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pligor / jupyter_poc_playwright.ipynb
Created December 22, 2023 01:12
Proof of Concept to execute Playwright code cell by cell in a Jupyter Notebook, which speeds up development of new and especially existing scenarios exponentially
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pligor / btn_appear_disappear.markdown
Last active February 10, 2023 15:49
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
pligor / symbols.json
Created June 3, 2022 10:53
some symbols
{"mSymbolInfo":{"Jumbo":{"isPublic":false,"mSymbolId":718,"mSymbolName":"Jumbo","mDescription":"Jumbo SA (BABr.AT)","mNoOfDecimals":3,"mSwapLong":-4.44,"mSwapShort":-5.56,"mSwapRollover3Days":3,"mMarginMultipliers":{"mInitialMarketLong":0.2,"mInitialMarketShort":0.2,"mInitialLimitLong":0.0,"mInitialLimitShort":0.0,"mInitialStopLong":0.0,"mInitialStopShort":0.0,"mInitialStopLimitLong":0.0,"mInitialStopLimitShort":0.0,"mMaintenanceMarketLong":0.2,"mMaintenanceMarketShort":0.2,"mMaintenanceLimitLong":0.0,"mMaintenanceLimitShort":0.0,"mMaintenanceStopLong":0.0,"mMaintenanceStopShort":0.0,"mMaintenanceStopLimitLong":0.0,"mMaintenanceStopLimitShort":0.0},"mInitialMargin":0.0,"mMaintenanceMargin":0.0,"mHedgedMargin":10.0,"mExpiryTime":0,"mStartTime":0,"mTradingHours":[{"mFrom":{"mDay":1,"mHour":10,"mMinute":40},"mTo":{"mDay":1,"mHour":16,"mMinute":55}},{"mFrom":{"mDay":2,"mHour":10,"mMinute":40},"mTo":{"mDay":2,"mHour":16,"mMinute":55}},{"mFrom":{"mDay":3,"mHour":10,"mMinute":40},"mTo":{"mDay":3,"mHour":16,"mMinute"
pligor / Sequence to Sequence Prediction using Raw RNN versus using native Seq2Seq module of
Last active July 7, 2017 11:21
Sequence to Sequence Prediction using Raw RNN versus using native Seq2Seq module of tensorflow
#for naming purposes alone
#learn more here:
pligor / gulpfile.ts
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Basic gulp usage to get up and running with a very minimal gulp scenario
* Created by pligor on 5/26/15.
///<reference path="./declarations/node.d.ts"/>
///<reference path="./declarations/gulp.d.ts"/>
var gulp = require("gulp")
//var plugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')(); // Load all gulp plugins
// automatically and attach
pligor / app.ts
Created May 26, 2015 12:55
Successful attempt of using Scrollmagic to create a nice scrolling effect where bars are growing according to the amount of scroll. pinning the element on the screen is also important for this to work, scroll magic handles this as well
* Created by pligor on 4/17/15.
/// <reference path="./declarations/greensock.d.ts" />
//declare a variable representing underscore so this typescript file will compile without errors
//declare var _: any;
var ScrollMagic:any;
pligor / paintNewColor_to_singleColorPngs.ts
Created May 1, 2015 23:24
50 lines of code could save lots and lots of time killed in photoshop for a trivial task. If you are a designer you need a fast and easy way to change the color in a large collection of png icons with transparent background. This script helps you achieve that. You execute it as you execute any other typescript file. Make sure you have some png f…
* Created by pligor on 5/2/15.
//DO NOT FORGET TO `npm install shelljs` in the same folder (locally) before executing
///<reference path="shelljs.d.ts"/>
//var shelljs = require('shelljs')//require('shelljs/global') //this is only if you do not use the declaration file
import shelljs = require('shelljs')
pligor / index.html
Created November 20, 2012 14:04 — forked from battlehorse/index.html
Demo script to convert Google Chart Tools charts into PNG images.
<script src="javascripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
function getImgData(chartContainer) {
var grandchild = $(chartContainer).children(":first").children(":first");
var chartArea = grandchild[0];