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Created September 10, 2017 13:35
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import tweepy
from tweepy.streaming import StreamListener
import os
from urlparse import urlparse
#TODO: alert if the API doesn't connect
def main():
print "[] Twitter monitoring starting"
# these are the values associated with the both the application and consumer
ckey = ""
csecret = ""
atoken = ""
asecret = ""
# create the auth object leveraging the client key + client secret
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(ckey, csecret)
# set the application token + application secret to the new auth object
auth.set_access_token(atoken, asecret)
# now that we have our authentication set, we can connect to the API
api = tweepy.API(auth)
# the listener the API
listener = Listener(api)
# when our powers combine, twitter allows us to connect!
streamer = tweepy.Stream(auth=auth, listener=listener)
print '[] Twitter successfully connected'
# interim use of track, we'll make sure this value is pulled down from a file in the final version
track = ['test','awesome','hello','world', "xsssdsf123"]
# we need to extend the listener class from Tweepy and build upon it
class Listener(StreamListener):
def __init__(self, api=None):
# This method used to define what needs to be done
# before the class can be actually used
# In our case, we're making sure the api is set up
# and loading the values we need for our tests
self.api = api or tweepy.API() = load_domains()
self.twitter_accounts = load_twitter_accounts()
# simple proof of concept
def on_status(self, status):
# This is the method the processes the statuses
# sent by twitter, in our case we want to check
# the statuses against our tests
if self.domain_test(status=status):
# This is the function we want to call in
# when we find a match :)
if self.user_mention(status=status):
# This is the function we want to call in
# when we find a match :)
# test to see if the domain in the mention is in their mentioned
def domain_test(self,status):
# begin by making an empty array that will store our TRUE/FALSE responses
results = []
# first lets check to see if we got URLs in our Entities object of the status
if status.entities['urls']:
# In a status we'll want to check all the urls that might be there
# so we create a very quick for loop
for domain in status.entities['urls']:
# A check to see if there's anything in our expanded url
# Twitter automatically converts MOST [if not all] urls
# into their twitter url shorting service the ''
# this is to save space on the actual tweet itself,
# however, the full expanded is still stored with the status.
# So that's where we'll grab it
if domain['expanded_url']:
# This is the meat of the script
# This part helps us determine if the expanded url is in our domain list
# It then adds a TRUE or FALSE to results
# If you want to test to see if this section is working,
# you can change this logic to just print the values, instead of storing them
# but caution, you'll be getting lots of hits depending on your track
results.append(str(urlparse(domain['expanded_url']).netloc).lower() in
# We now return if there's any TRUE's in our array
return any(results)
def user_mention(self, status):
# Once again we create an empty array
results = []
# Here we want to check the user mentions component of the status
# So the first step is to identify if it's empty or not
if status.entities['user_mentions']:
# Multiple users can be mentioned in a tweet,
# so we'll want to build a for-loop
for user in status.entities['user_mentions']:
# We lower our results like we lowered our input to compare them
# For our case, we're pulling out the value of screen_name, this is
# based on the assumption that you're tracking the screen names of the user's.
# Alternatively you could use their id, but you'd need to set up a process to get
# the ids first.
results.append(str(user['screen_name']).lower() in self.twitter_accounts)
# We want to return if there's any that true in our array
return any(results)
def twitter_hit(status):
# This is a super simple indicator that we found something,
# and the logic will be built up in the next one
print '[x] Hit found \n'
def load_domains():
# start an empty array
domains = []
# A little status information for us
print "[] Loading domains"
# We want our code to platform neutral, so use os.path.join
# to get to our data directory and extract out domains
file_location = os.path.join('data','domains.txt')
# First check to see if the file is actually there
if os.path.isfile(file_location):
# Open the file and ready each line
with open(file_location) as f:
for domain in f.readlines():
# lets strip out newline characters + lower them
dom =domain.strip('\n').strip('\r').lower()
# At the end lets provide a status that
# tells us how many domains we got
print "[x] %s Domains Loaded" % len(domains)
print '][ Failed to load domains, File not found'
# return to new array of domains
return domains
def load_twitter_accounts():
twitter_accounts = []
print "[] Loading twitter accounts (the good ones)"
file_location = os.path.join('data','twitter.txt')
if os.path.isfile(file_location):
with open(file_location) as f:
for account in f.readlines():
acc = account.strip('\n').strip('\r').lower()
print "[x] %s Accounts Loaded" % len(twitter_accounts)
print "][ Failed to load accounts: File not found"
return twitter_accounts
if __name__ == '__main__':
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