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Last active September 5, 2021 16:23
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Q. Is Zone supposed to be a man or a woman?
A. Zone has never revealed their gender or has ever spoken on streams.
Q. How old is Zone?
A. Exact age will forever be unknown, but it is speculated that Zone has existed for as long as perversion has been in recorded history.
Q. So whose voices are those?
A. If you're hearing a voice, then it's either one of Zone's friends/colleagues talking live on the streams or it could be a recording of Zone-Tan (voiced by Cassandra Ford a.k.a. "Caxx") that only emits on various events (donations, follows, subscriptions, and such).
Q. What's the difference between Zone & Zone-Tan?
A. Zone, also known as Zone-Sama, is the animator who creates ALL of the content that you enjoy while Zone-Tan is the mascot for the Zone-Archive (Zone's website) & the anchorwoman on ZTV News.
Q. What if I want to send something to Zone?
A. As mentioned frequently on ZTV News, you can email your questions to Zone and they might end up being answered in a future episode. Any digital fanmade content involving Zone-Tan can also be emailed to Zone besides posting it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr). As for any physical items, send them to Zone's P.O. box:
- P.O. Box 4418, Burbank, CA 91503, United States
- Email:
Q. Where does Zone live?
A. As stated in the P.O. box, Zone lives at some random place in Burbank, California (address left unknown for safety & privacy).
Q. Is it okay if I draw fanart of Zone-Tan or animate her however I want to?
A. Zone is fine with all fanmade content using Zone-Tan, Zone will even promote it online if you submitted it through social media & tagged Zone's accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr when posting it on these websites.
Q. How long has Zone been drawing?
A. Since they were 3 years old.
Q. What song is playing right now on the stream?
A. Information about the current song being played (song title, performer, and album name) is already displayed on the bottom left corner of the desktop view of the stream. When a "BRB message" is being shown, it'll be in stylish text to the left and below the message!
Q. Do bits go towards the funding goal?
A. Not right now, only tips through streamlabs. :(
Q. What kind of tablet does Zone use?
A. Cintiq 27QHD from Wacom.
Q. What kind of computer does Zone use?
A. Mac Pro from Apple, it's hooked up to a 4K monitor and a surround sound system.
Q. What kind of programs does Zone use?
A. Zone utilizes a series of software just for creating the content that we enjoy:
- Adobe Animate CC (formerly Flash Professional CC) to create drawings & animations.
- Adobe After Effects CC for the special effects used in animations & flash games.
- Adobe Premiere Pro to edit episodes of ZTV News.
- Adobe Audition to compose original music and edit audio clips for ZTV News as well as original voice recordings for animations & games.
- JavaScript to program flash games.
- Audio Hijack Pro from Rogue Amoeba to capture audio from official sources to be used in animations & flash games.
Q. Why do Zone keep calling people "bios"?
A. It was a mistyped chat comment spoken aloud by Caxx:
Q. Where can I find more content from Zone?
A. You can find Zone on the following:
- Zone-Archive:
- Picarto:
- Tumblr:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- YouTube:
- Shark Robot:
- Patreon:
- Streamlabs:
- Newgrounds:
- Bandcamp:
- Google+:
Q. How can I support Zone?
A. Every dollar helps Zone to continue creating content and even improving it, no matter how little it is:
- Purchase a monthly membership to Zone-Archive through HentaiKey.
- Subscribe to Zone on Twitch.
- Donate to Zone through Streamlabs.
- Cheer during Zone's Twitch streams using bits.
- Purchase official merchandise from Shark Robot.
- Buy the songs on Bandcamp.
- Fund Zone on Patreon.
Q. Does Zone accept any commissions or requests?
A. Zone refuses all commissions and only accepts requests on special occasions during Twitch streams (keep an eye on Zone's social media everyday for whenever these rare streams occur). However, Zone sometimes acts as an independent contractor for various animation studios & game developers. For any inquiries regarding the hiring Zone for professional work, contact Zone through the business email address:
Q. Has Zone ever drawn Zone-Tan nude or will Zone ever do it in the future?
A. Zone already given an official detailed response:
Q. Are there any references that I can use when drawing/animating Zone-Tan?
A. Official Model Sheet for Zone-Tan (made by Zone):
Q. Wasn't Zone-Tan made by Zone?
A. No, the actual creator of Zone-Tan is credited at the end of every episode of ZTV News as Maggot/Miya a.k.a. Mahoumeido or Kyaterina:
- Twitch:
- Tumblr:
- YouTube:
- DeviantArt:
- Instagram:
- Twitter:
- Picarto:
* Also, she gave the character to Zone as a gift immediately after her creation for Zone to use however they want.
Q. Why won't Zone make more things for us sooner?
A. Zone already works NONSTOP on a daily basis to give us what we're already receiving, keep in mind that Zone singlehandedly works on everything regarding content created by Zone other than hiring voice actors for animations & flash games and Bennett White a.k.a. "The Sage" to write all of the episodes for ZTV News. Drawing, animating, game programming, video & audio editing, writing, composing, streaming (whenever available), voice directing, and more all keep Zone busy while awake so Zone is unfortuately unable to takes any vacations or breaks. In other words, don't complain about it like a spoiled & ungrateful brat (especially those who aren't even financially contributing to Zone) and be happy that you're even getting it unless you can do better than Zone by yourself.
Q. How did Zone learn to do draw, animate, and make games?
A. Zone is self-taught and achieved such skills through years of detailed research & daily practice, it's even highly recommended by Zone to purchase your own copy of "The Animator's Survival Kit: Expanded Edition" by Richard Williams to learn about animation.
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