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Created March 21, 2014 21:08
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Haskell routine allegedly written for WLHN 2014-03-20...
import Data.List (minimumBy)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
data Node = Node {x::Int, y::Int} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Terrain = Terrain {startNode::Node, endNode::Node, obstacleNodes::[Node]} deriving (Show)
isBlocked :: Node -> Terrain -> Bool
isBlocked dest t = elem dest (obstacleNodes t)
distance :: Terrain -> Node -> Node -> Ordering
distance t a b =
dxA = (x a) - (x (endNode t))
dyA = (y a) - (y (endNode t))
dxB = (x b) - (x (endNode t))
dyB = (y b) - (y (endNode t))
compare (sqrt $ fromIntegral (dxA * dxA + dyA * dyA)) (sqrt $ fromIntegral (dxB * dxB + dyB * dyB))
best :: [Node] -> Terrain -> Maybe Node
best [] _ = Nothing
best nodes t =
Just (minimumBy (distance t) nodes)
getNextNode :: [Node] -> Terrain -> Maybe Node
getNextNode path t =
currentNode = last path
adjacentNodes =
[Node x (y currentNode) | x <- [x currentNode - 1 .. x currentNode + 1]]
[Node (x currentNode) y | y <- [y currentNode - 1 .. y currentNode + 1]]
if ((endNode t) `elem` adjacentNodes)
then Just (endNode t)
else best [x | x <- adjacentNodes, not (isBlocked x t), not (x `elem` path)] t
getRoute :: [Node] -> Terrain -> [Node]
getRoute path t =
case getNextNode path t of
Just node ->
if (node == endNode t)
then path ++ [node]
else getRoute (path ++ [node]) t
Nothing ->
let lastNode = last path in
getRoute (take (length path - 1) path) (Terrain (startNode t) (endNode t) (lastNode : (obstacleNodes t)))
main = do
let startNode = Node 2 2
endNode = Node 8 8
obstacleNodes = [ (Node 5 2), (Node 5 5), (Node 7 7) ]
print ("Start : " ++ (show startNode))
print ("End : " ++ (show endNode))
print ("Obstacles: " ++ (show obstacleNodes))
print ("Path : " ++ (show (getRoute [startNode] (Terrain startNode endNode obstacleNodes))))
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