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Ember CLI QUnit text content helpers
// tests/acceptance/foo-test.js
// Assert that text should be found
assert.hasText('Not Found'); // Error: Could not find text "Not Found" on the page
// Provide custom message
assert.hasText('Not Found', 'Expected to find "Not Found"'); // Error: Expected to find "Not Found"
// Find any number of elements containing the query text
text('Found'); // [<div>Found</div>, <input value="Found">]
// Scope selector to type
text('Found', 'div'); // [<div>Found</div>]
// Find buttons
button('Sign In'); // [<input type="submit" value="Sign In">]
// Use with existing helpers
click(button('Sign In'));
// tests/helpers/start-app.js
import text from './text'; /* jshint unused:false */
import Ember from 'ember';
import QUnit from 'qunit';
var mergeUnique = function(){
return $.unique($.merge.apply($, arguments));
var withValue = function(text, scope) {
return find(`${scope || ''}[value*="${text}"]`);
var directlyContains = function(text, scope){
var foundText = find(`${scope || ''}:contains(${text})`).filter(function() {
return (
$(this).clone() //clone the element
.children() //select all the children
.remove() //remove all the children
.end() //again go back to selected element
.filter(`:contains(${text})`).length > 0);
var foundValue = withValue(text, scope);
return mergeUnique(foundText, foundValue);
var textHelpers = function(){
Ember.Test.registerHelper('button', function (app, text) {
return mergeUnique(
withValue(text, 'input'),
directlyContains(text, 'button'));
Ember.Test.registerHelper('text', function (app, text) {
return directlyContains(text);
QUnit.assert.hasText = function(text, message) {
var element = directlyContains(text);
QUnit.assert.ok(element.length, message || `Could not find text "${text}" on the page`);
export default textHelpers;
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