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Created July 5, 2021 17:38
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(ns repl-sessions.demo-2021-07
(:require [lambdaisland.witchcraft :as wc]
[lambdaisland.witchcraft.cursor :as c]
[ :as e]
[lambdaisland.witchcraft.worlds :as worlds]))
;; First start the server, if you want a clean slate you can create
;; a "superflat" world, otherwise you'll get a more typically generated world.
(wc/start! {;;:server-port 4567
;;:config-dir "/tmp/config"
:level-type "FLAT"})
;; Now connect with Minecraft 1.12 by adding a new server with address
;; It can be annoying if it gets dark or starts raining while you're working on
;; stuff.
(wc/fast-forward 5000)
;; A lot of functions implicitly try to find the first player they find, but
;; better to be explicit, especially when you plan to be with multiple people on
;; the same server.
(def me (wc/player "sunnyplexus"))
;; Let's see where we are
(wc/location me)
(wc/world me)
(wc/direction me)
;; let's move us around a bit
(wc/teleport me (wc/add (wc/location me) {:x 3}))
(wc/teleport me (wc/add (wc/location me) {:yaw 5 :pitch -5 :z 1 :x 1}))
;; Let's create some blocks
(wc/set-block (wc/in-front-of me) :wood)
(fill (wc/in-front-of me 5) [3 3 3] :jack-o-lantern)
(spawn (wc/in-front-of me 5) :villager)
(spawn (wc/in-front-of me 5) :chicken)
(keys wc/entities)
;; Let's just teleport to the center of the world so we can work with
;; predictable numbers
(wc/teleport me {:x 0 :z 0})
(doseq [x (range 0 10)
y (range 4 7)
z (range 0 10)]
(wc/set-block {:x x :y y :z z} :glass))
(doseq [x (range 0 10)
y (range 4 7)
z (range 0 10)]
(wc/set-block {:x x :y y :z z}
(if (= y 6)
(if (and (< 0 x 9) (< 0 z 9))
(wc/add-inventory me :iron-pickaxe)
(wc/add-inventory me :iron-axe)
(c/start me)
(def events (atom []))
(wc/listen! :player-interact
(fn [e]
(wc/send-message (:player e) "Good job!")))
(keys e/events)
;; Clean up
(doseq [x (range -100 200)
y (range 3 20)
z (range -100 200)]
(wc/set-block {:x x :y y :z z} (if (= 3 y)
:grass :air)))
;; cursor
(def starting-point (c/start))
(-> starting-point
(c/material :wood)
(c/steps 3)
(defn where-am-i [pos]
(-> pos
(c/material :red-glazed-terracotta)
(future (Thread/sleep 1500)
(where-am-i starting-point)
;; the foundation
(-> starting-point
(c/move 1 :down)
(c/material :gravel)
(c/steps 8) (c/extrude 11 :right)
;; the walls
(-> starting-point
(c/material :wood)
(c/steps 8) (c/rotate 2)
;; (c/steps 11) (c/rotate 2)
;; (c/steps 7) (c/rotate 2)
;; (c/steps 5) (c/move 2) (c/steps 4)
;; (c/extrude 2 :up)
;; left roof
(-> starting-point
(c/move 3 :up)
(c/move 1)
(->> (iterate #(-> %
(c/material :acacia-stairs 1)
(c/move 1 :right)
(c/material :acacia-stairs 4)
(c/move 1 :up))))
(nth 5)
(c/extrude 7 :forward)
;; right roof
(-> starting-point
(c/move 3 :up)
(c/move 11 :right)
(c/move 1)
(->> (iterate #(-> %
(c/material :acacia-stairs 0)
(c/move 1 :left)
(c/material :acacia-stairs 5)
(c/move 1 :up))))
(nth 5)
(c/extrude 7 :forward)
(wc/add-inventory (wc/player) :acacia-door 2)
(worlds/create-world "stone-flats"
(fn [x y z]
(when (or (< y 5))
{:x 0 :y 6 :z 0})
(worlds/create-world "waterworld"
(fn [x y z]
(< 20 y)
(< (wc/distance [0 y 0] [x y z]) 30)
(if (= 20 y)
{:x 0 :y 21 :z 0})
{:deps {com.lambdaisland/witchcraft {:mvn/version "0.0.24"}}}
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