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Created May 19, 2023 08:32
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Untitled Note
Thu, May 18, 2023 8:13PM • 1:01:13
teleport, roll, feet, damage, tethered, spell, hit, chained, kobolds, points, top, cobalt, tower, fly, attack, kill, sleet storm, gym, turn, moonbeam
Hunter, Daniel, ira, Ira, Mel, Plechazunga, Aster, Aditi, Sam, Raz
Hunter 00:01
She pushes the spell into the gym which begins pulsing and glowing and you see all five of the kobolds that you can see they're just all rise, and you see a tether just bursts out of their chest into the gym. That brings us to Brekka.
Daniel 00:19
Right? Um, well
Hunter 00:26
I want to say that my favorite part about this session so far has been watching Daniel and Mel's reaction to every song that comes on in the
Daniel 00:36
banging playlist really is.
Mel 00:41
Daniel 00:42
Okay, so I have a question. I'm an incorporeal ghost till the end of this turn. Nice. How does 3d movement work if you're an incorporeal and ghosts can I say I don't know. Run up all.
Hunter 01:01
You you stop being incorporeal at the end of your turn, right? I know. Yeah. I will say I will say sure. If you want to go like straight up, sure why not? But at the end of your turn, you become cordial and you will fall if you there is not like solid ground underneath you.
Daniel 01:20
Well, my, my WWAMI speed is 40 and I have two actions. So technically I could dash to the top of the tower with all of
Hunter 01:32
you. You have two attacks per action. Oh,
Daniel 01:36
yeah. Okay, okay. You can use a bonus action step with a wind good
Hunter 01:40
you could bonus actions. True, true true.
Raz 01:44
So lungful running you have 120 movement speed, if you dash dash view,
Hunter 01:50
if you step dash action, take your movement that is 4080 120 You could be on the top of the tower and have your turn become corporeal.
Daniel 02:05
Yeah, I'm not gonna do that. But I will build the power just like I get all the way to the wall and then I'm like, how the hell goes here? I climb this wall. And I just I'd like jump and then just so you just keep moving
Hunter 02:28
Oliver in rekon as they're running up the stairs through these floors to see records or ever sit in the lobby of one of those hotels as a glass elevator and you see growing up in the glass elevator they just kind of wave down at you.
Daniel 02:47
All the elevators were broken because he just moved to this tower by the egg
Hunter 02:52
wreck at 120 feet that is top of the tower and have your turn. asked her what you're doing.
Daniel 03:01
I feel like I only came up there to an am bound to get exploded with a gym like on the fucking diet.
Sam 03:10
Gym ain't the problem.
Aditi 03:14
Okay, so I have another 60 feet right so I can't get to the top.
Hunter 03:25
You have you have movement speed of 60 so you could I move your movement speed to get up to 90 and then I use your action to dash to get the rest of the way and be up on the top if you wanted. If I turn
Aditi 03:44
hovered at 90 What I have line of sight or what I still not be able to see
Hunter 03:49
there on the top of the tower Florida. There would still be 30 feet above you yeah Lord Aaron is still alive. He is climbing up the side of the tower
Aditi 04:07
Okay, I think I'm gonna I'm gonna attack Lord Aaron.
ira 04:18
You get attack and then moves and then move closer for next term.
Aditi 04:23
I'm thinking so I'm going to I'm gonna I'm gonna fire ball him a fireball him
Hunter 04:55
you're gonna fire baller Darren. nappy needs to
Aditi 05:00
know Okay, maybe not that
it's barely hanging on.
Raz 05:07
Yeah, I think I have a I have I have a few eldritch blasts that I can send his way upstairs manually if you want to fly up and deal with her pregnant crystal.
Aditi 05:20
Okay. I guess I'll fly up and then you match and then I'll be at the top as well.
Plechazunga 05:30
Oh, I see what's going on here. So is everyone just keep flying up? Sorry. I missed a few things. Okay, cool.
Hunter 05:37
Yeah, your downloads are down on the ground level everybody else's like either running or flying or climbing. up the tower.
Raz 05:43
I'm still on the ground level. I haven't I haven't moved
Plechazunga 05:45
up yet. And there's no line I don't have line of sight for to any of these people because they're no now.
Hunter 05:53
Lord Aaron is climbing up the outside of the tower. Ivana is on the top of the tower.
Plechazunga 05:58
She's on the top of the tower. Okay.
Sam 06:01
Wait, I thought he was on the inside. Who is Lord Aaron was on the inside, but
Hunter 06:10
there's like floors that he would have to like climb around.
Sam 06:15
In pain. Yes.
Hunter 06:19
What do you do an Aster.
Aditi 06:21
Oh, I'm going to fly up and then use dash tickets at the top. Okay,
Hunter 06:26
so you are 120 razz sounds, grandma.
Daniel 06:34
Yep. So with Eldridge blast, do the eldritch invocations automatically get applied to every single eldritch blast that I cast. Yeah, that is so fucking sick. All right. So yeah, I'm gonna just hit them
Hunter 06:50
with the eldritch blast becomes real good with a warlock.
Daniel 06:53
Yeah. So I'm gonna hit him with two larger Oh, yeah, Lord Aaron. I'm
Hunter 07:01
like one step back and just like, pew pew.
Daniel 07:05
I want to like oh, like yeah, um, so that was a blast with an arc to it. I was amazed. That's
Raz 07:14
a thank you. Now this is different than a double attack action that's with melee. This is just a spell. But because I'm a high enough level I get to be in. Do I still only have to roll once to hit? Okay. So that is in 19 to hit hit for the first one. And then bog an 11 to hit the second one.
Hunter 07:38
Okay, the first one hits second one misses.
Raz 07:42
Awesome. Now, it says I have a plus a one D 10 Plus five that already counts the plus five Eldridge invocation I have right but he does come 10 feet closer to me in a direct line. So I'm going to pull him off of the water was going to fall. That's awesome. That is 11 damage and then he's going to plumb it and then I'm going to kick his pocket. Yeah
Hunter 08:07
he's 45 feet in the air
ira 08:12
me boy air and he ran ran. You're done.
Hunter 08:16
You How much damage
Raz 08:19
11 damage right left from my blast. And then he plummets
Hunter 08:24
you. i You see you hit him. Key. I like let's go over the wall begins falling and then you pull him back with your magic. He falls 10 feet closer to you hits the ground next to you. And for a moment is not moving at all. And then you see his whole body just turns to smoke.
Raz 08:50
Well, he teleports
Hunter 08:53
his body turns to smoke. You don't know what that means.
Raz 08:57
Oh, he's going back to his concert hop
ira 09:01
Hunter 09:06
that brings us to Dingbinder
Raz 09:08
I needed to kill him with like holy water or something.
ira 09:12
Will kill him again. Don't worry we're gonna make him pay for Roger even though we have Roger back we're gonna make him pay again. Again.
Hunter 09:23
You're gonna know what kills a vampire and you're just gonna refuse to use it on this too good for you.
ira 09:31
We check weapons to see like is there any silver
Hunter 09:37
know radiant damage and despite we want to make it live dollars in our
ira 09:42
five golden hour to be to Florida. Um,
Hunter 09:47
I just coffin and you're just like tormented
Plechazunga 09:53
I'm just trying to get my bearings here real quick because there's a bunch of things on here. These are the are they kobolds are
Hunter 10:01
molds that are strapped up on the roof next to the crystal. They're currently having their souls bound to it
Plechazunga 10:07
and they're on top of the tower and the tower. Okay. And Ivana is over here on top of the tower
Hunter 10:17
Amana is on top of tower. A DD is on top of the tower after is on top of the tower Brekka is on top of the tower. Oliver Holmes just made it to the first floor. I
Raz 10:28
also run canals or run 30 feet and chase after all of her and I recon.
Hunter 10:33
Yeah, you could get to the bottom of the stairs.
Plechazunga 10:35
And how How did everyone get up there? Did they fly or did they run people flow?
Hunter 10:41
Some people flew so running. A bunch of people are just running How far is 120 feet to the top. There are so okay,
Plechazunga 10:53
I'm only gonna do this for a while.
Hunter 10:55
really far.
Plechazunga 10:57
It is really far.
Yeah yeah yeah
Raz 11:25
that's the best bar of all time. Oh shit. I should have a breeze
Hunter 11:37
What's you doing doing better?
Plechazunga 11:39
I would like to summon so I would like to conjure animals. Okay, a lot of them. Uh huh. That can fly. Okay, and I want them to first I want to direct them. If I can do that. I'd like to direct them to try to to untangle the kobolds if they can, it looks like they just have a rope around to them.
Hunter 12:15
They are fully chained.
Plechazunga 12:16
They're fully chained. Yeah. Okay.
Aditi 12:26
Crystal is like activated. Wait, did you hear that?
Sam 12:29
Isabel that is sucking out their souls. So it's not entirely clear. If they have any ability to then be alive anymore
Plechazunga 12:39
and be done for well then maybe I can murder them. And then that would make it so that their souls won't power the gym.
Sam 12:52
It's not a bad idea. But can you get there?
Plechazunga 12:57
I got my I mean I if there's four kobolds I can get four beasts of challenge rating half or lower. I don't know what that means. I'm assuming those kobolds are pretty fucked right now. But I think that the only thing that I could do would be send Wait, is it 1/4 or one half eight beast of challenge rating 1/4 or lower for beasts rating one half or lower? So I could shoot some giant Wasp set them or some giant batch at them and that that might kill them. I don't know if that will work.
Hunter 13:43
I mean, whatever creature you summon would still have to get 120 feet into the air.
Plechazunga 13:47
Yeah, how fast I don't have a sheet on them right now for how fast they move. I don't think which which creature um, there's the two of them that I mentioned the giant bat or the bat and the Hornet
Hunter 14:02
giant Wasp because they fly speed of 50 feet
Plechazunga 14:05
is okay.
Hunter 14:09
giant bat has a fly speed of 60 feet
Plechazunga 14:26
I'm trying to see where I'm assuming all of my other spells like like moonbeam and call whitening and sleet and storm and stuff like that. Do I have to have line of sight for even though it's just like
Hunter 14:50
depends on the spell.
Plechazunga 14:51
I mean, she's on top of the tower, I assume and it's like a broad enough area. I'm assuming it would just get her right
Hunter 15:00
yeah, I mean, you could you could choose. You could start Moon beam 120 feet in the air. That is going to be like you don't know where she is compared to anybody else. You actually don't know there's coal bolts on the roof because nobody has relayed that information down. So you have no idea what's going on. Up there. You just know that she has gone up there and up there. So you can moonbeam you'll probably hit people you don't intend to because you don't know where anything is up there. Oh, I
Plechazunga 15:28
was thinking. Sleet like moving. I was looking at moonbeam and sleet storm and sleet storm, I think would until the spell ends freezing rain. It has 150 foot range 40 foot depth. Everything's obscured flames are put out slick ice and when a creature enters the spells area for the first time. They have to make a dexterity saving throw or they're prone and if a creature starts his turn, same thing are
Hunter 16:08
they both concentration will affect everybody who is up there.
Plechazunga 16:12
Everyone who's up there. Okay, and and everyone, everyone, all of my allies are up there right now.
Hunter 16:24
Your allies are up there right now and the other three are on their way up there
ira 16:34
well you could start rounding up with us.
Hunter 16:41
It's a 40 foot like sleet storm is a 40 foot radius. That is this whole area like this whole island here would be hit by the sleet storm. Every person here would be affected by that.
Plechazunga 16:56
Hunter 17:00
The only people that wouldn't be affected by it are the people who are currently like running up the stairs. And then they're immediately affected by it
Plechazunga 17:16
when you dip into a bear
Hunter 17:20
you can also also you are you are a druid you can also always just wild sheep into like a giant eagle and fly with that's true.
Sam 17:29
Oh yeah, dude, what are you doing?
Plechazunga 17:32
Yeah, there's another one that's very similar that wouldn't make it so that I would have to give up my spellcasting I'm trying to figure out what it is. I think there was like some sort of like feathered reach thing or something but I don't know if I have it prepared. No, I don't have it bonus actually can fuck it. All right. Well, I guess I'm gonna wild shape and fly up there then.
Hunter 18:02
Why 80 feet into the air.
Plechazunga 18:05
Cute. Is that my whole action? Yep.
Hunter 18:12
80 feet. There we go. Brings us to Oliver. You're running well.
Sam 18:21
i What What choice did I have?
Hunter 18:27
Okay, you running Yeah,
Sam 18:36
give me give me maximum speed baby.
Hunter 18:41
60 feet so you can get up to 45 feet now. Okay, I recon
Sam 18:55
bonus question. How far is the tower from side to side?
Hunter 19:04
40 foot diameter. Pretty much okay. Okay.
Sam 19:08
I'm just thinking at some point, I can do a misty step. Actually wait, do I can just use the spell can I get I can do it once we're free. And then I can just use it as a level one spell. Level to spell. Double mister,
Hunter 19:26
wherever it is on your character,
Sam 19:28
whatever it is. Yeah. That's what it is. Well, that shit. If there's ever a time to start burning down, burning down slots.
Daniel 19:37
Does that does that make you can you do a missing step as a free action? Like no, no
Sam 19:42
I can I can cast it once without using a spouse. Okay. Yeah,
Hunter 19:50
give me another NTP instead.
Sam 19:52
Yeah, give me give me as much as I can with a with a misty step.
Hunter 19:55
Okay, Irakan
Daniel 19:57
I'm gonna use my action A dash 60 feet up the stairs and then I'm gonna bonus action Misty steps. I'm 120 and trying to put myself like kind of by the if they're accessible the couple's cabal commands.
Hunter 20:15
You 120 You are up at the top now. That brings us to a DD you are currently chained up what you doing?
Aditi 20:30
chained down, closing my eyes and imagining the fantasy of this being being
Mel 20:40
chained up gets into it
Sam 20:47
seemed uncomfortable at first but that was just so comforting.
Hunter 20:50
So you're just you're just closing your eyes and accepting your fate.
Aditi 20:56
You gotta fight. Okay, so. So question. Quick question. Actually, no it doesn't matter. That doesn't matter. Okay
Hunter 21:22
think the Ivanna goes right after you.
Aditi 21:26
Which doesn't make it any better.
ira 21:30
You can still attack when you're restrained right?
Hunter 21:34
With restraint and thing. Speed becomes zero can't benefit from any bonus attack rolls against the creature of advantage creatures attack rolls of disadvantage creature is disadvantage on dexterity saving throws. So you have you you could attack you would have disadvantage on it.
Aditi 21:52
Okay. I mean, might as well right here.
Hunter 21:56
Yeah, go for it.
Daniel 21:59
Okay. All right. Wait,
Aditi 22:03
I keep hoping for the best here.
Plechazunga 22:06
You can disengage or hide or
ira 22:13
a pays for speed zero she can't get around. Can't move.
Hunter 22:24
You make the attack
ira 22:27
go for that as well right
Daniel 22:33
21 You guys were a little slow on that.
Aditi 22:37
Apparently. It's slowly loading.
Hunter 22:39
Oh, yeah, it still hasn't loaded on my end.
Aditi 22:41
Yeah, the damage just seven
Hunter 22:45
for that okay, seven points of damage. And that was that was with that was with disadvantage. Nice. Let's hold on a second. Let me try. disadvantage. Where are ya? Oh 21 Still have seven points of damage. You don't get Ecotec because she definitely knows you're there. Yeah. But that is that is good. Okay. She is going to pour her whole turn into the crystal. You see two kobolds their energy just leaves them goes into the crystal. They slump in the chains.
Sam 23:35
I hate to have them too bad. They're not good. No, they were the time Brekka Yeah.
Daniel 23:45
Well, in no surprise to anyone I'm gonna punch Ivana. Find a bunch of Ivana
ira 23:53
I run that budget
Daniel 24:00
Well, that's on that one.
Plechazunga 24:02
Hunter 24:03
No, roll another detainee.
Daniel 24:06
Sure thing boss for you, okay,
Hunter 24:12
nothing bad happens. Google, I told I told the story about you guys fighting the swimming creatures and you rolling a net one followed by another net one to try and throw the spear back at it. And inhaling both you and Oliver getting pulled into the water. That's very relaxing waffles the other day. that one night. was a good time.
Daniel 24:38
I'm pretty good at rolling those ones. maybe?
Hunter 24:40
it was interesting. Okay, that was your first attack. yeah, I'm
Daniel 24:44
gonna I'm gonna try again. Oh y'all gotta Tim. Oh, for your bunch max damage. That is nine for max damage plus the 2d 10. 10
Hunter 25:05
So it's 29 points.
Daniel 25:09
Oh, it's actually I was with 10 Two I'm paying 29 then and then um, I'm going to try and add a stunning strike as well so they need to do something a con saving throw DC 14.
ira 25:31
Baby combo. Aster, do you have any sport?
Hunter 25:35
That is a 22 Okay. Switch school
not a threat anymore that's how
Daniel 25:43
I'm gonna go ahead and Flurry blows them. Okay. See what happens a 16 hit
Hunter 25:52
16 misses.
Daniel 25:55
And one more
Hunter 26:00
1919 hips
Daniel 26:06
Oh, beautiful. Oh, one. Okay, six plus seven more. Points
Hunter 26:14
are teen. Okay. And to return
Daniel 26:18
that is everything I possibly can do.
Hunter 26:20
And that brings us to after.
Aditi 26:25
Okay, which two of the kobolds are dead?
Hunter 26:30
The red outlined ones these two those two.
Aditi 26:33
Okay, so these three are still alive. I'm going to
Daniel 26:39
read sure that killing them will do anything because what is their souls just souls that are actually being sucked out. You know what I mean? Suck their souls.
Aditi 26:48
That would make it faster if we can just sex it right into the scary scared. I'm scared. That's true. Well just went by round. Okay. I'm going to keep you in. I know. Sit down. I'm going to sit down fast. We're gonna attack What's your face? Ivana mana. I'm gonna attack her with another new style called Raul of them's psychic glance whoa pretty fucking bad
Hunter 27:44
that's an intelligent save right?
ira 27:46
Yes is the rare intelligence save
Hunter 27:51
team. Oh. She has rolled all game.
Aditi 27:55
No. Okay, so locker. Save Target takes 76 psychic damage and acetate it until the start of your next term
Plechazunga 28:14
All right, all right. All right. Yay. Brambleberry finger bowl. You You're
Hunter 28:25
both 26 points of psychic damage. And she is incapacitated until the end of until the turn. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Awesome. Rad.
Raz 28:43
Awesome. How much further do I have to go?
So far? You've just reached it's a long way.
Raz 28:52
Okay, so I have 120 feet vertically to two technically
Hunter 28:55
if you're running if you're going along the stairs, you technically have double that because you can running around like the stairs of 240
Raz 29:04
feet to go
Sam 29:06
walk through.
Raz 29:07
All right. So I'm going to cast expeditious retreat on myself. Excellent. So now, for every single bonus action, I can take a dash action. So that is 60 feet of movement.
Hunter 29:27
And then you want to use your action to write
Raz 29:30
well, I take the action to catch the spouse 60 Yeah, and then every following turn is going to be 90.
Hunter 29:38
Okay, so you're looking it up these steps.
ira 29:41
The movement to though your normal movement, right, you can still move another 30 Yeah.
Hunter 29:46
3030 and then movement in the 60 and then next 90 So Dingbinder You are up at the top. You are a giant eagle right now. What do you want to do?
Plechazunga 30:03
Right. Oh, yeah, that's the wrong
ira 30:08
one of those components away how to pull them away.
Daniel 30:11
They're all chained up. Did
Hunter 30:12
you change yeah,
Plechazunga 30:13
they all change under break and melt the metal I don't know if I think I might not have gotten my wisdom a call it though. I had some sort of control. Fires or something that might have been able to do a thing or another. I can try to polymorph. Again, I think I have one more slot there. Or I could why other
Sam 30:43
I could well, their arms off.
Plechazunga 30:46
Yeah, I wait. Oh, one of the kobolds arms off.
Sam 30:52
Does that kill them? Maybe Maybe I can
ira 30:56
live long enough to pull them away.
Plechazunga 30:59
Do we think that it is Do you think that we won't be able to get what's your face? I was thinking maybe I can fly up there and then Thunder Wave her because I can bonus action out of my eagle and then Thunder Wave.
ira 31:18
They give you Thunder Wave you'll hit a DD and bracket two.
Plechazunga 31:22
Oh, is that right? Are you guys flying too?
Hunter 31:29
No, no, they're on the roof.
Plechazunga 31:31
For some reason I thought she was flying.
Sam 31:34
Maybe they were all on the roof and fly but they're all down here on the roof.
Plechazunga 31:37
Okay. Well then what's my silver beam a five foot radius 40 foot high cylinder when a creature enters the spells area
Daniel 31:59
me might be a good option.
Plechazunga 32:03
Is she talking? Can I deafen her maybe
Raz 32:07
she's a capacity when she's like,
Plechazunga 32:09
oh she using impasse right now, okay,
Sam 32:13
but if it lasts more than one turn her being you would be fine.
Raz 32:20
She wouldn't be able to cast anything with but
Aditi 32:25
she kind of just like thinks Yeah, she kind of Yeah.
Sam 32:30
Connection stuff
Aditi 32:32
that would work.
Hunter 32:33
Also definite is that she can't hear not that she can't talk. Yeah,
Raz 32:39
I heard muted.
Sam 32:41
I said muted. Yes. I was hoping that maybe you meant that
Plechazunga 32:44
but yeah, blindness deafness is that I was looking at confused them.
Sam 32:51
I mean, blindness is a pretty good debuff but
Plechazunga 32:54
let's just kind of get debuff What about confusion? I think I'm going to either moonbeam or Paulie more.
Hunter 33:13
Either one is good. Just let me know what you're doing.
Plechazunga 33:15
I'm sorry. I'm just thinking hard about these are all new spells for me. So getting excited. So yeah, I'm going to last time well, how does it work with the wisdom saving throws when she's prone or incapacitated, he
Hunter 33:36
can't take actions or reactions so it doesn't affect your states.
Plechazunga 33:40
So I'll just legit children's polymorph
Daniel 33:45
No, no, it doesn't affect
Plechazunga 33:46
Oh, gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay, okay all right, I'm gonna. I'm gonna moon being them. Moon beam is still bringing the pale light shines down five foot radius for to heat high cylinder centered on a point within range until the spell ends. Who are cheering their time on
Daniel 34:17
for the first time. Saving thorough.
Plechazunga 34:21
Oh, yeah, sorry.
Hunter 34:22
Thanks. 1515. So meetup beats seven succeeds so damage the roll the damage.
Plechazunga 34:40
Hunter 34:42
Oh, actually, there's a there's one little section of moonbeam that was important.
Ira 34:48
At the beginning of their turn, I think
Hunter 34:51
it happens on if it happens, the first time they enter it on a turn not on their turn. So I I was recently corrected on that it doesn't happen on like if it says on their turn, it happens on their turn. And it says on a turn it's any turn so when it's cast, it takes place i You see, just briefly, as this hits it, they sort of swell and I their their form seems to be fluxing and shifting as the moonlight hits it.
Plechazunga 35:33
I don't know if that's good or bad guys.
Daniel 35:38
I think it's spooky.
Hunter 35:42
So what what was the damage? Oh,
Plechazunga 35:48
Hunter 35:50
all over Europe.
Plechazunga 35:53
Damage 3131 31
Hunter 35:56
was Thunder Wave. Damage. Is Judy 10.
Plechazunga 36:08
Wait, moonbeam Yep Oh, I always cast Wait, when beam I was casting a fourth level spell though.
Hunter 36:21
Okay, then roll them and beam damage for fourth level.
Plechazunga 36:24
Oh, I I did I think Oh, I hit the wrong 119 90 Okay, sorry about that, guys.
Hunter 36:33
Oh, good. Everyone. Brings us to Oliver.
Sam 36:38
Um, I got no choice. Let me let me add those stairs baby. You are. I can make it through the roof without a bow dissection. Yep. Fuck yeah. In that case. I could do something up here. Maybe anything useful to do up here?
Daniel 37:05
You have a gun to shoot her in the face.
Sam 37:08
He's vaccinated easily I can do it anyone on the roof really? wounded?
Hunter 37:17
Yeah, real bad. I recall and you're on deck in that
Sam 37:25
case. I mean, it's not like like this is really frickin does shit. It's just Healing Word. Do you want to be healing Where did yeah okay, but who wants to be healing worded which now, let's see.
Hunter 37:48
You can go ahead and roll it. I recon your
Sam 37:54
wait, no, I didn't press the right thing. Six but I actually get to add my intelligence. So 10 hit points to you.
Ira 38:05
I'm gonna run up on her and go ahead and attack ad tech tactics. So it'll be whatever that first one was. I think he won. And that'll be 14 damage and then I'll hit again for my second attack. It's an all poor first level smite into this one drum two extra da four plus not great 12 damage all together
Hunter 38:36
more. Okay. Top of the order a DD
Aditi 38:44
I'm assuming I'm still in chains.
Hunter 38:47
You are you can always attempt to break out of them. Otherwise you can attack with disadvantage. I am going to attempt to get out of them. dexterity saving throw to try and break freeyou fail you you struggle against them. That brings us to her turn. Oh my goodness. You're both on her.
Daniel 39:23
Which is a capacitated I thought yeah, she isn't anyone
Sam 39:26
giving bonuses. To saving throws in the area.
Hunter 39:29
She is going to look quite up there. She uses one of her legendary actions to act on ourselves legendary,
Daniel 39:37
which she casts
Hunter 39:40
and then she is going to use the rest of her turn. To focus on the spell. Die.
Daniel 39:48
Hunter 39:50
Brekka brings us to you.
Daniel 39:52
Okay. Um, so I guess a puncher with advantage now. Every single punch. Yeah. Cuz Well, I have advantage for that. Oh,
Plechazunga 40:07
no. ROI number to 21
Hunter 40:16
With advantage rolled another net 1/3 net one ROI another net one no another now one.
Plechazunga 40:23
Kill a deal. That can't be possible. That's fucking ridiculous, man.
Hunter 40:31
Zero Rena ones in a row. And a three. Oh Brekka This is gonna be real bad.
Plechazunga 40:37
Thanks Brekka
ira 40:40
Dang those dice.
Mel 40:43
natural one. Game Okay, not 20 Isn't that why have you rolled today? It's been an absurd amount.
Raz 40:58
double digits for sure.
Hunter 41:00
Brekka i Are Yeah, Brekka I roll me a roll me a D four. Before you roll it. Dingbinder in a DD Obzor evens.
Plechazunga 41:17
Evens which
Hunter 41:18
evens Okay, so a DD is odds. Roll a d for Brekka Even okay Brekka I roll i What is your what is your max damage?
Daniel 41:35
It is the fix plus five plus 20.
Hunter 41:44
All right. So 31 points Roll damage. Oh my god.
Daniel 41:51
What? Oh, I got a six on that.
Hunter 41:56
Roll the defense.
Daniel 41:59
I think I'm doing max damage plus something to you.
Plechazunga 42:03
Yeah, what the fuck is going on here? Are
Sam 42:08
you great. So
Hunter 42:09
Dingbinder Brekka throws a punch at this thing. And she warps reality around to Brekka and Brekka is punch follows through and hits you square in the face. You take 52 points of damage
Plechazunga 42:32
surprisingly still up long
Mel 42:40
Brekka I'm gonna say Not for
Plechazunga 42:42
long at all. That was fucking absurd.
Hunter 42:47
I'm gonna say make a wisdom saving throw against that. That was a brutal amount of damage that you just did to Dingbinder with the rest of your turn,
Daniel 43:00
binder I should have an advantage against accidentally nearly killing dang Ryder please under
Mel 43:08
anyway nearby that's one
Raz 43:18
Khan's fault.
ira 43:19
Daniel 43:20
I guess. I guess
Hunter 43:25
know. I will say if I recon didn't give you advantage he would have rolled a one followed by a one followed by a one followed by what I see. I saved you throw your next punch. You're just so out of it. It goes wide.
Daniel 43:47
That's okay. I can punch yet again. Okay, wow. I just feel so good. Some tea and some tea and there we go.
Hunter 44:01
And Dingbinder I need you to make a constitution saving throw because of your constitute concentration on moonbeam.
Daniel 44:10
Oh my god. No more.
Hunter 44:15
You need to roll a 26 tender half damage.
Mel 44:22
Ah 20
Hunter 44:27
with a four a four is not enough
Daniel 44:31
17 Hit
Hunter 44:33
17 illness Yeah 18 armor class after that brings us to wait wait, I just got something more. Okay.
Plechazunga 44:43
What was I just rolling
Hunter 44:46
2025 We'll hit go and roll damage. Yeah, okay,
Daniel 44:51
perfect. I'll hit a one on my damage for what it actually connects. Oh, oh. Yeah.
Hunter 45:00
Perfect. Eight points of damage.
Daniel 45:05
I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try and stay on her. She has
Hunter 45:11
congratulated congratulations. That's a 20 Non natural cocoa master you're up. I will say she looks real bad.
Daniel 45:20
I want to die.
Hunter 45:26
You hit you hit Dingbinder so hard in the face and then you swing it and just sort of caresses the side of your face. What do you do and after she looks really bad, there's one kobold left.
Aster 45:42
Is everybody really like they're close enough that I wouldn't be able to hit her with something five feet
anything that's going to be an area of effect they've surrounded her you won't be able to hit her without hitting them. I got a good barrier. I mean, just shove it in. My
Plechazunga 45:59
mouth afterwards.
I'm going to shoot an acid arrows at her. If you
Sam 46:10
could make it over to the cobalt and work together with me to free the cobalt. I think that'd be super cool.
Plechazunga 46:15
And then you can save a kobold
Hunter 46:18
17 That hit 17 cobalt was magically
Daniel 46:20
tethered. Sam that's crazy.
Plechazunga 46:22
Yeah, but we're both bajic putting in a bag holding on to fit
Hunter 46:36
right on her targeting this air splashes return to target with acid for half as much of the initial damage and no damage on the at the end of the next turn. Yeah. Roll damage they take half 15 That is seven. That is actually just enough. You you see the acid splashes across her she turns as the like mask that is on her is melting away from the from the acid you see just a row of eyes underneath of it. That just lock on to you. And then she just sort of turns to this dark Icarus smoke and then I vanishes into the air. i You guys are left standing on the top of the tower. The gym not dual pulsing the cold
Sam 47:37
air with with extreme fervor and speed untie this this cobalt.
ira 47:44
I can tell where all of us trade out including the cobalt right now. If you guys want Oh
Aster 47:52
yeah, I think we should can we take him out?
Plechazunga 47:55
Is there anything that we can do about the gym though? I'm worried about its volatility at this point, or should we just get the fuck out
Sam 48:03
of here? I mean, I don't want to destroy it so they'll they can
Hunter 48:11
Oliver and rouser both on the on the roof now. I'm thinking
ira 48:16
if we like Mr. Live maybe the gym well like explained
Sam 48:21
I think we have we should add here
ira 48:26
okie dokie I will pull out my golden Tiger claws and gathers all around the living kobold Okay, can I I mean this is a new item but like what is it? What are the binds look like on the cobalt? Like will it look like I could teleport him or will he stay?
Sam 48:46
Yeah, I want to comment check
Hunter 48:47
this can definitely teleport with him. You just don't know what the effects of it will be. With him being like tethered and magic to this gym right now.
Raz 48:57
Yeah. Are all the cables. Are they like fold better they just down.
Hunter 49:03
Time to do medicine checks on them.
Sam 49:06
I don't know. I just wanted to pass by anymore
Raz 49:09
as as I'm running up. I just want to like boop each one of them and give them a point from my own hands.
Hunter 49:18
That is an action each time so you're going to spend multiple rounds trying to do that. I want
Sam 49:24
to roll Arcana on what will what I think might happen with this cobalt if we know
Hunter 49:33
19 This is powerful magic. If if the teleport goes really well. You may be able to take him with you you may be able to like break the bond with the spell. It's also possible that in teleporting him away, you will teleport his body but the like magic will still be tethered to another his tablet entering him and it could just finish the spell it could like still be affecting him you could still be marked by the magic you don't know. This is magic that is beyond you.
Sam 50:13
Maybe we should try to get this guy unrestrained here before we teleport away. Teleporting is really throwing a whole bunch of shit into a bag that already has a bunch of shit in it that we don't understand.
Raz 50:29
Do any of you guys have like a dispel magic or anything?
Plechazunga 50:32
I have a protection from evil and good but I don't know if that would help. I thought I had a protection from magic to I can't find it
Raz 50:49
I'll try to boop one of them up with a lay on hands
Hunter 50:53
are gonna sit here and wait
Plechazunga 50:57
while this guy yeah, we're trying to free the guy and he's trying to heal.
Hunter 51:02
If you guys are gonna try and do stuff we're gonna stay in initiative then. So Dingbinder What are you doing?
Plechazunga 51:11
Where am I again? I'm really hurt. Who is there anybody alive? Other than the kobolds
Hunter 51:18
nobody that you see.
Plechazunga 51:19
Nobody I see is alive and all of us are are alive and everyone's looking okay except for me. Right which one there? And then there's one COBOL the left right. No, never stand down made our own way. Never gone slow. We pick up the pace. Okay. I think I think I'm just going to Yeah, I don't really know if I can do
Hunter 52:03
we are an hour overtime and I
Plechazunga 52:06
Yeah, gotcha. Um, okay, um, I'm just gonna do myself then.
Sam 52:17
Yeah, can I can I just want to see if I can tick tick this guy down. Like whether that's undoing How is that? Why is it just not?
Hunter 52:26
There are locks on the chains
Sam 52:27
locked on the chains
Hunter 52:34
acid okay. You can ask them to flush one of the one of the James Absolutely.
Sam 52:41
Yeah, I mean the spell is acid arrow but I'm assuming that I can sort of apply it in a different way to just
ask you. You melt through one of the chains. When I would love to tear up
the chain look after he acids it right and
Hunter 52:56
one of them one of them is gone. It's no longer connected to him. Okay,
Sam 53:00
and one of the two changes. Is that okay, what I'm free. I also want to try to talk to him. Hey, can you hear me buddy
Hunter 53:07
is fully unconscious.
Sam 53:09
Okay, that's fine too. Just just smack it smack the shit out of it with your sword smacking. It's probably fine if you cut his arm off too frankly.
Hunter 53:22
Yeah, yeah. You chop into it. I will make you roll for it. You cut through the chain. He is no longer chained but he is still tethered to the gym with the magic. A DD you are no longer chained up because the person has gone Your turn. What are you doing?
Aditi 53:40
I I don't know. I guess I'm going over towards this other individual I can't really do anything except kill him. So
Sam 53:56
he's free. Is that it?
Hunter 53:58
Only three but he has 300 Yeah,
Sam 54:01
well, Captain, I'd say either we teleport out now with him or pop them in a bag of holding and then teleport out my turn. Okay, I just went just just talking. Just talking.
Ira 54:14
I mean, we're still in initiatives.
Hunter 54:16
You got to do? Yeah. Okay. Brekka you're doing anything?
Daniel 54:22
Um, yeah, I want to try and punch the tether in the air with my force. Punch my astral punch. I assume it'll do nothing but I still want to try.
Hunter 54:34
Your astral punch passes through it no effect. asked, Are you doing anything? No, no, Razzie doing anything.
Raz 54:45
Oh, yeah. I'm going to try to lay on hands some of the one of the other drops.
Hunter 54:54
Yeah, you lay on hands. Nothing happens. Dingbinder Are you doing anything are you good?
Anyone has any ability to pick up? On the cities as soon as you click on it coming up, don't give a name for my mother. 23 Cats great, cheap pets. The cats will take Texas take that for the Jeep maps and change it when you teach that
Plechazunga 55:21
I'm gonna I don't pass I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna booming I'm gonna I'm gonna killing right through the heart of the brain. What is it? What if we don't is soul needs to like go into this to unleash shifts? I think it'll unleash it. Yeah.
Sam 55:45
Just spread the word. I just worked so hard to untie him. He's untied right now.
Plechazunga 55:50
Yeah, but he's still tethered to the magic. I'm worried that the magic is the thing that's going to unleash the thing not that he's tethered. He's already gone. Probably you know
Daniel 56:00
what I'm telling him and it's just accelerates and it just sucks summon faster.
Sam 56:06
Yeah, if teleporting releases the dragon, then I'd rather we've already teleported.
Plechazunga 56:14
Please don't kill him. Kill you what you're gonna do. Alright, you're gonna do well, you have to show him. You got to speak to me in your role voices Okay. I won't kill him. Let's teleport the fuck out of here. I'm not happy about this.
Hunter 56:32
Oliver. Are you doing anything?
Sam 56:34
Captain? Do you want me to put them in a bag of holding or you want to teleport like this?
ira 56:38
Yeah, throw them in the bag. Let's go. Baby.
Hunter 56:43
Okay, put them in the bag. You guys linked arms. I recon you're teleporting.
ira 56:48
Yeah, and I'm gonna teleport us to the ship. Which we're very familiar with.
Hunter 56:53
You are very familiar, but the ship is not a location the ship with a an object. And it's not a fixed point.
Sam 57:04
But what if we replace all of the planks in the ship then with
Ira 57:11
that then I'll just teleport us to the top of the village at the top of the Granville board, but the one that we landed in originally. I think we're pretty familiar with that now to
Hunter 57:25
to the top of the Grendel bar
ira 57:27
that like very first village that we came across that we saw from outside.
Hunter 57:32
I will say seen casually is the level for this because you haven't like thoroughly explored it. So Rollei percentile. You I 54 to 100 Do you land on target 44 to 53 are off target 34 to 43 or a similar area. One to 33 is a mishap you will appear everything sucks in around you. There's darkness for a moment and then you guys find yourselves all standing up top.
Aditi 58:11
Is there anything in the boat look
Hunter 58:17
you pulled after roll for it
Daniel 58:24
95 God down
Hunter 58:26
you. You pull him out of the bag of holding and pulling him out. You see that the tether is not attached to him anymore. This just seems to be rising and falling. The one thing you do notice is there is a brand across his whole chest. That looks like a complex arcane room now that's where we're going to wrap up keldon
ira 58:54
just teleported earlier.
Plechazunga 58:55
Sorry Hunter. Yeah, that was a long one.
Sam 58:59
I feel like I feel like there's value to hit would there was some like magical value of detachment I don't think so. I think we can just teleport it. But here we are. Oh man.
Hunter 59:14
Okay. I will see you all next time. Have a good one.
Untitled Note
Thu, May 18, 2023 8:13PM • 1:01:13
teleport, roll, feet, damage, tethered, spell, hit, chained, kobolds, points, top, cobalt, tower, fly, attack, kill, sleet storm, gym, turn, moonbeam
Hunter, Daniel, ira, Ira, Mel, Plechazunga, Aster, Aditi, Sam, Raz
Hunter 00:01
She pushes the spell into the gym which begins pulsing and glowing and you see all five of the kobolds that you can see they're just all rise, and you see a tether just bursts out of their chest into the gym. That brings us to Brekka.
Daniel 00:19
Right? Um, well
Hunter 00:26
I want to say that my favorite part about this session so far has been watching Daniel and Mel's reaction to every song that comes on in the
Daniel 00:36
banging playlist really is.
Mel 00:41
Daniel 00:42
Okay, so I have a question. I'm an incorporeal ghost till the end of this turn. Nice. How does 3d movement work if you're an incorporeal and ghosts can I say I don't know. Run up all.
Hunter 01:01
You you stop being incorporeal at the end of your turn, right? I know. Yeah. I will say I will say sure. If you want to go like straight up, sure why not? But at the end of your turn, you become cordial and you will fall if you there is not like solid ground underneath you.
Daniel 01:20
Well, my, my WWAMI speed is 40 and I have two actions. So technically I could dash to the top of the tower with all of
Hunter 01:32
you. You have two attacks per action. Oh,
Daniel 01:36
yeah. Okay, okay. You can use a bonus action step with a wind good
Hunter 01:40
you could bonus actions. True, true true.
Raz 01:44
So lungful running you have 120 movement speed, if you dash dash view,
Hunter 01:50
if you step dash action, take your movement that is 4080 120 You could be on the top of the tower and have your turn become corporeal.
Daniel 02:05
Yeah, I'm not gonna do that. But I will build the power just like I get all the way to the wall and then I'm like, how the hell goes here? I climb this wall. And I just I'd like jump and then just so you just keep moving
Hunter 02:28
Oliver in rekon as they're running up the stairs through these floors to see records or ever sit in the lobby of one of those hotels as a glass elevator and you see growing up in the glass elevator they just kind of wave down at you.
Daniel 02:47
All the elevators were broken because he just moved to this tower by the egg
Hunter 02:52
wreck at 120 feet that is top of the tower and have your turn. asked her what you're doing.
Daniel 03:01
I feel like I only came up there to an am bound to get exploded with a gym like on the fucking diet.
Sam 03:10
Gym ain't the problem.
Aditi 03:14
Okay, so I have another 60 feet right so I can't get to the top.
Hunter 03:25
You have you have movement speed of 60 so you could I move your movement speed to get up to 90 and then I use your action to dash to get the rest of the way and be up on the top if you wanted. If I turn
Aditi 03:44
hovered at 90 What I have line of sight or what I still not be able to see
Hunter 03:49
there on the top of the tower Florida. There would still be 30 feet above you yeah Lord Aaron is still alive. He is climbing up the side of the tower
Aditi 04:07
Okay, I think I'm gonna I'm gonna attack Lord Aaron.
ira 04:18
You get attack and then moves and then move closer for next term.
Aditi 04:23
I'm thinking so I'm going to I'm gonna I'm gonna fire ball him a fireball him
Hunter 04:55
you're gonna fire baller Darren. nappy needs to
Aditi 05:00
know Okay, maybe not that
it's barely hanging on.
Raz 05:07
Yeah, I think I have a I have I have a few eldritch blasts that I can send his way upstairs manually if you want to fly up and deal with her pregnant crystal.
Aditi 05:20
Okay. I guess I'll fly up and then you match and then I'll be at the top as well.
Plechazunga 05:30
Oh, I see what's going on here. So is everyone just keep flying up? Sorry. I missed a few things. Okay, cool.
Hunter 05:37
Yeah, your downloads are down on the ground level everybody else's like either running or flying or climbing. up the tower.
Raz 05:43
I'm still on the ground level. I haven't I haven't moved
Plechazunga 05:45
up yet. And there's no line I don't have line of sight for to any of these people because they're no now.
Hunter 05:53
Lord Aaron is climbing up the outside of the tower. Ivana is on the top of the tower.
Plechazunga 05:58
She's on the top of the tower. Okay.
Sam 06:01
Wait, I thought he was on the inside. Who is Lord Aaron was on the inside, but
Hunter 06:10
there's like floors that he would have to like climb around.
Sam 06:15
In pain. Yes.
Hunter 06:19
What do you do an Aster.
Aditi 06:21
Oh, I'm going to fly up and then use dash tickets at the top. Okay,
Hunter 06:26
so you are 120 razz sounds, grandma.
Daniel 06:34
Yep. So with Eldridge blast, do the eldritch invocations automatically get applied to every single eldritch blast that I cast. Yeah, that is so fucking sick. All right. So yeah, I'm gonna just hit them
Hunter 06:50
with the eldritch blast becomes real good with a warlock.
Daniel 06:53
Yeah. So I'm gonna hit him with two larger Oh, yeah, Lord Aaron. I'm
Hunter 07:01
like one step back and just like, pew pew.
Daniel 07:05
I want to like oh, like yeah, um, so that was a blast with an arc to it. I was amazed. That's
Raz 07:14
a thank you. Now this is different than a double attack action that's with melee. This is just a spell. But because I'm a high enough level I get to be in. Do I still only have to roll once to hit? Okay. So that is in 19 to hit hit for the first one. And then bog an 11 to hit the second one.
Hunter 07:38
Okay, the first one hits second one misses.
Raz 07:42
Awesome. Now, it says I have a plus a one D 10 Plus five that already counts the plus five Eldridge invocation I have right but he does come 10 feet closer to me in a direct line. So I'm going to pull him off of the water was going to fall. That's awesome. That is 11 damage and then he's going to plumb it and then I'm going to kick his pocket. Yeah
Hunter 08:07
he's 45 feet in the air
ira 08:12
me boy air and he ran ran. You're done.
Hunter 08:16
You How much damage
Raz 08:19
11 damage right left from my blast. And then he plummets
Hunter 08:24
you. i You see you hit him. Key. I like let's go over the wall begins falling and then you pull him back with your magic. He falls 10 feet closer to you hits the ground next to you. And for a moment is not moving at all. And then you see his whole body just turns to smoke.
Raz 08:50
Well, he teleports
Hunter 08:53
his body turns to smoke. You don't know what that means.
Raz 08:57
Oh, he's going back to his concert hop
ira 09:01
Hunter 09:06
that brings us to Dingbinder
Raz 09:08
I needed to kill him with like holy water or something.
ira 09:12
Will kill him again. Don't worry we're gonna make him pay for Roger even though we have Roger back we're gonna make him pay again. Again.
Hunter 09:23
You're gonna know what kills a vampire and you're just gonna refuse to use it on this too good for you.
ira 09:31
We check weapons to see like is there any silver
Hunter 09:37
know radiant damage and despite we want to make it live dollars in our
ira 09:42
five golden hour to be to Florida. Um,
Hunter 09:47
I just coffin and you're just like tormented
Plechazunga 09:53
I'm just trying to get my bearings here real quick because there's a bunch of things on here. These are the are they kobolds are
Hunter 10:01
molds that are strapped up on the roof next to the crystal. They're currently having their souls bound to it
Plechazunga 10:07
and they're on top of the tower and the tower. Okay. And Ivana is over here on top of the tower
Hunter 10:17
Amana is on top of tower. A DD is on top of the tower after is on top of the tower Brekka is on top of the tower. Oliver Holmes just made it to the first floor. I
Raz 10:28
also run canals or run 30 feet and chase after all of her and I recon.
Hunter 10:33
Yeah, you could get to the bottom of the stairs.
Plechazunga 10:35
And how How did everyone get up there? Did they fly or did they run people flow?
Hunter 10:41
Some people flew so running. A bunch of people are just running How far is 120 feet to the top. There are so okay,
Plechazunga 10:53
I'm only gonna do this for a while.
Hunter 10:55
really far.
Plechazunga 10:57
It is really far.
Yeah yeah yeah
Raz 11:25
that's the best bar of all time. Oh shit. I should have a breeze
Hunter 11:37
What's you doing doing better?
Plechazunga 11:39
I would like to summon so I would like to conjure animals. Okay, a lot of them. Uh huh. That can fly. Okay, and I want them to first I want to direct them. If I can do that. I'd like to direct them to try to to untangle the kobolds if they can, it looks like they just have a rope around to them.
Hunter 12:15
They are fully chained.
Plechazunga 12:16
They're fully chained. Yeah. Okay.
Aditi 12:26
Crystal is like activated. Wait, did you hear that?
Sam 12:29
Isabel that is sucking out their souls. So it's not entirely clear. If they have any ability to then be alive anymore
Plechazunga 12:39
and be done for well then maybe I can murder them. And then that would make it so that their souls won't power the gym.
Sam 12:52
It's not a bad idea. But can you get there?
Plechazunga 12:57
I got my I mean I if there's four kobolds I can get four beasts of challenge rating half or lower. I don't know what that means. I'm assuming those kobolds are pretty fucked right now. But I think that the only thing that I could do would be send Wait, is it 1/4 or one half eight beast of challenge rating 1/4 or lower for beasts rating one half or lower? So I could shoot some giant Wasp set them or some giant batch at them and that that might kill them. I don't know if that will work.
Hunter 13:43
I mean, whatever creature you summon would still have to get 120 feet into the air.
Plechazunga 13:47
Yeah, how fast I don't have a sheet on them right now for how fast they move. I don't think which which creature um, there's the two of them that I mentioned the giant bat or the bat and the Hornet
Hunter 14:02
giant Wasp because they fly speed of 50 feet
Plechazunga 14:05
is okay.
Hunter 14:09
giant bat has a fly speed of 60 feet
Plechazunga 14:26
I'm trying to see where I'm assuming all of my other spells like like moonbeam and call whitening and sleet and storm and stuff like that. Do I have to have line of sight for even though it's just like
Hunter 14:50
depends on the spell.
Plechazunga 14:51
I mean, she's on top of the tower, I assume and it's like a broad enough area. I'm assuming it would just get her right
Hunter 15:00
yeah, I mean, you could you could choose. You could start Moon beam 120 feet in the air. That is going to be like you don't know where she is compared to anybody else. You actually don't know there's coal bolts on the roof because nobody has relayed that information down. So you have no idea what's going on. Up there. You just know that she has gone up there and up there. So you can moonbeam you'll probably hit people you don't intend to because you don't know where anything is up there. Oh, I
Plechazunga 15:28
was thinking. Sleet like moving. I was looking at moonbeam and sleet storm and sleet storm, I think would until the spell ends freezing rain. It has 150 foot range 40 foot depth. Everything's obscured flames are put out slick ice and when a creature enters the spells area for the first time. They have to make a dexterity saving throw or they're prone and if a creature starts his turn, same thing are
Hunter 16:08
they both concentration will affect everybody who is up there.
Plechazunga 16:12
Everyone who's up there. Okay, and and everyone, everyone, all of my allies are up there right now.
Hunter 16:24
Your allies are up there right now and the other three are on their way up there
ira 16:34
well you could start rounding up with us.
Hunter 16:41
It's a 40 foot like sleet storm is a 40 foot radius. That is this whole area like this whole island here would be hit by the sleet storm. Every person here would be affected by that.
Plechazunga 16:56
Hunter 17:00
The only people that wouldn't be affected by it are the people who are currently like running up the stairs. And then they're immediately affected by it
Plechazunga 17:16
when you dip into a bear
Hunter 17:20
you can also also you are you are a druid you can also always just wild sheep into like a giant eagle and fly with that's true.
Sam 17:29
Oh yeah, dude, what are you doing?
Plechazunga 17:32
Yeah, there's another one that's very similar that wouldn't make it so that I would have to give up my spellcasting I'm trying to figure out what it is. I think there was like some sort of like feathered reach thing or something but I don't know if I have it prepared. No, I don't have it bonus actually can fuck it. All right. Well, I guess I'm gonna wild shape and fly up there then.
Hunter 18:02
Why 80 feet into the air.
Plechazunga 18:05
Cute. Is that my whole action? Yep.
Hunter 18:12
80 feet. There we go. Brings us to Oliver. You're running well.
Sam 18:21
i What What choice did I have?
Hunter 18:27
Okay, you running Yeah,
Sam 18:36
give me give me maximum speed baby.
Hunter 18:41
60 feet so you can get up to 45 feet now. Okay, I recon
Sam 18:55
bonus question. How far is the tower from side to side?
Hunter 19:04
40 foot diameter. Pretty much okay. Okay.
Sam 19:08
I'm just thinking at some point, I can do a misty step. Actually wait, do I can just use the spell can I get I can do it once we're free. And then I can just use it as a level one spell. Level to spell. Double mister,
Hunter 19:26
wherever it is on your character,
Sam 19:28
whatever it is. Yeah. That's what it is. Well, that shit. If there's ever a time to start burning down, burning down slots.
Daniel 19:37
Does that does that make you can you do a missing step as a free action? Like no, no
Sam 19:42
I can I can cast it once without using a spouse. Okay. Yeah,
Hunter 19:50
give me another NTP instead.
Sam 19:52
Yeah, give me give me as much as I can with a with a misty step.
Hunter 19:55
Okay, Irakan
Daniel 19:57
I'm gonna use my action A dash 60 feet up the stairs and then I'm gonna bonus action Misty steps. I'm 120 and trying to put myself like kind of by the if they're accessible the couple's cabal commands.
Hunter 20:15
You 120 You are up at the top now. That brings us to a DD you are currently chained up what you doing?
Aditi 20:30
chained down, closing my eyes and imagining the fantasy of this being being
Mel 20:40
chained up gets into it
Sam 20:47
seemed uncomfortable at first but that was just so comforting.
Hunter 20:50
So you're just you're just closing your eyes and accepting your fate.
Aditi 20:56
You gotta fight. Okay, so. So question. Quick question. Actually, no it doesn't matter. That doesn't matter. Okay
Hunter 21:22
think the Ivanna goes right after you.
Aditi 21:26
Which doesn't make it any better.
ira 21:30
You can still attack when you're restrained right?
Hunter 21:34
With restraint and thing. Speed becomes zero can't benefit from any bonus attack rolls against the creature of advantage creatures attack rolls of disadvantage creature is disadvantage on dexterity saving throws. So you have you you could attack you would have disadvantage on it.
Aditi 21:52
Okay. I mean, might as well right here.
Hunter 21:56
Yeah, go for it.
Daniel 21:59
Okay. All right. Wait,
Aditi 22:03
I keep hoping for the best here.
Plechazunga 22:06
You can disengage or hide or
ira 22:13
a pays for speed zero she can't get around. Can't move.
Hunter 22:24
You make the attack
ira 22:27
go for that as well right
Daniel 22:33
21 You guys were a little slow on that.
Aditi 22:37
Apparently. It's slowly loading.
Hunter 22:39
Oh, yeah, it still hasn't loaded on my end.
Aditi 22:41
Yeah, the damage just seven
Hunter 22:45
for that okay, seven points of damage. And that was that was with that was with disadvantage. Nice. Let's hold on a second. Let me try. disadvantage. Where are ya? Oh 21 Still have seven points of damage. You don't get Ecotec because she definitely knows you're there. Yeah. But that is that is good. Okay. She is going to pour her whole turn into the crystal. You see two kobolds their energy just leaves them goes into the crystal. They slump in the chains.
Sam 23:35
I hate to have them too bad. They're not good. No, they were the time Brekka Yeah.
Daniel 23:45
Well, in no surprise to anyone I'm gonna punch Ivana. Find a bunch of Ivana
ira 23:53
I run that budget
Daniel 24:00
Well, that's on that one.
Plechazunga 24:02
Hunter 24:03
No, roll another detainee.
Daniel 24:06
Sure thing boss for you, okay,
Hunter 24:12
nothing bad happens. Google, I told I told the story about you guys fighting the swimming creatures and you rolling a net one followed by another net one to try and throw the spear back at it. And inhaling both you and Oliver getting pulled into the water. That's very relaxing waffles the other day. that one night. was a good time.
Daniel 24:38
I'm pretty good at rolling those ones. maybe?
Hunter 24:40
it was interesting. Okay, that was your first attack. yeah, I'm
Daniel 24:44
gonna I'm gonna try again. Oh y'all gotta Tim. Oh, for your bunch max damage. That is nine for max damage plus the 2d 10. 10
Hunter 25:05
So it's 29 points.
Daniel 25:09
Oh, it's actually I was with 10 Two I'm paying 29 then and then um, I'm going to try and add a stunning strike as well so they need to do something a con saving throw DC 14.
ira 25:31
Baby combo. Aster, do you have any sport?
Hunter 25:35
That is a 22 Okay. Switch school
not a threat anymore that's how
Daniel 25:43
I'm gonna go ahead and Flurry blows them. Okay. See what happens a 16 hit
Hunter 25:52
16 misses.
Daniel 25:55
And one more
Hunter 26:00
1919 hips
Daniel 26:06
Oh, beautiful. Oh, one. Okay, six plus seven more. Points
Hunter 26:14
are teen. Okay. And to return
Daniel 26:18
that is everything I possibly can do.
Hunter 26:20
And that brings us to after.
Aditi 26:25
Okay, which two of the kobolds are dead?
Hunter 26:30
The red outlined ones these two those two.
Aditi 26:33
Okay, so these three are still alive. I'm going to
Daniel 26:39
read sure that killing them will do anything because what is their souls just souls that are actually being sucked out. You know what I mean? Suck their souls.
Aditi 26:48
That would make it faster if we can just sex it right into the scary scared. I'm scared. That's true. Well just went by round. Okay. I'm going to keep you in. I know. Sit down. I'm going to sit down fast. We're gonna attack What's your face? Ivana mana. I'm gonna attack her with another new style called Raul of them's psychic glance whoa pretty fucking bad
Hunter 27:44
that's an intelligent save right?
ira 27:46
Yes is the rare intelligence save
Hunter 27:51
team. Oh. She has rolled all game.
Aditi 27:55
No. Okay, so locker. Save Target takes 76 psychic damage and acetate it until the start of your next term
Plechazunga 28:14
All right, all right. All right. Yay. Brambleberry finger bowl. You You're
Hunter 28:25
both 26 points of psychic damage. And she is incapacitated until the end of until the turn. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Awesome. Rad.
Raz 28:43
Awesome. How much further do I have to go?
So far? You've just reached it's a long way.
Raz 28:52
Okay, so I have 120 feet vertically to two technically
Hunter 28:55
if you're running if you're going along the stairs, you technically have double that because you can running around like the stairs of 240
Raz 29:04
feet to go
Sam 29:06
walk through.
Raz 29:07
All right. So I'm going to cast expeditious retreat on myself. Excellent. So now, for every single bonus action, I can take a dash action. So that is 60 feet of movement.
Hunter 29:27
And then you want to use your action to write
Raz 29:30
well, I take the action to catch the spouse 60 Yeah, and then every following turn is going to be 90.
Hunter 29:38
Okay, so you're looking it up these steps.
ira 29:41
The movement to though your normal movement, right, you can still move another 30 Yeah.
Hunter 29:46
3030 and then movement in the 60 and then next 90 So Dingbinder You are up at the top. You are a giant eagle right now. What do you want to do?
Plechazunga 30:03
Right. Oh, yeah, that's the wrong
ira 30:08
one of those components away how to pull them away.
Daniel 30:11
They're all chained up. Did
Hunter 30:12
you change yeah,
Plechazunga 30:13
they all change under break and melt the metal I don't know if I think I might not have gotten my wisdom a call it though. I had some sort of control. Fires or something that might have been able to do a thing or another. I can try to polymorph. Again, I think I have one more slot there. Or I could why other
Sam 30:43
I could well, their arms off.
Plechazunga 30:46
Yeah, I wait. Oh, one of the kobolds arms off.
Sam 30:52
Does that kill them? Maybe Maybe I can
ira 30:56
live long enough to pull them away.
Plechazunga 30:59
Do we think that it is Do you think that we won't be able to get what's your face? I was thinking maybe I can fly up there and then Thunder Wave her because I can bonus action out of my eagle and then Thunder Wave.
ira 31:18
They give you Thunder Wave you'll hit a DD and bracket two.
Plechazunga 31:22
Oh, is that right? Are you guys flying too?
Hunter 31:29
No, no, they're on the roof.
Plechazunga 31:31
For some reason I thought she was flying.
Sam 31:34
Maybe they were all on the roof and fly but they're all down here on the roof.
Plechazunga 31:37
Okay. Well then what's my silver beam a five foot radius 40 foot high cylinder when a creature enters the spells area
Daniel 31:59
me might be a good option.
Plechazunga 32:03
Is she talking? Can I deafen her maybe
Raz 32:07
she's a capacity when she's like,
Plechazunga 32:09
oh she using impasse right now, okay,
Sam 32:13
but if it lasts more than one turn her being you would be fine.
Raz 32:20
She wouldn't be able to cast anything with but
Aditi 32:25
she kind of just like thinks Yeah, she kind of Yeah.
Sam 32:30
Connection stuff
Aditi 32:32
that would work.
Hunter 32:33
Also definite is that she can't hear not that she can't talk. Yeah,
Raz 32:39
I heard muted.
Sam 32:41
I said muted. Yes. I was hoping that maybe you meant that
Plechazunga 32:44
but yeah, blindness deafness is that I was looking at confused them.
Sam 32:51
I mean, blindness is a pretty good debuff but
Plechazunga 32:54
let's just kind of get debuff What about confusion? I think I'm going to either moonbeam or Paulie more.
Hunter 33:13
Either one is good. Just let me know what you're doing.
Plechazunga 33:15
I'm sorry. I'm just thinking hard about these are all new spells for me. So getting excited. So yeah, I'm going to last time well, how does it work with the wisdom saving throws when she's prone or incapacitated, he
Hunter 33:36
can't take actions or reactions so it doesn't affect your states.
Plechazunga 33:40
So I'll just legit children's polymorph
Daniel 33:45
No, no, it doesn't affect
Plechazunga 33:46
Oh, gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay, okay all right, I'm gonna. I'm gonna moon being them. Moon beam is still bringing the pale light shines down five foot radius for to heat high cylinder centered on a point within range until the spell ends. Who are cheering their time on
Daniel 34:17
for the first time. Saving thorough.
Plechazunga 34:21
Oh, yeah, sorry.
Hunter 34:22
Thanks. 1515. So meetup beats seven succeeds so damage the roll the damage.
Plechazunga 34:40
Hunter 34:42
Oh, actually, there's a there's one little section of moonbeam that was important.
Ira 34:48
At the beginning of their turn, I think
Hunter 34:51
it happens on if it happens, the first time they enter it on a turn not on their turn. So I I was recently corrected on that it doesn't happen on like if it says on their turn, it happens on their turn. And it says on a turn it's any turn so when it's cast, it takes place i You see, just briefly, as this hits it, they sort of swell and I their their form seems to be fluxing and shifting as the moonlight hits it.
Plechazunga 35:33
I don't know if that's good or bad guys.
Daniel 35:38
I think it's spooky.
Hunter 35:42
So what what was the damage? Oh,
Plechazunga 35:48
Hunter 35:50
all over Europe.
Plechazunga 35:53
Damage 3131 31
Hunter 35:56
was Thunder Wave. Damage. Is Judy 10.
Plechazunga 36:08
Wait, moonbeam Yep Oh, I always cast Wait, when beam I was casting a fourth level spell though.
Hunter 36:21
Okay, then roll them and beam damage for fourth level.
Plechazunga 36:24
Oh, I I did I think Oh, I hit the wrong 119 90 Okay, sorry about that, guys.
Hunter 36:33
Oh, good. Everyone. Brings us to Oliver.
Sam 36:38
Um, I got no choice. Let me let me add those stairs baby. You are. I can make it through the roof without a bow dissection. Yep. Fuck yeah. In that case. I could do something up here. Maybe anything useful to do up here?
Daniel 37:05
You have a gun to shoot her in the face.
Sam 37:08
He's vaccinated easily I can do it anyone on the roof really? wounded?
Hunter 37:17
Yeah, real bad. I recall and you're on deck in that
Sam 37:25
case. I mean, it's not like like this is really frickin does shit. It's just Healing Word. Do you want to be healing Where did yeah okay, but who wants to be healing worded which now, let's see.
Hunter 37:48
You can go ahead and roll it. I recon your
Sam 37:54
wait, no, I didn't press the right thing. Six but I actually get to add my intelligence. So 10 hit points to you.
Ira 38:05
I'm gonna run up on her and go ahead and attack ad tech tactics. So it'll be whatever that first one was. I think he won. And that'll be 14 damage and then I'll hit again for my second attack. It's an all poor first level smite into this one drum two extra da four plus not great 12 damage all together
Hunter 38:36
more. Okay. Top of the order a DD
Aditi 38:44
I'm assuming I'm still in chains.
Hunter 38:47
You are you can always attempt to break out of them. Otherwise you can attack with disadvantage. I am going to attempt to get out of them. dexterity saving throw to try and break freeyou fail you you struggle against them. That brings us to her turn. Oh my goodness. You're both on her.
Daniel 39:23
Which is a capacitated I thought yeah, she isn't anyone
Sam 39:26
giving bonuses. To saving throws in the area.
Hunter 39:29
She is going to look quite up there. She uses one of her legendary actions to act on ourselves legendary,
Daniel 39:37
which she casts
Hunter 39:40
and then she is going to use the rest of her turn. To focus on the spell. Die.
Daniel 39:48
Hunter 39:50
Brekka brings us to you.
Daniel 39:52
Okay. Um, so I guess a puncher with advantage now. Every single punch. Yeah. Cuz Well, I have advantage for that. Oh,
Plechazunga 40:07
no. ROI number to 21
Hunter 40:16
With advantage rolled another net 1/3 net one ROI another net one no another now one.
Plechazunga 40:23
Kill a deal. That can't be possible. That's fucking ridiculous, man.
Hunter 40:31
Zero Rena ones in a row. And a three. Oh Brekka This is gonna be real bad.
Plechazunga 40:37
Thanks Brekka
ira 40:40
Dang those dice.
Mel 40:43
natural one. Game Okay, not 20 Isn't that why have you rolled today? It's been an absurd amount.
Raz 40:58
double digits for sure.
Hunter 41:00
Brekka i Are Yeah, Brekka I roll me a roll me a D four. Before you roll it. Dingbinder in a DD Obzor evens.
Plechazunga 41:17
Evens which
Hunter 41:18
evens Okay, so a DD is odds. Roll a d for Brekka Even okay Brekka I roll i What is your what is your max damage?
Daniel 41:35
It is the fix plus five plus 20.
Hunter 41:44
All right. So 31 points Roll damage. Oh my god.
Daniel 41:51
What? Oh, I got a six on that.
Hunter 41:56
Roll the defense.
Daniel 41:59
I think I'm doing max damage plus something to you.
Plechazunga 42:03
Yeah, what the fuck is going on here? Are
Sam 42:08
you great. So
Hunter 42:09
Dingbinder Brekka throws a punch at this thing. And she warps reality around to Brekka and Brekka is punch follows through and hits you square in the face. You take 52 points of damage
Plechazunga 42:32
surprisingly still up long
Mel 42:40
Brekka I'm gonna say Not for
Plechazunga 42:42
long at all. That was fucking absurd.
Hunter 42:47
I'm gonna say make a wisdom saving throw against that. That was a brutal amount of damage that you just did to Dingbinder with the rest of your turn,
Daniel 43:00
binder I should have an advantage against accidentally nearly killing dang Ryder please under
Mel 43:08
anyway nearby that's one
Raz 43:18
Khan's fault.
ira 43:19
Daniel 43:20
I guess. I guess
Hunter 43:25
know. I will say if I recon didn't give you advantage he would have rolled a one followed by a one followed by a one followed by what I see. I saved you throw your next punch. You're just so out of it. It goes wide.
Daniel 43:47
That's okay. I can punch yet again. Okay, wow. I just feel so good. Some tea and some tea and there we go.
Hunter 44:01
And Dingbinder I need you to make a constitution saving throw because of your constitute concentration on moonbeam.
Daniel 44:10
Oh my god. No more.
Hunter 44:15
You need to roll a 26 tender half damage.
Mel 44:22
Ah 20
Hunter 44:27
with a four a four is not enough
Daniel 44:31
17 Hit
Hunter 44:33
17 illness Yeah 18 armor class after that brings us to wait wait, I just got something more. Okay.
Plechazunga 44:43
What was I just rolling
Hunter 44:46
2025 We'll hit go and roll damage. Yeah, okay,
Daniel 44:51
perfect. I'll hit a one on my damage for what it actually connects. Oh, oh. Yeah.
Hunter 45:00
Perfect. Eight points of damage.
Daniel 45:05
I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try and stay on her. She has
Hunter 45:11
congratulated congratulations. That's a 20 Non natural cocoa master you're up. I will say she looks real bad.
Daniel 45:20
I want to die.
Hunter 45:26
You hit you hit Dingbinder so hard in the face and then you swing it and just sort of caresses the side of your face. What do you do and after she looks really bad, there's one kobold left.
Aster 45:42
Is everybody really like they're close enough that I wouldn't be able to hit her with something five feet
anything that's going to be an area of effect they've surrounded her you won't be able to hit her without hitting them. I got a good barrier. I mean, just shove it in. My
Plechazunga 45:59
mouth afterwards.
I'm going to shoot an acid arrows at her. If you
Sam 46:10
could make it over to the cobalt and work together with me to free the cobalt. I think that'd be super cool.
Plechazunga 46:15
And then you can save a kobold
Hunter 46:18
17 That hit 17 cobalt was magically
Daniel 46:20
tethered. Sam that's crazy.
Plechazunga 46:22
Yeah, but we're both bajic putting in a bag holding on to fit
Hunter 46:36
right on her targeting this air splashes return to target with acid for half as much of the initial damage and no damage on the at the end of the next turn. Yeah. Roll damage they take half 15 That is seven. That is actually just enough. You you see the acid splashes across her she turns as the like mask that is on her is melting away from the from the acid you see just a row of eyes underneath of it. That just lock on to you. And then she just sort of turns to this dark Icarus smoke and then I vanishes into the air. i You guys are left standing on the top of the tower. The gym not dual pulsing the cold
Sam 47:37
air with with extreme fervor and speed untie this this cobalt.
ira 47:44
I can tell where all of us trade out including the cobalt right now. If you guys want Oh
Aster 47:52
yeah, I think we should can we take him out?
Plechazunga 47:55
Is there anything that we can do about the gym though? I'm worried about its volatility at this point, or should we just get the fuck out
Sam 48:03
of here? I mean, I don't want to destroy it so they'll they can
Hunter 48:11
Oliver and rouser both on the on the roof now. I'm thinking
ira 48:16
if we like Mr. Live maybe the gym well like explained
Sam 48:21
I think we have we should add here
ira 48:26
okie dokie I will pull out my golden Tiger claws and gathers all around the living kobold Okay, can I I mean this is a new item but like what is it? What are the binds look like on the cobalt? Like will it look like I could teleport him or will he stay?
Sam 48:46
Yeah, I want to comment check
Hunter 48:47
this can definitely teleport with him. You just don't know what the effects of it will be. With him being like tethered and magic to this gym right now.
Raz 48:57
Yeah. Are all the cables. Are they like fold better they just down.
Hunter 49:03
Time to do medicine checks on them.
Sam 49:06
I don't know. I just wanted to pass by anymore
Raz 49:09
as as I'm running up. I just want to like boop each one of them and give them a point from my own hands.
Hunter 49:18
That is an action each time so you're going to spend multiple rounds trying to do that. I want
Sam 49:24
to roll Arcana on what will what I think might happen with this cobalt if we know
Hunter 49:33
19 This is powerful magic. If if the teleport goes really well. You may be able to take him with you you may be able to like break the bond with the spell. It's also possible that in teleporting him away, you will teleport his body but the like magic will still be tethered to another his tablet entering him and it could just finish the spell it could like still be affecting him you could still be marked by the magic you don't know. This is magic that is beyond you.
Sam 50:13
Maybe we should try to get this guy unrestrained here before we teleport away. Teleporting is really throwing a whole bunch of shit into a bag that already has a bunch of shit in it that we don't understand.
Raz 50:29
Do any of you guys have like a dispel magic or anything?
Plechazunga 50:32
I have a protection from evil and good but I don't know if that would help. I thought I had a protection from magic to I can't find it
Raz 50:49
I'll try to boop one of them up with a lay on hands
Hunter 50:53
are gonna sit here and wait
Plechazunga 50:57
while this guy yeah, we're trying to free the guy and he's trying to heal.
Hunter 51:02
If you guys are gonna try and do stuff we're gonna stay in initiative then. So Dingbinder What are you doing?
Plechazunga 51:11
Where am I again? I'm really hurt. Who is there anybody alive? Other than the kobolds
Hunter 51:18
nobody that you see.
Plechazunga 51:19
Nobody I see is alive and all of us are are alive and everyone's looking okay except for me. Right which one there? And then there's one COBOL the left right. No, never stand down made our own way. Never gone slow. We pick up the pace. Okay. I think I think I'm just going to Yeah, I don't really know if I can do
Hunter 52:03
we are an hour overtime and I
Plechazunga 52:06
Yeah, gotcha. Um, okay, um, I'm just gonna do myself then.
Sam 52:17
Yeah, can I can I just want to see if I can tick tick this guy down. Like whether that's undoing How is that? Why is it just not?
Hunter 52:26
There are locks on the chains
Sam 52:27
locked on the chains
Hunter 52:34
acid okay. You can ask them to flush one of the one of the James Absolutely.
Sam 52:41
Yeah, I mean the spell is acid arrow but I'm assuming that I can sort of apply it in a different way to just
ask you. You melt through one of the chains. When I would love to tear up
the chain look after he acids it right and
Hunter 52:56
one of them one of them is gone. It's no longer connected to him. Okay,
Sam 53:00
and one of the two changes. Is that okay, what I'm free. I also want to try to talk to him. Hey, can you hear me buddy
Hunter 53:07
is fully unconscious.
Sam 53:09
Okay, that's fine too. Just just smack it smack the shit out of it with your sword smacking. It's probably fine if you cut his arm off too frankly.
Hunter 53:22
Yeah, yeah. You chop into it. I will make you roll for it. You cut through the chain. He is no longer chained but he is still tethered to the gym with the magic. A DD you are no longer chained up because the person has gone Your turn. What are you doing?
Aditi 53:40
I I don't know. I guess I'm going over towards this other individual I can't really do anything except kill him. So
Sam 53:56
he's free. Is that it?
Hunter 53:58
Only three but he has 300 Yeah,
Sam 54:01
well, Captain, I'd say either we teleport out now with him or pop them in a bag of holding and then teleport out my turn. Okay, I just went just just talking. Just talking.
Ira 54:14
I mean, we're still in initiatives.
Hunter 54:16
You got to do? Yeah. Okay. Brekka you're doing anything?
Daniel 54:22
Um, yeah, I want to try and punch the tether in the air with my force. Punch my astral punch. I assume it'll do nothing but I still want to try.
Hunter 54:34
Your astral punch passes through it no effect. asked, Are you doing anything? No, no, Razzie doing anything.
Raz 54:45
Oh, yeah. I'm going to try to lay on hands some of the one of the other drops.
Hunter 54:54
Yeah, you lay on hands. Nothing happens. Dingbinder Are you doing anything are you good?
Anyone has any ability to pick up? On the cities as soon as you click on it coming up, don't give a name for my mother. 23 Cats great, cheap pets. The cats will take Texas take that for the Jeep maps and change it when you teach that
Plechazunga 55:21
I'm gonna I don't pass I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna booming I'm gonna I'm gonna killing right through the heart of the brain. What is it? What if we don't is soul needs to like go into this to unleash shifts? I think it'll unleash it. Yeah.
Sam 55:45
Just spread the word. I just worked so hard to untie him. He's untied right now.
Plechazunga 55:50
Yeah, but he's still tethered to the magic. I'm worried that the magic is the thing that's going to unleash the thing not that he's tethered. He's already gone. Probably you know
Daniel 56:00
what I'm telling him and it's just accelerates and it just sucks summon faster.
Sam 56:06
Yeah, if teleporting releases the dragon, then I'd rather we've already teleported.
Plechazunga 56:14
Please don't kill him. Kill you what you're gonna do. Alright, you're gonna do well, you have to show him. You got to speak to me in your role voices Okay. I won't kill him. Let's teleport the fuck out of here. I'm not happy about this.
Hunter 56:32
Oliver. Are you doing anything?
Sam 56:34
Captain? Do you want me to put them in a bag of holding or you want to teleport like this?
ira 56:38
Yeah, throw them in the bag. Let's go. Baby.
Hunter 56:43
Okay, put them in the bag. You guys linked arms. I recon you're teleporting.
ira 56:48
Yeah, and I'm gonna teleport us to the ship. Which we're very familiar with.
Hunter 56:53
You are very familiar, but the ship is not a location the ship with a an object. And it's not a fixed point.
Sam 57:04
But what if we replace all of the planks in the ship then with
Ira 57:11
that then I'll just teleport us to the top of the village at the top of the Granville board, but the one that we landed in originally. I think we're pretty familiar with that now to
Hunter 57:25
to the top of the Grendel bar
ira 57:27
that like very first village that we came across that we saw from outside.
Hunter 57:32
I will say seen casually is the level for this because you haven't like thoroughly explored it. So Rollei percentile. You I 54 to 100 Do you land on target 44 to 53 are off target 34 to 43 or a similar area. One to 33 is a mishap you will appear everything sucks in around you. There's darkness for a moment and then you guys find yourselves all standing up top.
Aditi 58:11
Is there anything in the boat look
Hunter 58:17
you pulled after roll for it
Daniel 58:24
95 God down
Hunter 58:26
you. You pull him out of the bag of holding and pulling him out. You see that the tether is not attached to him anymore. This just seems to be rising and falling. The one thing you do notice is there is a brand across his whole chest. That looks like a complex arcane room now that's where we're going to wrap up keldon
ira 58:54
just teleported earlier.
Plechazunga 58:55
Sorry Hunter. Yeah, that was a long one.
Sam 58:59
I feel like I feel like there's value to hit would there was some like magical value of detachment I don't think so. I think we can just teleport it. But here we are. Oh man.
Hunter 59:14
Okay. I will see you all next time. Have a good one.
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