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Created November 8, 2014 14:23
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DocumentDB - Optimistic Concurrency
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Xunit;
namespace DocumentDB.Concurrency
public class DocumentDbConcurrencyTest
private string endpointUrl = "";
private string authorizationKey =
private string databaseId = "test-db";
private string collectionId = "test-collection";
private DocumentClient client;
public DocumentDbConcurrencyTest()
this.client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(endpointUrl), authorizationKey);
var db = ReadOrCreateDatabase();
public void UpdateDocument_ConcurrentWritesNoPrecondtion_ShouldReplaceDocument()
// Create documehnt
var db = ReadOrCreateDatabase();
var collection = ReadOrCreateCollection(db);
var id = "1-id";
var item = new Item() {Id = id, Counter = 0};
var resource = client.CreateDocumentAsync(collection.DocumentsLink, item).Result;
// Read document twice
dynamic persistedItemDocument = client.ReadDocumentAsync(resource.Resource.SelfLink).Result;
dynamic persistedItemDocument2 = client.ReadDocumentAsync(resource.Resource.SelfLink).Result;
Item persistedItem = persistedItemDocument.Resource;
Item persistedItem2 = persistedItemDocument2.Resource;
// Update both
persistedItem.Counter += 1;
persistedItem2.Counter += 1;
// Save both, one with non current Etag
client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(persistedItemDocument.Resource.SelfLink, persistedItem).Wait();
client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(persistedItemDocument2.Resource.SelfLink, persistedItem2).Wait();
// No exception thrown, document replaced
dynamic updateDocument = client.ReadDocumentAsync(resource.Resource.SelfLink).Result;
Item updatedItem = updateDocument.Resource;
Assert.Equal(1, updatedItem.Counter); // Counter has been incremented only once
public void UpdateDocument_ConcurrentWrites_ShouldThrowException()
var db = ReadOrCreateDatabase();
var collection = ReadOrCreateCollection(db);
var id = "1-id";
var item = new Item() {Id = id, Counter = 0};
var resource = client.CreateDocumentAsync(collection.DocumentsLink, item).Result;
dynamic persistedItemDocument = client.ReadDocumentAsync(resource.Resource.SelfLink).Result;
Item persistedItem = persistedItemDocument.Resource;
dynamic persistedItemDocument2 = client.ReadDocumentAsync(resource.Resource.SelfLink).Result;
Item persistedItem2 = persistedItemDocument2.Resource;
persistedItem.Counter += 1;
persistedItem2.Counter += 1;
var requestOptions = new RequestOptions()
AccessCondition = new AccessCondition()
Type = AccessConditionType.IfMatch,
Condition = persistedItemDocument.Resource.ETag
client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(persistedItemDocument.Resource.SelfLink, persistedItem, requestOptions).Wait();
client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(persistedItemDocument2.Resource.SelfLink, persistedItem2, requestOptions).Wait();
public void UpdateDocument_ConcurrentWritesInCasLoop_ShouldUpdateDocument()
var db = ReadOrCreateDatabase();
var collection = ReadOrCreateCollection(db);
var id = "1-id";
var item = new Item() {Id = id, Counter = 0};
var resource = client.CreateDocumentAsync(collection.DocumentsLink, item).Result;
var selfLink = resource.Resource.SelfLink;
Action incrementCounterAction = () =>
while (true)
dynamic persistedItemDocument = client.ReadDocumentAsync(selfLink).Result;
Item persistedItem = persistedItemDocument.Resource;
var requestOptions = new RequestOptions()
AccessCondition = new AccessCondition()
Type = AccessConditionType.IfMatch,
Condition = persistedItemDocument.Resource.ETag
persistedItem.Counter += 1;
client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(persistedItemDocument.Resource.SelfLink, persistedItem,
Debug.WriteLine("Counter: {0}, Success", persistedItem.Counter);
catch (AggregateException ex)
var preconditionExcepion = ex.InnerException as DocumentClientException;
if (preconditionExcepion != null)
if (preconditionExcepion.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed)
Debug.WriteLine("Counter: {0}, ERROR:Document modified", persistedItem.Counter);
var taskList = new List<Task>();
var incrementCounter = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < incrementCounter; i++)
var task = new Task(incrementCounterAction);
public class Item
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "id")]
public string Id { get; set; }
public int Counter { get; set; }
private DocumentCollection ReadOrCreateCollection(Database db)
var col = client.CreateDocumentCollectionQuery(db.SelfLink)
.Where(c => c.Id == collectionId)
if (col == null)
col =
client.CreateDocumentCollectionAsync(db.SelfLink, new DocumentCollection {Id = collectionId})
return col;
private Database ReadOrCreateDatabase()
var db = client.CreateDatabaseQuery()
.Where(d => d.Id == databaseId)
if (db == null)
db = client.CreateDatabaseAsync(new Database {Id = databaseId}).Result;
return db;
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