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Last active March 16, 2023 03:48
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Workflow examples of using tidymodels as well as two utility functions — generate simple table of multiple model metrics and effect plot for a logistic regression model.
title: "Workflow Examples"
output: html_notebook
## Train-test workflow examples
Two examples presented (2/2 is still TBD). The first is linear regression. The second is logistic regression.
### Linear regression `tidymodel` workflow
```{r linear-train-test-split}
pol <- rio::import("")
# Step 1: Data resampling -------------------
# create training and test datasets. First create data split object from your dataset
# `initial_split(leads_df, strata = purchased)` and then pass the object into `training()`
# and `testing()`
input_data <- pol # pol[-37,] # remove index 37 optionally
# Split the dataset, removing index 37
pol_split <- initial_split(input_data, prop = 3/10, strata = mort)
# Set training and test datasets
pol_train <- training(pol_split)
pol_test <- testing(pol_split)
# Step 2: Model specification --------------------------------------------------
# specify model with parsnip (e.g., `logistic_reg()` or `linear_reg()`) then
# `set_engine()` followed by `set_mode()`.
lm_mort_model <- linear_reg() %>%
set_engine('lm') %>%
# Step 3: Feature engineering --------------------------------------------------
# build feature engineering pipeline by specifying a recipe object that accepts
# a formula and the training dataset. Add preprocessing steps like `step_corr()`,
# `step_normalize()` and `step_dummy()`.
mort_recipe <- recipe(mort ~ nox + hc + so2, data = pol_train) %>%
# Step 4: Recipe training ------------------------------------------------------
# train feature engineering steps on the training data by passing the `recipe`
# object to `prep()` and specifying the `training` parameter to the training dataset
mort_recipe_prep <- prep(mort_recipe, training = pol_train)
# Step 5: Preprocess training data ---------------------------------------------
# apply trained `recipe` to the training data and save the results for model fitting
# with `bake(new_data = NULL)`. Then also apply the trained `recipe` to the test
# dataset and save the results for modeling evaluation.
mort_training_prep <- bake(mort_recipe_prep, new_data = NULL)
mort_testing_prep <- bake(mort_recipe_prep, new_data = pol_test)
# Step 6: Model fitting and predictions ----------------------------------------
# train the logistic regression model from step 2 with `fit()` using the preprocessed
# training dataset. Then obtain model predictions using the preprocessed test dataset
# with `predict()` to predict outcome values (`type = 'class'`) and estimated
# probabilities (`type = 'prob'`).
lm_mort_fit <- lm_mort_model %>%
# last_fit(mort ~ nox + hc + so2, split = pol_split)
fit(mort ~ nox + hc + so2, data = mort_training_prep)
mort_predictions <- predict(lm_mort_fit, new_data = mort_testing_prep)
# Step 7: Combine prediction results -------------------------------------------
# combine predictions into a results dataset for `yardstick` metric functions.
# Starting with the split test dataset from step 1 or preprocessed test dataset
# from step 5, select the outcome variable and then `bind_cols()` from the two
# class and probabilities predictions from step 6. Produces model results dataframe
# with all required columns for `yardstick` metric functions.
pol_test_resuts <- mort_testing_prep %>% # pol_test %>% # Optionally use un-processed data
select(mort, hc, nox, so2) %>%
# Step 8: Model evaluation -----------------------------------------------------
# Using the model results data from step 7, you can calculate a confusion matrix,
# sensitivity, specificity or other metrics. The way this workflow varies is that
# you're able to use feature engineering and incorporate all predictor variables.
ggplot(pol_test_resuts, aes(x=mort, y=.pred))+
geom_abline(color='blue', linetype=2)+
labs(title = "Observed vs Predicted Mortality Rates",
subtitle = "Testing Dataset",
y='Observed Mortality Rate', x='Predicted Mortality Rate') +
### Logistic regression `tidymodel` workflow
## Utility functions
#### Compare model outputs in a simple table format
```{r compare-models-example}
compare_models <- function(models){
n_models <- length(models)
map_df(.x = models,
.f = function(fit){
formula <- capture.output(fit$terms)[1]
glance(fit) %>%
logLik = as.numeric(logLik),
formula = formula)
}) %>%
mutate(model_num = rep(1:n_models)) %>%
relocate(model_num, .before = everything())
fit.mort <- lm(mort ~ nox + hc + so2, data = mort_training_prep)
comparison1 <- compare_models(list(fit.mort, fit.mort))
comparison1 %>%
dplyr::select(model_num, logLik, AIC, BIC, deviance, df.residual) %>%
arrange(BIC) %>%
kable(., "simple")
#### Effect plot function for logistic regression fitting
```{r effect-plot-function}
logistic_effect_plot_summary <- function(fit, model_name = "Model 1", print = TRUE){
bvert <- function (v=0) geom_vline(xintercept = v, linetype = "dashed", color = "gray60")
formula <- capture.output(fit$terms)[1]
model_summary <- summary(fit)
model_tidy <- tidy(fit) %>%
mutate(loCI = estimate - 2 * std.error,
upCI = estimate + 2 * std.error) %>%
mutate(across(c(estimate, std.error, loCI, upCI),
.fns = list("exp" = ~exp(.))))
# raw_effect_plot <- model_tidy %>%
# filter(term != "(Intercept)") %>%
# ggplot(aes(x = estimate, y = term)) +
# geom_pointrange(aes(xmin = loCI, xmax = upCI),
# size = 0.2, linewidth = 0.4) +
# bvert() +
# theme_minimal() +
# labs(x = "Log-Odds (β)", y = "", #color = "Model",
# title = paste0("Coefficient Estimate β of ", model_name),
# subtitle = formula)
effect_plot <- model_tidy %>%
filter(term != "(Intercept)") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = exp(estimate), y = term)) +
geom_pointrange(aes(xmin = exp(loCI), xmax = exp(upCI)),
size = 0.2, linewidth = 0.4) +
bvert(1) + scale_x_log10() +
theme_minimal() +
labs(x = "Odds-Ratio exp(β)", y = "", #color = "Model",
title = paste0("Odds-Ratio exp(β) for ", model_name),
subtitle = formula
# if(print == TRUE){print(effect_plot)}
return(list(model_summary = model_summary,
model_tidy = model_tidy,
effect_plot = effect_plot))
## Insert your models here
m4s <- logistic_effect_plot_summary(m4); m4s$effect_plot
m9s <- logistic_effect_plot_summary(m9); m9s$effect_plot
m4s$effect_plot / m9s$effect_plot
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