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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Top Entitlement Claiming Federal Politicians in Australia (2014)
Top Spenders OVERALL
The Hon Tony Abbott MP $ 1,057,673
The Hon Julie Bishop MP $ 866,653
Mr Tony Pasin MP $ 851,482
Mr Tim Watts MP $ 556,863
The Hon Andrew Robb AO MP $ 539,247
The Hon Darren Chester MP $ 529,344
Mr Wyatt Roy MP $ 526,258
Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham $ 523,191
The Hon Mal Brough MP $ 497,152
The Hon Sussan Ley MP $ 485,847
Top Spenders: Travel Allowance
The Hon Warren Snowdon MP $ 43,615
The Hon Warren Truss MP $ 36,930
Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion $ 36,348
The Hon Bob Baldwin MP $ 36,315
The Hon Sussan Ley MP $ 36,062
Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson $ 35,704
Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald $ 34,809
Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck $ 33,742
The Hon Ian Macfarlane MP $ 33,553
Senator the Hon George Brandis QC $ 33,134
Top Spenders: Overseas
The Hon Tony Abbott MP $ 814,115
The Hon Julie Bishop MP $ 478,748
The Hon Andrew Robb AO MP $ 279,702
The Hon Joe Hockey MP $ 158,704
The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP $ 131,714
Senator the Hon David Johnston $ 90,590
The Hon Scott Morrison MP $ 90,487
The Hon Brett Mason $ 88,870
The Hon Michael Keenan MP $ 69,708
The Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP $ 65,835
Top Spenders: Domestic
Senator Rachel Siewert $ 89,849
Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann $ 84,984
The Hon Michael Keenan MP $ 79,415
Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion $ 73,476
The Hon Gary Gray AO MP $ 70,708
Mr Ken Wyatt AM MP $ 69,882
Senator the Hon George Brandis QC $ 69,045
Senator the Hon David Johnston $ 67,047
Ms Melissa Price MP $ 65,063
Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck $ 62,920
Top Spenders: Chartered
The Hon Barnaby Joyce MP** $ 75,807
The Hon Warren Truss MP $ 67,117
The Hon Bob Katter MP $ 52,580
The Hon Ian Macfarlane MP $ 50,410
Mr Mark Coulton MP $ 46,558
Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion $ 44,450
The Hon Sussan Ley MP $ 40,621
Ms Melissa Price MP $ 30,891
The Hon Bruce Scott MP $ 30,730
Mr Rick Wilson MP $ 18,669
Top Spenders: Cars
The Hon Tony Abbott MP $ 84,427
The Hon Bob Katter MP $ 57,430
The Hon Warren Snowdon MP $ 50,651
The Hon Bill Shorten MP $ 49,715
The Hon Ian Macfarlane MP $ 48,020
The Hon Kevin Andrews MP $ 44,982
The Hon Scott Morrison MP $ 42,726
Senator the Hon George Brandis QC $ 39,708
Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash $ 38,575
The Hon Sussan Ley MP $ 37,749
Top Spenders: Office expenses
The Hon Scott Morrison MP $ 203,477
The Hon Julie Bishop MP $ 193,269
Senator the Hon Joe Ludwig $ 186,646
Senator the Hon Marise Payne $ 172,705
The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP $ 169,247
The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP $ 168,599
The Hon Luke Hartsuyker MP $ 160,399
Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash $ 157,929
Senator the Hon Fiona Nash $ 144,554
The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP $ 143,421
Top Spenders: Office Fitout
Mr Tony Pasin MP $ 506,752
Senator Jacqui Lambie $ 356,793
Mr Tim Watts MP $ 340,454
The Hon Mal Brough MP $ 336,947
Mr Wyatt Roy MP $ 308,345
Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP $ 301,837
Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham $ 298,004
Senator David Leyonhjelm $ 260,333
Ms Lucy Wicks MP $ 257,475
The Hon Christian Porter MP $ 248,806
Top Spenders: Office Admin
The Hon David Feeney MP $ 152,125
The Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP $ 151,924
Mr Pat Conroy MP $ 130,988
The Hon Steven Ciobo MP $ 119,099
Mr Michael Sukkar MP $ 118,715
Mr Tony Pasin MP $ 117,512
Mr Don Randall MP $ 116,957
Mr Andrew Giles MP $ 111,834
Mr Rick Wilson MP $ 109,144
Mr Nickolas Varvaris MP $ 107,306
Top Spenders: Telco
The Hon Warren Snowdon MP $ 9,979
Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells $ 8,509
The Hon Sussan Ley MP $ 8,323
The Hon Darren Chester MP $ 8,199
The Hon Tony Abbott MP $ 8,181
The Hon Bob Katter MP $ 7,825
Mr Angus Taylor MP $ 7,495
The Hon Bruce Scott MP $ 6,957
Mr Tony Pasin MP $ 6,771
Ms Cathy McGowan AO MP $ 6,731
Top Spenders: Family Travel
The Hon Peter Dutton MP $ 28,537
Senator Nova Peris OAM $ 25,435
The Hon Bill Shorten MP $ 25,150
The Hon Warren Truss MP $ 21,735
Mr Luke Simpkins MP $ 19,366
Mr Steve Irons MP $ 19,109
The Hon Gary Gray AO MP $ 18,807
Senator the Hon David Johnston $ 18,442
Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald $ 18,368
Mr Ken Wyatt AM MP $ 18,207
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