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Last active July 28, 2020 09:53
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Node.js GCP IAP Service Account Authentication
const request = require('request');
const jws = require('jws');
const OAUTH_TOKEN_URI = '';
const APP_HOST = process.env.APP_HOST;
const APP_URI = `https://${APP_HOST}`;
const creds = require('./service_account');
var iat = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
var exp = iat + 3600;
var payload = {
iss: creds.client_email,
aud: "",
target_audience: APP_URI,
var assertion = {
header: {
alg: 'RS256',
typ: 'JWT'
payload: payload,
secret: creds.private_key
const jwt = jws.sign(assertion);
const body = `assertion=${jwt}&grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Ajwt-bearer`;
method: 'POST',
uri: '',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
}, function(err, response, body) {
const parsed = JSON.parse(body);
const { id_token } = parsed;
method: 'POST',
uri: APP_URI,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${id_token}`,
'Content-Type': "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar" })
}, function(err, response, body) {
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ryanchapman commented Jan 5, 2019

After working on this for a few hours, just wanted to leave a note for others...

target_audience in the payload needs to be the the oauth client ID which looks like (without http:// or https://)

(your client ID can be found in GCP Console > Security > Identity Aware Proxy, click three dots beside your load balancer, Edit OAuth Client, Client ID)

If anyone knows of a way to use the public FQDN of the load balancer (like in the target_audience, please let me know.

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