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Created April 4, 2021 04:14
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# mac_apt Installation Script for macOS - Version 2.1
# Author: Zachary Burnham (@zmbf0r3ns1cs)
# Edited by Yogesh Khatri (@swiftforensics) for new mac_apt build
# Script to auto-download Yogesh Khatri's mac_apt tool from GitHub (with necessary
# dependencies) and install
# Run as '. ./' to avoid subshell execution
# --- This script will require sudo ---
# Define function to verify validity of user directory input
verifyDir () {
cd $userDir &> /dev/null || mkdir $userDir &> /dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Invalid directory. Please try again."
# Bring user back to beginning to correct directory syntax
# Desired user directory is valid
echo "[~] Installing mac_apt to $userDir..."
# Define function for user input for desired installation directory
chooseInstallation_Dir () {
read -p "[*] Would you like to specify an installation directory? [Y/n] " userDecision
# Verify user input
if [[ $userDecision = "Y" ]] || [[ $userDecision = "y" ]]; then
echo "[~] EX: /Users/<username>/Desktop"
read -p "Directory Path: " userDir
# Verify if valid directory
elif [[ $userDecision = "N" ]] || [[ $userDecision = "n" ]]; then
# Set $userDir to user's current directory
export userDir=`pwd`
echo "[~] Installing mac_apt to $userDir..."
# Bring user back to beginning if y or n not specified
echo "[!] Invalid response. Please try again."
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------ MAIN BODY OF SCRIPT BEGINS HERE -------------------------- #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
echo "" # Space for script legibility
echo "[*] mac_apt Installation Script for macOS - Version 2.1"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
# Use ping to loopback address to prompt user for sudo password
# *Homebrew does not support running script as sudo for security purposes --> this is a workaround*
echo "[!] This script requires sudo privileges."
sudo ping -c 1 &> /dev/null
# Prompt user to choose default installation or custom directory
# Check for Homebrew, install if not found
if test ! $(which brew); then
echo "[+] Installing homebrew..."
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" &> /dev/null
# Check for successful install
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of Homebrew failed due to an error."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
# Ensure Homebrew is up-to-date
echo "[~] Ensuring Homebrew is up-to-date..."
brew update &> /dev/null
# Check for python3, install if not found
if test ! $(which python3); then
echo "[+] Installing python3..."
brew install python3 git &> /dev/null
# Check for successful install
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of python3 failed due to an error."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
# Install virtualenv -->
echo "[+] Installing virtualenv..."
sudo pip3 install --upgrade virtualenv &> /dev/null
# Ensure installation is successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of virtualenv failed due to an error. Please check to ensure the embedded pip query is valid and try again."
echo "[!] If correct, please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
# Download mac_apt from GitHub to Desktop
echo "[+] Downloading mac_apt from GitHub..."
cd $userDir
git clone --recursive &> /dev/null
# Ensure download is successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] mac_apt download failed due to 'git clone' error."
echo "[!] Please delete the exiting 'mac_apt' folder and try again!"
# echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
cd mac_apt
virtualenv --python python3 env &> /dev/null
# Activate env with virtualenv to install within virtual environment
echo "[+] Creating virtual environment with virtualenv..."
cd $userDir
cd mac_apt
source env/bin/activate
# Install pybindgen, this is required to be installed before fastchunking (dep of pyaff4) can be installed
echo "[+] Installing pybindgen..."
pip3 install pybindgen==0.21.0 &> /dev/null
# Ensure installation is successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of pybindgen failed due to an error."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
# Build, compile, and install pyaff4
echo "[+] Installing pyaff4..."
pip3 install other_dependencies/ &> /dev/null
# Ensure installation is successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of pyaff4 failed due to an error."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
# Build, compile, and install pyliblzfse
# echo "[+] Installing pyliblzfse..."
# git clone --recursive &> /dev/null
# Ensure download is successful
# if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
# echo "[!] Installation of pyliblzfse failed due to an error."
# echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
# exit 1;
# fi
# cd pyliblzfse
# python build &> /dev/null
# python install &> /dev/null
# Leave directory to continue installation
# cd ..
# Install pytsk
echo "[+] Installing pytsk..."
pip3 install pytsk3==20170802 &> /dev/null
# Ensure installation is successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of pytsk failed due to an error."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
# Install pyvmdk
echo "[+] Installing pyvmdk..."
pip3 install libvmdk-python==20181227 &> /dev/null
# Ensure installation is successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of pyvmdk failed due to an error."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
# Check for wget, install if not found
# On catalina, wget install using brew prompts the following:
# Error: The following directories are not writable by your user:
# /usr/local/share/man/man3
# /usr/local/share/man/man5
# /usr/local/share/man/man7
# The following 2 lines fix this.
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/share/man/man3 /usr/local/share/man/man5 /usr/local/share/man/man7
chmod u+w /usr/local/share/man/man3 /usr/local/share/man/man5 /usr/local/share/man/man7
if test ! $(which wget); then
echo "Installing wget..."
brew install wget &> /dev/null
# Check for successful install
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of wget failed due to an error."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
# Download and unzip pyewf
echo "[+] Installing pyewf..."
wget &> /dev/null
# Ensure wget is successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Download of pyewf failed."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
# Install pyewf
gunzip -c libewf-20140807.tar.gz | tar xopf -
# Check for corrupt tar.gz
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of pyewf failed due to corrupt download."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
cd libewf-20140807
python build &> /dev/null
python install &> /dev/null
# Leave directory to continue installation
cd ..
# Install other dependencies
echo "[+] Installing other dependencies..."
pip3 install anytree biplist construct==2.9.45 xlsxwriter plistutils kaitaistruct lz4 pycryptodome cryptography pillow pyliblzfse nska_deserialize &> /dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[!] Installation of one or more required dependencies has failed."
echo "[!] Please report this to the developer."
exit 1;
echo "[*] mac_apt successfully downloaded and installed!"
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Start virtual environment
#cd $userDir
#cd mac_apt
#source env/bin/activate
# Show mac_apt options
#python -h
#echo " Welcome to the virtual environment. "
echo " To run mac_apt, you will have to go to the mac_apt folder"
echo " and then enter the virtual environment using the following command "
echo " source env/bin/activate "
echo " Then run mac_apt as you would normally "
echo " python3 ...."
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