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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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clj validators
(defn validator
[msg fn]
(letfn [(validate [& args]
(apply fn args))]
(with-meta validate {:msg msg})))
(defn checker
[& validators]
(fn [v]
(clojure.core/reduce (fn [errors validator]
(if (validator v)
(conj errors (:msg (meta validator))))) [] validators)))
;; example
(def validate (checker (validator "must not be zero" #(not (zero? %)))))
(validate 1) ;; -> []
(validate 0) ;; -> ["must not be zero"]
(def validate (checker (validator "must be positive" pos?)
(validator "must be an integer" integer?)
(validator "must be > 5" #(< 5 %))))
(validate -1) ;; -> ["must be positive" "must be > 5"]
(validate 4.0) ;; -> ["must be an integer" "must be > 5"]
(validate 6) ;; -> []
(if (seq? (validate value))
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