- Midje Midje provides a migration path from clojure.test to a more flexible, readable, abstract, and gracious style of testing
- Expectations A minimalist’s unit testing framework
- Speclj pronounced “speckle”: a TDD/BDD framework for Clojure.
- Untangled spec A Behavioral Specification Testing Library for Clojure and Clojurescript
- Tach Test self-hosted ClojureScript libs with lein
- Restpect Succint and readable integration tests over RESTful APIs
- kerodon interaction and testing library for html based ring apps.
- matcher-combinators by Nubank. For midje with additional support for clojure.test. Expressive syntax and clear output.
- selvage by Nubank. Integration testing based on a “flow” macro.
- karma-reporter A plugin for running clojurescript tests with Karma.
- Eftest Fast and pretty Clojure test runner
- humane-test-output Humane test output for clojure.test.
- ultra hodgepodge of tooling improvements, including smart test output (blog post)
- Devcards has a macro that replaces cljs.test/deftest
- lein-test-refresh Refreshes and reruns clojure.tests in your project.
- Quickie Lein plugin for auto testing
- Shrubbery Mocks, stubs, and spies for Clojure protocols.
- stub-http Library agnostic way to stub HTTP endpoints in Clojure
- Conjure a mocking/stubbing library for Clojure
- Specific Generate mocks and other test doubles using clojure.spec
- Datomock “Fork” datomic connections
- Spy Clojure/ClojureScript library for stubs, spies and mocks.
- Fixpoint Clojure Test Fixtures & Datasources http://blog.stylefruits.tech/fixpoint/
- docker-fixture Docker containers as clojure.test fixtures
- Specmonstah Specmonstah lets you use the power of clojure.spec to concisely set up “the state of the world” for unit tests.
- test.chuck Utility library for generative tests (extra generators etc)