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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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canonical component validation example
(ns poller
[clojure.core.async :as async :refer (chan alts! go-loop timeout >! close!)]
[clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
[plumbing.core :refer :all :exclude [update]]
[schema.core :as s]))
(defn poll!
"executes f at frequency and puts the result on output-chan, returns a stop functions"
[frequency f output-chan]
(let [control (chan)]
(go-loop [tick (timeout frequency)]
(let [[_ c] (alts! [tick control])]
(condp identical? c
tick (do
(>! output-chan (f))
(recur (timeout frequency)))
#(close! control)))
(def poller-using-schema
{:output-chan (s/pred (partial satisfies? impl/WritePort))})
(defrecord Poller [frequency f output-chan]
(start [this]
(-> this
(select-keys (keys poller-using-schema))
(s/validate poller-using-schema))
(let [stop! (poll! frequency f output-chan)]
(assoc this
:stop! stop!)))
(stop [this]
((:stop! this))
(def new-poller-schema
{:frequency s/Int
:f (s/make-fn-schema [[s/Any]] [[]])})
(def new-poller-defaults
{:frequency 1000})
(defn new-poller
[& {:as opts}]
(->> opts
(merge new-poller-defaults)
(s/validate new-poller-schema)
(keys poller-using-schema)))
;; ===== Abstract Contructor ======
(defnk validate-ctr
{ctr-defaults {}}
{cmp-using-schema {}}]
(fn [& {:as opts}]
(->> opts
(merge ctr-defaults)
(s/validate ctr-schema)
(merge {:using-schema cmp-using-schema})
(vec (or (keys cmp-using-schema) [])))))
(defn validate-cmp
[cmp using-schema]
(->> (select-keys cmp (keys using-schema))
(s/validate using-schema)))
(defrecord Poller [using-schema frequency f output-chan]
(start [this]
(validate-cmp this using-schema)
(let [stop! (poll! frequency f output-chan)]
(assoc this
:stop! stop!)))
(stop [this]
((:stop! this))
(def new-poller
{:ctr map->Poller
:ctr-defaults {:frequency 1000}
:ctr-schema {:frequency s/Int
:f (s/make-fn-schema [[s/Any]] [[]])}
:cmp-using-schema {:output-chan (s/pred (partial satisfies? impl/WritePort))}}))
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