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Last active April 13, 2023 16:29
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Shiny dashboard app that loads OD data from StreetLight and allows users to explore origin-destination pairs. Has some bugs with the class breaks but mostly functions. Will update periodically.
# library(tigris)
# library(leafsync)
# library(reactlog) #
# reactlog::reactlog_enable() #
analysis_name <- "All Zones OD All Veh LBS+ 2022 JanApr" #"All Zones OD All Veh LBS+ 2019" # "EB Zones OD All Veh LBS+ 2020"
shape_loc <- "shapes/zone_set_Transbay_Zones_CatchmentTransPed_Removed.shp"
# ebzones <- "shapes/eb/zone_set_East_Bay_Service_Area.shp"
# library(streetlightR)
# odstl <- get_analysis_data(analysis_name, metric = "od_all")
# odstl %>%
# mutate(avg_travel_time_sec = as.numeric(avg_travel_time_sec)) %>%
# select(-c(data_periods, mode_of_travel, data_periods, mode_of_travel,
# origin_zone_is_pass_through, origin_zone_direction_degrees,
# origin_zone_is_bi_direction, destination_zone_is_pass_through,
# destination_zone_direction_degrees, destination_zone_is_bi_direction)) %>%
# complete(
# origin_zone_name, destination_zone_name,
# fill = list(average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume = 0,
# average_daily_origin_zone_traffic_st_l_volume = NA_real_,
# avg_travel_time_sec = NA_real_) ) %>%
# saveRDS(., paste0(analysis_name, ".rds"))
od_data <- readRDS(paste0(analysis_name, ".rds"))
od.sf <- st_read(shape_loc)
# Debug
# {
# debug_origin <- od_data %>%
# filter(origin_zone_name == "Alameda, CA34", # Downtown Oakland, Oakland, CA27
# day_type == "0: All Days (M-Su)", # 0: All Days (M-Su) unique(od_data$day_type)
# day_part == "1: Early AM (12am-6am)") # 0: All Day (12am-12am) unique(od_data$day_part)
# length(unique(debug_origin$average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume))
# classIntervals(debug_origin$average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume,
# n = 5, style = "jenks")
# }
choices_day_types <- sort(unique(od_data$day_type))
choices_day_parts <- sort(unique(od_data$day_part))
choices_target_zones <- sort(unique(od_data$origin_zone_name))
ui <- dashboardPage(
skin = "black",
dashboardHeader(title = "Origin-Destination Explorer DEMO", titleWidth = "340"),
dashboardSidebar(width = "280",
div(style="padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px;", "This visualization maps origin-destination vehicle trips across the region derived from ", tags$a(href="","StreetLight's"), " location-based service (LBS) data. Data reflect averages from January 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022."),
selectInput(inputId = 'day_type',
label = 'Day Type:',
selected = "0: All Days (M-Su)",
choices = choices_day_types),
selectInput(inputId = 'day_part',
label = 'Time of Day:',
selected = "0: All Day (12am-12am)",
choices = choices_day_parts),
selectInput(inputId = 'target_zone',
label = 'Target Zone',
selected = "Downtown Oakland, Oakland, CA27",
choices = choices_target_zones),
radioButtons(inputId = "od_directionality", label = "Target Zone as:",
choices = c("Origin", "Destination"),
selected = "Origin", inline = TRUE),
# radioButtons(inputId = "ebzones", label = "Geographic Extent:",
# choices = c("East Bay", "Greater Region"),
# selected = "Greater Region", inline = TRUE),
div(style="padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px;", "Source: ", tags$a(href="","StreetLight"), " and ", tags$a(href="","AC Transit."), " Prepared March 2, 2023 by AC Transit Business Sciences Department. Contact point: ", tags$a(href="","Nick Kobel"),".")),
# The id lets us use input$tabset1 on the server to find the current tab
id = "tabset1", height = "250px", width = "100%",
tags$style(type = "text/css", "#odmap {height: calc(100vh - 140px) !important;}"),
h4("Top 10 Zones to/from Target Zone"),
h5("(Percent of Traffic Volume)"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Set event listeners that trigger a map legend break re-calc
listenBreaks <- reactive({
list(input$day_type, input$day_part, input$target_zone) # input$od_directionality
# Listener for map breaks which updates the slider input
observeEvent(listenBreaks(), ignoreInit = TRUE, priority = 2, {
message("Event triggered.")
updateSliderInput(session, inputId = "map_breaks", value = max_breaks())
# Map leaflet object
output$odmap <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles('CartoDB.Positron') %>%
setView(lng = -122.14501, lat = 37.74779, zoom = 10)
# Target zone based on input
target_zone <- reactive({
# Make sure requirements are met
od.sf %>%
filter(name == input$target_zone)
# List of values to assist with directionality based off the orig/dest toggle
directionality <- reactiveValues()
observeEvent(input$od_directionality, {
if (input$od_directionality == 'Origin') {
directionality$target_zone_name = 'origin_zone_name'
directionality$target_opposite_zone_name = 'destination_zone_name'
directionality$target_opposite_traffic = 'average_daily_destination_zone_traffic_st_l_volume'
directionality$start_end = "ending"
} else if (input$od_directionality == 'Destination') {
directionality$target_zone_name = 'destination_zone_name'
directionality$target_opposite_zone_name = 'origin_zone_name'
directionality$target_opposite_traffic = 'average_daily_origin_zone_traffic_st_l_volume'
directionality$start_end = "starting"
# Complementary data associated with the target zone. I.e., if target zone is
# set as destination, this reactive returns the origins associated with that
# destination. Note the use[[]] notation to "complete" the table. The
# completion helps fill in missing data gaps so the map looks mostly complete
od_pairs <- reactive({
od_data %>%
filter(.data[[directionality$target_zone_name]] == input$target_zone) %>%
day_type, day_part,
# nesting(item_id, item_name),
fill = list(average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume = 0,
average_daily_origin_zone_traffic_st_l_volume = NA_real_,
avg_travel_time_sec = NA_real_) )
# browser()
# Filtered dataset based off user input
filtered_data <- reactive({
od_pairs() %>%
filter(day_type == input$day_type,
day_part == input$day_part) %>%
left_join(., rename(od.sf, !!quo_name(directionality$target_opposite_zone_name) := name),
by = directionality$target_opposite_zone_name) %>%
# browser()
# Summary data
summary_data <- reactive({
df <- filtered_data() %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
mutate(pct_volume = average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume / .data[[directionality$target_opposite_traffic]])
df.pct <- df %>%
arrange(desc(pct_volume)) %>%
slice_max(order_by = pct_volume, n = 10) %>%
mutate(pct_volume = round(pct_volume * 100, 1.1),
`Average Travel Time (Min)` = round(avg_travel_time_sec/60, 1.1)) %>%
`Pct of Traffic Volume` = pct_volume,
`Average Travel Time (Min)`)
df.vol <- df %>%
arrange(average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume) %>%
slice_max(order_by = average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume, n = 10) %>%
mutate(`Average Travel Time (Min)` = round(avg_travel_time_sec/60, 1.1)) %>%
`Total Traffic Volume` = average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume,
`Average Travel Time (Min)`)
summary <- list(pct_trips = df.pct,
tot_trips = df.vol)
# browser()
# data table output. See options
output$summarypct <- DT::renderDataTable({
DT::datatable(summary_data()$pct_trips, options = list(dom = 't'))
# Maximum number of map breaks based off the number of unique values within a
# dataset, which is necessary to block app crashing due to insufficient map cuts
max_breaks <- reactive({
data_range_max <- floor(length(unique(filtered_data()$average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume)) / 8)
# override if proposed range is > 10
if (data_range_max > 10){
data_range_max <- 10
# Dynamic UI to change the maximum number of breaks based off the filtered data
output$legend_controls <- renderUI({
sliderInput(inputId = 'map_breaks',
label = 'Number of Legend Breaks',
min = 2, max = max_breaks(),
value = max_breaks()) # ceiling(max_breaks() / 4)
# triggerClasses <- reactive({
# list(input$day_type, input$day_part, input$target_zone, input$od_directionality, max_breaks(), input$ebzones)
# })
# List of legend classes (break points and names of those break points), which
# uses Jenks natural breaks based off the distribution of the data
# TODO This is a source of the map crashing when switching to low-traffic zones
classes <- reactive({
nbrk <- input$map_breaks
classes <- classIntervals(filtered_data()$average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume,
n = nbrk, style = "jenks")
classes$names <- c()
for( i in seq_along(classes$brks) ){
if (i == nbrk+1) {
} else{
rangename <- paste0(classes$brks[i]+1, " to ", classes$brks[i+1])
classes$names <- c(classes$names, rangename)
message(paste0(classes$names, sep = "\n"))
# Set event listeners that trigger a map data re-calc
triggerMap <- reactive({
list(classes(), input$day_type, input$day_part, input$target_zone, input$od_directionality, input$map_breaks, input$ebzones)
# Map data that is re-calculated to dynamically re-label legend breaks to more
# human-readable format. I.e., [0, 13) to '0 to 13'.
map_data <- eventReactive(triggerMap(), {
filtered_data() %>%
mutate(brks = cut(average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume, classes()$brks,
include.lowest = T) %>%
factor(., labels = classes()$names))
# Event listener that updates the map
# browser()
# StreetLight-style origin-destination colors; optional
# stl_color_orig <- '#7ab0f5'
# stl_color_dest <- '#ffda6a'
# Change map colors based on directionality
if (input$od_directionality == 'Origin'){
target_zone_color <- "cyan" # stl_color_orig
} else {
target_zone_color <- "magenta" # stl_color_dest
# Important proxy referencing leaflet object
proxy <- leafletProxy("odmap", data = map_data())
# StreetLight Volume palette function based on map breaks
pal_stlv <- colorFactor("inferno", map_data()$brks)
# Update proxy object
proxy %>%
clearShapes() %>% clearMarkers() %>% clearControls() %>%
fillColor = ~pal_stlv(map_data()$brks),
weight = 0.8,
opacity = 1,
color = "white",
# popup = popup,
fillOpacity = 0.5,
label = ~paste0(average_daily_o_d_traffic_st_l_volume, " trips ",
directionality$start_end, " at ",
# See use of get() at
) %>%
data = target_zone(),
group = "Target Zone",
color = target_zone_color,
opacity = 1,
weight = 2.5,
fill = FALSE
) %>%
pal = pal_stlv,
values = map_data()$brks,
title = "StreetLight Volume",
opacity = 0.6
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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