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Last active January 25, 2019 00:22
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Archivist and Diviner Payable on Delivery Demo

This demo will allow you to complete an end-to-end conversation between an Archivist and Diviner to confirm a delivery and secure a payment.

What you will need

Key Terms that you should know before starting

Initial Setup

Make sure that you take notes for various hashes, and other data you will need to walkthrough this demo.

  • Boot up new instance of ganache ui, make sure port is set to 8545, cancel and restart if necessary. You can change that setting by clicking on the settings gear in the top right corner of the UI.
  • Open up browser with metamask, switch to localhost 8545, import the first account by private key using a mnemonic phrase(example: want rocket grape message raccoon goose lumber loves memory to stamp fight) you will create a password to complete setup for the extension, then confrim 100ETH.

Open up a terminal and setup project sandbox

cd ~ && export XYO_HOME=`pwd`/xyo && echo "XYO_HOME set to $XYO_HOME" && cd $XYO_HOME

Set up archivist

export ARCHIVIST_BRANCH=develop && mkdir -p $XYO_HOME && cd $XYO_HOME && git clone -b $ARCHIVIST_BRANCH archivist 

Build the archivist

cd $XYO_HOME/archivist && mkdir logs && mkdir archivist-db && yarn clean && yarn install && yarn build

Set up database

Configure your credentials, since this would be in a local environment, you can keep your user and password simple

export MYSQL_USER=admin && export MYSQL_PASSWORD=password

Start MySQL Service

docker run \
--name XyoDb \
-d \
-p 3306:3306 \
mysql:5.7.24 --sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION

Pick a name for your node

export ARCHIVIST_NODE_NAME=my-archivist

Get your IP address and set it

export MY_IP=`ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ''` && echo "My ip is $MY_IP"

Start the archivist

NODE_ENV=develop \
SQL__PORT=3306 \
nohup node packages/app-archivist/dist/index.js &

Tail the logs to check if a genesis block was created.

tail -f -n 1000 nohup.out

Note Be sure to check the transactions tab on the Ganache-UI to see your transactions as you execute them, especially after starting the archivist, diviner, and any conversations/transactions.

Set up the diviner

export DIVINER_BRANCH=develop
cd $XYO_HOME && git clone -b $DIVINER_BRANCH diviner

Build the diviner

cd $XYO_HOME/diviner && mkdir logs && mkdir diviner-db && yarn clean && yarn install && yarn build

Set up an ipfs instance

mkdir -p $XYO_HOME/ipfs/staging && \
mkdir -p $XYO_HOME/ipfs/data && \
export ipfs_staging=$XYO_HOME/ipfs/staging && \
export ipfs_data=$XYO_HOME/ipfs/data

Start the ipfs instance on Docker

docker run \
-d \
--name ipfs_host \
-v $ipfs_staging:/export \
-v $ipfs_data:/data/ipfs \
-p 4001:4001 \
-p \
-p \

In order for us to handle current issues with cors, we go ahead and set the config in our docker to handle this. This will be updated, in the mean time, this step is necessary

docker exec ipfs_host ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["*"]'
docker exec ipfs_host ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]'

Restart ipfs service

docker restart ipfs_host

Add staked consensus file to ipfs

curl '' > $ipfs_staging/XyoStakedConsensus.json && \
  docker exec ipfs_host ipfs add -r /export/XyoStakedConsensus.json

Set the environment variable for diviner eth address, make sure to confirm that it is the first account in your ganache.

export ABOUT__ETH_ADDRESS=`curl -s -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_accounts","params":[],"id":1}' | python -c "import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)['result'][0]"` && echo "Diviner ethereum address is $ABOUT__ETH_ADDRESS"

After setting this up, let's get the Pay On Delivery contracts built, we'll clone from XYO-payondelivery-solidity.

Build contracts

cd $XYO_HOME && git clone payondelivery && cd $XYO_HOME/payondelivery && yarn

For the deployment of this contract, we encourage you to use our tool, dApploy

yarn global add tool-dapploy-nodejs

Deploy contracts


Confirm in ganache-ui that transactions have contracts have been created in transactions tab. You will also see the first account will have slightly less ethereum from the cost of gas in deploying the contract

Copy contract's artifacts into ipfs

cp -r build/contracts $ipfs_staging && docker exec ipfs_host ipfs add -r /export/contracts

This will output something like added Qm... contracts. You should be able to open a browser and view the contracts folder at be sure to copy the last hash value which is your ipfs deployed contract

Open a browser with metamask installed and go to our smart contract playground dApper

Clear application cache through inspect-tools -> Application -> clear storage -> clear site data then refresh page

Then connect wallet with the account that we added earlier

Go to setting by clicking the gear icon

Now we will set the ipfs config and add the abi

Set ipfs config to host: localhost port: 8080 protocol: http

Then copy the contracts ipfs hash from earlier and click add abi

You should be able to select a contract from left dropdown, PayOnDelivery and the bottom drop down and click the button below select contract to update the contract address

If you select the owner() button and execute it should display your public key and if you go to question and add a parameter of 0 an error will occur because there are no questions yet, so lets create some data to ask questions about first.

Create mock data (this the question) and send to MySQL

cd $XYO_HOME/archivist && node packages/data-generator/dist/index.js --host= --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD --database=Xyo --port=3306

Open sequel pro

Set database credentials to host: username: admin password: password database: Xyo port: 3306

Then select query tab and use this query

FROM OriginBlockParties obp
	JOIN OriginBlocks ob on = obp.originBlockId
	JOIN KeySignatures ks on = ks.originBlockPartyId
	JOIN PublicKeys pk on = ks.publicKeyId
GROUP BY obp.originBlockId	
HAVING COUNT(obp.originBlockId) > 1

Click run current to view results.

The results showing are all the bound witness interactions in the system.

Select the first row, second column and copy the the items as the itemA and itemB which will go into the escrowPayment dapper view. Make sure to copy each value individually and place where you won't forget

Go back to dApper: Click on escrowPayment() and get ready to update some keys For the beneficiary input, put the last ganache account public key paste the itemA and itemB in the string slots respectively

For marker put 0 and for Value to transfer do 10000000000000000000 (10Eth). Execute contract which will bring up metamask to confirm. Check your ganache-ui that 10Eth is in escrow for the first address.

Now we make note of the address from for PayOnDelivery contract. Click on the gear icon, and then select your PayOnDelivery contract. On the UI to the right you should see Deployments network -- address. The address should with 0x (similar to your accounts on Ganache)

Go back to terminal and run


Change directory to diviner

cd $XYO_HOME/diviner

Start diviner

Once the diviner is started it will find the first question in the smart contract, ask the archivist for data about the publicKeys (itemA, itemB), the archivist provides an answer and then the diviner answers the SmartContract which results in the beneficiary getting 10Eth out of escrow. You can verify this by going to ganache-ui and looking at the Account Balances.

nohup node packages/app-diviner/dist/index.js &

Tear Down

Stop and remove all docker containers

docker stop ipfs_host && docker rm ipfs_host && docker stop XyoDb && docker rm XyoDb && docker system prune -a
rm -rf $XYO_HOME

Kill diviner and archivist processes

ps -A | grep archivist # Then kill process id
ps -A | grep diviner # Then kill process id


You just successfully completed the set up and build of an XYO Archivist and Diviner, then deployed a smart contract to initiate the terms of the conversation, then set up a question for the diviner to ask the archivist, and finally completing the question/answer session complete with a reward. Check back for more awesome walkthroughs from XYO!

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