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Last active August 2, 2018 18:24
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Code containing functions that cleanup CHAS data and reports summary characteristics for Table 1 (income by race) and Table 11 (detailed income distribution) and for Tables 14 and 15 (vacant/available units and units being rented by income range). Demonstrates how to use code with examples for Portland MSA and sub-geographies. CHAS (Comprehensiv…
## Table of contents for CHAS data tables
# T1: Income x race (x housing problems x tenure)
# T2: Income x race (x severe housing problems x tenure)
# T3: Income x housing problem severity, ordered (x tenure)
# T4: Household type x household size x housing problems (x tenure)
# T5: Income x elderly occupant x housing problems (x tenure)
# T6: DISCONTINUED (Income x disability x housing problems)
# T7: Income x cost burden x household type (x tenure)
# T8: Income x cost burden x facilities (x tenure)
# T9: Cost burden x race (x tenure)
# T10: Income x persons per room x family type (x tenure)
# T11: Detailed income x housing problems (x tenure)
# T12: Income x year built x cost burden (x tenure)
# T13: Income x year built x children (x tenure)
# T14A: Home price x bedrooms x facilities (VACANT FOR SALE)
# T14B: Home price x bedrooms x facilities (VACANT FOR RENT)
# T15A: Income x home value x bedrooms x facilities (owner with mortgage)
# T15B: Income x home value x bedrooms x facilities (owner without mortgage)
# T15C: Income x home value x bedrooms x facilities (renter)
# T16: Income x household type x housing problems (x tenure)
# T17A: Asking price x units in structure (FOR SALE)
# T17B: Rent x units in structure (RENTALS)
# T18A: Income x home value x units in structure (owner with a mortgage)
# T18B: Income x home value x units in structure (owner without a mortage)
# T18C: Income x rent x units in structure (renter)
# Function to cast your CHAS data from wide to long format
cast_chas_long <- function(chas_table, header_vars = 7) {
# header_vars is the number of variables that serve as headers before the actual data starts
## If using the cleanup_chas_*() functions, then the default value is 7
fields_to_melt <- names(chas_table[,as.numeric(header_vars+1):length(names(chas_table))])
melted <- gather(chas_table, fields_to_melt, key = 'variable', value = 'values')
melted <- separate(data = melted, col = variable, into = c('table', 'variable'))
melted <- separate(data = melted, col = variable, into = c('var_type', 'var_num'), sep = 3)
melted$var_num <- paste0('v',melted$var_num)
melted <- spread(melted, var_type, values)
melted$moesq <- melted$moe * melted$moe
# Function to cleanup tract-level CHAS data
cleanup_chas_tract <- function(chas_tract_data, year = 2015) {
refcols <- c('source', 'sumlevel', 'geoid', 'geoid2', 'name', 'st', 'cnty_plc')
chas_tract_data <- chas_tract_data %>% select(-tract)
names(chas_tract_data)[names(chas_tract_data) == 'cnty'] <- 'cnty_plc'
chas_tract_data$geoid2 <- substr(chas_tract_data$geoid, 8, 18)
chas_tract_data <- chas_tract_data[, c(refcols, setdiff(names(chas_tract_data), refcols))]
# Function to cleanup state-level CHAS data
cleanup_chas_st <- function(chas_st_data, year = 2015) {
refcols <- c('source', 'sumlevel', 'geoid', 'geoid2', 'name', 'st', 'cnty_plc')
chas_st_data$cnty_plc <- ''
chas_st_data$geoid2 <- substr(chas_st_data$geoid, 8, 10)
chas_st_data <- chas_st_data[, c(refcols, setdiff(names(chas_st_data), refcols))]
# Function to cleanup place-level CHAS data
cleanup_chas_plc <- function(chas_plc_data, year = 2015) {
refcols <- c('source', 'sumlevel', 'geoid', 'geoid2', 'name', 'st', 'cnty_plc')
names(chas_plc_data)[names(chas_plc_data) == 'place'] <- 'cnty_plc'
chas_plc_data$geoid2 <- substr(chas_plc_data$geoid, 8, 14)
chas_plc_data <- chas_plc_data[, c(refcols, setdiff(names(chas_plc_data), refcols))]
# Function to cleanup county-level CHAS data
cleanup_chas_cnty <- function(chas_cnty_data, year = 2015) {
refcols <- c('source', 'sumlevel', 'geoid', 'geoid2', 'name', 'st', 'cnty_plc')
names(chas_cnty_data)[names(chas_cnty_data) == 'cnty'] <- 'cnty_plc'
chas_cnty_data$geoid2 <- substr(chas_cnty_data$geoid, 8, 13)
chas_cnty_data <- chas_cnty_data[, c(refcols, setdiff(names(chas_cnty_data), refcols))]
# Function to cast cleaned up long-format chas data to wide format
cast_chas_wide <- function(long_cleaned_chas_table) {
long_cleaned_chas_table <- long_cleaned_chas_table %>%
gather(variable, value, -(source:var_num)) %>%
unite(temp, var_num, variable) %>%
spread(temp, value)
# Establish geoid lists for interesting geographies
msa_geoid2_list <- c('41005', '41009', '41051', '41067', '41071', '53011', '53059')
orwa_place_list <- c('4159000', '4123850', '4164900', '4131250', '4105350', '4134100', '4105800',
'4147000', '4173650', '4101650', '4140550', '4155200', '4145000', '4174950',
'4180150', '4148650', '4182800', '4126200', '4183750', '4105950', '4152100',
'4153900', '4167100', '4141650', '4110750', '4172950', '4112150', '4174850',
'4132050', '4129000', '4164600', '4153988', '4165250', '4124250', '4117800',
'4163010', '4112050', '4115550', '4180900', '4134900', '4160900', '4165500',
'5304475', '5309480', '5336710', '5358410', '5374060', '5376405', '5379625')
peer_city_list <- c('0666000', '0667000', '4805000', '1836003', '0820000', '4752006', '2743000', '2758000', '4967000')
sw_corridor_list <- c('41051005800', '41051005900', '41051006001', '41051006002', '41051006200', '41051006402', '41051006403',
'41051006404', '41051006501', '41051006502', '41051006602', '41005020302', '41005020304', '41005020401',
'41067030600', '41067030700', '41067030801', '41067030806', '41067030900', '41067031912', '41067032005')
icura_list <- c('41051002401' , '41051002402' , '41051002501' , '41051002502' , '41051003100' , '41051003200' , '41051003301' ,
'41051003302' , '41051003401' , '41051003402' , '41051003501' , '41051003502' , '41051003601' , '41051003602' ,
'41051003701' , '41051003702' , '41051003801' , '41051003802' , '41051003803' , '41051003901' , '41051003902' ,
'41051002303' , '41051002203')
# Load in Table 1 for various geographic entities / summary levels
chas.tct.2015.t1 <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/tract/2011thru2015-140-csv/140/Table1.csv')
chas.cnty.2015.t1 <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/county/2011thru2015-050-csv/050/Table1.csv') <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/state/2011thru2015-040-csv/040/Table1.csv')
chas.plc.2015.t1 <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/place/2011thru2015-160-csv/160/Table1.csv')
# Load in Table 11 for various geographic entities / summary levels
chas.tct.2015.t11 <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/tract/2011thru2015-140-csv/140/Table11.csv')
chas.cnty.2015.t11 <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/county/2011thru2015-050-csv/050/Table11.csv') <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/state/2011thru2015-040-csv/040/Table11.csv')
chas.plc.2015.t11 <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/place/2011thru2015-160-csv/160/Table11.csv')
# Load in Table 14B for various geographic entities / summary levels
chas.tct.2015.t14b <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/tract/2011thru2015-140-csv/140/Table14B.csv')
chas.cnty.2015.t14b <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/county/2011thru2015-050-csv/050/Table14B.csv') <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/state/2011thru2015-040-csv/040/Table14B.csv')
chas.plc.2015.t14b <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/place/2011thru2015-160-csv/160/Table14B.csv')
# Load in Table 15C for various geographic entities / summary levels
chas.tct.2015.t15c <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/tract/2011thru2015-140-csv/140/Table15C.csv')
chas.cnty.2015.t15c <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/county/2011thru2015-050-csv/050/Table15C.csv') <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/state/2011thru2015-040-csv/040/Table15C.csv')
chas.plc.2015.t15c <- read_csv('C:/Users/nkobel/Desktop/Large_files/CHAS/data/place/2011thru2015-160-csv/160/Table15C.csv')
# Clean up pre-loaded geographies so that they are in a consistent format
chas.tct.2015.t1 <- cleanup_chas_tract(chas.tct.2015.t1)
chas.plc.2015.t1 <- cleanup_chas_plc(chas.plc.2015.t1)
chas.cnty.2015.t1 <- cleanup_chas_cnty(chas.cnty.2015.t1) <- cleanup_chas_st(
chas.tct.2015.t11 <- cleanup_chas_tract(chas.tct.2015.t11)
chas.plc.2015.t11 <- cleanup_chas_plc(chas.plc.2015.t11)
chas.cnty.2015.t11 <- cleanup_chas_cnty(chas.cnty.2015.t11) <- cleanup_chas_st(
chas.tct.2015.t14b <- cleanup_chas_tract(chas.tct.2015.t14b)
chas.plc.2015.t14b <- cleanup_chas_plc(chas.plc.2015.t14b)
chas.cnty.2015.t14b <- cleanup_chas_cnty(chas.cnty.2015.t14b) <- cleanup_chas_st(
chas.tct.2015.t15c <- cleanup_chas_tract(chas.tct.2015.t15c)
chas.plc.2015.t15c <- cleanup_chas_plc(chas.plc.2015.t15c)
chas.cnty.2015.t15c <- cleanup_chas_cnty(chas.cnty.2015.t15c) <- cleanup_chas_st(
# Bind all geographies together into a single file (by year by table)
chas.2015.t1 <- rbind(chas.tct.2015.t1, chas.plc.2015.t1, chas.cnty.2015.t1,
chas.2015.t11 <- rbind(chas.tct.2015.t11, chas.plc.2015.t11, chas.cnty.2015.t11,
chas.2015.t14b <- rbind(chas.tct.2015.t14b, chas.plc.2015.t14b, chas.cnty.2015.t14b,
chas.2015.t15c <- rbind(chas.tct.2015.t15c, chas.plc.2015.t15c, chas.cnty.2015.t15c,
# Example of casting data into long format for MSA geographies and peer cities
chas.msa.15.t1 <- cast_chas_long(chas.2015.t1 %>% filter( (geoid2 %in% msa_geoid2_list) |
(geoid2 %in% orwa_place_list) |
(geoid2 %in% c('41', '53')) |
(geoid2 %in% peer_city_list) ), 7)
chas.msa.15.t11 <- cast_chas_long(chas.2015.t11 %>% filter( (geoid2 %in% msa_geoid2_list) |
(geoid2 %in% orwa_place_list) |
(geoid2 %in% c('41', '53')) |
(geoid2 %in% peer_city_list) ), 7)
# Get detailed income distribution by tenure
get_detailed_income_distribution <- function(geoid2_list, chas_t11) {
# census places must prepend the state fips (2-dig), e.g. '4159000' wrapped in quotes
chas_t11 <- cast_chas_long(chas_t11 %>% filter(geoid2 %in% geoid2_list), 7)
chas_t11 <- cast_chas_wide(chas_t11)
chas_t11 %>%
summarize(total_hh = sum(v1_est),
total_000_to_020_own = sum(v4_est) + sum(v18_est) + sum(v32_est),
total_000_to_020_rent = sum(v47_est) + sum(v61_est) + sum(v75_est),
total_021_to_030_own = sum(v5_est) + sum(v19_est) + sum(v33_est),
total_021_to_030_rent = sum(v48_est) + sum(v62_est) + sum(v76_est),
total_031_to_040_own = sum(v6_est) + sum(v20_est) + sum(v34_est),
total_031_to_040_rent = sum(v49_est) + sum(v63_est) + sum(v77_est),
total_041_to_050_own = sum(v7_est) + sum(v21_est) + sum(v35_est),
total_041_to_050_rent = sum(v50_est) + sum(v64_est) + sum(v78_est),
total_051_to_060_own = sum(v8_est) + sum(v22_est) + sum(v36_est),
total_051_to_060_rent = sum(v51_est) + sum(v65_est) + sum(v79_est),
total_061_to_065_own = sum(v9_est) + sum(v23_est) + sum(v37_est),
total_061_to_065_rent = sum(v52_est) + sum(v66_est) + sum(v80_est),
total_066_to_080_own = sum(v10_est) + sum(v24_est) + sum(v38_est),
total_066_to_080_rent = sum(v53_est) + sum(v67_est) + sum(v81_est),
total_081_to_095_own = sum(v11_est) + sum(v25_est) + sum(v39_est),
total_081_to_095_rent = sum(v54_est) + sum(v68_est) + sum(v82_est),
total_096_to_100_own = sum(v12_est) + sum(v26_est) + sum(v40_est),
total_096_to_100_rent = sum(v55_est) + sum(v69_est) + sum(v83_est),
total_101_to_115_own = sum(v13_est) + sum(v27_est) + sum(v41_est),
total_101_to_115_rent = sum(v56_est) + sum(v70_est) + sum(v84_est),
total_116_to_120_own = sum(v14_est) + sum(v28_est) + sum(v42_est),
total_116_to_120_rent = sum(v57_est) + sum(v71_est) + sum(v85_est),
total_121_to_140_own = sum(v15_est) + sum(v29_est) + sum(v43_est),
total_121_to_140_rent = sum(v58_est) + sum(v72_est) + sum(v86_est),
total_141_to_999_own = sum(v16_est) + sum(v30_est) + sum(v44_est),
total_141_to_999_rent = sum(v59_est) + sum(v73_est) + sum(v87_est),
total_000_to_020 = total_000_to_020_own + total_000_to_020_rent,
total_021_to_030 = total_021_to_030_own + total_021_to_030_rent,
total_031_to_040 = total_031_to_040_own + total_031_to_040_rent,
total_041_to_050 = total_041_to_050_own + total_041_to_050_rent,
total_051_to_060 = total_051_to_060_own + total_051_to_060_rent,
total_061_to_065 = total_061_to_065_own + total_061_to_065_rent,
total_066_to_080 = total_066_to_080_own + total_066_to_080_rent,
total_081_to_095 = total_081_to_095_own + total_081_to_095_rent,
total_096_to_100 = total_096_to_100_own + total_096_to_100_rent,
total_101_to_115 = total_101_to_115_own + total_101_to_115_rent,
total_116_to_120 = total_116_to_120_own + total_116_to_120_rent,
total_121_to_140 = total_121_to_140_own + total_121_to_140_rent,
total_141_to_999 = total_141_to_999_own + total_141_to_999_rent,
share_000_to_020 = total_000_to_020 / total_hh,
share_021_to_030 = total_021_to_030 / total_hh,
share_031_to_040 = total_031_to_040 / total_hh,
share_041_to_050 = total_041_to_050 / total_hh,
share_051_to_060 = total_051_to_060 / total_hh,
share_061_to_065 = total_061_to_065 / total_hh,
share_066_to_080 = total_066_to_080 / total_hh,
share_081_to_095 = total_081_to_095 / total_hh,
share_096_to_100 = total_096_to_100 / total_hh,
share_101_to_115 = total_101_to_115 / total_hh,
share_116_to_120 = total_116_to_120 / total_hh,
share_121_to_140 = total_121_to_140 / total_hh,
share_141_to_999 = total_141_to_999 / total_hh,
share_000_to_030 = share_000_to_020 + share_021_to_030,
share_031_to_060 = share_031_to_040 + share_041_to_050 + share_051_to_060,
share_061_to_080 = share_061_to_065 + share_066_to_080,
share_081_to_100 = share_081_to_095 + share_096_to_100,
share_101_to_120 = share_101_to_115 + share_116_to_120,
share_121_to_999 = share_121_to_140 + share_141_to_999
# Example for detailed income distribution
glimpse(get_detailed_income_distribution(sw_corridor_list, chas.tct.2015.t11))
# Simple function to get low-income households by tenure
get_low_income_tenure <- function(geoid2_list, chas_t1) {
# census places must prepend the state fips (2-dig), e.g. '4159000' wrapped in quotes
chas_t1 <- cast_chas_long(chas_t1 %>% filter(geoid2 %in% geoid2_list), 7)
chas_t1 <- cast_chas_wide(chas_t1)
chas_t1 %>%
summarize(total_hh = sum(v1_est),
total_hh_own = sum(v2_est),
total_hh_rent = sum(v126_est),
total_li_own = sum(v4_est) + sum(v12_est) + sum(v20_est) + sum(v45_est) + sum(v53_est) + sum(v61_est) + sum(v86_est) + sum(v94_est) + sum(v102_est),
total_li_rent = sum(v128_est) + sum(v136_est) + sum(v144_est) + sum(v169_est) + sum(v177_est) + sum(v185_est) + sum(v210_est) + sum(v218_est) + sum(v226_est),
total_li = total_li_own + total_li_rent,
share_li = total_li / total_hh,
share_own = total_hh_own / total_hh,
share_rent = total_hh_rent / total_hh,
share_li_that_own = total_li_own / total_li,
share_li_that_rent = total_li_rent / total_li,
share_hh_that_li_own = total_li_own / total_hh,
share_hh_that_li_rent = total_li_rent / total_hh
# Examples for MSA total, SW Corridor and Portland
glimpse(get_low_income_tenure(msa_geoid2_list, chas.cnty.2015.t1))
glimpse(get_low_income_tenure('4159000', chas.plc.2015.t1))
glimpse(get_low_income_tenure(sw_corridor_list, chas.tct.2015.t1))
# More complex function to get low-income households by race by tenure
get_income_race_tenure <- function(geoid2_list, chas_t1) {
# census places must prepend the state fips (2-dig), e.g. '4159000' wrapped in quotes
chas_t1 <- cast_chas_long(chas_t1 %>% filter(geoid2 %in% geoid2_list), 7)
chas_t1 <- cast_chas_wide(chas_t1)
chas_t1 <- chas_t1 %>%
summarize(total_hh = sum(v1_est),
total_white = sum(v5_est) + sum(v13_est) + sum(v21_est) + sum(v29_est) + sum(v37_est) +
sum(v46_est) + sum(v54_est) + sum(v62_est) + sum(v70_est) + sum(v78_est) + sum(v87_est) +
sum(v95_est) + sum(v103_est) + sum(v111_est) + sum(v119_est) + sum(v129_est) + sum(v137_est) +
sum(v145_est) + sum(v153_est) + sum(v161_est) + sum(v170_est) + sum(v178_est) + sum(v186_est) +
sum(v194_est) + sum(v202_est) + sum(v211_est) + sum(v219_est) + sum(v227_est) + sum(v235_est) + sum(v243_est),
total_aian = sum(v8_est) + sum(v16_est) + sum(v24_est) + sum(v32_est) + sum(v40_est) + sum(v49_est) +
sum(v57_est) + sum(v65_est) + sum(v73_est) + sum(v81_est) + sum(v90_est) + sum(v98_est) +
sum(v106_est) + sum(v114_est) + sum(v122_est) + sum(v132_est) + sum(v140_est) + sum(v148_est) +
sum(v156_est) + sum(v164_est) + sum(v173_est) + sum(v181_est) + sum(v189_est) + sum(v197_est) +
sum(v205_est) + sum(v214_est) + sum(v222_est) + sum(v230_est) + sum(v238_est) + sum(v246_est),
total_asian = sum(v7_est) + sum(v15_est) + sum(v23_est) + sum(v31_est) + sum(v39_est) + sum(v48_est) +
sum(v56_est) + sum(v64_est) + sum(v72_est) + sum(v80_est) + sum(v89_est) + sum(v97_est) +
sum(v105_est) + sum(v113_est) + sum(v121_est) + sum(v131_est) + sum(v139_est) + sum(v147_est) +
sum(v155_est) + sum(v163_est) + sum(v172_est) + sum(v180_est) + sum(v188_est) + sum(v196_est) +
sum(v204_est) + sum(v213_est) + sum(v221_est) + sum(v229_est) + sum(v237_est) + sum(v245_est),
total_black = sum(v6_est) + sum(v14_est) + sum(v22_est) + sum(v30_est) + sum(v38_est) + sum(v47_est) +
sum(v55_est) + sum(v63_est) + sum(v71_est) + sum(v79_est) + sum(v88_est) + sum(v96_est) +
sum(v104_est) + sum(v112_est) + sum(v120_est) + sum(v130_est) + sum(v138_est) + sum(v146_est) +
sum(v154_est) + sum(v162_est) + sum(v171_est) + sum(v179_est) + sum(v187_est) + sum(v195_est) +
sum(v203_est) + sum(v212_est) + sum(v220_est) + sum(v228_est) + sum(v236_est) + sum(v244_est),
total_hispanic = sum(v10_est) + sum(v18_est) + sum(v26_est) + sum(v34_est) + sum(v42_est) + sum(v51_est) +
sum(v59_est) + sum(v67_est) + sum(v75_est) + sum(v83_est) + sum(v92_est) + sum(v100_est) +
sum(v108_est) + sum(v116_est) + sum(v124_est) + sum(v134_est) + sum(v142_est) + sum(v150_est) +
sum(v158_est) + sum(v166_est) + sum(v175_est) + sum(v183_est) + sum(v191_est) + sum(v199_est) +
sum(v207_est) + sum(v216_est) + sum(v224_est) + sum(v232_est) + sum(v240_est) + sum(v248_est),
total_nhpi = sum(v9_est) + sum(v17_est) + sum(v25_est) + sum(v33_est) + sum(v41_est) + sum(v50_est) +
sum(v58_est) + sum(v66_est) + sum(v74_est) + sum(v82_est) + sum(v91_est) + sum(v99_est) +
sum(v107_est) + sum(v115_est) + sum(v123_est) + sum(v133_est) + sum(v141_est) + sum(v149_est) +
sum(v157_est) + sum(v165_est) + sum(v174_est) + sum(v182_est) + sum(v190_est) + sum(v198_est) +
sum(v206_est) + sum(v215_est) + sum(v223_est) + sum(v231_est) + sum(v239_est) + sum(v247_est),
total_other = sum(v11_est) + sum(v19_est) + sum(v27_est) + sum(v35_est) + sum(v43_est) + sum(v52_est) +
sum(v60_est) + sum(v68_est) + sum(v76_est) + sum(v84_est) + sum(v93_est) + sum(v101_est) +
sum(v109_est) + sum(v117_est) + sum(v125_est) + sum(v135_est) + sum(v143_est) + sum(v151_est) +
sum(v159_est) + sum(v167_est) + sum(v176_est) + sum(v184_est) + sum(v192_est) + sum(v200_est) +
sum(v208_est) + sum(v217_est) + sum(v225_est) + sum(v233_est) + sum(v241_est) + sum(v249_est),
total_poc = total_aian + total_asian + total_black + total_nhpi + total_other + total_hispanic,
li_white_owner = sum(v5_est) + sum(v13_est) + sum(v21_est) + sum(v46_est) + sum(v54_est) +
sum(v62_est) + sum(v87_est) + sum(v95_est) + sum(v103_est),
li_white_renter = sum(v129_est) + sum(v137_est) + sum(v145_est) + sum(v170_est) + sum(v178_est) +
sum(v186_est) + sum(v211_est) + sum(v219_est) + sum(v227_est),
li_white = li_white_owner + li_white_renter,
li_aian_owner = sum(v8_est) + sum(v16_est) + sum(v24_est) + sum(v49_est) + sum(v57_est) +
sum(v65_est) + sum(v90_est) + sum(v98_est) + sum(v106_est),
li_aian_renter = sum(v132_est) + sum(v140_est) + sum(v148_est) + sum(v173_est) + sum(v181_est) +
sum(v189_est) + sum(v214_est) + sum(v222_est) + sum(v230_est),
li_aian = li_aian_owner + li_aian_renter,
li_asian_owner = sum(v7_est) + sum(v15_est) + sum(v23_est) + sum(v48_est) + sum(v56_est) +
sum(v64_est) + sum(v89_est) + sum(v97_est) + sum(v105_est),
li_asian_renter = sum(v131_est) + sum(v139_est) + sum(v147_est) + sum(v172_est) + sum(v180_est) +
sum(v188_est) + sum(v213_est) + sum(v221_est) + sum(v229_est),
li_asian = li_asian_owner + li_asian_renter,
li_black_owner = sum(v6_est) + sum(v14_est) + sum(v22_est) + sum(v47_est) + sum(v55_est) +
sum(v63_est) + sum(v88_est) + sum(v96_est) + sum(v104_est),
li_black_renter = sum(v130_est) + sum(v138_est) + sum(v146_est) + sum(v171_est) + sum(v179_est) +
sum(v187_est) + sum(v212_est) + sum(v220_est) + sum(v228_est),
li_black = li_black_owner + li_black_renter,
li_hispanic_owner = sum(v10_est) + sum(v18_est) + sum(v26_est) + sum(v51_est) + sum(v59_est) +
sum(v67_est) + sum(v92_est) + sum(v100_est) + sum(v108_est),
li_hispanic_renter = sum(v134_est) + sum(v142_est) + sum(v150_est) + sum(v175_est) + sum(v183_est) +
sum(v191_est) + sum(v216_est) + sum(v224_est) + sum(v232_est),
li_hispanic = li_hispanic_owner + li_hispanic_renter,
li_nhpi_owner = sum(v9_est) + sum(v17_est) + sum(v25_est) + sum(v50_est) + sum(v58_est) +
sum(v66_est) + sum(v91_est) + sum(v99_est) + sum(v107_est),
li_nhpi_renter = sum(v133_est) + sum(v141_est) + sum(v149_est) + sum(v174_est) + sum(v182_est) +
sum(v190_est) + sum(v215_est) + sum(v223_est) + sum(v231_est),
li_nhpi = li_nhpi_owner + li_nhpi_renter,
li_other_owner = sum(v11_est) + sum(v19_est) + sum(v27_est) + sum(v52_est) + sum(v60_est) +
sum(v68_est) + sum(v93_est) + sum(v101_est) + sum(v109_est),
li_other_renter = sum(v135_est) + sum(v143_est) + sum(v151_est) + sum(v176_est) + sum(v184_est) +
sum(v192_est) + sum(v217_est) + sum(v225_est) + sum(v233_est),
li_other = li_other_owner + li_other_renter,
li_poc_owner = li_aian_owner + li_asian_owner + li_black_owner + li_hispanic_owner + li_nhpi_owner + li_other_owner,
li_poc_renter = li_aian_renter + li_asian_renter + li_black_renter + li_hispanic_renter + li_nhpi_renter + li_other_renter,
li_poc = li_poc_owner + li_poc_renter,
li_owner = li_white_owner + li_poc_owner,
li_renter = li_white_renter + li_poc_renter,
li_total = li_owner + li_renter,
share_hh_that_li = li_total / total_hh,
share_hh_that_li_owner = li_owner / total_hh,
share_hh_that_li_renter = li_renter / total_hh,
share_poc_that_li = li_poc / total_poc,
share_poc_that_li_renter = li_poc_renter / total_poc,
share_white_that_li = li_white / total_white,
share_white_that_li_renter = li_white_renter / total_white,
share_hh_that_poc = total_poc / total_hh,
share_hh_that_li_poc = li_poc / total_hh,
share_hh_that_li_poc_renter = li_poc_renter / total_hh,
ratio_li_poc_vs_white = share_poc_that_li / share_white_that_li,
ratio_li_renter_poc_vs_white = share_poc_that_li_renter / share_white_that_li_renter,
total_hh_moe = sqrt(sum(v1_moesq)),
total_white_moe = sqrt( sum(v5_moesq) + sum(v13_moesq) + sum(v21_moesq) + sum(v29_moesq) + sum(v37_moesq) +
sum(v46_moesq) + sum(v54_moesq) + sum(v62_moesq) + sum(v70_moesq) + sum(v78_moesq) +
sum(v87_moesq) + sum(v95_moesq) + sum(v103_moesq) + sum(v111_moesq) + sum(v119_moesq) +
sum(v129_moesq) + sum(v137_moesq) + sum(v145_moesq) + sum(v153_moesq) + sum(v161_moesq) +
sum(v170_moesq) + sum(v178_moesq) + sum(v186_moesq) + sum(v194_moesq) + sum(v202_moesq) +
sum(v211_moesq) + sum(v219_moesq) + sum(v227_moesq) + sum(v235_moesq) + sum(v243_moesq) ),
total_aian_moe = sqrt( sum(v8_moesq) + sum(v16_moesq) + sum(v24_moesq) + sum(v32_moesq) +
sum(v40_moesq) + sum(v49_moesq) + sum(v57_moesq) + sum(v65_moesq) +
sum(v73_moesq) + sum(v81_moesq) + sum(v90_moesq) + sum(v98_moesq) +
sum(v106_moesq) + sum(v114_moesq) + sum(v122_moesq) + sum(v132_moesq) +
sum(v140_moesq) + sum(v148_moesq) + sum(v156_moesq) + sum(v164_moesq) +
sum(v173_moesq) + sum(v181_moesq) + sum(v189_moesq) + sum(v197_moesq) +
sum(v205_moesq) + sum(v214_moesq) + sum(v222_moesq) + sum(v230_moesq) +
sum(v238_moesq) + sum(v246_moesq) ),
total_asian_moe = sqrt( sum(v7_moesq) + sum(v15_moesq) + sum(v23_moesq) + sum(v31_moesq) +
sum(v39_moesq) + sum(v48_moesq) + sum(v56_moesq) + sum(v64_moesq) +
sum(v72_moesq) + sum(v80_moesq) + sum(v89_moesq) + sum(v97_moesq) +
sum(v105_moesq) + sum(v113_moesq) + sum(v121_moesq) + sum(v131_moesq) +
sum(v139_moesq) + sum(v147_moesq) + sum(v155_moesq) + sum(v163_moesq) +
sum(v172_moesq) + sum(v180_moesq) + sum(v188_moesq) + sum(v196_moesq) +
sum(v204_moesq) + sum(v213_moesq) + sum(v221_moesq) + sum(v229_moesq) +
sum(v237_moesq) + sum(v245_moesq) ),
total_black_moe = sqrt( sum(v6_moesq) + sum(v14_moesq) + sum(v22_moesq) + sum(v30_moesq) +
sum(v38_moesq) + sum(v47_moesq) + sum(v55_moesq) + sum(v63_moesq) +
sum(v71_moesq) + sum(v79_moesq) + sum(v88_moesq) + sum(v96_moesq) +
sum(v104_moesq) + sum(v112_moesq) + sum(v120_moesq) + sum(v130_moesq) +
sum(v138_moesq) + sum(v146_moesq) + sum(v154_moesq) + sum(v162_moesq) +
sum(v171_moesq) + sum(v179_moesq) + sum(v187_moesq) + sum(v195_moesq) +
sum(v203_moesq) + sum(v212_moesq) + sum(v220_moesq) + sum(v228_moesq) +
sum(v236_moesq) + sum(v244_moesq) ),
total_hispanic_moe = sqrt( sum(v10_moesq) + sum(v18_moesq) + sum(v26_moesq) + sum(v34_moesq) +
sum(v42_moesq) + sum(v51_moesq) + sum(v59_moesq) + sum(v67_moesq) +
sum(v75_moesq) + sum(v83_moesq) + sum(v92_moesq) + sum(v100_moesq) +
sum(v108_moesq) + sum(v116_moesq) + sum(v124_moesq) + sum(v134_moesq) +
sum(v142_moesq) + sum(v150_moesq) + sum(v158_moesq) + sum(v166_moesq) +
sum(v175_moesq) + sum(v183_moesq) + sum(v191_moesq) + sum(v199_moesq) +
sum(v207_moesq) + sum(v216_moesq) + sum(v224_moesq) + sum(v232_moesq) +
sum(v240_moesq) + sum(v248_moesq) ),
total_nhpi_moe = sqrt( sum(v9_moesq) + sum(v17_moesq) + sum(v25_moesq) + sum(v33_moesq) + sum(v41_moesq) +
sum(v50_moesq) + sum(v58_moesq) + sum(v66_moesq) + sum(v74_moesq) + sum(v82_moesq) +
sum(v91_moesq) + sum(v99_moesq) + sum(v107_moesq) + sum(v115_moesq) + sum(v123_moesq) +
sum(v133_moesq) + sum(v141_moesq) + sum(v149_moesq) + sum(v157_moesq) + sum(v165_moesq) +
sum(v174_moesq) + sum(v182_moesq) + sum(v190_moesq) + sum(v198_moesq) + sum(v206_moesq) +
sum(v215_moesq) + sum(v223_moesq) + sum(v231_moesq) + sum(v239_moesq) + sum(v247_moesq) ),
total_other_moe = sqrt( sum(v11_moesq) + sum(v19_moesq) + sum(v27_moesq) + sum(v35_moesq) + sum(v43_moesq) +
sum(v52_moesq) + sum(v60_moesq) + sum(v68_moesq) + sum(v76_moesq) +
sum(v84_moesq) + sum(v93_moesq) + sum(v101_moesq) + sum(v109_moesq) +
sum(v117_moesq) + sum(v125_moesq) + sum(v135_moesq) + sum(v143_moesq) +
sum(v151_moesq) + sum(v159_moesq) + sum(v167_moesq) + sum(v176_moesq) +
sum(v184_moesq) + sum(v192_moesq) + sum(v200_moesq) + sum(v208_moesq) +
sum(v217_moesq) + sum(v225_moesq) + sum(v233_moesq) + sum(v241_moesq) +
sum(v249_moesq) ),
total_poc_moe = sqrt(total_aian_moe^2 + total_asian_moe^2 + total_black_moe^2 + total_nhpi_moe^2 + total_other_moe^2 + total_hispanic_moe^2) )
# Examples for MSA total, SW Corridor and Portland
glimpse(get_income_race_tenure(msa_geoid2_list, chas.cnty.2015.t1))
glimpse(get_income_race_tenure(sw_corridor_list, chas.tct.2015.t1))
glimpse(get_income_race_tenure('4159000', chas.plc.2015.t1))
get_rental_housing_gap <- function(geoid2_list, gtitle, chas_t14b, chas_t15c) {
results <- c()
chas_t15c <- cast_chas_long(chas_t15c %>% filter(geoid2 %in% geoid2_list), 7)
chas_t15c <- cast_chas_wide(chas_t15c)
chas_t14b <- cast_chas_long(chas_t14b %>% filter(geoid2 %in% geoid2_list), 7)
chas_t14b <- cast_chas_wide(chas_t14b)
chas_t14b <- chas_t14b %>%
mutate(vacant_total = v1_est,
vacant_complete = v3_est,
vacant_available_000_to_030 = v4_est,
vacant_available_031_to_050 = v8_est,
vacant_available_051_to_080 = v12_est,
vacant_available_081_to_999 = v16_est)
chas_t14b <- chas_t14b %>%
summarize(vacant_total = sum(vacant_total),
vacant_complete = sum(vacant_complete),
vacant_available_000_to_030 = sum(vacant_available_000_to_030),
vacant_available_031_to_050 = sum(vacant_available_031_to_050),
vacant_available_051_to_080 = sum(vacant_available_051_to_080),
vacant_available_081_to_999 = sum(vacant_available_081_to_999))
chas_t15c <- chas_t15c %>%
mutate(matched_units_000_to_030 = v5_est,
matched_units_031_to_050 = v30_est,
matched_units_051_to_080 = v55_est,
matched_units_081_to_999 = v80_est + v84_est,
hh_000_to_030_renting_up = v26_est + v47_est + v68_est,
hh_031_to_050_renting_up = v51_est + v72_est,
hh_051_to_080_renting_up = v76_est,
hh_081_to_999_renting_up = 0,
hh_000_to_030_renting_down = 0,
hh_031_to_050_renting_down = v9_est,
hh_051_to_080_renting_down = v13_est + v34_est,
hh_081_to_999_renting_down = v17_est + v21_est + v38_est + v42_est + v59_est + v63_est,
units_000_to_030_rented_to_higher_income = v9_est + v13_est + v17_est + v21_est,
units_031_to_050_rented_to_higher_income = v34_est + v38_est + v42_est,
units_051_to_080_rented_to_higher_income = v59_est + v63_est,
units_081_to_999_rented_to_higher_income = 0,
units_000_to_030_rented_to_lower_income = 0,
units_031_to_050_rented_to_lower_income = v26_est,
units_051_to_080_rented_to_lower_income = v47_est + v51_est,
units_081_to_999_rented_to_lower_income = v68_est + v72_est + v76_est)
chas_t15c <- chas_t15c %>%
summarize(matched_units_000_to_030 = sum(matched_units_000_to_030),
matched_units_031_to_050 = sum(matched_units_031_to_050),
matched_units_051_to_080 = sum(matched_units_051_to_080),
matched_units_081_to_999 = sum(matched_units_081_to_999),
hh_000_to_030_renting_up = sum(hh_000_to_030_renting_up),
hh_031_to_050_renting_up = sum(hh_031_to_050_renting_up),
hh_051_to_080_renting_up = sum(hh_051_to_080_renting_up),
hh_081_to_999_renting_up = 0,
hh_000_to_030_renting_down = 0,
hh_031_to_050_renting_down = sum(hh_031_to_050_renting_down),
hh_051_to_080_renting_down = sum(hh_051_to_080_renting_down),
hh_081_to_999_renting_down = sum(hh_081_to_999_renting_down),
units_000_to_030_rented_to_higher_income = sum(units_000_to_030_rented_to_higher_income),
units_031_to_050_rented_to_higher_income = sum(units_031_to_050_rented_to_higher_income),
units_051_to_080_rented_to_higher_income = sum(units_051_to_080_rented_to_higher_income),
units_081_to_999_rented_to_higher_income = 0,
units_000_to_030_rented_to_lower_income = 0,
units_031_to_050_rented_to_lower_income = sum(units_031_to_050_rented_to_lower_income),
units_051_to_080_rented_to_lower_income = sum(units_051_to_080_rented_to_lower_income),
units_081_to_999_rented_to_lower_income = sum(units_081_to_999_rented_to_lower_income))
units_at_000_to_030 <- chas_t15c$matched_units_000_to_030 + chas_t14b$vacant_available_000_to_030 +
chas_t15c$units_000_to_030_rented_to_higher_income + chas_t15c$units_000_to_030_rented_to_lower_income
hh_at_000_to_030 <- chas_t15c$matched_units_000_to_030 + chas_t15c$hh_000_to_030_renting_up +
gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_000_to_030 <- units_at_000_to_030 - hh_at_000_to_030
effective_gap_or_surplus_in_units_000_to_030 <- gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_000_to_030 - chas_t15c$units_000_to_030_rented_to_higher_income
units_at_031_to_050 <- chas_t15c$matched_units_031_to_050 + chas_t14b$vacant_available_031_to_050 +
chas_t15c$units_031_to_050_rented_to_higher_income + chas_t15c$units_031_to_050_rented_to_lower_income
hh_at_031_to_050 <- chas_t15c$matched_units_031_to_050 + chas_t15c$hh_031_to_050_renting_up +
gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_031_to_050 <- units_at_031_to_050 - hh_at_031_to_050
effective_gap_or_surplus_in_units_031_to_050 <- gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_031_to_050 - chas_t15c$units_031_to_050_rented_to_higher_income
units_at_051_to_080 <- chas_t15c$matched_units_051_to_080 + chas_t14b$vacant_available_051_to_080 +
chas_t15c$units_051_to_080_rented_to_higher_income + chas_t15c$units_051_to_080_rented_to_lower_income
hh_at_051_to_080 <- chas_t15c$matched_units_051_to_080 + chas_t15c$hh_051_to_080_renting_up +
gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_051_to_080 <- units_at_051_to_080 - hh_at_051_to_080
effective_gap_or_surplus_in_units_051_to_080 <- gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_051_to_080 - chas_t15c$units_051_to_080_rented_to_higher_income
units_at_081_to_999 <- chas_t15c$matched_units_081_to_999 + chas_t14b$vacant_available_081_to_999 +
chas_t15c$units_081_to_999_rented_to_higher_income + chas_t15c$units_081_to_999_rented_to_lower_income
hh_at_081_to_999 <- chas_t15c$matched_units_081_to_999 + chas_t15c$hh_081_to_999_renting_up +
gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_081_to_999 <- units_at_081_to_999 - hh_at_081_to_999
effective_gap_or_surplus_in_units_081_to_999 <- gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_081_to_999 - chas_t15c$units_081_to_999_rented_to_higher_income
gap_analysis = data.frame("income_range" = c("0% to 30% MFI", "31% to 50% MFI", "51% to 80% MFI", "81% MFI or higher"),
"total_households" = c(hh_at_000_to_030, hh_at_031_to_050, hh_at_051_to_080, hh_at_081_to_999),
"total_units" = c(units_at_000_to_030, units_at_031_to_050, units_at_051_to_080, units_at_081_to_999),
"matched_units_to_hh" = c(chas_t15c$matched_units_000_to_030, chas_t15c$matched_units_031_to_050, chas_t15c$matched_units_051_to_080, chas_t15c$matched_units_081_to_999),
"paying_too_much" = c(chas_t15c$hh_000_to_030_renting_up, chas_t15c$hh_031_to_050_renting_up, chas_t15c$hh_051_to_080_renting_up, chas_t15c$hh_081_to_999_renting_up),
"getting_a_deal" = c(chas_t15c$units_000_to_030_rented_to_higher_income, chas_t15c$units_031_to_050_rented_to_higher_income, chas_t15c$units_051_to_080_rented_to_higher_income, chas_t15c$units_081_to_999_rented_to_higher_income),
"vacant_units" = c(chas_t14b$vacant_available_000_to_030, chas_t14b$vacant_available_031_to_050, chas_t14b$vacant_available_051_to_080, chas_t14b$vacant_available_081_to_999),
"gross_existing_gap" = c(gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_000_to_030, gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_031_to_050, gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_051_to_080, gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_081_to_999),
"gap_in_available_units" = c(effective_gap_or_surplus_in_units_000_to_030, effective_gap_or_surplus_in_units_031_to_050, effective_gap_or_surplus_in_units_051_to_080, effective_gap_or_surplus_in_units_081_to_999))
gap_analysis_plot_data <- data.frame("income_range" = c("0% to 30% MFI", "0% to 30% MFI", "31% to 50% MFI", "31% to 50% MFI"),
"control" = c("Households", "Units", "Households", "Units"),
"total" = c(hh_at_000_to_030, units_at_000_to_030, hh_at_031_to_050, units_at_031_to_050),
"matched_units_to_hh" = c(chas_t15c$matched_units_000_to_030, chas_t15c$matched_units_000_to_030, chas_t15c$matched_units_031_to_050, chas_t15c$matched_units_031_to_050),
"paying_too_much" = c(chas_t15c$hh_000_to_030_renting_up, chas_t15c$units_000_to_030_rented_to_higher_income, chas_t15c$hh_031_to_050_renting_up, chas_t15c$units_031_to_050_rented_to_higher_income),
"vacant_units" = c(0, chas_t14b$vacant_available_000_to_030, 0, chas_t14b$vacant_available_031_to_050),
"getting_a_deal" = c(chas_t15c$hh_000_to_030_renting_down, chas_t15c$units_000_to_030_rented_to_lower_income, chas_t15c$hh_031_to_050_renting_down, chas_t15c$units_031_to_050_rented_to_lower_income),
"existing_gap" = c(0, as.numeric(gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_000_to_030*-1), 0, as.numeric(gross_gap_or_surplus_in_units_031_to_050*-1)))
gap_analysis_plot_data <- gather(gap_analysis_plot_data, c(matched_units_to_hh, paying_too_much, vacant_units, getting_a_deal, existing_gap), key = 'variable', value = 'value')
gap_analysis_plot_data$variable <- factor(gap_analysis_plot_data$variable, ordered = T, levels = c('existing_gap', 'getting_a_deal', 'vacant_units', 'paying_too_much', 'matched_units_to_hh'))
gap_analysis_plot_data <- gap_analysis_plot_data %>%
mutate(share = value / total)
group.colors <- c(getting_a_deal = '#D5D1D1', paying_too_much = '#D6B261', matched_units_to_hh = '#726868', vacant_units = '#B88F35', existing_gap = '#FFFFFF')
p <- gap_analysis_plot_data %>% ggplot(aes(x = control, y = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_col() +
facet_wrap(~income_range) +
labs(title = 'RENTAL AFFORDABILITY GAP', subtitle = gtitle, x = "", y = "Number of renter households or units\n") +
scale_y_continuous(label = comma) +
scale_fill_manual(values = group.colors,
name = "",
breaks = c('existing_gap', 'getting_a_deal', 'vacant_units', 'paying_too_much', 'matched_units_to_hh'),
labels = c('Existing gap', 'Renting down\n(getting a deal)', 'Vacant units', 'Renting up\n(paying too much)', 'Matched units'))
pdx_affordability_gap <- get_rental_housing_gap('4159000', 'City of Portland, 2015', chas.plc.2014.t14b, chas.plc.2014.t15c)
nopo_affordability_gap <- get_rental_housing_gap(ldist_north_fips_list, 'North Portland Liaison District, 2015', chas.tct.2015.t14b, chas.tct.2015.t15c)
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