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Last active May 21, 2020 13:57
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##### What You'll Need (assuming your workstation is Windows) #####
- Qemu For Windows:
- WinSCP:
- 7zip:
- The VMDK virtual disk from the Home Assistant website:
- Access to your UnRaid WebGUI from your Windows workstation
#### Installing Qemu On Your Windows Workstation ####
- Why? Because the virtual disk images provided by the Home Assistant website are not in a format that UnRaid can understand.
Qemu will convert the disk image to a .img file so that UnRaid can handle it.
- Navigate to the Qemu For Windows URL (see above), and click on the latest .exe to download it. Right now, the latest is qemu-w64-setup-20200201.exe
- Double-click qemu-w64-setup-20200201.exe and step through the installer leaving all defaults. (The .exe should be in your
Downloads folder, i.e. C:\Users\<your_username>\Downloads\qemu-w64-setup-20200201.exe)
#### Installing WinSCP On Your Windows Workstation ####
- Why? Because we need to upload the converted disk image to your UnRaid server so that UnRaid can access it when creating a new VM.
- Navigate to the WinSCP URL (see above), and click the "Download WinSCP" button.
- Double click WinSCP-5.17.5-Setup.exe (or whatever the version is when you do this), and step through the installer leaving all defaults.
#### Installing 7zip On Your Windows Workstation ####
- Why? Because we need to extract the .vmdk file from the .gz archive we download from the Home Assistant website
- Navigate to the 7zip URL (see above), click on the download link for: 7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64 (Intel 64 or AMD64) (should be the second link from the top)
- Double click 7z1900-x64.exe (or whatever version is when you do this) and step through the installer leaving all defaults.
#### Download the Home Assistant VMDK From the HA Website ####
- Navigate to the Home Assistant website (see above) and click the "VMDK" link in order to download the latest VMDK (right now, it's hassos_ova-3.13.vmdk.gz)
- Assuming hassos_ova-3.13.vmdk.gz was downloaded to your Downloads folder, navigate to your Downloads folder.
- Right-click hassos_ova-3.13.vmdk.gz, hover over "7zip" and then select "Extract Here". This will create another file called hassos_ova-3.13.vmdk
#### Convert the VMDK File to IMG ####
- Click the Windows Start button and use the search function to search for Windows PowerShell. Once found, right-click and select "Run As Administrator"
- NOTE: If you can't find PowerShell via Start button search, just open up File Explorer, navigate to:
C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 | Then right-click powershell.exe and select "Run As Administrator"
- In PowerShell, run the following commands. These commands will convert the .vmdk file to a .img file (it leaves the original
.vmdk intact, so in the end, you'll have both a .vmdk and a .img file)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure the path to the .vmdk file in the below command is correct (FYI, $HOME is short for C:\Users\<your_username> in PowerShell)
cd "$env:ProgramFiles\qemu"
.\qemu-img convert -p -f vmdk -O raw "$HOME\Downloads\hassos_ova-3.13.vmdk" "$HOME\Downloads\hassos_ova-3.13.img"
- Feel free to close PowerShell now
#### Upload the .img File To Your UnRaid Server ####
- Run WinSCP on your Windows Workstation
- In the Session dialog window, in the "File Protocol" dropdown, select "SCP"
- In the "HostName" field, type in the IP address of your UnRaid server
- In the "User name" field type in a username with appropriate permissions.
If you haven't taken the initiative to create users and passwords other than the default for your UnRaid Server, then
'root' with a blank password should work
- On the right-hand pane, click the folder icon with a "/" inside. Then, navigate to /mnt/user/isos
- On the left-hand pane, navigate to C:\Users\<your_username>\Downloads and select the .img file
- On the left-hand pane towards the top, click the upload button (it will probably take ~15min to upload since it's big)
#### Create a New Linux VM in UnRaid ####
- From the UnRaid WebGUI, click VMs -> Add VM -> Click on the Linux Penguin
- Use the "Name" field to give your HassOS VM an appropriate name
- Use the "Max Memory" dropdown and select "2048" (recommended, but not strictly necessary)
- Use the "Primary vDisk Location" dropdown and select "Manual". In the field to the right, type in: /mnt/user/isos/hassos_ova-3.13.img
(make sure the file name matches whatever you uploaded earlier)
- Click the "Create" button at the bottom
- You'll be brought back in the VMs dashboard in UnRaid. Click the Linux Penguin next to your new VM to VNC into your VMs console.
- You'll see HassOS booting up (this will all be command line stuff, don't expect to see any GUI)
- Give HassOS a couple minutes to boot, and then press Enter on your keyboard to get the login prompt.
- Type: root
- Press Enter
- Type: login
- Press Enter
- Run the following command and take note of the IP Address next to the word "inet" in the resulting output:
ip addr | grep enp
- Close the VNC window
#### Navigate to Your New Home Assistant Instance and Complete Onboarding ####
- Let's say the IP Address you found above was
- On your Windows workstation, open a web browser and navigate to
- Complete Home Assistant onboarding.
- Follow my instructions here to restore a snapshot you made previously in order to complete the Home Assistant migration:
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