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Last active October 14, 2017 13:01
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;; # A game of snake
;; First create the board that the snake will move on. For now the board is just an empty rectangle, but it's a cell so what's inside it can change. We'll update the board later so it contains the snake.
(defcell board
(let [square #(colorize "white" (rectangle 10 10))]
(->> (range 20))
(apply above (map #(apply beside (map square (range 20))) (range 20)))))
(defcell last-key nil)
(defcell direction [self]
(get {37 :left
38 :up
39 :right
40 :down} @last-key)
(defcell snake [[2 2] [2 3] [2 4] [2 5]])
(defn move-piece [[x y]]
(let [[x+ y+] (case @direction
:left [dec identity]
:right [inc identity]
:up [identity dec]
:down [identity inc])
wrap #(cond (< % 0) 9 (> % 9) 0 :else %)]
[(wrap (x+ x)) (wrap (y+ y))]))
(defn move! []
(swap! snake #(conj (butlast %) (move-piece (first %)))))
(defn compute-board []
(for [y (range 10)
x (range 10)]
(cond->> (colorize "white" (rectangle 20 20)) (some #{[x y]} @snake) (colorize "blue")))
(partition 10)
(map #(apply beside %))
(apply above)))
(defn tick! []
(reset! board (compute-board))
(defcell game-loop []
(interval 200 tick!))
( js/document #(reset! last-key (.-keyCode %)))
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