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Created October 27, 2022 06:48
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(ns lambdaisland.trikl1.simple-object-system
"Clojure's missing object system
An 'object' for us is an (r)atom which contains the object state, and metadata on
that atom which contains the methods, keyed by symbol.
A 'klass' is a map of methods, which can then be used as metadata on an object
to 'instantiate' an object.
[[call]] handles calling a method, passing it `this` (the atom) and any
additional arguments.
[[instance]] constructs an instance of a klass. There are two methods that can
be implemented for constructor functionality. `prep` is called before the atom
is created, it receives any options-map passed to `instance`, and the return
value is used as the atom's initial value. Metadata on the return value is
added to the metadata on the atom, and thus can be used to locally add or
override instance methods.
`init` is an actual contstructor, receiving `this` and again the options map
supplied to `instance`. It can further initialize by swapping `this`. Its
return value is ignored.
The `defklass` macro provides a syntax that looks more like e.g. a `deftype`.
The initial `this` argument is implicit when using `defklass`.
Validation with malli schemas, and superclass method chain traversal are
supported. The keys in the metadata map are `:malli/schema`, and
`:sos/superklass` respectively.
I'm sorry, Rich, but I really wanted concrete instantiation and derivation in
this case. The Smalltalk people were right, these object things make a lot of
sense for GUIs.
(:require [lambdaisland.trikl1.ratom :as ratom]
[malli.core :as m]))
(defn- call-with-klass [klassname klass obj method args]
(let [f (get klass method)]
(apply f obj args)
(:sos/superklass klass)
(call-with-klass klassname (:sos/superklass klass) obj method args)
(throw (java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException.
(str "Method " method " not found on " klassname "<" @obj ">"))))))
(defn call
"Object method call"
[obj method & args]
(let [klass (meta obj)]
(call-with-klass (:sos/klass klass) klass obj method args)))
(defn- validate-schema-fn [schema]
(fn [val]
(when-not (m/validate schema val)
(throw (ex-info "Invalid object state"
(m/explain schema val))))
(defn has-method? [obj-or-klass method]
(if (instance? clojure.lang.IAtom obj-or-klass)
(has-method? (meta obj-or-klass) method)
(or (contains? obj-or-klass method)
(when-let [super (:sos/superklass obj-or-klass)]
(has-method? super method)))))
(defn instance
"Instantiate a new object"
[klass opts]
(let [state (if (has-method? klass 'prep)
(call-with-klass (:sos/klass klass) klass klass 'prep [opts])
klass (merge klass (meta state))]
(cond-> {:meta klass}
(:malli/schema klass)
(assoc :validator
(validate-schema-fn (:malli/schema klass)))))
(has-method? klass 'init)
(doto (call 'init opts)))))
(defmacro defklass
"Just a boat full of sugar"
{:style/indent [2 :defn]}
[name supers & body]
(let [[schema body] (if (= (first body) :-)
[(second body) (drop 2 body)]
[nil body])]
`(def ~name
~(into (cond-> {:sos/klass `'~name}
(assoc :malli/schema schema)
(seq supers)
(assoc :sos/superklass (first supers)))
(map (fn [[sym argv & body]]
[`'~sym `(fn ~(into '[this] argv) ~@body)]))
(defn with
"Derive a new object from an existing object by merging `m` into the object
[obj m]
(instance (meta obj) (merge @obj m)))
(def MyObj
{:malli/schema [:map [:x int?] [:y int?] [:z int?]]
:to-string (fn [this]
(let [{:keys [x y z]} @this]
(str "x:" x " y:" y " z:" z)))})
(defklass BaseObj []
(do-thing []
(println "doing thing" @this)))
(defklass MyObj [BaseObj]
:- [:map [:x int?] [:y int?] [:z int?]]
(prep [opts]
(merge {:x 1 :y 1 :z 1} opts))
(init [opts]
(swap! this update :z + 3))
(inc-x []
(swap! this inc :x)))
(call (instance MyObj {:x 2}) 'do-thing)
(has-method? (instance MyObj {:x 2}) 'do-thing)
(has-method? (:sos/superklass (meta (instance MyObj {:x 2}))) 'do-things)
(def obj (instance MyObj { :y 2 :z 3}))
(call obj :to-string))
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