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Created April 16, 2021 07:50
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(ns interaction.dom-stuff
(:require [plas.thicc :as thicc]))
(def state (atom {:count 1}))
;; (conj! (thicc/el-by-id "app")
;; (thicc/dom [:<>
;; [:h1 "Count is " (thicc/reatom :count state)]
;; [:button {:on-click #(swap! state update :count inc)} "+1"]]))
(defn ui [{:keys [count]}]
[:h1 "Count is " count]
[:button {:on-click #(swap! state update :count inc)} "+1"]])
(conj! (thicc/el-by-id "app")
(thicc/dom [:div (thicc/reatom ui state)]))
(ns plas.thicc
"Hiccup implementation plus DOM helpers
Converts Hiccup to plain JavaScript DOM elements directly. Largely works as
any other hiccup implementation, but uses namespaced tag and attribute names
to deal with DOM interfaces that are XML-namespaced, e.g. [:svg/circle {:cx
10 :cy 20 :r 5}]
Can take atoms or atom-like things and return reactive DOM elements."
(:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
[clojure.string :as str]
[camel-snake-kebab.core :as csk]
[lambdaisland.dom-types :as dom-types]))
(def ^:dynamic *namespaces*
"Mapping from keyword prefixes to xml namespaces, can be used for tag or
attribute names. e.g. :xlink/href ->"
{"svg" ""
"xhtml" ""
"xlink" ""
"rdf" ""
"cc" ""
"dc" ""})
;; Some shorthand for simple DOM stuff
(defn create-el [tag-ns tag]
(if tag-ns
(js/document.createElementNS (get *namespaces* tag-ns) tag)
(js/document.createElement tag)))
(defn fragment [els]
(let [fragment (js/document.createDocumentFragment)]
(doseq [el els]
(.appendChild ^js fragment el))
(defn fragment? [f]
(type f))
(defn set-attr [el k v]
(let [n (csk/->camelCase (name k))]
(if (qualified-keyword? k)
(.setAttributeNS el (get *namespaces* (namespace k)) n v)
(if (= "on-" (subs (name k) 0 3))
;; Set event handlers directly, rather than through setAttribute
(unchecked-set el (str/lower-case n) v)
(.setAttribute el n v)))))
(defn set-attrs [el attrs]
(doseq [[k v] attrs]
(set-attr el k v)))
(defn parent [node]
(.-parentNode ^js node))
(defn children [node]
(.-children ^js node))
(defn replace-child [el old new]
(.replaceChild ^js el new old))
(defn replace-el [old new]
(replace-child (parent old) old new))
(defn query [selector]
(js/document.querySelector selector))
(defn query-all [selector]
(js/document.querySelectorAll selector))
(defn el-by-id [id]
(js/document.getElementById id))
;; Hiccup
(defn split-tag [tag]
(let [tag-str (name tag)
tag-name (re-find #"[^#\.]+" tag-str)
id (re-find #"[#][^#\.]+" tag-str)
kls (re-seq #"[\.][^#\.]+" tag-str)]
[(namespace tag)
(when id (subs id 1))
(map #(subs % 1) kls)]))
(defn split-el [[tag & tail]]
(let [[tag-ns tag id kls] (split-tag tag)]
(cond-> (if (map? (first tail))
(first tail)
(assoc :id id)
(seq kls)
(update :class str (str/join " " kls)))
(if (map? (first tail))
(next tail)
(defn dom [hiccup]
(string? hiccup)
(gdom/createTextNode hiccup)
(vector? hiccup)
(= :<> (first hiccup))
(dom (rest hiccup))
(fn? (first hiccup))
(apply (first hiccup) (rest hiccup))
(let [[tag-ns tag attrs children] (split-el hiccup)
el (create-el tag-ns tag)]
(set-attrs el attrs)
(when (seq children)
(conj! el (dom children)))
(seq? hiccup)
(fragment (map dom hiccup))
(implements? IAtom hiccup)
(let [el (atom (dom @hiccup))]
;; FIXME: documentFragments are emptied when they are appended to the DOM,
;; so replaceElement based on the parent does not work.
(add-watch hiccup ::update (fn [_ _ _ new]
(let [old-el @el
new-el (dom new)]
;; Might want some smarter reconcilliation at
;; some point? for now just replace
;; wholesale
(reset! el new-el)
(replace-el old-el new-el))))
(dom (str hiccup))))
;; Reactivity
(defn reatom
"Takes a function and a number of atom-likes which act as input, the result is
an IAtom/IDeref/IWatchable which updates (recomputes) when the source atoms
[f & inputs]
(let [watches (atom {})
compute #(apply f (map deref inputs))
val (volatile! (compute))
reatom (reify
(equiv [this other]
(-equiv this other))
(-equiv [o other] (identical? o other))
(-meta [_] (meta f))
(-deref [o]
(-notify-watches [this oldval newval]
(doseq [[key f] @watches]
(f this key oldval newval)))
(-add-watch [this key f]
(swap! watches assoc key f))
(-remove-watch [this key]
(swap! watches dissoc key)))]
(dom-types/register-printer (type reatom) 'thicc/reatom deref)
(doseq [a inputs]
(add-watch a reatom (fn [key this old new]
(let [old @val]
(vreset! val (compute))
(-notify-watches reatom old @val)))))
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