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Created January 16, 2022 19:28
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Database connector for Perl
# this should go into a directory called "Tools/Database" and be called ""
package Tools::Database::Client;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Try::Tiny;
use Tools::Database;
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT = qw(Try::Tiny);
sub new {
my ($class, $source, $username, $password, $options, $client_id) = @_;
# the client_id allows us to connect to the same database multiple times
$client_id ||= 'default';
return bless({
'_dsn' => [ $source, $username, $password, $options ],
'_client_id' => $client_id,
'_dbh' => undef,
}, $class);
sub dbh {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
# try for 360 times by default. this allows roughly one hour to restart the database
my $tries = $args{'tries'} || 360;
my $dbh = undef;
my $successful = 0;
my $failed = 0;
do {
$successful = try {
my $db = Tools::Database->instance();
$dbh = $db->dbh(@{$self->{'_dsn'}}, $self->{'_client_id'});
# make sure the connection got created
if (!defined($dbh) || $db->is_dbh_down(@{$self->{'_dsn'}}, $self->{'_client_id'})) {
die "connection did not return a connected handle\n";
return 1;
} catch {
my $error = (defined($_) ? $_ : "unknown error");
carp "could not get database connection: ${error}";
croak "not waiting for the database any longer" if ($failed >= $tries);
# wait before trying again
sleep($args{'sleep'} || 10);
return 0;
} while (!$successful);
return $dbh;
sub persistent_dbh {
my $self = shift;
if (defined($self->{'_dbh'})) {
# we have a handle, make sure it is live. if it is not live then
# clean it and die.
unless ($self->{'_dbh'}->ping()) {
$self->{'_dbh'} = undef;
die "lost connection to database\n";
} else {
# we don't have a handle already so create one. this handle will be
# returned every time persistent_dbh is called.
$self->{'_dbh'} = $self->dbh(@_);
return $self->{'_dbh'};
=head1 NAME
# create a connection with the client id "default"
my $db = Tools::Database::Client->new("dbi:Pg:dbname=foo;");
# this will create another connection to this
# singleton can only be accessed with the client id "foo".
my $db2 = Tools::Database::Client->new("dbi:Pg:dbname=foo;", "foo");
# get a working database handle. this is not guaranteed to return the same
# handle with each invocation so only use this if you don't care about
# transactions.
my $dbh = $db->dbh();
# get a working database handle but only try once
my $dbh = $db->dbh('tries' => 1);
# get a working database handle but try 10 times, sleeping for one second
# between each attempt. the default is to sleep for 10 seconds.
my $dbh = $db->dbh('tries' => 10, 'sleep' => 1);
# get the same connection over and over again and croak if it goes away
my $dbh = $db->persistent_dbh('tries' => 6);
This library makes a connection to given database identifier (DSN). If a
connection cannot be made then it will keep trying, every 10 seconds, for up
to an hour to get that connection.
=head2 new
This will return a C object connected to the given
database. This method takes five arguments, four of which are optional:
=item source
The connection string for the database host.
=item username
The username to use when connecting to the database.
=item password
The password to use when connecting to the database.
=item attributes
Any attributes to pass to the database host. By default these attributes are
=item AutoCommit => 1
=item RaiseError => 1
=item PrintError => 0
=item AutoInactiveDestroy => 1
=item clientid
This can be used to connect to the same database multiple times using a
different identifier for each connection.
=head2 dbh
If it does not matter to you whether you get the same handle with each
invocation you can use the C method. If no current database connection
exists or the database went away then the C method will try to connect
to the database. If C is unable to connect to the database then it will
keep trying for up to an hour until it is able to get a connection. After an
hour of not getting a database connection it will croak.
=head2 persistent_dbh
If it B matter to you whether you get the same handle each invocation
then you can use the C method. If no current database
connection exists then the C method will try to connect to the
database. But if there had been a connection and it went away then this method
will die. If C is unable to connect to the database then it
will keep trying for up to an hour until it is able to get a connection. After
an hour of not getting a database connection it will croak.
# this should go into a directory called "Tools" and be called ""
package Tools::Database;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Class::Singleton;
use parent qw(Class::Singleton);
use DBI;
use Try::Tiny;
use Storable qw(nfreeze);
use version;
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT = qw(Try::Tiny);
sub dbh {
my ($self, $source, $username, $password, $options, $client_id) = @_;
croak "cannot connect to database -- no DSN given" unless defined($source);
# the client_id allows us to connect to the same database multiple times
$client_id ||= 'default';
# add standard options to the dsn
$options = $self->_add_dbi_options($options);
my $dbh_id = $self->_get_dbh_id();
my $dsn_id = $self->_serialize_dsn($source, $username, $password, $options, $client_id);
my $dbh = $self->{'_dbhs'}->{$dbh_id}->{$dsn_id}->{'dbh'};
return try {
if (defined($dbh) && ref($dbh) eq "DBI::db") {
if ($dbh->ping()) {
return $dbh;
} else {
croak "lost connection to database";
# actually try to connect to the database
$dbh = DBI->connect($source, $username, $password, $options) or croak $DBI::errstr;
# put the database handle into memory
$self->{'_dbhs'}->{$dbh_id}->{$dsn_id} = {
'dbh' => $dbh,
'dbh_down' => 0,
return $dbh;
} catch {
my $error = (defined($_) ? $_ : "unknown error");
# try to rollback if the database is connected and autocommit is disabled
try { $dbh->rollback() if (defined($dbh) && !$dbh->{'AutoCommit'}); } catch {};
# try to disconnect
try { $dbh->disconnect() if defined($dbh); } catch {};
# remove references to it
$self->{'_dbhs'}->{$dbh_id}->{$dsn_id} = {
'dbh' => undef,
'dbh_down' => 1,
croak "could not connect to database: ${error}";
sub is_dbh_down {
my ($self, $source, $username, $password, $options, $client_id) = @_;
croak "cannot check database status -- no DSN given" unless defined($source);
# the client_id allows us to connect to the same database multiple times
$client_id ||= 'default';
# add standard options to the dsn
$options = $self->_add_dbi_options($options);
# try to connect to database. this will fail if the database is down and
# will set the "dbh_down" flag that we check below.
try { $self->dbh($source, $username, $password, $options, $client_id); } catch {};
# get identifiers so we can find the dbh we are connecting to
my $dbh_id = $self->_get_dbh_id();
my $dsn_id = $self->_serialize_dsn($source, $username, $password, $options, $client_id);
# if we have no record of this database then it is down
return 1 unless exists($self->{'_dbhs'}->{$dbh_id}->{$dsn_id});
# we have a record of the db so return the down value
return $self->{'_dbhs'}->{$dbh_id}->{$dsn_id}->{'dbh_down'};
sub _get_dbh_id {
my ($self) = @_;
my $pid_tid = $$;
$pid_tid .= '_' . threads->tid if $INC{''};
return $pid_tid;
sub _add_dbi_options {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
# default dsn options
$options->{'AutoCommit'} //= 1;
$options->{'RaiseError'} //= 1;
$options->{'PrintError'} //= 0;
if (version->parse(DBI->VERSION) >= version->parse('1.614')) {
# this option is only valid in more recent version of the dbi,
# specifically version 1.614 or greater. these options make it such
# that the database connection will correctly go away if the program
# forks. NOTE: Do not set 'InactiveDestroy' either by itself or with
# 'AutoInactiveDestroy'. It will cause memory leaks. This argument will
# cause the correct thing to happen and avoid memory leaks.
$options->{'AutoInactiveDestroy'} //= 1;
return $options;
sub _serialize_dsn {
my ($self, @dsn) = @_;
$Storable::canonical = 1;
return nfreeze(\@dsn);
=head1 NAME
use Tools::Database;
my $db = Tools::Database->instance();
my $dbh1 = $db->dbh("dbi:Pg:dbname=foo;");
my $dbh2 = $db->dbh("dbi:Pg:dbname=bar;", "username", "password", {}, "conn1");
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