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Created March 14, 2015 13:19
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Project Euler F#
//problem 1
let rec problem1 n =
match n with
| 0 -> 0
| i -> if (i%3 = 0)||(i%5 = 0) then i + problem1(n-1) else problem1(i-1)
//problem 2
let rec problem2 first second =
if first > 4000000
then 0
else if first%2 = 0
then first + (problem2 (first+second) first)
else problem2 (first+second) first
//problem 3
let rec problem3 (n:int64) (p:int64) =
if n = p
then n
else if n%p = 0L
then problem3 (n/p) p
else problem3 n (p+2L)
//problem 4
let rec problem4il n =
if n < 10
then 0
else 1 + (problem4il (n/10))
let rec problem4i n m =
if (problem4il n) <> m then false
else if n < 10
then true
let t = (pown 10 (problem4il n))
if (n%10) = (n/t)
then problem4i (((n - (n/t)*t))/10) (m-2)
else false
let rec problem4 first second=
if second = 1000
then 0
else if first
= 1000
then problem4 (second+1) (second+1)
else if problem4i (first*second) (problem4il (first*second))
then max (problem4 (first+1) second) (first*second)
else problem4 (first+1) second
//problem 5
let rec problem5i n i =
if i = 0 then true
else (n%i = 0) && (problem5i n (i-1))
let rec problem5 n =
if problem5i n 20 then n else problem5 (n + 2)
let main argv =
System.Console.WriteLine(problem1 999)
System.Console.WriteLine(problem2 2 1)
System.Console.WriteLine(problem3 600851475143L 3L)
System.Console.WriteLine(problem4 100 100)
System.Console.WriteLine(problem5 20)
0 // 整数の終了コードを返します
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