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Last active September 24, 2023 13:16
Scrape OpnSense DHCP Leases Status Page and Export Results as List
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This python script provides a function to query the opnSense (v21.3 - v23.1.x) dhcp leases status page and
# return a list of tuples including ip, hostname, and mac address. This script will not work with version 23.7.x+
# due to changes in the DHCP lease page.
# See comment from dheldt on modified version that works using api searchLeases page.
# To use the original script, ensure LXML is installed via package manager or via pip.
# 27-Mar-2021 - Original release
# 17-Jul-2022 - Fix url in scrape function. Add error trapping for case where user/pass are not set up correctly.
# 24-Sep-2023 - Add note about 23.7.x incompatibility.
import sys
import requests
from lxml import html
import re
url = "" #change url to match your opnSense machine address. Note http or https!
user = 'your_username' #Username for opnSense login (default is 'root')
password = 'your_password' #Password for opnSense login
def scrape_opnsense_dhcp(url, user, password):
ip = []
mac = []
hostname = []
s = requests.session()
r = s.get(url,verify = False)
matchme = '"X-CSRFToken", "(.*)" \);'
csrf =,str(r.text))
payload = {
'login' : 'Login',
'usernamefld' : user,
'passwordfld' : password
r =,data=payload,verify = False,headers={"X-CSRFToken"})
r = s.get(url,verify = False)
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
tr_elements = tree.xpath('//tr')
headers = [header.text for header in tr_elements[0]]
except IndexError:
print("Error retrieving lease list. Are you sure username and password were set up in script?")
ip.extend(tree.xpath('//table[@class="table table-striped"]//tbody//tr//td[' + str(headers.index('IP address') + 1) +']//text()'))
for node in tree.xpath('//table[@class="table table-striped"]//tbody//tr//td['+ str(headers.index('MAC address') + 1) +']'):
if bool('([0-9a-f]{2}(?::[0-9a-f]{2}){5})', node.text)):
for node in tree.xpath('//table[@class="table table-striped"]//tbody//tr//td['+ str(headers.index('Hostname') + 1) +']'):
if node.text is None:
for i in range(len(mac)):
mac[i] = mac[i].strip()
return(list(zip(ip, mac, hostname)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
dhcp_list = scrape_opnsense_dhcp(url, user, password)
for entry in dhcp_list:
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Any way we can get an updated version? It's throwing all kinds of errors. I assume OPNsense changed some of the elements. Thanks

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pletch commented Jul 17, 2022

Let me have a look.

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pletch commented Jul 17, 2022

@smithj33, there was indeed an error in the script version that I uploaded but you are the first to mention. Can you try the version there now and let me know if you are still having issues? I just tried it with my own installation on OpnSense 22.1.10 and it works fine via http access.

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smithj33 commented Jul 17, 2022

Works perfect! Thank you for taking time to update it. I used it with https and no issues besides the cert warning.

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gsmA42 commented Feb 7, 2023

This is awesome. Thank you!

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kellerassel007 commented Jun 13, 2023

I updated the code to work with latest OPNSense version 23.1.9. It seems that it required an additional field in POST request.
Also I included the description of each device from DHCP overview.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

# # This python script provides a function to query the opnSense (+v21.3) dhcp leases status page and return a list of tuples including 
# ip, hostname, and mac address. To use, ensure LXML is installed via package manager or via pip.
# 27-Mar-2021 - Original release
# 17-Jul-2022 - Fix url in scrape function. Add error trapping for case where user/pass are not set up correctly.
# 13-Jun-2023 - Fix missing field in POST request for new OPNSense version. Added field Description.

# Use:

import os
import sys
import requests
import urllib3
import re
from lxml import html


url  = "" #change url to match your opnSense machine address. Note http or https!
user = os.getenv('OPNSENSE_USERNAME')
password = os.getenv('OPNSENSE_PASSWORD')

def scrape_opnsense_dhcp(url, user, password):
   ip = []
   mac = []
   hostname = []
   description = []

   s = requests.session()
   r = s.get(url,verify = False)

   matchme = '"X-CSRFToken", "(.*)" \);'
   csrf =,str(r.text))
   csrf_token =
   matchme = 'input type="hidden" name="([^"]*)" value="([^"]*)"'
   hidden_field =,str(r.text))
   hidden_field_id =
   hidden_field_value =

   payload = {
'login' : '1',
'usernamefld' : user,
'passwordfld' : password

   payload[hidden_field_id] = hidden_field_value

   r =,data=payload,verify = False,headers={"X-CSRFToken":csrf_token})
   r = s.get(url,verify = False)
   tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
   tr_elements = tree.xpath('//tr')
      headers = [header.text for header in tr_elements[0]]
   except IndexError:
      print("Error retrieving lease list. Are you sure username and password were set up in script?")

   ip.extend(tree.xpath('//table[@class="table table-striped"]//tbody//tr//td[' + str(headers.index('IP address') + 1) +']//text()'))

   for node in tree.xpath('//table[@class="table table-striped"]//tbody//tr//td['+ str(headers.index('MAC address') + 1) +']'):
      if bool('([0-9a-f]{2}(?::[0-9a-f]{2}){5})', node.text)):

   for node in tree.xpath('//table[@class="table table-striped"]//tbody//tr//td['+ str(headers.index('Hostname') + 1) +']'):
      if node.text is None:
   for node in tree.xpath('//table[@class="table table-striped"]//tbody//tr//td['+ str(headers.index('Description') + 1) +']'):
      if node.text is None:

   for i in range(len(mac)):
      mac[i] = mac[i].strip()

   return(list(zip(ip, mac, hostname, description)))

if __name__ == "__main__":     
    dhcp_list = scrape_opnsense_dhcp(url, user, password)

    for entry in dhcp_list:

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dheldt commented Sep 19, 2023

Hi there,

for me, neither version works (having an OPNsense 23.7.3-amd64 running).
First of all because on my system there is no status_dhcp_leases.php present. Instead I get a "Page not found"-Error.

But I stumplet across /api/dhcpv4/leases/searchlease, which does work on my system. A simple get Request there (in a browser where I am logged in) gives a json object of the form:



so ... maybe this is the right way to go and fix instead of parsing html?

And, thank you a lot for your work and script, which has led me to the get-endpoint in the first place!

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pletch commented Sep 19, 2023

Yes, this is broken as of 23.7.x due to changes in the lease page. I haven't dug into trying to fix yet.

I wasn't aware of the searchlease endpoint but it does indeed seem like an opportunity to simplify. Will take a look when I get a little time in the next few days.

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dheldt commented Sep 19, 2023

If you adept as follows, it does (currently) work:

mainUrl = ""
url  = "

   s = requests.session()
   r = s.get(mainUrl,verify = False)

   if not(r == 200):
   	print("failed to connect")

   matchme = '"X-CSRFToken", "(.*)" \);'
   csrf =,str(r.text))
   csrf_token =
   matchme = 'input type="hidden" name="([^"]*)" value="([^"]*)"'
   hidden_field =,str(r.text))
   hidden_field_id =
   hidden_field_value =

   payload = {
'login' : '1',
'usernamefld' : user,
'passwordfld' : password

   payload[hidden_field_id] = hidden_field_value
   r =,data=payload,verify = False,headers={"X-CSRFToken":csrf_token})
   if not(r == 200):
   	print("failed to log in")
   r = s.get(url,verify = False)
   return r.json()

Note that you need to use two different urls now, because the log in does not work for the rest endpoint.



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pletch commented Sep 19, 2023

Thank you for working through this!

It turns out it is simpler to set up an api access key as described here:

The code to retrieve the leases can then simply be reduced to a single GET request.

import json
import requests

# define endpoint and credentials
api_key = '---------'   #use your unique key
api_secret = '-----------------'  #use your unique secret
url = 'http://opnsense.home/api/dhcpv4/leases/searchlease'
r = requests.get(url,
                 auth=(api_key, api_secret))

if r.status_code == 200:
    return r.json()
    print ('Connection / Authentication issue, response received:')

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