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Last active August 8, 2022 20:17
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Genesys Cloud Automate WebRTC Phone Creation
# Author: Paul McGurn
# Created: August 3, 2022
# This script is intended to run from within an Azure Automation Runbook. It queries Genesys CLoud
# for Users, determines if each has a WebRTC phone assigned, and either assigns or creates one as needed.
# There are Azure Active Directory integrations to cover mapping from AAD Office Location to Genesys Cloud Site, since
# the Genesys SCIM integration doesn't support syncing Office Location.
$sep = "**********************************"
# Update values in this section as appropriate for the environment
$cloudenv = '' # '' or '', etc.
$credenv = 'qa' #Set to 'qa' or 'prod' depending on which environment we're connecting to
$azureaccountid = 'xxxxxxxxx' #GUID of the Managed Identity impersonation account
$defaultsite = 'NORTHAMERICA'
#Mappings from Azure AD User location to Genesys Cloud Site for the WebRTC phone.
$locationmap = $(
@{name = "Amsterdam"; cloudlocation = "EUROPE"; },
@{name = "Budapest"; cloudlocation = "EUROPE"; },
@{name = "Field (Australia)"; cloudlocation = "AUSTRALIA"; },
@{name = "Field (Germany)"; cloudlocation = "EUROPE"; },
@{name = "Field (Hungary)"; cloudlocation = "EUROPE"; },
@{name = "Field (Ireland)"; cloudlocation = "EUROPE"; },
@{name = "Field (Netherlands)"; cloudlocation = "EUROPE"; },
@{name = "Field (UK)"; cloudlocation = "EUROPE"; },
@{name = "Dublin"; cloudlocation = "EUROPE"; },
@{name = "Sao Paulo"; cloudlocation = "SOUTHAMERICA"; },
@{name = "Singapore"; cloudlocation = "AUSTRALIA"; },
@{name = "Sydney, Australia"; cloudlocation = "AUSTRALIA"; },
@{name = "Theaterstr. 6, Dresden"; cloudlocation = "EUROPE"; }
#Azure AD connection, comment out before -Identity to run locally
try {
Write-Output "Connecting to Azure AD"
Connect-AzAccount -Identity -Account $azureaccountid | Out-Null
catch {
Write-Output "Failed to connect to Azure AD, aborting provisioning run"
Write-Output $_
Write-Error "Failed to connect to Azure AD, aborting provisioning run"
Write-Error $_
Exit 1
# No edits below here
#Get clientid and clientsecret from Azure Keyvault. We store both QA and Prod values in the same vault
#ex. clientid-prod and clientsecret-prod
try {
Write-Output "Getting clientid and clientsecret from Azure Keyvault"
$clientid = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "genesyscloud-prov" -Name "clientid-$($credenv)" -AsPlainText
$clientsecret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "genesyscloud-prov" -Name "clientsecret-$($credenv)" -AsPlainText
Write-Output "Client ID: ($($clientid))"
catch {
Write-Output "Failed to get Azure Keyvautl entries for Genesys credentials. Aborting."
Write-Output $_
Write-Error "Failed to get Azure Keyvautl entries for Genesys credentials. Aborting."
Write-Error $_
Exit 1
$pair = "$($clientid):$($clientsecret)"
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair)
$base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
#Get Genesys Cloud OAuth token
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64")
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
$body = "grant_type=client_credentials"
Write-Output "Logging in to Genesys Cloud API"
try {
$response = Invoke-RestMethod "https://login.$cloudenv/oauth/token" -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $body
catch {
Write-Output "Failed to log in to Genesys Cloud API. Aborting."
Write-Output $_
Write-Error "Failed to log in to Genesys Cloud API. Aborting."
Write-Error $_
Exit 1
#set bearer based on returned access token
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $($response.access_token)")
#get user list
Write-Output $sep
Write-Output "Getting User List with Stations"
$users = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.$cloudenv/api/v2/users?pageSize=250&expand=station" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
#add users to separate collection, in case we have more pages to fetch
$userlist = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($u in $users.entities) {
$userlist.add($u) | Out-Null
#see if we have additional pages of users, if so, get them all
if ($false -eq [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($users.nextUri)) {
Write-Output "User list has multiple pages ($($users.pageCount))"
$selfUri = $users.selfUri
$nextUri = $users.nextUri
$lastUri = $users.lastUri
while ($selfUri -ne $lastUri) {
Write-Output "Getting next page of users ($($users.pageNumber + 1))"
$users = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.$($cloudenv)$($nextUri)" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
#add additional users to collection
foreach ($u in $users.entities) {
$userlist.add($u) | Out-Null
$selfUri = $users.selfUri
$nextUri = $users.nextUri
#Parse list of users that that do not have DefaultStation set to a phone
$toprovision = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::New()
foreach ($u in $userlist) {
if (!$u.station.defaultStation) {
$toprovision.add($u) | Out-Null
if ($toprovision.count -lt 1) {
Write-Output "No users need a WebRTC phone. Exiting."
Exit 0
else {
Write-Output "Phones to provision: $($toprovision.count)"
#get site list. Note, we expect a default site to be called "NORTHAMERICA" unless changed above.
$sitelist = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.$($cloudenv)/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
if (!$sitelist.entities) {
Write-Error "No Sites found defined, exiting"
Exit 1
else {
$sitelist = $sitelist.entities
#get edge group list, we should only have one, but we need the GUID for it
$edgegrouplist = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.$($cloudenv)/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/edgegroups" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
if ($edgegrouplist.entities) {
$edgegroupid = $edgegrouplist.entities[0].id
#Write-Output "Edge Group ID: $($edgegroupid)"
else {
Write-Error "No edge group found, exiting"
Exit 1
#get phone base settings list and ID for WebRTC entry
$phonebasesettingslist = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.$($cloudenv)/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phonebasesettings?name=WebRTC" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
if ($phonebasesettingslist.entities) {
$phonebasesettingsid = $null
$webrtc = $phonebasesettingslist.entities | Where-Object -Property Name -Match "WebRTC"
if ($webrtc) {
$phonebasesettingsid = $
#Write-Output "Phone Base Settings ID: $9$phonebasesettingsid)"
else {
Write-Error "No WebRTC config found in Phone Base Settings"
Exit 1
else {
Write-Error "No phone base settings found, exiting"
Exit 1
#get line base settings list and ID for WebRTC entry
$linebasesettingslist = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.$cloudenv/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/linebasesettings" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
if ($linebasesettingslist.entities.count -gt 0) {
$line = $linebasesettingslist.entities | Where-Object Name -Match "WebRTC"
if ($line) {
$linebasesettingsid = $
#Write-Output "Line Base Settings ID: $($linebasesettingsid)"
else {
Write-Error "No line config found for Line Base Settings 'WebRTC'"
Exit 1
else {
Write-Error "No line base settings found, exiting"
Exit 1
#add the webrtc softphones
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
foreach ($u in $toprovision) {
Write-Output $sep
$email = $
#try to find an existing WebRTC phone based on user ID first
Write-Output "$($email): Check for existing WebRTC phone"
$alreadyexists = $false
$phonelookupresp = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.$cloudenv/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones?$($" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
if ($ -gt 0) {
$webrtcid = $phonelookupresp.entities[0].Lines[0].id
Write-Output "$($email): phone exists ($($webrtcid)), but not set as a default."
$alreadyexists = $true
#phone doesn't already exist, create one
if ($false -eq $alreadyexists) {
Write-Output "$($email): WebRTC phone doesn't exist, creating one."
Write-Output "$($email): Looking up User in AD to map WebRTC Site"
$user = Get-AzAdUser -Filter "mail eq '$($email)'"
if ($user) {
#User found, map them
$location = $user.OfficeLocation
$mappedlocation = $locationmap | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $location
if ($mappedlocation) {
$site = $sitelist | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $mappedlocation.cloudlocation
Write-Output "$($email): Site mapped to ($($"
$siteid = $
else {
$site = $sitelist | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $defaultsite
Write-Output "$($email): Site not mapped, using default ($($defaultsite))"
$siteid = $
else {
Write-Output "$($email): User not found in AD (local user?). Using default ($($defaultsite))."
$site = $sitelist | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $defaultsite
$siteid = $
#build WebRTC request payload
$body = [PSCustomObject]@{
name = "$($ WebRTC";
edgeGroup = @{ id = $edgegroupid };
site = @{ id = $siteid };
phoneBaseSettings = @{ id = $phonebasesettingsid };
webRtcUser = @{ id = $ };
lines = @(
name = "$($ WebRTC";
lineBaseSettings = @{ id = $linebasesettingsid }
$phonejson = $body | ConvertTo-Json -depth 8
$phoneresp = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.$cloudenv/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones" -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $phonejson -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$webrtcid = $phoneresp.Lines[0].id
#update each user's Default Station
Write-Output "$($ Set default station to $($webrtcid)"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod "https://api.$cloudenv/api/v2/users/$($$($webrtcid)" -Method 'PUT' -Headers $headers
Write-Output $sep
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