276) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291277) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291278) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291279) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291281) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291282) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291283) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291284) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291285) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291286) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291287) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291288) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291289) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291290) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291291) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291293) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291294) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291295) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291296) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291297) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291298) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291299) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291301) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291302) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291303) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291304) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291305) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291306) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291307) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291308) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291309) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291312) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291313) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291314) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291315) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291316) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291317) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291318) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291319) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291320) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291321) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291322) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291323) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291324) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291325) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291326) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291327) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291328) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291329) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291331) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291332) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291333) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291334) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291335) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291336) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291337) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291338) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291339) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291340) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291341) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291342) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291343) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291344) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291345) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291346) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291347) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291348) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291349) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291350) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291351) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291352) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291354) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291355) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291356) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291357) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291358) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291359) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291360) 19: Enqueue page-read
(00.291366) 19: nr_restored_pages: 720
(00.291367) 19: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.291368) 19: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.291369) 19: nr_lazy: 0
(00.291375) 19: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f38d3b64000(0)
(00.291378) 19: Restore on-core sigactions for 19
(00.291385) 19: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.291388) 19: Restoring children in our session:
(00.291389) 19: Restoring 19 to 19 pgid
(00.291420) 19: will call setpgid, mine pgid is 13
(00.294596) 14: Restoring 14 to 13 pgid
(00.294621) 14: PID: real 5700 virt 18
(00.296657) 18: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.296664) 18: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.296666) 18: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller close_old_fds)
(00.296672) 18: cg: Cgroups 2 inherited from parent
(00.296726) 18: Opened local page read 6 (parent 0)
(00.296754) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296756) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296757) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296759) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296760) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296761) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296762) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296763) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296764) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296765) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296766) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296767) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296768) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296769) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296770) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296771) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296772) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296773) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296774) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296775) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296776) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296778) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296779) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296780) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296781) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296782) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296783) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296784) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296785) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296786) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296787) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296788) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296789) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296790) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296791) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296792) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296801) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296802) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296803) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296804) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296805) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296806) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296807) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296808) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296809) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296811) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296812) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296813) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296814) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296815) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296816) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296817) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296818) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296819) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296820) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296821) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296822) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296823) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296824) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296825) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296826) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296827) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296828) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296829) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296830) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296831) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296833) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296834) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296835) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296836) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296837) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296838) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296839) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296840) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296841) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296842) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296843) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296844) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296845) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296846) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296847) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296848) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296849) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296850) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296851) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296852) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296853) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296855) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296856) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296857) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296858) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296859) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296860) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296861) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296862) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296863) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296864) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296865) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296866) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296867) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296868) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296869) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296870) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296871) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296872) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296873) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296874) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296875) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296877) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296878) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296879) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296880) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296881) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296882) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296883) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296884) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296885) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296886) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296887) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296888) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296889) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296890) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296891) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296892) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296893) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296894) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296896) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296897) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296898) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296899) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296901) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296902) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296903) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296904) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296905) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296906) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296907) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296908) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296909) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296910) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296911) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296912) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296913) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296916) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296917) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296918) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296919) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296920) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296921) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296922) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296923) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296924) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296925) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296927) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296928) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296929) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296930) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296931) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296932) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296933) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296934) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296935) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296936) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296937) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296938) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296939) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296940) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296941) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296942) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296943) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296944) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296945) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296947) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296948) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296949) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296950) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296951) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296952) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296953) 18: Enqueue page-read
(00.296959) 18: nr_restored_pages: 720
(00.296960) 18: nr_shared_pages: 0
(00.296961) 18: nr_droped_pages: 0
(00.296962) 18: nr_lazy: 0
(00.296968) 18: Shrunk premap area to 0x7f38d3b64000(0)
(00.296970) 18: Restore on-core sigactions for 18
(00.296976) 18: Restoring children in alien sessions:
(00.296978) 18: Restoring children in our session:
(00.296980) 18: Restoring 18 to 18 pgid
(00.297005) 18: will call setpgid, mine pgid is 13
(00.297090) 1: Restoring resources
(00.297101) 6: Restoring resources
(00.297105) 12: Restoring resources
(00.297107) 1: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.297105) 13: Restoring resources
(00.297116) 1: Creating pipe pipe_id=0x9e84 id=0x21
(00.297118) 12: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.297120) 6: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.297120) 1: Found id pipe:[40580] (fd 0) in inherit fd list
(00.297123) 12: Receive fd for 0
(00.297126) 1: File pipe:[40580] will be restored from fd 3 dumped from inherit fd 0
(00.297127) 12: Receive fd for 1
(00.297128) 13: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.297130) 12: Receive fd for 2
(00.297133) 12: Receive fd for 3
(00.297134) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa248 id=0x3d
(00.297139) 12: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xac56 id=0x38
(00.297142) 6: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297144) 1: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297147) 12: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xac56
(00.297148) 13: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xa248
(00.297149) 6: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.297151) 1: Inherit fd 0 moved to 3 to resolve clash
(00.297151) 12: Send fd 4 to /crtools-fd-12
(00.297154) 6: Create fd for 0
(00.297154) 13: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297154) 1: Create fd for 0
(00.297156) 6: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297158) 1: Creating pipe pipe_id=0x9e85 id=0x22
(00.297159) 13: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.297160) 6: Inherit fd 1 moved to 3 to resolve clash
(00.297161) 1: Found id pipe:[40581] (fd 1) in inherit fd list
(00.297163) 12: Create fd for 5
(00.297163) 13: Create fd for 0
(00.297164) 6: Going to dup 0 into 1
(00.297165) 1: File pipe:[40581] will be restored from fd 4 dumped from inherit fd 1
(00.297166) 12: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xac56 id=0x39
(00.297168) 13: Send fd 0 to /crtools-fd-14
(00.297169) 6: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297174) 6: Inherit fd 2 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.297174) 12: Further fle=0x7f38f441c418, pid=12
(00.297177) 1: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297178) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa249 id=0x3e
(00.297179) 6: Going to dup 0 into 2
(00.297181) 12: Create fd for 6
(00.297182) 1: Inherit fd 1 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.297184) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa24a id=0x3f
(00.297185) 6: Send fd 0 to /crtools-fd-12
(00.297186) 12: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa249 id=0x3a
(00.297187) 1: Create fd for 1
(00.297189) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa249 id=0x3e
(00.297192) 1: Creating pipe pipe_id=0x9e86 id=0x23
(00.297192) 12: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xa249
(00.297193) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa24a id=0x3f
(00.297195) 1: Found id pipe:[40582] (fd 2) in inherit fd list
(00.297195) 6: Send fd 0 to /crtools-fd-12
(00.297196) 12: Send fd 4 to /crtools-fd-13
(00.297198) 1: File pipe:[40582] will be restored from fd 5 dumped from inherit fd 2
(00.297200) 6: Send fd 0 to /crtools-fd-12
(00.297204) 6: Receive fd for 1
(00.297205) 6: Receive fd for 2
(00.297205) 1: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297207) 12: Create fd for 9
(00.297207) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa249 id=0x3e
(00.297220) 12: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa24a id=0x3b
(00.297223) 13: Further fle=0x7f38f441c518, pid=13
(00.297224) 12: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xa24a
(00.297224) 6: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 22 state 1 src_addr
(00.297228) 19: Restoring resources
(00.297230) 13: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297231) 12: Send fd 4 to /crtools-fd-13
(00.297233) 13: Inherit fd 1 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.297235) 6: Restoring TCP connection
(00.297237) 13: Create fd for 1
(00.297238) 12: Create fd for 11
(00.297238) 13: Send fd 1 to /crtools-fd-14
(00.297239) 19: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.297239) 6: Restoring TCP connection id 35 ino a244
(00.297240) 12: Receive fd for 0
(00.297242) 13: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa24a id=0x3f
(00.297246) 12: Further fle=0x7f38f441c298, pid=12
(00.297247) 13: Further fle=0x7f38f441c558, pid=13
(00.297248) 12: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297249) 13: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297252) 13: Inherit fd 2 moved to 6 to resolve clash
(00.297253) 12: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.297253) 13: Create fd for 2
(00.297256) 12: Receive fd for 1
(00.297255) 19: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297258) 12: Further fle=0x7f38f441c2d8, pid=12
(00.297257) 13: Send fd 2 to /crtools-fd-14
(00.297260) 12: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297262) 19: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.297263) 12: Inherit fd 1 moved to 7 to resolve clash
(00.297265) 19: Create fd for 0
(00.297266) 12: Receive fd for 2
(00.297267) 13: Opening 0x00563cea9a4000-0x00563cea9bf000 0000000000000000 (41) vma
(00.297269) 12: Further fle=0x7f38f441c318, pid=12
(00.297268) 19: tty: open driver pts id 0xbf index 1 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.297270) 6: 6 restore sndbuf 46080 rcv buf 366400
(00.297271) 12: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297275) 6: restore priority 2 for socket
(00.297276) 12: Inherit fd 2 moved to 8 to resolve clash
(00.297276) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa25d id=0xc1
(00.297277) 6: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297279) 12: Receive fd for 3
(00.297281) 6: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297283) 12: Receive fd for 3
(00.297281) 19: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xc2 ino 0xa261 peer 0xa262)
(00.297284) 6: Found fd 3 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297288) 18: Restoring resources
(00.297291) 6: Inherit fd 3 moved to 7 to resolve clash
(00.297293) 6: Create fd for 3
(00.297295) 6: Send fd 3 to /crtools-fd-12
(00.297295) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 195
(00.297296) 18: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.297300) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 194
(00.297301) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa258 id=0xa7
(00.297302) 19: 3 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297302) 6: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0x36 ino 0xa75a peer 0xa759)
(00.297305) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297307) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297308) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297308) 18: tty: open driver pts id 0xa8 index 0 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.297310) 6: Trying to restore recv queue for 55
(00.297310) 19: Send fd 5 to /crtools-fd-19
(00.297313) 6: Trying to restore recv queue for 54
(00.297312) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa259 id=0xaa
(00.297316) 6: 6 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297317) 13: Opening 0x00563ceabbe000-0x00563ceabc0000 0x0000000001a000 (41) vma
(00.297318) 6: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297318) 18: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xab ino 0xac58 peer 0xac59)
(00.297318) 19: Create fd for 3
(00.297320) 13: Opening 0x00563ceabc0000-0x00563ceabc1000 0x0000000001c000 (41) vma
(00.297321) 6: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297325) 13: Opening 0x007f2981427000-0x007f29815bc000 0000000000000000 (20000041) vma
(00.297325) 19: Further fle=0x7f38f441ced8, pid=19
(00.297326) 6: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297326) 18: Trying to restore recv queue for 172
(00.297329) 19: Found fd 4 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297331) 6: Send fd 8 to /crtools-fd-12
(00.297333) 19: Inherit fd 4 moved to 6 to resolve clash
(00.297334) 18: Trying to restore recv queue for 171
(00.297336) 19: 4 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297334) 13: Opening 0x007f29815bc000-0x007f29817bc000 0x00000000195000 (41) vma
(00.297336) 6: Found fd 5 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297338) 18: 3 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297338) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297339) 13: Opening 0x007f29817bc000-0x007f29817c0000 0x00000000195000 (41) vma
(00.297341) 6: Inherit fd 5 moved to 8 to resolve clash
(00.297342) 18: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297343) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297344) 13: Opening 0x007f29817c0000-0x007f29817c2000 0x00000000199000 (41) vma
(00.297346) 6: Create fd for 5
(00.297347) 18: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297348) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297349) 13: Opening 0x007f29817c6000-0x007f29817e9000 0000000000000000 (20000041) vma
(00.297351) 6: Schedule 3 socket for repair off
(00.297352) 18: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297354) 19: Create fd for 4
(00.297357) 18: Send fd 4 to /crtools-fd-18
(00.297358) 13: Opening 0x007f29819e9000-0x007f29819ea000 0x00000000023000 (41) vma
(00.297360) 19: Create fd for 5
(00.297362) 13: Opening 0x007f29819ea000-0x007f29819eb000 0x00000000024000 (41) vma
(00.297362) 18: Create fd for 3
(00.297366) 18: Further fle=0x7f38f4419440, pid=18
(00.297368) 18: 4 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297369) 18: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297367) 19: 379: Link dev/shm/ -> dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.297371) 18: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297371) 13: Closing inherit fd 4 -> pipe:[40580]
(00.297373) 18: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297374) 6: Closing inherit fd 4 -> pipe:[40580]
(00.297375) 13: Closing inherit fd 5 -> pipe:[40581]
(00.297376) 18: Create fd for 4
(00.297378) 6: Closing inherit fd 7 -> pipe:[40581]
(00.297379) 13: Closing inherit fd 6 -> pipe:[40582]
(00.297382) 18: Create fd for 5
(00.297384) 6: Closing inherit fd 8 -> pipe:[40582]
(00.297389) 19: Found fd 6 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297392) 19: Inherit fd 6 moved to 8 to resolve clash
(00.297393) 19: Create fd for 6
(00.297392) 18: 379: Link dev/shm/ -> dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.297394) 19: epoll: Restore eventpoll: id 0x0000c6 flags 0x80002
(00.297399) 19: Create fd for 7
(00.297400) 13: `- render 12 iovs (0x563cea9a4000:4096...)
(00.297402) 19: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xc7 ino 0xa266 peer 0xa267)
(00.297403) 13: Restore via sigreturn
(00.297407) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 200
(00.297409) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 199
(00.297411) 19: 9 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297412) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297413) 18: Create fd for 6
(00.297414) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297415) 18: epoll: Restore eventpoll: id 0x0000af flags 0x80002
(00.297417) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297419) 19: Send fd 10 to /crtools-fd-19
(00.297420) 18: Create fd for 7
(00.297422) 18: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xb0 ino 0xac5d peer 0xac5e)
(00.297423) 19: Found fd 8 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297425) 19: Inherit fd 8 moved to 10 to resolve clash
(00.297425) 6: Restore via sigreturn
(00.297427) 19: Create fd for 8
(00.297427) 18: Trying to restore recv queue for 177
(00.297430) 19: Further fle=0x7f38f4419040, pid=19
(00.297431) 18: Trying to restore recv queue for 176
(00.297433) 19: 9 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297434) 18: 8 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297435) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297436) 18: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297437) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297439) 18: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297440) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297441) 18: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297443) 19: Create fd for 9
(00.297444) 18: Send fd 9 to /crtools-fd-18
(00.297446) 19: Found fd 10 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297446) 13: Parsed 558847ce5000-558847df4000 vma
(00.297448) 18: Create fd for 8
(00.297448) 19: Inherit fd 10 moved to 12 to resolve clash
(00.297450) 13: Parsed 558847ff4000-558848011000 vma
(00.297452) 18: Further fle=0x7f38f4419580, pid=18
(00.297452) 19: Create fd for 10
(00.297453) 13: Parsed 558847ff4000-558848017000 vma
(00.297455) 18: 9 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297456) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa268 id=0xca
(00.297457) 13: Parsed 558847ff4000-558848026000 vma
(00.297459) 18: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297461) 13: Parsed 55884879f000-5588487e1000 vma
(00.297462) 18: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297462) 6: Parsed 558847ce5000-558847df4000 vma
(00.297463) 19: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xa268
(00.297463) 13: Parsed 55884879f000-558848845000 vma
(00.297465) 18: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297466) 6: Parsed 558847ff4000-558848011000 vma
(00.297468) 19: Send fd 13 to /crtools-fd-19
(00.297468) 13: Parsed 55884879f000-558848862000 vma
(00.297470) 18: Create fd for 9
(00.297471) 6: Parsed 558847ff4000-558848017000 vma
(00.297474) 19: Create fd for 11
(00.297474) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e75ec000 vma
(00.297475) 18: Create fd for 10
(00.297476) 6: Parsed 558847ff4000-558848026000 vma
(00.297477) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa268 id=0xcb
(00.297478) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e75ef000 vma
(00.297480) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xac5f id=0xb3
(00.297481) 6: Parsed 55884879f000-5588487e1000 vma
(00.297483) 19: Further fle=0x7f38f4419100, pid=19
(00.297483) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e75f0000 vma
(00.297486) 6: Parsed 55884879f000-558848845000 vma
(00.297487) 18: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xac5f
(00.297487) 19: Found fd 12 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297492) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7634000 vma
(00.297494) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed2db000 vma
(00.297495) 18: Send fd 12 to /crtools-fd-18
(00.297496) 19: Inherit fd 12 moved to 14 to resolve clash
(00.297497) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7637000 vma
(00.297499) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed2de000 vma
(00.297501) 18: Create fd for 11
(00.297502) 19: Create fd for 12
(00.297502) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7836000 vma
(00.297504) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed2df000 vma
(00.297505) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xac5f id=0xb4
(00.297507) 19: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xcd ino 0xa26a peer 0xa26b)
(00.297508) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7837000 vma
(00.297509) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed323000 vma
(00.297511) 18: Further fle=0x7f38f4419640, pid=18
(00.297513) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7838000 vma
(00.297514) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed326000 vma
(00.297515) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 206
(00.297515) 18: Create fd for 12
(00.297517) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e783d000 vma
(00.297518) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed525000 vma
(00.297519) 19: Trying to restore recv queue for 205
(00.297522) 18: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0xb6 ino 0xa8a1 peer 0xa8a2)
(00.297522) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7a3c000 vma
(00.297523) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed526000 vma
(00.297525) 19: 13 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297527) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7a3d000 vma
(00.297528) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed527000 vma
(00.297529) 18: Trying to restore recv queue for 183
(00.297530) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297531) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7a3e000 vma
(00.297532) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed52c000 vma
(00.297534) 18: Trying to restore recv queue for 182
(00.297534) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297536) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7a40000 vma
(00.297537) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed72b000 vma
(00.297539) 18: 13 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297539) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297541) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7c3f000 vma
(00.297542) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed72c000 vma
(00.297544) 18: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297545) 19: Send fd 15 to /crtools-fd-19
(00.297546) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7c40000 vma
(00.297547) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed72d000 vma
(00.297549) 18: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297551) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7c41000 vma
(00.297551) 19: Found fd 14 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297552) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed72f000 vma
(00.297554) 18: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297555) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7c42000 vma
(00.297556) 19: Inherit fd 14 moved to 15 to resolve clash
(00.297558) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed92e000 vma
(00.297559) 18: Send fd 14 to /crtools-fd-18
(00.297560) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7e42000 vma
(00.297562) 19: Create fd for 14
(00.297563) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed92f000 vma
(00.297565) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7e43000 vma
(00.297566) 18: Create fd for 14
(00.297567) 19: Further fle=0x7f38f44191c0, pid=19
(00.297568) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed930000 vma
(00.297569) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7e44000 vma
(00.297571) 18: Further fle=0x7f38f4419700, pid=18
(00.297572) 19: Found fd 15 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297576) 18: 15 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297573) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ed931000 vma
(00.297574) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7e47000 vma
(00.297577) 19: Inherit fd 15 moved to 16 to resolve clash
(00.297578) 18: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297579) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edb31000 vma
(00.297580) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8046000 vma
(00.297582) 19: 15 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297586) 18: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297587) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edb32000 vma
(00.297589) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8047000 vma
(00.297590) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297591) 18: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297593) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edb33000 vma
(00.297594) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8048000 vma
(00.297595) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297597) 18: Create fd for 15
(00.297598) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edb36000 vma
(00.297599) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e804a000 vma
(00.297600) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297603) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edd35000 vma
(00.297603) 18: Create fd for 16
(00.297604) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8249000 vma
(00.297606) 19: Create fd for 15
(00.297607) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edd36000 vma
(00.297609) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e824a000 vma
(00.297612) 18: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 1024 state 10 src_addr
(00.297611) 19: Found fd 16 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297611) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edd37000 vma
(00.297613) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e824b000 vma
(00.297615) 19: Inherit fd 16 moved to 17 to resolve clash
(00.297617) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edd39000 vma
(00.297618) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e824d000 vma
(00.297619) 19: Create fd for 16
(00.297620) 18: 13 restore sndbuf 262144 rcv buf 262144
(00.297620) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edf38000 vma
(00.297622) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e844c000 vma
(00.297625) 18: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297626) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edf39000 vma
(00.297627) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e844d000 vma
(00.297627) 19: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 1025 state 10 src_addr
(00.297628) 18: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297629) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edf3a000 vma
(00.297633) 18: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297634) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38edf3c000 vma
(00.297636) 18: Create fd for 17
(00.297637) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee13b000 vma
(00.297637) 19: 13 restore sndbuf 262144 rcv buf 262144
(00.297639) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee13c000 vma
(00.297639) 18: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 43134 state 1 src_addr
(00.297641) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297642) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee13d000 vma
(00.297644) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297645) 18: Restoring TCP connection
(00.297647) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297649) 18: Restoring TCP connection id bb ino a278
(00.297650) 19: Create fd for 18
(00.297652) 19: Restore: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 1025 state 1 src_addr
(00.297655) 19: Restoring TCP connection
(00.297657) 19: Restoring TCP connection id d2 ino a76b
(00.297657) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e844e000 vma
(00.297660) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8452000 vma
(00.297661) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8651000 vma
(00.297662) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8652000 vma
(00.297664) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8653000 vma
(00.297665) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8654000 vma
(00.297666) 18: 13 restore sndbuf 262144 rcv buf 262144
(00.297666) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8854000 vma
(00.297669) 18: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297670) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8855000 vma
(00.297671) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee141000 vma
(00.297671) 18: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297672) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8856000 vma
(00.297673) 19: 13 restore sndbuf 262144 rcv buf 262144
(00.297674) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee340000 vma
(00.297675) 18: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297676) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8857000 vma
(00.297678) 19: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297679) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee341000 vma
(00.297681) 18: Create fd for 19
(00.297681) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8a56000 vma
(00.297686) 19: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297687) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee342000 vma
(00.297689) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa25a id=0xbc
(00.297690) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8a57000 vma
(00.297691) 19: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297692) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee343000 vma
(00.297694) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa258 id=0xa7
(00.297695) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8a58000 vma
(00.297697) 19: Create fd for 20
(00.297697) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee543000 vma
(00.297699) 18: tty: open driver pts id 0xa8 index 0 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.297700) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8a59000 vma
(00.297701) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa25e id=0xd3
(00.297702) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee544000 vma
(00.297704) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa259 id=0xaa
(00.297705) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8c58000 vma
(00.297707) 19: tty: open driver pts id 0xbf index 1 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.297707) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee545000 vma
(00.297710) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8c59000 vma
(00.297710) 18: Schedule 19 socket for repair off
(00.297711) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa25d id=0xc1
(00.297712) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee546000 vma
(00.297714) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8c5a000 vma
(00.297717) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa25a id=0xbc
(00.297718) 19: Schedule 20 socket for repair off
(00.297718) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee745000 vma
(00.297719) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8c67000 vma
(00.297720) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa258 id=0xa7
(00.297723) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee746000 vma
(00.297723) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa25e id=0xd3
(00.297724) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e67000 vma
(00.297728) 19: tty: open driver pts id 0xbf index 1 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.297725) 18: tty: open driver pts id 0xa8 index 0 (master 0 sid 0 pgrp 0 inherit 0)
(00.297726) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee747000 vma
(00.297729) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e68000 vma
(00.297730) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa25d id=0xc1
(00.297732) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa259 id=0xaa
(00.297733) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee748000 vma
(00.297734) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e69000 vma
(00.297736) 19: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa25e id=0xd3
(00.297737) 18: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa25a id=0xbc
(00.297738) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee947000 vma
(00.297739) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e75000 vma
(00.297742) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee948000 vma
(00.297744) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e7f000 vma
(00.297745) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee949000 vma
(00.297746) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e907f000 vma
(00.297745) 14: Restoring resources
(00.297747) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ee956000 vma
(00.297749) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9080000 vma
(00.297750) 12: Receive fd for 3
(00.297752) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eeb56000 vma
(00.297753) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9081000 vma
(00.297755) 12: Further fle=0x7f38f441c358, pid=12
(00.297755) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eeb57000 vma
(00.297755) 14: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.297756) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9087000 vma
(00.297759) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eeb58000 vma
(00.297760) 12: Further fle=0x7f38f441c398, pid=12
(00.297762) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9092000 vma
(00.297763) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eeb64000 vma
(00.297763) 14: Receive fd for 0
(00.297764) 12: Found fd 4 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297765) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9291000 vma
(00.297767) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eeb6e000 vma
(00.297769) 12: Inherit fd 4 moved to 12 to resolve clash
(00.297770) 14: Further fle=0x7f38f441c598, pid=14
(00.297771) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9292000 vma
(00.297772) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eed6e000 vma
(00.297774) 12: 4 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297777) 14: Found fd 0 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297777) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9293000 vma
(00.297779) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eed6f000 vma
(00.297782) 12: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297783) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e929a000 vma
(00.297784) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eed70000 vma
(00.297784) 14: Inherit fd 0 moved to 4 to resolve clash
(00.297785) 12: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297787) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9499000 vma
(00.297788) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eed76000 vma
(00.297790) 12: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297790) 14: Receive fd for 1
(00.297792) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e949a000 vma
(00.297793) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eed81000 vma
(00.297795) 12: Create fd for 4
(00.297796) 14: Further fle=0x7f38f441c5d8, pid=14
(00.297797) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e949b000 vma
(00.297798) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eef80000 vma
(00.297800) 14: Found fd 1 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297802) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e94ae000 vma
(00.297803) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eef81000 vma
(00.297804) 14: Inherit fd 1 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.297807) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eef82000 vma
(00.297808) 14: Receive fd for 2
(00.297809) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eef89000 vma
(00.297812) 14: Further fle=0x7f38f441c618, pid=14
(00.297812) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef188000 vma
(00.297813) 14: Found fd 2 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297815) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef189000 vma
(00.297815) 12: Closing inherit fd 12 -> pipe:[40580]
(00.297816) 14: Inherit fd 2 moved to 6 to resolve clash
(00.297817) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef18a000 vma
(00.297819) 12: Closing inherit fd 7 -> pipe:[40581]
(00.297821) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef19d000 vma
(00.297823) 12: Closing inherit fd 8 -> pipe:[40582]
(00.297824) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef39c000 vma
(00.297824) 14: sk unix: Opening pair master (id 0x6d ino 0xa85c peer 0xa85d)
(00.297830) 14: Trying to restore recv queue for 110
(00.297831) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e96ad000 vma
(00.297833) 14: Trying to restore recv queue for 109
(00.297833) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e96ae000 vma
(00.297836) 14: 3 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297836) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e96af000 vma
(00.297838) 14: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297839) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e96c3000 vma
(00.297840) 14: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297841) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c2000 vma
(00.297843) 14: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297844) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c3000 vma
(00.297846) 14: Send fd 7 to /crtools-fd-14
(00.297846) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c4000 vma
(00.297849) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c6000 vma
(00.297850) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c9000 vma
(00.297850) 14: Create fd for 3
(00.297851) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef39d000 vma
(00.297851) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9ac8000 vma
(00.297854) 14: Further fle=0x7f38f441c698, pid=14
(00.297854) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef39e000 vma
(00.297855) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9ac9000 vma
(00.297857) 14: Found fd 4 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297858) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef3b2000 vma
(00.297859) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9aca000 vma
(00.297859) 12: Restore via sigreturn
(00.297860) 14: Inherit fd 4 moved to 8 to resolve clash
(00.297862) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef5b1000 vma
(00.297863) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9ad5000 vma
(00.297866) 14: 4 restore sndbuf 212992 rcv buf 212992
(00.297867) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef5b2000 vma
(00.297868) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9cd4000 vma
(00.297870) 14: restore priority 0 for socket
(00.297873) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef5b3000 vma
(00.297875) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9cd5000 vma
(00.297876) 14: restore rcvlowat 1 for socket
(00.297877) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef5b5000 vma
(00.297878) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9cd6000 vma
(00.297880) 14: restore mark 0 for socket
(00.297881) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef5b8000 vma
(00.297882) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9d05000 vma
(00.297884) 14: Create fd for 4
(00.297885) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef7b7000 vma
(00.297886) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f05000 vma
(00.297888) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef7b8000 vma
(00.297889) 14: Found fd 5 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297890) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f07000 vma
(00.297891) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef7b9000 vma
(00.297892) 14: Inherit fd 5 moved to 9 to resolve clash
(00.297894) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f08000 vma
(00.297895) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef7c4000 vma
(00.297896) 14: Create fd for 5
(00.297897) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f09000 vma
(00.297899) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef9c3000 vma
(00.297900) 12: Parsed 558847ce5000-558847df4000 vma
(00.297901) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f21000 vma
(00.297902) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef9c4000 vma
(00.297904) 12: Parsed 558847ff4000-558848011000 vma
(00.297903) 14: 379: Link dev/shm/ -> dev/shm/open_mpi.0000
(00.297905) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea120000 vma
(00.297906) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef9c5000 vma
(00.297908) 12: Parsed 558847ff4000-558848017000 vma
(00.297910) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea121000 vma
(00.297912) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38ef9f4000 vma
(00.297913) 12: Parsed 558847ff4000-558848026000 vma
(00.297914) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea122000 vma
(00.297915) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38efbf4000 vma
(00.297917) 12: Parsed 55884879f000-5588487e1000 vma
(00.297918) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea126000 vma
(00.297919) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38efbf6000 vma
(00.297920) 12: Parsed 55884879f000-558848845000 vma
(00.297922) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea22d000 vma
(00.297922) 14: Found fd 6 (id pipe:[40582]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297923) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38efbf7000 vma
(00.297925) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e75ec000 vma
(00.297925) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea42d000 vma
(00.297927) 14: Inherit fd 6 moved to 10 to resolve clash
(00.297928) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38efbf8000 vma
(00.297929) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e75ef000 vma
(00.297931) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea42f000 vma
(00.297932) 14: Create fd for 6
(00.297933) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38efc10000 vma
(00.297934) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e75f0000 vma
(00.297936) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea436000 vma
(00.297938) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38efe0f000 vma
(00.297939) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7634000 vma
(00.297941) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea447000 vma
(00.297942) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38efe10000 vma
(00.297943) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7637000 vma
(00.297945) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea646000 vma
(00.297945) 14: Create fd for 7
(00.297946) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38efe11000 vma
(00.297947) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7836000 vma
(00.297948) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea647000 vma
(00.297950) 14: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa24c id=0x72
(00.297951) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38efe15000 vma
(00.297952) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7837000 vma
(00.297953) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea648000 vma
(00.297956) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38eff1c000 vma
(00.297957) 14: Restoring size 0x10000 for 0xa24c
(00.297957) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7838000 vma
(00.297959) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea66d000 vma
(00.297960) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f011c000 vma
(00.297962) 14: Send fd 12 to /crtools-fd-14
(00.297962) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e783d000 vma
(00.297966) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea86c000 vma
(00.297967) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f011e000 vma
(00.297970) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7a3c000 vma
(00.297970) 14: Found fd 8 (id pipe:[40580]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297971) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea86d000 vma
(00.297972) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0125000 vma
(00.297974) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7a3d000 vma
(00.297975) 14: Inherit fd 8 moved to 12 to resolve clash
(00.297977) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0136000 vma
(00.297979) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7a3e000 vma
(00.297980) 14: Create fd for 8
(00.297981) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0335000 vma
(00.297982) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7a40000 vma
(00.297984) 14: Creating pipe pipe_id=0xa24c id=0x73
(00.297985) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0336000 vma
(00.297986) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7c3f000 vma
(00.297988) 14: Further fle=0x7f38f441c7d8, pid=14
(00.297989) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0337000 vma
(00.297990) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7c40000 vma
(00.297991) 14: Found fd 9 (id pipe:[40581]) in inherit fd list (caller inherit_fd_resolve_clash)
(00.297992) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f035c000 vma
(00.297994) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7c41000 vma
(00.297995) 14: Inherit fd 9 moved to 13 to resolve clash
(00.297996) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f055b000 vma
(00.297997) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7c42000 vma
(00.297999) 14: Create fd for 9
(00.298000) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f055c000 vma
(00.298003) 14: sk unix: Opening standalone socket (id 0x74 ino 0xa24d peer 0)
(00.298001) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7e42000 vma
(00.298002) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea86e000 vma
(00.298004) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f055d000 vma
(00.298006) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7e43000 vma
(00.298008) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea875000 vma
(00.298010) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7e44000 vma
(00.298011) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaa74000 vma
(00.298013) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e7e47000 vma
(00.298014) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaa75000 vma
(00.298015) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8046000 vma
(00.298016) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaa76000 vma
(00.298018) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8047000 vma
(00.298019) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaae8000 vma
(00.298019) 14: Error (criu/sk-unix.c:1194): sk unix: Can't bind socket: No such file or directory
(00.298020) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8048000 vma
(00.298021) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eace7000 vma
(00.298024) 14: sk unix: Reverted working dir
(00.298024) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e804a000 vma
(00.298025) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eace8000 vma
(00.298028) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8249000 vma
(00.298029) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eace9000 vma
(00.298029) 14: Error (criu/files.c:1191): Unable to open fd=10 id=0x74
(00.298030) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e824a000 vma
(00.298032) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eacec000 vma
(00.298033) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0564000 vma
(00.298034) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e824b000 vma
(00.298036) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaeeb000 vma
(00.298037) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0763000 vma
(00.298038) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e824d000 vma
(00.298039) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaeec000 vma
(00.298041) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0764000 vma
(00.298042) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e844c000 vma
(00.298043) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaeed000 vma
(00.298044) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0765000 vma
(00.298046) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e844d000 vma
(00.298047) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaef1000 vma
(00.298048) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f07d7000 vma
(00.298049) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e844e000 vma
(00.298051) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb0f1000 vma
(00.298052) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f09d6000 vma
(00.298056) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb0f2000 vma
(00.298058) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f09d7000 vma
(00.298059) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb0f3000 vma
(00.298060) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f09d8000 vma
(00.298061) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb107000 vma
(00.298063) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f09db000 vma
(00.298064) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb307000 vma
(00.298065) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0bda000 vma
(00.298067) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb308000 vma
(00.298068) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0bdb000 vma
(00.298069) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb309000 vma
(00.298070) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0bdc000 vma
(00.298072) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb30b000 vma
(00.298073) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0be0000 vma
(00.298074) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb4a0000 vma
(00.298075) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0de0000 vma
(00.298077) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6a0000 vma
(00.298078) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8452000 vma
(00.298078) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0de1000 vma
(00.298079) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6a4000 vma
(00.298081) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8651000 vma
(00.298082) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0de2000 vma
(00.298083) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6a6000 vma
(00.298084) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8652000 vma
(00.298085) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0df6000 vma
(00.298087) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6aa000 vma
(00.298088) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8653000 vma
(00.298089) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0ff6000 vma
(00.298091) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6ad000 vma
(00.298092) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8654000 vma
(00.298093) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0ff7000 vma
(00.298094) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb8ac000 vma
(00.298096) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8854000 vma
(00.298097) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0ff8000 vma
(00.298098) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb8ad000 vma
(00.298099) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8855000 vma
(00.298101) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f0ffa000 vma
(00.298102) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb8ae000 vma
(00.298103) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8856000 vma
(00.298104) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f118f000 vma
(00.298105) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb977000 vma
(00.298107) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8857000 vma
(00.298108) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f138f000 vma
(00.298109) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebb77000 vma
(00.298111) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8a56000 vma
(00.298112) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1393000 vma
(00.298113) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebb85000 vma
(00.298114) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8a57000 vma
(00.298116) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1395000 vma
(00.298117) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebb88000 vma
(00.298118) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8a58000 vma
(00.298120) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1399000 vma
(00.298121) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebbd0000 vma
(00.298122) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8a59000 vma
(00.298123) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f139c000 vma
(00.298125) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebdcf000 vma
(00.298126) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8c58000 vma
(00.298127) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f159b000 vma
(00.298130) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8c59000 vma
(00.298131) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f159c000 vma
(00.298132) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8c5a000 vma
(00.298133) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f159d000 vma
(00.298135) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8c67000 vma
(00.298136) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1666000 vma
(00.298137) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e67000 vma
(00.298138) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1866000 vma
(00.298140) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e68000 vma
(00.298141) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1874000 vma
(00.298142) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e69000 vma
(00.298143) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1877000 vma
(00.298145) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e75000 vma
(00.298146) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f18bf000 vma
(00.298150) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e8e7f000 vma
(00.298151) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1abe000 vma
(00.298152) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e907f000 vma
(00.298154) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1ac0000 vma
(00.298155) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9080000 vma
(00.298155) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebdd1000 vma
(00.298157) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9081000 vma
(00.298159) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebdd3000 vma
(00.298160) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9087000 vma
(00.298161) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebddb000 vma
(00.298162) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9092000 vma
(00.298164) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebfdb000 vma
(00.298165) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9291000 vma
(00.298166) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebfdc000 vma
(00.298167) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9292000 vma
(00.298169) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebfdd000 vma
(00.298170) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9293000 vma
(00.298171) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec00b000 vma
(00.298173) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e929a000 vma
(00.298174) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec024000 vma
(00.298175) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9499000 vma
(00.298176) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec223000 vma
(00.298178) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e949a000 vma
(00.298179) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec224000 vma
(00.298180) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e949b000 vma
(00.298181) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec225000 vma
(00.298181) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1ac2000 vma
(00.298182) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e94ae000 vma
(00.298184) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec227000 vma
(00.298185) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1aca000 vma
(00.298186) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e96ad000 vma
(00.298188) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec426000 vma
(00.298189) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1cca000 vma
(00.298191) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec427000 vma
(00.298193) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1ccb000 vma
(00.298194) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec428000 vma
(00.298195) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1ccc000 vma
(00.298197) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec65d000 vma
(00.298198) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1cfa000 vma
(00.298199) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec85d000 vma
(00.298200) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1d13000 vma
(00.298201) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec879000 vma
(00.298203) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1f12000 vma
(00.298204) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec888000 vma
(00.298205) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1f13000 vma
(00.298207) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec88c000 vma
(00.298208) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1f14000 vma
(00.298209) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec8b1000 vma
(00.298210) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f1f16000 vma
(00.298212) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecab0000 vma
(00.298213) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2115000 vma
(00.298214) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecab1000 vma
(00.298215) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e96ae000 vma
(00.298215) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2116000 vma
(00.298217) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecab2000 vma
(00.298218) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e96af000 vma
(00.298219) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2117000 vma
(00.298221) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecab4000 vma
(00.298222) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e96c3000 vma
(00.298223) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f234c000 vma
(00.298224) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecac1000 vma
(00.298226) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c2000 vma
(00.298227) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f254c000 vma
(00.298228) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eccc0000 vma
(00.298229) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c3000 vma
(00.298231) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2568000 vma
(00.298232) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eccc1000 vma
(00.298233) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c4000 vma
(00.298234) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2577000 vma
(00.298236) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eccc2000 vma
(00.298237) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c6000 vma
(00.298238) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f257b000 vma
(00.298241) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eccdf000 vma
(00.298242) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e98c9000 vma
(00.298244) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f25a0000 vma
(00.298245) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecede000 vma
(00.298246) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9ac8000 vma
(00.298247) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f279f000 vma
(00.298249) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecedf000 vma
(00.298250) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9ac9000 vma
(00.298251) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f27a0000 vma
(00.298252) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecee0000 vma
(00.298254) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9aca000 vma
(00.298255) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f27a1000 vma
(00.298256) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eceea000 vma
(00.298258) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9ad5000 vma
(00.298259) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f27a3000 vma
(00.298260) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecef2000 vma
(00.298261) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9cd4000 vma
(00.298263) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f27b0000 vma
(00.298264) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed0f2000 vma
(00.298265) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9cd5000 vma
(00.298266) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f29af000 vma
(00.298268) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed0f3000 vma
(00.298269) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9cd6000 vma
(00.298270) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f29b0000 vma
(00.298271) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed0f4000 vma
(00.298273) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9d05000 vma
(00.298274) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f29b1000 vma
(00.298276) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f05000 vma
(00.298278) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f29ce000 vma
(00.298279) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f07000 vma
(00.298280) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2bcd000 vma
(00.298281) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f08000 vma
(00.298283) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2bce000 vma
(00.298284) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f09000 vma
(00.298285) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2bcf000 vma
(00.298287) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38e9f21000 vma
(00.298288) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2bd9000 vma
(00.298289) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea120000 vma
(00.298290) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2be1000 vma
(00.298292) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea121000 vma
(00.298293) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2de1000 vma
(00.298294) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea122000 vma
(00.298295) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2de2000 vma
(00.298297) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea126000 vma
(00.298298) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2de3000 vma
(00.298299) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea22d000 vma
(00.298301) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2e06000 vma
(00.298301) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed117000 vma
(00.298302) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea42d000 vma
(00.298304) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed158000 vma
(00.298306) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea42f000 vma
(00.298307) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed15b000 vma
(00.298308) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea436000 vma
(00.298310) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed15c000 vma
(00.298311) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea447000 vma
(00.298312) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed169000 vma
(00.298313) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea646000 vma
(00.298314) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1ed000 vma
(00.298316) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea647000 vma
(00.298317) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1ee000 vma
(00.298318) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea648000 vma
(00.298319) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f1000 vma
(00.298321) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea66d000 vma
(00.298322) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f2000 vma
(00.298323) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea86c000 vma
(00.298324) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f6000 vma
(00.298326) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea86d000 vma
(00.298327) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f7000 vma
(00.298328) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea86e000 vma
(00.298329) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2e47000 vma
(00.298329) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f8000 vma
(00.298334) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2e4a000 vma
(00.298335) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f9000 vma
(00.298336) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2e4b000 vma
(00.298337) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed21a000 vma
(00.298339) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2e58000 vma
(00.298340) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed21c000 vma
(00.298341) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2edc000 vma
(00.298342) 13: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed21e000 vma
(00.298344) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2edd000 vma
(00.298345) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3010000 vma
(00.298346) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2ee0000 vma
(00.298347) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f320f000 vma
(00.298349) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2ee1000 vma
(00.298350) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3210000 vma
(00.298351) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2ee5000 vma
(00.298352) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3211000 vma
(00.298354) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2ee6000 vma
(00.298354) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ea875000 vma
(00.298355) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f33a6000 vma
(00.298356) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2ee7000 vma
(00.298357) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaa74000 vma
(00.298359) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35a6000 vma
(00.298360) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2ee8000 vma
(00.298361) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaa75000 vma
(00.298363) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35aa000 vma
(00.298364) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2f09000 vma
(00.298365) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaa76000 vma
(00.298366) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35ac000 vma
(00.298368) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2f0b000 vma
(00.298369) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaae8000 vma
(00.298370) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35b0000 vma
(00.298372) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f2f0d000 vma
(00.298373) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eace7000 vma
(00.298374) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35c7000 vma
(00.298375) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3010000 vma
(00.298377) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eace8000 vma
(00.298378) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37c6000 vma
(00.298379) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f320f000 vma
(00.298380) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eace9000 vma
(00.298382) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37c7000 vma
(00.298383) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3210000 vma
(00.298384) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eacec000 vma
(00.298385) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37c8000 vma
(00.298387) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3211000 vma
(00.298388) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaeeb000 vma
(00.298389) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37ca000 vma
(00.298391) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f33a6000 vma
(00.298392) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaeec000 vma
(00.298393) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37e9000 vma
(00.298394) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f35a6000 vma
(00.298396) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaeed000 vma
(00.298397) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f39e8000 vma
(00.298398) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f35aa000 vma
(00.298400) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eaef1000 vma
(00.298401) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f39ea000 vma
(00.298402) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f35ac000 vma
(00.298403) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb0f1000 vma
(00.298405) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f39eb000 vma
(00.298406) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f35b0000 vma
(00.298407) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb0f2000 vma
(00.298408) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f39ee000 vma
(00.298410) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f35c7000 vma
(00.298411) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb0f3000 vma
(00.298412) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3bed000 vma
(00.298413) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f37c6000 vma
(00.298415) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb107000 vma
(00.298416) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3bee000 vma
(00.298417) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f37c7000 vma
(00.298418) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb307000 vma
(00.298420) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3bef000 vma
(00.298421) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f37c8000 vma
(00.298422) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb308000 vma
(00.298424) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3bf7000 vma
(00.298426) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f37ca000 vma
(00.298428) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb309000 vma
(00.298429) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3df6000 vma
(00.298430) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f37e9000 vma
(00.298431) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb30b000 vma
(00.298434) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f39e8000 vma
(00.298435) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb4a0000 vma
(00.298436) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f39ea000 vma
(00.298438) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6a0000 vma
(00.298439) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f39eb000 vma
(00.298440) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6a4000 vma
(00.298441) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f39ee000 vma
(00.298443) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6a6000 vma
(00.298444) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3bed000 vma
(00.298445) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6aa000 vma
(00.298446) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3bee000 vma
(00.298448) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb6ad000 vma
(00.298449) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3bef000 vma
(00.298450) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb8ac000 vma
(00.298452) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3df7000 vma
(00.298451) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3bf7000 vma
(00.298453) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb8ad000 vma
(00.298454) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3df8000 vma
(00.298455) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3df6000 vma
(00.298456) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb8ae000 vma
(00.298458) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3e10000 vma
(00.298459) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3df7000 vma
(00.298460) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eb977000 vma
(00.298462) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f400f000 vma
(00.298464) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebb77000 vma
(00.298465) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f4010000 vma
(00.298467) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebb85000 vma
(00.298468) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f4011000 vma
(00.298469) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebb88000 vma
(00.298470) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f4015000 vma
(00.298471) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebbd0000 vma
(00.298473) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f401c000 vma
(00.298474) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebdcf000 vma
(00.298475) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f421b000 vma
(00.298476) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebdd1000 vma
(00.298478) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f421c000 vma
(00.298480) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f421d000 vma
(00.298481) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3df8000 vma
(00.298481) 13: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f4240000 vma
(00.298483) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f3e10000 vma
(00.298484) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4410000 vma
(00.298485) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f400f000 vma
(00.298487) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4419000 vma
(00.298488) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f4010000 vma
(00.298489) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f441b000 vma
(00.298491) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f4011000 vma
(00.298492) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f441d000 vma
(00.298493) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f4015000 vma
(00.298494) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f441f000 vma
(00.298496) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f401c000 vma
(00.298497) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4421000 vma
(00.298498) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f421b000 vma
(00.298499) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4423000 vma
(00.298501) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f421c000 vma
(00.298502) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4427000 vma
(00.298503) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebdd3000 vma
(00.298503) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f421d000 vma
(00.298504) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4429000 vma
(00.298506) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebddb000 vma
(00.298507) 6: Parsed 7f38ed21e000-7f38f4240000 vma
(00.298508) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f442b000 vma
(00.298510) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebfdb000 vma
(00.298511) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f440f000 vma
(00.298512) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f443b000 vma
(00.298513) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebfdc000 vma
(00.298515) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4410000 vma
(00.298516) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f443d000 vma
(00.298519) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ebfdd000 vma
(00.298520) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4419000 vma
(00.298522) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4440000 vma
(00.298523) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec00b000 vma
(00.298524) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f441b000 vma
(00.298525) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4441000 vma
(00.298527) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec024000 vma
(00.298528) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f441d000 vma
(00.298529) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4442000 vma
(00.298530) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec223000 vma
(00.298532) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f441f000 vma
(00.298533) 13: Parsed 7f38f440d000-7f38f4443000 vma
(00.298534) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec224000 vma
(00.298535) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4421000 vma
(00.298537) 13: Parsed 7fffd6494000-7fffd64b5000 vma
(00.298538) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec225000 vma
(00.298539) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4423000 vma
(00.298541) 13: Parsed 7fffd65b0000-7fffd65b2000 vma
(00.298542) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec227000 vma
(00.298543) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4427000 vma
(00.298544) 13: Parsed 7fffd65b0000-7fffd65b4000 vma
(00.298545) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec426000 vma
(00.298548) 13: Parsed ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 vma
(00.298547) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4429000 vma
(00.298549) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec427000 vma
(00.298552) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f442b000 vma
(00.298552) 13: 1 threads require 92K of memory
(00.298553) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec428000 vma
(00.298554) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f443b000 vma
(00.298556) 13: Found bootstrap VMA hint at: 0x10000 (needs ~108K)
(00.298557) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec65d000 vma
(00.298558) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f443d000 vma
(00.298560) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec85d000 vma
(00.298562) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4440000 vma
(00.298563) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec879000 vma
(00.298564) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4441000 vma
(00.298566) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec888000 vma
(00.298567) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4442000 vma
(00.298568) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec88c000 vma
(00.298569) 6: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4443000 vma
(00.298570) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ec8b1000 vma
(00.298572) 6: Parsed 7fffd6494000-7fffd64b5000 vma
(00.298573) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecab0000 vma
(00.298575) 6: Parsed 7fffd65b0000-7fffd65b2000 vma
(00.298576) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecab1000 vma
(00.298577) 6: Parsed 7fffd65b0000-7fffd65b4000 vma
(00.298578) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecab2000 vma
(00.298580) 6: Parsed ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 vma
(00.298581) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecab4000 vma
(00.298583) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecac1000 vma
(00.298583) 6: 1 threads require 108K of memory
(00.298584) 13: Error (criu/cr-restore.c:1298): 14 exited, status=1
(00.298584) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eccc0000 vma
(00.298586) 6: Found bootstrap VMA hint at: 0x10000 (needs ~124K)
(00.298589) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eccc1000 vma
(00.298591) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eccc2000 vma
(00.298592) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eccdf000 vma
(00.298594) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecede000 vma
(00.298595) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecedf000 vma
(00.298596) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecee0000 vma
(00.298597) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38eceea000 vma
(00.298599) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ecef2000 vma
(00.298600) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed0f2000 vma
(00.298601) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed0f3000 vma
(00.298602) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed0f4000 vma
(00.298604) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed117000 vma
(00.298609) 13: call mremap(0x7f38f440d000, 8192, 8192, MAYMOVE | FIXED, 0x23000)
(00.298612) 6: call mremap(0x7f38f4409000, 24576, 24576, MAYMOVE | FIXED, 0x23000)
(00.298613) 13: call mremap(0x7f38f4429000, 8192, 8192, MAYMOVE | FIXED, 0x25000)
(00.298618) 6: call mremap(0x7f38f4429000, 8192, 8192, MAYMOVE | FIXED, 0x29000)
(00.298624) 13: xsave runtime structure
(00.298626) 13: -----------------------
(00.298626) 6: xsave runtime structure
(00.298627) 13: cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.298628) 6: -----------------------
(00.298629) 13: magic1:46505853 extended_size:344 xstate_bv:7 xstate_size:340
(00.298630) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed158000 vma
(00.298631) 6: cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.298632) 13: xstate_bv: 7
(00.298633) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed15b000 vma
(00.298635) 6: magic1:46505853 extended_size:344 xstate_bv:7 xstate_size:340
(00.298636) 13: -----------------------
(00.298637) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed15c000 vma
(00.298640) 13: Thread 0 stack 0x19080 rt_sigframe 0x21080
(00.298638) 6: xstate_bv: 7
(00.298641) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed169000 vma
(00.298643) 6: -----------------------
(00.298645) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1ed000 vma
(00.298646) 6: Thread 0 stack 0x19080 rt_sigframe 0x21080
(00.298647) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1ee000 vma
(00.298649) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f1000 vma
(00.298651) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f2000 vma
(00.298652) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f6000 vma
(00.298653) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f7000 vma
(00.298654) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f8000 vma
(00.298656) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed1f9000 vma
(00.298657) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed21a000 vma
(00.298658) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed21c000 vma
(00.298659) 12: Parsed 7f38e752f000-7f38ed21e000 vma
(00.298661) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3010000 vma
(00.298662) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f320f000 vma
(00.298664) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3210000 vma
(00.298664) 13: Going to chroot into /proc/self/fd/10
(00.298665) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3211000 vma
(00.298668) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f33a6000 vma
(00.298669) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35a6000 vma
(00.298669) 13: Restoring umask to 22
(00.298670) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35aa000 vma
(00.298672) 6: Going to chroot into /proc/self/fd/9
(00.298673) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35ac000 vma
(00.298676) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35b0000 vma
(00.298676) 6: Restoring umask to 22
(00.298677) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f35c7000 vma
(00.298679) 13: task_args: 0x22000
task_args->pid: 13
task_args->nr_threads: 1
task_args->clone_restore_fn: 0x10da0
task_args->thread_args: 0x22580
(00.298679) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37c6000 vma
(00.298682) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37c7000 vma
(00.298682)pie: 13: Switched to the restorer 13
(00.298683) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37c8000 vma
(00.298685) 6: task_args: 0x22000
task_args->pid: 6
task_args->nr_threads: 1
task_args->clone_restore_fn: 0x10da0
task_args->thread_args: 0x22580
(00.298686) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37ca000 vma
(00.298689) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f37e9000 vma
(00.298689)pie: 6: Switched to the restorer 6
(00.298690) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f39e8000 vma
(00.298693) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f39ea000 vma
(00.298694) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f39eb000 vma
(00.298695) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f39ee000 vma
(00.298697) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3bed000 vma
(00.298698) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3bee000 vma
(00.298699) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3bef000 vma
(00.298700) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3bf7000 vma
(00.298702) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3df6000 vma
(00.298703) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3df7000 vma
(00.298722) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3df8000 vma
(00.298723) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f3e10000 vma
(00.298724) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f400f000 vma
(00.298726) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f4010000 vma
(00.298727) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f4011000 vma
(00.298730) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f4015000 vma
(00.298731) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f401c000 vma
(00.298733) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f421b000 vma
(00.298734) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f421c000 vma
(00.298735) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f421d000 vma
(00.298736) 12: Parsed 7f38f2f0d000-7f38f4240000 vma
(00.298738) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f440f000 vma
(00.298739) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4410000 vma
(00.298740) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4419000 vma
(00.298742) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f441b000 vma
(00.298743) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f441d000 vma
(00.298744) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f441f000 vma
(00.298745) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4421000 vma
(00.298746) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4423000 vma
(00.298748) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4427000 vma
(00.298749) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4429000 vma
(00.298750) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f442b000 vma
(00.298751) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f443b000 vma
(00.298753) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f443d000 vma
(00.298754) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4440000 vma
(00.298755) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4441000 vma
(00.298756) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4442000 vma
(00.298758) 12: Parsed 7f38f4409000-7f38f4443000 vma
(00.298759) 12: Parsed 7fffd6494000-7fffd64b5000 vma
(00.298761) 12: Parsed 7fffd65b0000-7fffd65b2000 vma
(00.298762) 12: Parsed 7fffd65b0000-7fffd65b4000 vma
(00.298764) 12: Parsed ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 vma
(00.298766) 12: 1 threads require 108K of memory
(00.298768) 12: Found bootstrap VMA hint at: 0x10000 (needs ~124K)
(00.298781)pie: 6: Mapping native vDSO at 0x2b000
(00.298791)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ed21e000->0x55633edb5000 len 0xbd000
(00.298791) 12: call mremap(0x7f38f4409000, 24576, 24576, MAYMOVE | FIXED, 0x23000)
(00.298795) 12: call mremap(0x7f38f4429000, 8192, 8192, MAYMOVE | FIXED, 0x29000)
(00.298797)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ed2db000->0x55633f072000 len 0x3000
(00.298801)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ed2de000->0x55633f075000 len 0x1000
(00.298801) 12: xsave runtime structure
(00.298803) 12: -----------------------
(00.298804)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ed2df000->0x55633f076000 len 0x9000
(00.298804) 12: cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.298807) 12: magic1:46505853 extended_size:344 xstate_bv:7 xstate_size:340
(00.298808) 12: xstate_bv: 7
(00.298808)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ed2e8000->0x55633fe73000 len 0x3b000
(00.298809) 12: -----------------------
(00.298812) 12: Thread 0 stack 0x19080 rt_sigframe 0x21080
(00.298812)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2f0b000->0x7ffc7c3ed000 len 0x2000
(00.298817)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2f09000->0x7ffc7c3eb000 len 0x2000
(00.298820)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2ee8000->0x7ffc7c228000 len 0x21000
(00.298825)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2ee7000->0x7f968e7ce000 len 0x1000
(00.298828)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2ee6000->0x7f968e7cd000 len 0x1000
(00.298831)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2ee5000->0x7f968e7cc000 len 0x1000
(00.298831) 12: Going to chroot into /proc/self/fd/13
(00.298833)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2ee2000->0x7f968e7c9000 len 0x3000
(00.298835) 12: Restoring umask to 22
(00.298837)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2ee1000->0x7f968e7c3000 len 0x1000
(00.298840)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2ee0000->0x7f968e7c2000 len 0x1000
(00.298842)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2edd000->0x7f968e7bf000 len 0x3000
(00.298842) 12: task_args: 0x22000
task_args->pid: 12
task_args->nr_threads: 1
task_args->clone_restore_fn: 0x10da0
task_args->thread_args: 0x22580
(00.298846)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2edc000->0x7f968e7be000 len 0x1000
(00.298846)pie: 12: Switched to the restorer 12
(00.298849)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2e58000->0x7f968e73a000 len 0x84000
(00.298852)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2e4b000->0x7f968e72d000 len 0xd000
(00.298856)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2e4a000->0x7f968e72c000 len 0x1000
(00.298858)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2e47000->0x7f968e729000 len 0x3000
(00.298861)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2e06000->0x7f968e6e8000 len 0x41000
(00.298860)pie: 13: Mapping native vDSO at 0x27000
(00.298864)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2de3000->0x7f968e5a9000 len 0x23000
(00.298868)pie: 13: mmap(0x563cea9a4000 -> 0x563cea9bf000, 0x7 0x12 3)
(00.298870)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2de2000->0x7f968e5a8000 len 0x1000
(00.298872)pie: 13: mmap(0x563ceabbe000 -> 0x563ceabc0000, 0x3 0x12 3)
(00.298873)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2de1000->0x7f968e5a7000 len 0x1000
(00.298874)pie: 13: mmap(0x563ceabc0000 -> 0x563ceabc1000, 0x3 0x12 3)
(00.298876)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2be1000->0x7f968e3a7000 len 0x200000
(00.298877)pie: 13: mmap(0x563ceabc1000 -> 0x563ceabc3000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.298880)pie: 13: mmap(0x563cebb73000 -> 0x563cebb94000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.298881)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2bd9000->0x7f968e39f000 len 0x8000
(00.298881)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f2981427000 -> 0x7f29815bc000, 0x5 0x12 7)
(00.298885)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2bcf000->0x7f968e395000 len 0xa000
(00.298885)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29815bc000 -> 0x7f29817bc000, 0x2 0x12 7)
(00.298888)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2bce000->0x7f968e394000 len 0x1000
(00.298888)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29817bc000 -> 0x7f29817c0000, 0x3 0x12 7)
(00.298891)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2bcd000->0x7f968e393000 len 0x1000
(00.298892)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29817c0000 -> 0x7f29817c2000, 0x3 0x12 7)
(00.298895)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f29ce000->0x7f968e194000 len 0x1ff000
(00.298895)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29817c2000 -> 0x7f29817c6000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.298898)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29817c6000 -> 0x7f29817e9000, 0x5 0x12 8)
(00.298900)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f29b1000->0x7f968e177000 len 0x1d000
(00.298900)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29819df000 -> 0x7f29819e1000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.298903)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29819e6000 -> 0x7f29819e9000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.298904)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29819e9000 -> 0x7f29819ea000, 0x3 0x12 8)
(00.298905)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f29b0000->0x7f968e176000 len 0x1000
(00.298907)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29819ea000 -> 0x7f29819eb000, 0x3 0x12 8)
(00.298908)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f29af000->0x7f968e175000 len 0x1000
(00.298909)pie: 13: mmap(0x7f29819eb000 -> 0x7f29819ec000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.298911)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f27b0000->0x7f968df76000 len 0x1ff000
(00.298911)pie: 13: mmap(0x7fff0faba000 -> 0x7fff0fadb000, 0x3 0x132 -1)
(00.298915)pie: 13: mmap(0x7fff0fb97000 -> 0x7fff0fb99000, 0x3 0x32 -1)
(00.298916)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f27a3000->0x7f968df69000 len 0xd000
(00.298916)pie: 13: mmap(0x7fff0fb99000 -> 0x7fff0fb9b000, 0x7 0x32 -1)
(00.298919)pie: 13: Preadv 0x563cea9a4000:4096... (12 iovs)
(00.298920)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f27a1000->0x7f968df67000 len 0x2000
(00.298923)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f27a0000->0x7f968df66000 len 0x1000
(00.298925)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f279f000->0x7f968df65000 len 0x1000
(00.298927)pie: 12: Mapping native vDSO at 0x2b000
(00.298928)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f25a0000->0x7f968dd66000 len 0x1ff000
(00.298934)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e752f000->0x55633edb5000 len 0xbd000
(00.298934)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f257b000->0x7f968dd41000 len 0x25000
(00.298938)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2577000->0x7f968dd3d000 len 0x4000
(00.298940)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e75ec000->0x55633f072000 len 0x3000
(00.298941)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2568000->0x7f968dd2e000 len 0xf000
(00.298945)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e75ef000->0x55633f075000 len 0x1000
(00.298946)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f254c000->0x7f968dd12000 len 0x1c000
(00.298948)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e75f0000->0x55633f076000 len 0x9000
(00.298951)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f234c000->0x7f968db12000 len 0x200000
(00.298952)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e75f9000->0x55633fe73000 len 0x3b000
(00.298955)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2117000->0x7f968d8dd000 len 0x235000
(00.298957)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed21c000->0x7ffc7c3ed000 len 0x2000
(00.298959)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2116000->0x7f968d8dc000 len 0x1000
(00.298961)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed21a000->0x7ffc7c3eb000 len 0x2000
(00.298962)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f2115000->0x7f968d8db000 len 0x1000
(00.298964)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed1f9000->0x7ffc7c228000 len 0x21000
(00.298965)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1f16000->0x7f968d6dc000 len 0x1ff000
(00.298970)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1f14000->0x7f968d6da000 len 0x2000
(00.298972)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed1f8000->0x7f968e7ce000 len 0x1000
(00.298973)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1f13000->0x7f968d6d9000 len 0x1000
(00.298972)pie: 13: `- returned 110592
(00.298976)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed1f7000->0x7f968e7cd000 len 0x1000
(00.298976)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1f12000->0x7f968d6d8000 len 0x1000
(00.298978)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.298981)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed1f6000->0x7f968e7cc000 len 0x1000
(00.298982)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.298982)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1d13000->0x7f968d4d9000 len 0x1ff000
(00.298985)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.298985)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed1f3000->0x7f968e7c9000 len 0x3000
(00.298987)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.298989)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1cfa000->0x7f968d4c0000 len 0x19000
(00.298990)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.298991)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed1f2000->0x7f968e7c3000 len 0x1000
(00.298992)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.298994)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1ccc000->0x7f968d492000 len 0x2e000
(00.298995)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.298995)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed1f1000->0x7f968e7c2000 len 0x1000
(00.298998)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.298998)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1ccb000->0x7f968d491000 len 0x1000
(00.299000)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.299001)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed1ee000->0x7f968e7bf000 len 0x3000
(00.299002)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.299003)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1cca000->0x7f968d490000 len 0x1000
(00.299005)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.299006)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed1ed000->0x7f968e7be000 len 0x1000
(00.299008)pie: 13: `- skip pagemap
(00.299008)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1aca000->0x7f968d290000 len 0x200000
(00.299010)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed169000->0x7f968e73a000 len 0x84000
(00.299011)pie: 13: vdso: Parsing at 0x7fff0fb99000 0x7fff0fb9b000
(00.299014)pie: 13: vdso: PT_LOAD p_vaddr: 0x0
(00.299015)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed15c000->0x7f968e72d000 len 0xd000
(00.299014)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1ac2000->0x7f968d288000 len 0x8000
(00.299015)pie: 13: vdso: DT_HASH: 0x120
(00.299019)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed15b000->0x7f968e72c000 len 0x1000
(00.299019)pie: 13: vdso: DT_STRTAB: 0x298
(00.299020)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1ac0000->0x7f968d286000 len 0x2000
(00.299022)pie: 13: vdso: DT_SYMTAB: 0x1a8
(00.299022)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed158000->0x7f968e729000 len 0x3000
(00.299024)pie: 13: vdso: DT_STRSZ: 0x5e
(00.299024)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1abe000->0x7f968d284000 len 0x2000
(00.299027)pie: 13: vdso: DT_SYMENT: 0x18
(00.299027)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed117000->0x7f968e6e8000 len 0x41000
(00.299029)pie: 13: vdso: nbucket 0x3 nchain 0xa bucket 0x7fff0fb99128 chain >
(00.299029)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f18bf000->0x7f968d085000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299029)pie: 13: 0x7fff0fb99134
(00.299032)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed0f4000->0x7f968e5a9000 len 0x23000
(00.299035)pie: 13: vdso: image [vdso] 0x7fff0fb99000-0x7fff0fb9b000 [vvar] 0>
(00.299036)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1877000->0x7f968d03d000 len 0x48000
(00.299035)pie: 13: x7fff0fb97000-0x7fff0fb99000
(00.299037)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed0f3000->0x7f968e5a8000 len 0x1000
(00.299039)pie: 13: vdso: Runtime vdso/vvar matches dumpee, remap inplace
(00.299040)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1874000->0x7f968d03a000 len 0x3000
(00.299042)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ed0f2000->0x7f968e5a7000 len 0x1000
(00.299045)pie: 13: vdso: Remap rt-vdso 0x29000 -> 0x7fff0fb99000
(00.299045)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1866000->0x7f968d02c000 len 0xe000
(00.299046)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ecef2000->0x7f968e3a7000 len 0x200000
(00.299048)pie: 13: vdso: Remap rt-vvar 0x27000 -> 0x7fff0fb97000
(00.299050)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1666000->0x7f968ce2c000 len 0x200000
(00.299052)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eceea000->0x7f968e39f000 len 0x8000
(00.299054)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f159d000->0x7f968cd63000 len 0xc9000
(00.299056)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ecee0000->0x7f968e395000 len 0xa000
(00.299058)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f159c000->0x7f968cd62000 len 0x1000
(00.299059)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ecedf000->0x7f968e394000 len 0x1000
(00.299061)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f159b000->0x7f968cd61000 len 0x1000
(00.299062)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ecede000->0x7f968e393000 len 0x1000
(00.299064)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f139c000->0x7f968cb62000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299062)pie: 13: Restoring scheduler params 0.0.0
(00.299066)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eccdf000->0x7f968e194000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299068)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1399000->0x7f968cb5f000 len 0x3000
(00.299070)pie: 13: 13: Restored
(00.299071)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eccc2000->0x7f968e177000 len 0x1d000
(00.299071)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1395000->0x7f968cb5b000 len 0x4000
(00.297212) 1: Inherit fd 2 moved to 5 to resolve clash
(00.299078)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f1393000->0x7f968cb59000 len 0x2000
(00.299078)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eccc1000->0x7f968e176000 len 0x1000
(00.299081)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f138f000->0x7f968cb55000 len 0x4000
(00.299083)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eccc0000->0x7f968e175000 len 0x1000
(00.299085)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f118f000->0x7f968c955000 len 0x200000
(00.299085)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ecac1000->0x7f968df76000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299089)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0ffa000->0x7f968c7c0000 len 0x195000
(00.299090)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ecab4000->0x7f968df69000 len 0xd000
(00.299092)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0ff8000->0x7f968c7be000 len 0x2000
(00.299094)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ecab2000->0x7f968df67000 len 0x2000
(00.299095)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0ff7000->0x7f968c7bd000 len 0x1000
(00.299097)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ecab1000->0x7f968df66000 len 0x1000
(00.299098)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0ff6000->0x7f968c7bc000 len 0x1000
(00.299100)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ecab0000->0x7f968df65000 len 0x1000
(00.299101)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0df6000->0x7f968c5bc000 len 0x200000
(00.299103)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec8b1000->0x7f968dd66000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299106)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0de2000->0x7f968c5a8000 len 0x14000
(00.299108)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec88c000->0x7f968dd41000 len 0x25000
(00.299110)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0de1000->0x7f968c5a7000 len 0x1000
(00.299110)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec888000->0x7f968dd3d000 len 0x4000
(00.299114)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0de0000->0x7f968c5a6000 len 0x1000
(00.299115)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec879000->0x7f968dd2e000 len 0xf000
(00.299117)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0be0000->0x7f968c3a6000 len 0x200000
(00.299119)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec85d000->0x7f968dd12000 len 0x1c000
(00.299121)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0bdc000->0x7f968c3a2000 len 0x4000
(00.299124)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec65d000->0x7f968db12000 len 0x200000
(00.299125)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0bdb000->0x7f968c3a1000 len 0x1000
(00.299128)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0bda000->0x7f968c3a0000 len 0x1000
(00.299129)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec428000->0x7f968d8dd000 len 0x235000
(00.299131)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f09db000->0x7f968c1a1000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299134)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec427000->0x7f968d8dc000 len 0x1000
(00.299135)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f09d8000->0x7f968c19e000 len 0x3000
(00.299137)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec426000->0x7f968d8db000 len 0x1000
(00.299138)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f09d7000->0x7f968c19d000 len 0x1000
(00.299140)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec227000->0x7f968d6dc000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299141)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f09d6000->0x7f968c19c000 len 0x1000
(00.299144)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f07d7000->0x7f968bf9d000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299144)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec225000->0x7f968d6da000 len 0x2000
(00.299148)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec224000->0x7f968d6d9000 len 0x1000
(00.299148)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0765000->0x7f968bf2b000 len 0x72000
(00.299150)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec223000->0x7f968d6d8000 len 0x1000
(00.299152)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0764000->0x7f968bf2a000 len 0x1000
(00.299153)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec024000->0x7f968d4d9000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299154)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0763000->0x7f968bf29000 len 0x1000
(00.299157)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0564000->0x7f968bd2a000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299158)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ec00b000->0x7f968d4c0000 len 0x19000
(00.299162)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f055d000->0x7f968bd23000 len 0x7000
(00.299163)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebfdd000->0x7f968d492000 len 0x2e000
(00.299165)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f055c000->0x7f968bd22000 len 0x1000
(00.299166)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebfdc000->0x7f968d491000 len 0x1000
(00.299168)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f055b000->0x7f968bd21000 len 0x1000
(00.299169)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebfdb000->0x7f968d490000 len 0x1000
(00.299171)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f035c000->0x7f968bb22000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299172)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebddb000->0x7f968d290000 len 0x200000
(00.299175)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0337000->0x7f968bafd000 len 0x25000
(00.299177)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebdd3000->0x7f968d288000 len 0x8000
(00.299178)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0336000->0x7f968bafc000 len 0x1000
(00.299180)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebdd1000->0x7f968d286000 len 0x2000
(00.299184)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0335000->0x7f968bafb000 len 0x1000
(00.299185)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebdcf000->0x7f968d284000 len 0x2000
(00.299187)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0136000->0x7f968b8fc000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299188)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebbd0000->0x7f968d085000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299191)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f0125000->0x7f968b8eb000 len 0x11000
(00.299193)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebb88000->0x7f968d03d000 len 0x48000
(00.299195)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f011e000->0x7f968b8e4000 len 0x7000
(00.299196)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebb85000->0x7f968d03a000 len 0x3000
(00.299199)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38f011c000->0x7f968b8e2000 len 0x2000
(00.299200)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ebb77000->0x7f968d02c000 len 0xe000
(00.299202)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eff1c000->0x7f968b6e2000 len 0x200000
(00.299204)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb977000->0x7f968ce2c000 len 0x200000
(00.299206)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38efe15000->0x7f968b5db000 len 0x107000
(00.299209)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb8ae000->0x7f968cd63000 len 0xc9000
(00.299210)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38efe11000->0x7f968b5d7000 len 0x4000
(00.299213)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb8ad000->0x7f968cd62000 len 0x1000
(00.299213)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38efe10000->0x7f968b5d6000 len 0x1000
(00.299216)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb8ac000->0x7f968cd61000 len 0x1000
(00.299217)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38efe0f000->0x7f968b5d5000 len 0x1000
(00.299219)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb6ad000->0x7f968cb62000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299220)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38efc10000->0x7f968b3d6000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299223)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38efbf8000->0x7f968b3be000 len 0x18000
(00.299223)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb6aa000->0x7f968cb5f000 len 0x3000
(00.299227)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb6a6000->0x7f968cb5b000 len 0x4000
(00.299228)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38efbf7000->0x7f968b3bd000 len 0x1000
(00.299230)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb6a4000->0x7f968cb59000 len 0x2000
(00.299231)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38efbf6000->0x7f968b3bc000 len 0x1000
(00.299233)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb6a0000->0x7f968cb55000 len 0x4000
(00.299234)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38efbf4000->0x7f968b3ba000 len 0x2000
(00.299237)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb4a0000->0x7f968c955000 len 0x200000
(00.299237)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef9f4000->0x7f968b1ba000 len 0x200000
(00.299241)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb30b000->0x7f968c7c0000 len 0x195000
(00.299242)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef9c5000->0x7f968b18b000 len 0x2f000
(00.299246)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef9c4000->0x7f968b18a000 len 0x1000
(00.299246)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb309000->0x7f968c7be000 len 0x2000
(00.299248)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef9c3000->0x7f968b189000 len 0x1000
(00.299249)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb308000->0x7f968c7bd000 len 0x1000
(00.299251)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef7c4000->0x7f968af8a000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299253)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb307000->0x7f968c7bc000 len 0x1000
(00.299256)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb107000->0x7f968c5bc000 len 0x200000
(00.299256)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef7b9000->0x7f968af7f000 len 0xb000
(00.299260)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef7b8000->0x7f968af7e000 len 0x1000
(00.299260)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb0f3000->0x7f968c5a8000 len 0x14000
(00.299263)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef7b7000->0x7f968af7d000 len 0x1000
(00.299265)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb0f2000->0x7f968c5a7000 len 0x1000
(00.299266)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef5b8000->0x7f968ad7e000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299268)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eb0f1000->0x7f968c5a6000 len 0x1000
(00.299271)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef5b5000->0x7f968ad7b000 len 0x3000
(00.299271)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eaef1000->0x7f968c3a6000 len 0x200000
(00.299274)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef5b3000->0x7f968ad79000 len 0x2000
(00.299277)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef5b2000->0x7f968ad78000 len 0x1000
(00.299277)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eaeed000->0x7f968c3a2000 len 0x4000
(00.299280)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef5b1000->0x7f968ad77000 len 0x1000
(00.299281)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eaeec000->0x7f968c3a1000 len 0x1000
(00.299282)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef3b2000->0x7f968ab78000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299284)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eaeeb000->0x7f968c3a0000 len 0x1000
(00.299287)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef39e000->0x7f968ab64000 len 0x14000
(00.299287)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eacec000->0x7f968c1a1000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299291)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef39d000->0x7f968ab63000 len 0x1000
(00.299292)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eace9000->0x7f968c19e000 len 0x3000
(00.299296)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef39c000->0x7f968ab62000 len 0x1000
(00.299297)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eace8000->0x7f968c19d000 len 0x1000
(00.299299)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef19d000->0x7f968a963000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299300)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eace7000->0x7f968c19c000 len 0x1000
(00.299303)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eaae8000->0x7f968bf9d000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299303)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef18a000->0x7f968a950000 len 0x13000
(00.299308)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eaa76000->0x7f968bf2b000 len 0x72000
(00.299308)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef189000->0x7f968a94f000 len 0x1000
(00.299311)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eaa75000->0x7f968bf2a000 len 0x1000
(00.299312)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ef188000->0x7f968a94e000 len 0x1000
(00.299314)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38eaa74000->0x7f968bf29000 len 0x1000
(00.299315)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eef89000->0x7f968a74f000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299317)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea875000->0x7f968bd2a000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299320)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eef82000->0x7f968a748000 len 0x7000
(00.299321)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea86e000->0x7f968bd23000 len 0x7000
(00.299323)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eef81000->0x7f968a747000 len 0x1000
(00.299324)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea86d000->0x7f968bd22000 len 0x1000
(00.299326)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eef80000->0x7f968a746000 len 0x1000
(00.299327)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea86c000->0x7f968bd21000 len 0x1000
(00.299328)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eed81000->0x7f968a547000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299330)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea66d000->0x7f968bb22000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299333)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eed76000->0x7f968a53c000 len 0xb000
(00.299335)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea648000->0x7f968bafd000 len 0x25000
(00.299337)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eed70000->0x7f968a536000 len 0x6000
(00.299338)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea647000->0x7f968bafc000 len 0x1000
(00.299340)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eed6f000->0x7f968a535000 len 0x1000
(00.299341)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea646000->0x7f968bafb000 len 0x1000
(00.299343)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eed6e000->0x7f968a534000 len 0x1000
(00.299344)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea447000->0x7f968b8fc000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299346)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eeb6e000->0x7f968a334000 len 0x200000
(00.299349)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea436000->0x7f968b8eb000 len 0x11000
(00.299351)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eeb64000->0x7f968a32a000 len 0xa000
(00.299353)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea42f000->0x7f968b8e4000 len 0x7000
(00.299354)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eeb58000->0x7f968a31e000 len 0xc000
(00.299356)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea42d000->0x7f968b8e2000 len 0x2000
(00.299357)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eeb57000->0x7f968a31d000 len 0x1000
(00.299359)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea22d000->0x7f968b6e2000 len 0x200000
(00.299360)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38eeb56000->0x7f968a31c000 len 0x1000
(00.299363)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee956000->0x7f968a11c000 len 0x200000
(00.299364)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea126000->0x7f968b5db000 len 0x107000
(00.299368)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee949000->0x7f968a10f000 len 0xd000
(00.299368)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea122000->0x7f968b5d7000 len 0x4000
(00.299371)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee948000->0x7f968a10e000 len 0x1000
(00.299372)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea121000->0x7f968b5d6000 len 0x1000
(00.299374)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee947000->0x7f968a10d000 len 0x1000
(00.299375)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38ea120000->0x7f968b5d5000 len 0x1000
(00.299377)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee748000->0x7f9689f0e000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299378)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9f21000->0x7f968b3d6000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299382)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee747000->0x7f9689f0d000 len 0x1000
(00.299383)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9f09000->0x7f968b3be000 len 0x18000
(00.299385)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee746000->0x7f9689f0c000 len 0x1000
(00.299388)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9f08000->0x7f968b3bd000 len 0x1000
(00.299388)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee745000->0x7f9689f0b000 len 0x1000
(00.299390)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9f07000->0x7f968b3bc000 len 0x1000
(00.299392)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee546000->0x7f9689d0c000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299393)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9f05000->0x7f968b3ba000 len 0x2000
(00.299396)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9d05000->0x7f968b1ba000 len 0x200000
(00.299396)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee545000->0x7f9689d0b000 len 0x1000
(00.299400)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee544000->0x7f9689d0a000 len 0x1000
(00.299401)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9cd6000->0x7f968b18b000 len 0x2f000
(00.299402)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee543000->0x7f9689d09000 len 0x1000
(00.299407)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9cd5000->0x7f968b18a000 len 0x1000
(00.299407)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee343000->0x7f9689b09000 len 0x200000
(00.299410)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9cd4000->0x7f968b189000 len 0x1000
(00.299413)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee342000->0x7f9689b08000 len 0x1000
(00.299413)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9ad5000->0x7f968af8a000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299415)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee341000->0x7f9689b07000 len 0x1000
(00.299418)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee340000->0x7f9689b06000 len 0x1000
(00.299418)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9aca000->0x7f968af7f000 len 0xb000
(00.299421)pie: 6: Remap 0x7f38ee141000->0x7f9689907000 len 0x1ff000
(00.299422)pie: 12: Remap 0x7f38e9ac9000->0x7f968af7e000 len 0x1000
(00.365293) mnt: Switching to new ns to clean ghosts
(00.365326) Unlink remap dev/shm/
(00.365342) Unlink remap dev/shm/
(00.365351) Unlink remap dev/shm/
(00.381408) Error (criu/cr-restore.c:2171): Restoring FAILED.
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