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Forked from nekoya/
Last active September 4, 2015 12:55
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Perl Crypy::CBC (Blowfish) -> Python Crypto
import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
from binascii import unhexlify
from struct import pack
key = unhexlify('144a6b229633360207ff9c79016fc49426f1814727b663bc39df05df9a1892073e2812df9492c1e952aac68d1ddfefba635d3a33aba21535') # "thisiskey"
iv = '123abc45'
def enc(str):
plen = Blowfish.block_size - len(str) % Blowfish.block_size
padding = [plen] * plen
pad_str = str + pack('b' * plen, *padding)
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv)
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(cipher.encrypt(pad_str))
def dec(str):
plen = 4 - len(str) & 3
pad_str = str + '=' * plen
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv)
dec = cipher.decrypt(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(pad_str))
num_padding = ord(dec[-1])
return dec[:(-1 * num_padding)]
assert enc('1234567') == '7Zbfy4S_B28='
assert enc('12345678') == '_V5IPxYq4omALzIyl10aMw=='
assert enc('hello world') == 'V6r02_ivXP2ChJ0DGd_7aw=='
assert dec('V6r02_ivXP2ChJ0DGd_7aw==') == 'hello world'
assert dec('V6r02_ivXP2ChJ0DGd_7aw') == dec('V6r02_ivXP2ChJ0DGd_7aw=') == dec('V6r02_ivXP2ChJ0DGd_7aw==') == dec('V6r02_ivXP2ChJ0DGd_7aw===')
use strict;
use warnings;
use Crypt::CBC;
my $key = shift or die '[usage] key';
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new({
'key' => $key,
'cipher' => 'Blowfish',
'iv' => '12345678',
'regenerate_key' => 1,
'padding' => 'standard',
'prepend_iv' => 0,
print unpack('H*', $cipher->key), "\n";
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