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Forked from mnd999/HackNight.scala
Last active January 3, 2016 12:19
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/** * Alice in Markov Chains for West London Hack Night * * Developed in 1.5 hours by Scala team. * Post-night development by Peter L Jones */
package wlhacknight
import java.util.Arrays
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
import scala.util.Random
* Alice in Markov Chains for West London Hack Night
* Developed in 1.5 hours by Scala team.
* Post-night development by Peter L Jones
* ... mostly to help me learn more bits of Scala ...
object HackNight extends App {
case class Node(value: String, val isFollowedBy: Map[String, Int]) {
def link = {
val random = Random.nextInt(isFollowedBy.foldLeft(0)(_ + _._2)) + 1
// I'm convinced I can get rid of this var sometime
var sum = 0
// Sort in increasing probability
.sortWith(_._2 < _._2)
// Drop until we've reached the random value
.dropWhile(p => { sum += p._2; sum < random })
def isTerminal = {
value match {
case _@ ("'''line'''" | "'''verse'''" | "'''start'''") => true
case _ => false
class Chain(private val chain: Map[String, Node], private val start: String) extends Iterable[Node] {
def iterator = new ChainIterator
override def toString = chain.toString()
class ChainIterator extends Iterator[Node] {
// Stroll forward over terminal markers so we have next to start with
private[this] var current = chain(chain(start).link)
while (current.isTerminal) {
current = chain(
// Ensure hasNext stays false once it says false
private[this] var _hasNext = true
def hasNext = {
_hasNext = _hasNext && !self.isTerminal
// Do not lose the current element whilst computing the next
private[this] var self = current
def next = {
if (_hasNext) {
self = current
current = chain(
} else
throw new Exception("There is nothing here to see.")
def somekindofparsingfunction(words: List[String], nodeMap: Map[String, Node]): Map[String, Node] = {
words match {
case _ :: Nil => nodeMap
case word :: moreWords => {
val nextWord = moreWords.head
nodeMap get word match {
case None =>
somekindofparsingfunction(moreWords, nodeMap + (word -> Node(word, Map(nextWord -> 1))))
case Some(node) => {
val newNode = node.isFollowedBy get nextWord match {
case None => Node(word, node.isFollowedBy + (nextWord -> 1))
case Some(count) => Node(word, node.isFollowedBy.updated(nextWord, count + 1))
somekindofparsingfunction(moreWords, nodeMap + (word -> newNode))
def allLines(files: Traversable[String]) = {
val regex = "[^a-z', ]".r
for (
file <- files;
line <- Source.fromFile(file).getLines
.map(line => regex.replaceAllIn(line.toLowerCase(), "").trim())
.filter(line => line != "")
.map(line => (line + " '''line'''")
.split(" ")
.map(word => word.trim())
.filter(word => word match {
case _@ ("" | "'" | "," | " ") => false
case _ => true
) yield line
val nodeMap = somekindofparsingfunction(
allLines(args).flatten.toList ++: ("'''start'''" :: Nil),
HashMap[String, Node]())
println(nodeMap + "\n\n")
def getLine(start: String, size: Int): Tuple2[Node, String] = {
val nodesInLine = new Chain(nodeMap, start).take(size).toList
(nodesInLine.last, nodesInLine.takeWhile(v => !v.isTerminal).map(v => v.value).mkString(" "))
var nextStart = "'''start'''"
val song = Iterator.continually({
val linesInVerse = Iterator.continually({
val (lastNode, line) = getLine(nextStart, 12 + Random.nextInt(12))
nextStart = lastNode.value
(lastNode, line)
}).filter(_._2 != "").take(5 + Random.nextInt(6)).toList
nextStart = "'''verse'''"
linesInVerse.takeWhile(v => v._1.isTerminal).map(v => v._2).mkString("\n")
}).take(5 + Random.nextInt(5)).mkString("\n\n")
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pljones commented Jan 16, 2014

Oh.... There's a problem where you can get "empty words"... and I'm still trying to find the bug.

The easy fix is to skip them on output but ideally they'd not get in at all. I'm not sure where they come from....

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pljones commented Jan 19, 2014


This does the start/verse/line parsing as well as everything else. There's perverse "var" for the number of lines per verse but otherwise it's pretty okay, I think. I've expanded the regexp to all apostrophes and commas, which gives a but more natural feel, too. Fed with prog lyrics (Marillion's first three albums) it produced a varied set of songs, all equally incomprehensible...

Note that "'''start'''" and "'''verse'''" tags must be manually inserted in the lyrics text files supplied on the command line. The verse tag should precede the start tag (so searching for start skips line and verse tags).

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pljones commented Jan 29, 2014

Yes, far more code now. This means it must be better.

The big news is "class Chain" and the associated ChainIterator to make it "easier" to get the next word in the song.

Other other big news is that it now does actually weight the words based on frequency when picking a next word.

In other news, I've tried hard to get rid of as many vars as I could -- and added a few to keep a decent balance as this is Scala... but the added ones are to support the state of iterators. Really. Apart from "sum"... which could be computed with a def and some tail recursion instead of how I've done it, I suppose...

The output is now less incomprehensible and far more recognisably influenced by the input.

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