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Created October 12, 2016 12:29
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(ns lambdaisland.html.sanitize)
(defn sanitizer [allowed]
(fn sanitize [h]
(let [tag-ok? (set (keys allowed))]
(string? h) h
(vector? h) (let [[tag & xs] h
[attrs & cs] xs]
(if (tag-ok? tag)
(if (seq xs)
~(if (map? attrs)
(select-keys attrs (get allowed tag))
(sanitize attrs))
~@(keep sanitize cs)]
(seq? h) (keep sanitize h)))))
(def sanitize (sanitizer {:p []
:span []
:div []
:pre []
:code [:class]
:a [:href]
:li []
:ul []
:ol []
:del []
:em []
:strong []
:br []
:b []
:i []}))
(ns lambdaisland.html.sanitize-test
(:require [lambdaisland.html.sanitize :as sut]
[clojure.test :as t :refer [deftest is are]]))
(deftest test-sanitize-hiccup
(are [x] (= (sut/sanitize x) x)
[:p "foo"]
[:a {:href "bar"}]
[:a {:href "bar"} "foo"]
[:a {:href "bar"} "foo"]
[:a {:href "bar"} "baz"]]
[:a {:href "bar"} "foo"]
[:a {:href "bar"} "baz"]]))
(are [x y] (= (sut/sanitize x) y)
[:script "foo"]
[:a {:href "bar" :on-click "evil"}]
[:a {:href "bar"}]
[:a {:href "bar"} "foo"]
[:script {:type "application/javascript"} "evil!"]
[:a {:href "bar" :on-click "not-allowed"} "baz"]])
[:a {:href "bar"} "foo"]
[:a {:href "bar"} "baz"]])))
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