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Last active January 7, 2024 15:49
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Python Flask Connection Pool
import logging
import psycopg2
from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor
from flask import g
import threading
import tenacity
import uuid
import pwd
import os
# we want to set up a separate logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PoolError(psycopg2.Error):
class ConnectionPool:
def __init__(self, minconn, maxconn, *args, **kwargs):
self.minconn = int(minconn)
self.maxconn = int(maxconn)
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
self._pool = [] # connections that are available
self._used = {} # connections currently in use
# control access to the thread pool
self._lock = threading.RLock()
def getconn(self, key):
with self._lock:
# this key already has a connection so return it
if (key in self._used):
return self._used[key]
# our pool is currently empty
if (len(self._pool) == 0):
# we've given out all of the connections that we want to
if (len(self._used) == self.maxconn):
raise PoolError("connection pool exhausted")
# get a connection but do it with a retry
conn = self._connect()
# add to the list of available connections
# take a connection out of the pool and give it away
self._used[key] = conn = self._pool.pop()
return conn
def putconn(self, key, close=False):
with self._lock:
conn = self.getconn(key)
if (conn is None):
raise PoolError("no connection with that key")
if (len(self._pool) < self.minconn and not close):
# Return the connection into a consistent state before putting
# it back into the pool
status =
# server connection lost
# connection in error or in transaction
# regular idle connection
# here we check for the presence of key because it can happen that
# a thread tries to put back a connection after a call to close
if (key in self._used):
del self._used[key]
# retry with a random value between every 0.5 and 1.5 seconds
@tenacity.retry(wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(0.5) + tenacity.wait_random(0, 1.5), before=tenacity.before_log(logger, logging.DEBUG))
def _connect(self):
# connect to the database with the arguments provided when the pool was
# initialized. enable autocommit for consistency. this will retry using
# the "tenacity" library.
conn = psycopg2.connect(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
conn.autocommit = True
return conn
class DatabaseClient:
def __init__(self, app=None, **kwargs):
if (app is not None):
self.init_app(app, **kwargs)
else: = None
def init_app(self, app, key="default", minconn=2, maxconn=32, **kwargs):
The key is a name for the connection. This allows you to build pools
for multiple databases. If you don't provide one then you can only
pool one database.
""" = app
# this is how we will find the database connection client identifier
# for this request. this lets the library ensure that it is handing out
# the same connection for the duration of the request.
self.key = "db_client_key[{}]".format(key)
# initialize the connection pool
self.pool = ConnectionPool(
# this will clean up the connection when it is done
def conn(self):
This function should be used by your Flask views to get a connection
to the database. It will always return a valid connection and will
always return the same connection to the same request. It will only
throw an exception if the pool is full.
# loop until we have a database connection
db_client = None
while (db_client is None):
# see if we have a database client identifier for this request
# already. if we have a client identifier then get the connection
# associated with that identifier and test if it is still alive. if
# it is alive then return it. if it is not alive then raise an
# exception because we want to return the same connection through
# an entire request. if we do NOT have a client identifier then
# get a connection and test it until we get a connection that is
# alive.
db_client_id = None
if (hasattr(g, self.key)):
# try to get a connection with this client id
db_client_id = str(getattr(g, self.key))
db_client = self._get_connection(db_client_id)
# no connection returned for the request's client identifier so
# the connection is dead and we can't do anything.
if (db_client is None):
delattr(g, self.key) # remove client identifier
raise PoolError("request connection lost")
# actually the client identifier returned a valid connection
return db_client
# try to get a connection with a new identifier
db_client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
db_client = self._get_connection(db_client_id)
# the connection that we got was valid so let's save the identifier
# and return the connection. (if it wasn't valid then we'll just
# repeate the loop which is a-ok.)
if (db_client is not None):
# do anything with a new connection here. for example, maybe
# you want to set a configuration value that use the person's
# username in it. i don't know.
# then attach the connection to the request global
setattr(g, self.key, db_client_id)
return db_client
def close(self, exception):
# this gets called when a request is finished, regardless of the state
# of the request (e.g. success [2xx] or failure [4xx, 5xx])
if (hasattr(g, self.key)):
db_client_id = getattr(g, self.key)
logger.debug("returned connection {} to pool named {}".format(db_client_id, self.key))
except (PoolError, KeyError) as e:
logger.error("could not return connection to pool: {}".format(repr(e)))
def _get_connection(self, db_client_id):
db_client = self.pool.getconn(db_client_id)
logger.debug("testing connection {} from pool named {}".format(db_client_id, self.key))
# test the connection before giving it back to ensure it works.
# if it doesn't work then we're going to close it and try to
# get a different connection until we find one that works.
cur = db_client.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT pg_backend_pid()")
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("connection {} from pool named {} failed: {}".format(db_client_id, self.key, e))
# we do not have a valid connection so put it back and close it
# and set our current db_client to None so that our next time
# around the loop will attempt to get a new connection.
self.pool.putconn(db_client_id, close=True)
# the connection was bad
logger.debug("using connection {} from pool named {}".format(db_client_id, self.key))
# the connection was good
return db_client
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ramdyne commented Feb 25, 2021

I like the idea of this code, but since I have little experience with Flask outside a SQLAlchemy based application I am having a little trouble imagining where I would get a connection from the pool with an @before_request? and how to use it in a blueprint... Can you give us a hint? Thanks!

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