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Last active December 21, 2020 22:29
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Summarize long ACS data and make into wide format, retaining the margins of error
## Helpful web pages:
## Run "install.packages("pacman")" in R console if you do not have pacman installed
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, tidycensus, tigris, sf, mapview)
## Optional if you want to write to a file geodatabase, uncomment and run code
# library(arcgisbinding)
# arc.check_product()
## Set 7-county MSA definition of state-county FIPS code
pdx_msa_definition <- c('41005', '41009', '41051', '41067', '41071', '53011', '53059')
## Variable codebook for ACS 5-year estimates; more of an FYI
acs19 <- load_variables(2019, "acs5", cache = TRUE)
## Download data for entire table as "long format" for all tracts in Oregon and Washington
edu_query <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
table = "B15003",
year = 2019,
state = c("OR", "WA"))
## Summarize the education data, adding new variables as needed
edu <- edu_query %>%
## Create a new field that uses a regular expression to extract
## the last three digits from the variable name field. E.G., "B15003_002" becomes "002" becomes 2
mutate(id = str_extract(variable, "[0-9]{3}$") %>% as.integer) %>%
## Create a new field "education" that recodes the variable IDs based on educational levels. You can
## use the `acs19` codebook to figure out how you want to re-code the data.
mutate(education = case_when(
id == 1 ~ "pop25", ## Summary variable for calculating proportions
id %>% between(2, 18) ~ "hs_less",
id %>% between(19, 21) ~ "some_colg",
id >= 22 ~ "ba_higher",
)) %>%
## Group by tract ID and the newly created education field to summarize the data
group_by(GEOID, education) %>%
summarise(E = sum(estimate),
M = moe_sum(moe, estimate = estimate)) %>%
# Ungroup since we now have summarized data
ungroup() %>%
## Arrange by tract ID and education
arrange(GEOID, education)
## Create a "wide format" table
edu_final <- edu %>%
## Filter for only Portland MSA tracts using first 5 characters of GEOID
filter(substr(GEOID, 1, 5) %in% pdx_msa_definition) %>%
## Pivot from long to wide format, so that one tract record is kept and multiple education fields are
## created, inluding the summary variable we created (`pop25`)
pivot_wider(id_cols = GEOID,
names_from = education,
values_from = c(E, M))
## Optionally write table to file geodatabase, uncomment and run code
# arc.write("data.gdb/educational_attainment_2019", edu_final)
## Since we retained the summary variable, we can calculate the proportion if we wish, for example:
edu_final_proportion <- edu_final %>%
mutate(EP_ba_higher = E_ba_higher / E_pop25, ## Share of population with BA or higher
MP_ba_higher = moe_prop(num = E_ba_higher, ## use `moe_prop()` to calculate MoE
denom = E_pop25,
moe_num = M_ba_higher,
moe_denom = M_pop25)
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