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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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template<class,class,class>struct torio;
template<class T>struct test;
template<class T1,class T2,class T3>struct test<torio<T1,T2,T3>>
typedef T2 type;
typedef torio<int,double,char> value_type;
int main()
typename test<value_type>::type n;
namespace test
template<class ValueType, std::size_t Size>struct vector
std::array<ValueType, Size> value;
template<class T>vector(T const& v)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i<Size; ++i)
value[i] = v[i];
ValueType const& operator[](std::size_t i)const
return value[i];
typedef ValueType value_type;
template<class T0, class T1>struct add_vector
T0 const& v0;
T1 const& v1;
add_vector(T0 const& a0, T1 const& a1) :v0(a0), v1(a1) {}
auto operator[](std::size_t i)const
return v0[i] + v1[i];
template<class T0, class T1>add_vector<T0, T1> operator+(T0 const& a0, T1 const& a1)
return add_vector<T0, T1>(a0, a1);
int main()
typedef test::vector<int, 4> vec;
vec a{ std::array<int,4>{ { 1, 1, 1, 1 } } };
vec b{ std::array<int,4>{ { 1, 2, 3, 4 } } };
vec c{ std::array<int,4>{ { 1, 3, 7, 15} } };
vec d{ a + b + c };
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
std::cout << d[i] << std::endl;
namespace test
template<int N>struct get_arg
template<class T,class... Ts>static constexpr auto const& get(T const&,Ts const&... args)
return get_arg<N-1>::get(args...);
template<class... Ts>constexpr auto operator()(Ts const&... args)const
return get(args...);
template<>struct get_arg<0>
template<class T,class... Ts>static constexpr auto const& get(T const& arg,Ts...)
return arg;
template<class... Ts>constexpr auto operator()(Ts const&... args)const
return get(args...);
template<int N>constexpr get_arg<N> _{};
template<class T0,class T1>struct operator_plus
T0 v0;
T1 v1;
template<class... Ts>constexpr auto operator()(Ts const&... args)const
return v0(args...) + v1(args...);
template<class T0,class T1>constexpr operator_plus<T0,T1>operator+(T0 v0,T1 v1)
return operator_plus<T0,T1>{v0, v1};
int main()
using namespace test;
constexpr auto add = _<0> + _<1>;
struct test
struct inside_t
virtual int run()=0;
virtual ~inside_t(){};
template<class T>struct inside:inside_t
T value;
inside(T v):value(v){}
virtual int run()
return value.operator()();
std::unique_ptr<inside_t> holder_;
int operator()()
return holder_->run();
template<class T>test(T v):holder_(std::make_unique<inside<T>>(v)){}
test(const test&)=delete;
template<int N>struct hoge
int operator()()
return N;
int main()
test t{hoge<10>{}};
test t2{hoge<20>{}};
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