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Forked from Reedbeta/
Created January 26, 2017 16:02
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Antialiasing test program
# Tests for antialiasing a high-frequency image in various ways
# Nathan Reed, July 2014
# Written for Python 3.4; requires numpy and Pillow to be installed
import concurrent.futures
import math
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import optparse
import random
import sys
import threading
from PIL import Image
# Parse command-line options
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='outputPath', default='aa.bmp', help='Write output to FILE', metavar='FILE')
parser.add_option('-d', '--dims', dest='dims', default='512x512', help='Image width x height, e.g. 640x480')
parser.add_option('-s', '--samples', dest='samples', default=16, help='Number of samples per pixel')
parser.add_option('-k', '--kernel', dest='kernel', default='gaussian', help='Antialiasing kernel to use. Choices are: box, gaussian, lanczos')
parser.add_option('-r', '--radius', dest='radius', default=1.0, help='Kernel radius in pixels')
parser.add_option('--splat', dest='splat', default=False, action='store_true', help='Enable splatting mode (otherwise, per-pixel mode)')
options, _ = parser.parse_args()
dX, dY = (int(n) for n in options.dims.lower().split('x'))
options.samples = int(options.samples)
options.kernel = options.kernel.lower()
options.radius = float(options.radius)
radiusX = options.radius / dX
radiusY = options.radius / dY
# Some kernels can't be sampled directly and require weights (which slow things down).
# In splatting mode, we always use weights.
needWeights = (options.kernel in ('lanczos',)) or options.splat
# Here's the image function we'll use to test antialiasing; it has infinite-frequency edges,
# plus the placement of the edges varies in spatial frequency over the image
minPeriod = 2e-5
maxPeriod = 0.2
def evalImage(x, y):
period = minPeriod + (maxPeriod - minPeriod) * y**2
phase = x / period
phase -= np.floor(phase)
return phase.round()
# Pixel center positions, to which offsets will be added to get sample positions
# (1D arrays, but shaped for broadcasting correctly with 2D arrays)
centerX = np.linspace(0.5/dX, 1.0 - 0.5/dX, dX).reshape((1, dX))
centerY = np.linspace(0.5/dY, 1.0 - 0.5/dY, dY).reshape((dY, 1))
# Create an array into which results will be accumulated
img = np.zeros((dY, dX))
if needWeights:
totalWeight = np.zeros((dY, dX))
samplesDone = 0
imgLock = threading.Lock()
def accumulateImage(imgLocal, weight):
# Accumulate into the global image
with imgLock:
global img
img += imgLocal
if needWeights:
global totalWeight
totalWeight += weight
# Report progress now and then
global samplesDone
samplesDone += 1
if (samplesDone + 1) % 128 == 0:
print("Completed %d samples/px" % (samplesDone + 1))
def evalSample(_):
weight = None
# Generate samples according to the desired kernel
if options.kernel == 'box':
sampleX = centerX + np.random.uniform(-radiusX, radiusX, size=(dY, dX))
sampleY = centerY + np.random.uniform(-radiusY, radiusY, size=(dY, dX))
elif options.kernel == 'gaussian':
# For gaussian samples, treat "radius" as the 3-sigma radius
sampleX = centerX + np.random.normal(scale = radiusX / 3.0, size=(dY, dX))
sampleY = centerY + np.random.normal(scale = radiusY / 3.0, size=(dY, dX))
elif options.kernel == 'lanczos':
# Can't directly sample Lanczos kernel, so just box-sample and weight appropriately
sampleX = np.random.uniform(-options.radius, options.radius, size=(dY, dX))
sampleY = np.random.uniform(-options.radius, options.radius, size=(dY, dX))
weight = (np.sin(np.pi * sampleX) * np.sin(np.pi * sampleY) *
np.sin(np.pi * sampleX / options.radius) * np.sin(np.pi * sampleY / options.radius) /
(sampleX**2 * sampleY**2))
sampleX = centerX + sampleX / dX
sampleY = centerY + sampleY / dY
sys.exit("Unknown kernel type '%s'" % options.kernel)
# Evaluate the image at the generated sample positions
img = evalImage(sampleX, sampleY)
if needWeights:
img *= weight
accumulateImage(img, weight)
def evalSampleSplat(_):
# Generate stratified samples over the image plane, jittering within each pixel square
sampleJitterX = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, size=(dY, dX))
sampleJitterY = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, size=(dY, dX))
sampleX = centerX + sampleJitterX/dX
sampleY = centerY + sampleJitterY/dY
# Evaluate the image at the generated sample positions
imgSamples = evalImage(sampleX, sampleY)
# Splat each sample result onto nearby pixels according to the desired kernel
img = np.zeros((dY, dX))
totalWeight = np.zeros((dY, dX))
radiusCeil = int(math.ceil(options.radius))
for offsetY in range(-radiusCeil, radiusCeil+1):
# Calculate vectors from each sample to the pixel centers at the current offset
sampleOffsetY = sampleJitterY - offsetY
for offsetX in range(-radiusCeil, radiusCeil+1):
sampleOffsetX = sampleJitterX - offsetX
if options.kernel == 'box':
weight = (np.where(np.abs(sampleOffsetX) <= options.radius, 1.0, 0.0) *
np.where(np.abs(sampleOffsetY) <= options.radius, 1.0, 0.0))
elif options.kernel == 'gaussian':
# For gaussian samples, treat "radius" as the 3-sigma radius
weight = np.exp(-0.5 * (sampleOffsetX**2 + sampleOffsetY**2) / ((options.radius / 3.0)**2))
elif options.kernel == 'lanczos':
weight = (np.sin(np.pi * sampleOffsetX) * np.sin(np.pi * sampleOffsetY) *
np.sin(np.pi * sampleOffsetX / options.radius) * np.sin(np.pi * sampleOffsetY / options.radius) /
(sampleOffsetX**2 * sampleOffsetY**2))
sys.exit("Unknown kernel type '%s'" % options.kernel)
weightedSamples = weight * imgSamples
img[max(0, offsetY) : dY + min(0, offsetY), max(0, offsetX) : dX + min(0, offsetX)] += (
weightedSamples[max(0, -offsetY) : dY + min(0, -offsetY), max(0, -offsetX) : dX + min(0, -offsetX)])
totalWeight[max(0, offsetY) : dY + min(0, offsetY), max(0, offsetX) : dX + min(0, offsetX)] += (
weight[max(0, -offsetY) : dY + min(0, -offsetY), max(0, -offsetX) : dX + min(0, -offsetX)])
accumulateImage(img, totalWeight)
# Accumulate samples into an image, using a pool of worker threads
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as pool: if options.splat else evalSample, range(options.samples))
if needWeights:
img /= totalWeight
img /= options.samples
# Convert to sRGB
img = img.clip(0.0, 1.0)
img = np.where(img <= 0.0031308, 12.92*img, 1.055*img**(1.0/2.4) - 0.055)
# Convert to 8-bit, send to PIL and save
img8Bit = np.uint8(np.rint(img * 255.0))
print('Wrote output to %s' % options.outputPath)
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